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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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totally unrelated.... but does anyone else find the spiderman distracting? the first thing you see is the colourful back and butt...and for some absurd reason, it looks like spiderman is saying something to little WJ.... kekekeke... :lol:


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2 hours ago, jadecloud said:

JR visits GS' home. Tries to tell YK to stay away from GS, that she's a mom and not compatible for GS. YK isn't to be bullied, and stays resolute. Later, GS comes out and shouts at JR... not sure what he said. But he sure did give JR a scare. LOL.







YK is making noodles for their lunch.  JR throws the noodles so Dr. Min is angry at her and asks her to remake noodles for them.  This scene is so funny. JR and her husband are really scare of Dr. Min B)

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22 hours ago, irilight said:

@andy78, @trust71, @tiMadam, @Kehinde, @chubbychub1966, @zagigirl, @jadecloud, @gerrytan8063,  Thank you for recaps

@jadecloud Thank you for gorgeous photos. I love your sequences of photos!

@chubbychub1966  Thank you for amazing gifs

Thank you to everyone who joined us this morning, @Tiggie, @deandraluv, @liltash85, @drmjs@roseann10 , @sunshinefate, @kikotaichou@LHRCN_@mdj101, @Lmangla,


If I missed anyone, please forgive me. I don't function properly at this hour of the early morning

@trust71, could you please do me a favor and PM me your link?  Mine kept freezing on me today.

I loved that the sisters are connecting now.

Mod edit: Do not quote pictures.





@irilight and everyone in her shoutout...and LOVERS/lurkers, it was a good ep. I like the pace. Most of all, I love the twins having made their peace now. And in tomorrow's ep, I'll love the fact that JE will lay out what he knows about HK's dad's death, as well as his sorrow over the death of twins' dad. More glad that HK is not mad at JE. Looks like this couple will support each other and work things through together. And the sisters too.  But, on the other hand, if HK and JE are not at odds, that spells danger lurking around the corner for either or both of them. The 'mystery-HK-avenger' and TS' minions will strike soon. Hope nobody gets hurt, but I believe JE will get hurt. SR? argh. Going for broke she is. So foolish. Who can help her? Aish. 

Catch y'all again later...ciao :P 

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2 minutes ago, jadecloud said:


 Hope nobody gets hurt, but I believe JE will get hurt. SR? argh. Going for broke she is. So foolish. Who can help her? Aish. 

yeah I have the feeling JE, Soek or Dr Min will get hurt instead of HK/YK. Min Tae suk will get hurt hearing his brother hurting/bleeding.

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1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

@mdj101 ~ HK looking like a general; there are those napoleanic tassels that you mentioned in one post.... but for some reason, those tassels only remind me of a mop to clean the floor that somehow got attached to a coat..... :lol:


Lolll hey you're so funny! Lolll thank's to you I have a fun laugh now

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Thank you, thank you recappers for your hard work! :) It is very much appreciated.

  • Aww...our resident Mr. Darcy aka Dr. Min looked scary when he tore into JR. I mean, okay it wasn't something your average guy would do towards a woman, but JR was just a little too much and she hurt YK. It was the first time I've seen him that animated, I didn't realize he had it in him. So far, he has been consistently defying his brother and just about anybody out to harm both YK and WJ. 'Seems like their relationship is nimbly moving along. Lol. They're so adorable - Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear!
  • It seems like that the mystery tire slasher/rock thrower/budding sociopath is indeed SIS' son. Poor kid looked shell shocked when HK and JE seemed to have recognized him. 
  • TS' world is getting smaller, he's now in panic mode and has decided to plant fresh new seeds of hate in SIS' already revenge crazed mind. There seems to be no end to his treachery, he has successfully influenced JE's perception on MH's duplicity. I hope we'll get some answers with the subs. Who ended up cutting the rope that fateful day? JH or MH? I seem to recall GN telling SH that she saw a then new advertisement of a drug similar to what her husband has been developing on TV and after she was told of JH's hiking accident. MH stole his friend's idea and killed him at the mountains? 
  • The short talk between the twins, I think, came about after YK's talk with BS. I'm going to give BS 5 stars on this for foresight plus the best friend in the world trophy. His heart probably kept shattering into pieces every time he saw HK gazing longingly at JE. Clearly, he wants HK's happiness more than his. 
  • Lastly, JE sobbing when he saw his family's picture, it was heartbreaking. After learning about what his father did to his FIL, he knew he knew he stands to lose HK all over again. The truth always finds a way to be discovered. Like in true JE fashion, his first instinct was to run away from his problems, this time bringing HK along with him. Oh JE, when will you ever learn? Running away is never the solution to any problem. *sigh*  
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14 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

totally unrelated but every time I see the stairs, I feel like it climbs up too high or something odd about it... know it is a set but doesn't the stairs look weird? or is it just my eyes that are bad??

They do look kinda steep...I would be afraid to walk up them lol

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3 minutes ago, Kehinde said:

They do look kinda steep...I would be afraid to walk up them lol

I'm wondering how HK was able to climb those stairs in 4 inch heels while being totally inebriated. Lol. 

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19 minutes ago, drmjs said:

I'm wondering how HK was able to climb those stairs in 4 inch heels while being totally inebriated. Lol. 


I'm assuming that is a set, not someone's house, but the railing also looks kind of flimsy.  The stairs look fake and way too steep.  Another thing that bothers me is the big 2x4 planks at the thresholds of doorways.  I,  for one, would be tripping over them every time.

Thanks so much, drmjs, for the summary.  We appreciate that.:)

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Saturday --- Jan. 9, 2016 ---- Morning!

@Lmangla --- "Funny you should ask." --- I remembered reading about this woman whose career seems to b=have been built around preparing food specially for Korean dramas. And luckily I was able to locate it.  There are so many shows, professional chefs, and blogs devoted to Korean cooking now. Love so many of them.  But this is the Lady at the heart of the food & TV drama feasts (or just family dinners). And another chef who has prepared food for some dramas is Chef Shin, a professional chef. I think the actors & the crew finish all that delicious food!      :glasses:


Thank You to all the guys who did all the recaps, screen caps,  and videos today!    Applause! & Whistles!

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Annyeong, Lovers! Wow, 10k++ posts! This is really a great show, not to mention the female lead's superb acting. I've liked her since Twinkle Twinkle. She and JJH act with their eyes. And what can I say about our puppy BS? He's so adorable that he deserves a love line.

Just a reminder, please follow the forum rules. Do not quote images.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's live recaps. Thank you to the recappers :)


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@mdj101 ~ thanks for the links, very interesting. (the links were acting weird. kdramastars is sometimes like that, it just links to the home page. and so I googled it and found it. no worries.) was amused reading about Kim Soo Jin, the food director. she is so cheeky. look at this comment ~ "I've probably touched the hands of more beautiful actors than anyone else," said Kim with a smile. "And sometimes I have to stand behind them and show them how things are done, it's almost a back hug." :lol::lol:


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22 hours ago, jadecloud said:

HK meets up with TS in his office. Gives him a folder on his minion-PD. Something about funds being mismanaged? Prob a blackmail or a warning. Not sure...gotta wait for subs.

Mod edit: Do not quote pictures.

I think she is telling him he needs to get rid of him...last week MH told her to get rid of his (TS's) people one by one or something to that effect.  It looks like she was handing him evidence that his minion has done something against the company and telling him that the minion needs to be fired.  It's just my guess based on the body language and what was said to her last week about getting rid of TS's people. 

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