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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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4 minutes ago, lenet said:

@zagigirl the memory flashes at end of EP28,  I think she will remember.  In this pic, she still looks calm as before but 'something' is there.  Just previously, her eyes is soft, she looks so defeated and fragile, now I see she her eyes is firm, there is resolve, a 'brewing' look in her eyes. I think she may already have something up her sleeve, she will likely be  keeping cards hidden for now to executive her plan.  I hope not for revenge though like @jadecloud said, but to right wrongs. Writer is surely not going to change course, she is still going to make our brains cells do the maze.


@lenet Indeed. Writernim will be squeezing all our collective brain-juice, and also make us do some cart wheel moves as well. LOL. I doubt I can do any more cart wheel moves, but I certainly can't wait for what's to unfold...hehe :P 

Bring it on, writernim Bae. Surprise us all!:dizzy:

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20 minutes ago, Lilly58 said:

Its too soon to say she's back to being cold by only looking at spoiler stills. She could very well to be  pretending to insert herself back into a company to prove her innocence.  As for JE, I know she will be pissed(rightfully so) and reject him for a few episodes or one but as everyone stated she loved him before the affair and after so they won't be separated for long. HK pissed or not is not going to let SR have her a way with JE. She will remember what SR said (Ep. 26) about returning to her old self. The suffering everyone feels JE needs to go through is coming as the episodes are reaching in the 30s. Not only will he suffer from HK rejection but he'll finally see SR true face. The woman he left his tortured wife for will put him through hell with her delusional thoughts and schemes. 

One thing I can't stop thinking about concerning the plot is that JE suppose to turn cold and violent after 4 years. So when will this happen? Since returning he been about honest, doing these according to the law, trying to do right by HK etc. I guess after he learns of JR & SR schemes. 

Lastly, if the writer is trying to make HK out to be this villain while making the Korean audience feel sorry JE this weekend then I will skip a few episodes like I did in the first 9 episodes. Nobody has time for this crap;) In my opinion the story was moving along quite nicely and it should continue that way. The writer should allow HK to truly grieve for daughter, take out her anger on JE because of his cruelty not became this cold wall no one can break through. If that's the case then I'll truly be disappointed. 

@Lilly58 I would suggest you to go back and look at ep1-9,  this drama is 50 eps.  The 9 eps laid an important background for the rest of the 41 eps.  You will not see a full picture if you just pick and choose portion to view and your understanding will be at most partial too. So if you make judgement with only partial knowledge........ It may be hard to see but if you view it as it is, a drama, the pain will be less.:)

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Friday - Dec. 11,2015  11:30 P

I know My request for some reflection of December and a holiday feeling are not unreasonable.  Unless IHAL is really far ahead of schedule in their filming  of episodes.  I'm also enjoying a drama, "Bromance", a little silly, but I do enjoy the gender bender dramas (and time travel, high school dramas) a drama  produced & filmed in China.  And a character & friend celebrate a birthday dinner at a fancy restaurant. Come out and walk down the wide stairway of a glitzy, glamorous mall ablaze with colorful lights of all sizes suspended from the highest ceilings & scattered all over?  So pretty and seasonal!      Beautiful!   :rolleyes:   Maybe they've run over budget?  Saved a bit of money on Hae Gang's hospital scene   :(   Spent a little more for our chaebol, Jin Eon's hospital room! Even SR got an upgrade (per JR, to VIP room).

Oh, well.  What to do?  Just grin and bare it. --- Uh-Oh.  Think i'm in the crazy "count-down" mode now. . B)


I vote that HK is faking it.  But does JE know? or not?   He's pulling the same trick on TS (with friend HW's help). Unlike JE, Hae Gang knows where lots of family & CNP skeletons lie buried.  A partial list: 

(1)     TS is blackmailing the Chairman & she  over heard him say the Chairman "killed" his best friend,  

(2)     Saw the original Patent Certificate (names, dates) sent to MH from TS's office.

(3)      Can probably prove that TS falsified Pudoxin test results.

(4)      Can prove that TS attempted to kill Yong Gi twice  ( a third attempt failed, but nearly killed HK)

(5)      Killed the CNP Researcher (whistleblower) who had the original Pudoxin tests showing the unacceptable rate of side effects.

(6)       Inside knowledge of every legal move the company made --- and will know which documents have been altered!


What COULD she do. what MIGHT she do and, in the end, Whatever WILL she do about Jin Ri and Seol Ri ? I won't try to guess --- depends a lot on which HK comes out!

And the Chairman, Man Ho?  I think he will just let Hae Gang go after TS, all guns ablazing.  Maybe he's the person who will be safest next to the shooter"?  I think he will be satisfied to lose everything he himself had, as long as his son, Jin Eon, continues in Researching and producing new meds in the right way! That was his wish --- to have JE & HK do it.  But he might not have HK next to his son! 


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@Lmangla , @jadecloud & @zagigirl you too watching Zindagi Gulzar Hai right?  Dailymotion 'video portals' didn't translate Ep7 & 10.  I trawled the net for EP7 to no avail.  Luckily EP 10 I came upon a stray one in YT much earlier and saved it.  So here's EP10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE-liQmjZLo , If anyone of you have EP7 sub, please post it.  Thanks!:) Now, I'm going to continue with  EP11.

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5 hours ago, trust71 said:


With that photo,  my thought was wrong that HK will love JE when HER memory back...or she will weight it down for the sake of her guilt toward the death of their daughter.

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in the end of ep.28......When HK collapse and she regain consciousness the first flashback that came to her is when JE  talk to her while crying about their daughter in their garden ..QUOTE saying.....If you're pretending to forget don't do that, If you're making an effort don't do that either,YOU'RE THE MOM...WE'RE MARRIED....Our EUN-SOL is pitiful. And telling HK that he cannot watch her to be okay, it's horrible, and it drive him crazy...then came the scene where she commit suicide and JE told her even if you die, even if I hear that you died he won't moved step; and ask her not to do it again; ask her to live their live separately.....and the last flashback....when JE kneel down infront of his father and ask him to get rid of her.


I am not HK but it really hurt me so deep. I feel JE is an attention seeker.

When HK was TOO involved wth company matters his turned his love to his daughter. When she died, HK remained aloof and still too involved with company affairs..he drifted to SR. Now he is also jealous of BS..

He don't solve but runs away from problems. So now, lets see if he is going to handle his family mess or HK needs to sort them herself?

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15 hours ago, chubbychub1966 said:

OMG HK 2.0 IS HIGH OR ON DRUGS SRSLY help-onion-head-emoticon.gif




Aigoo more pics of cold HK

  Reveal hidden contents





Cr. SBS 

I hope some part of YK2 is still there :tears: Can't wait for the episode!

The old HK  is back from the appearance of KHJ gave it to me, I can feel the cold, elegant, classy HK is back, but it is interesting to watch these two 3 minutes sisters sitting together and talk, this will help HK to have a whole picture of what's going on, as each sister holding part of the truth only, then HK can make and her plan and take move to take her revenge.

But it is fun, the interest and habit of two twin sisters is completely different, HK used to drink bear when she was YK2, now when she back to HK with all her full memory, she drink wine again, and the way she look, her post just made me feel the old HK is totally come back.  We can tell these twin sisters have complete habit and taste due to their brought up and experience.

But I think those 4 years which BS has implant the memory to HK and made her change her personality purposely, and that  probably is still there.  But I wonder what will be percentage of left for YK2 in new HK version, it is really hard to tell.  My guess for this new personality  is 70% old HK and 30% of YK2.  I am really excited on how the writer to unfold the story.

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14 hours ago, chubbychub1966 said:

@zagigirl You sort of got what you wanted :wub: :wub:





I wonder why SBS not including them in the Best couple list in the year end award, actually I am having fun to watch these two, I am looking forward to see how their romance start, these two always give me a romcom feeling.

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9 hours ago, zagigirl said:


I'm not sure that he will...he might help her and watch her sadly...so far a few times that he sensed she's not into him he pulled back

I'm joining your hard-to.wait club ;)

This is really what I am waiting for, I really want to see JE suffered as what he did to HK those 3 months before they get divorced in the first 9 episodes, I know they may reunion at the end, but let him to easy to have HK back, he give up her too easy before. 

As I remember JE told SR that he wont let HK go even if the old HK come back, I need to see how he do it this time, so I really want to see HK may seeking way to find her justice but be cold to JE and ignore him at least for a few episodes, I want to see him really suffered and still finding way to protect and help HK, which he never did that before, then this is the only way he can redeem himself for his wrongdoing to HK. 

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This drama now would depend on how HG will react & act, now that her memory is back. What is her priority? Her relationship with JE?...SR?...or her questionable involvement with TS/pharmaceutical co/ Pudoxin?...her own family-mom & sister? ...or even the Baek family- the kids. She'll have a lot of things to straightened out. My opinion- she'll try to find out her involvement in her sister's case first & Pudoxin. I think TS falsified the legal documents involving HG he send to JE. She's probably aware of Pudoxin but not aware of killing people involved in the research. (I hope so..) 

If HG choose not to take JE back in the end, I'm sure she'll not choose BS either. She don't have any feelings for BS when she had amnesia, (thinking she was YK), much more now that she's HG. Her character won't settle for anything less, feelings wise.


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Like what i share before if ever HK fully recovered from losing her memory.....want her to pretend not knowing anything yet.....especially they accusing her of fabricating document implicating YK husband w/c lead him to commit suicide....Let MTS...JR...KSL.... AND EVEN JE...TIP TOEING AROUND HER.

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4 hours ago, mdj101 said:

Friday - Dec. 11,2015  11:30 P

I know My request for some reflection of December and a holiday feeling are not unreasonable.  Unless IHAL is really far ahead of schedule in their filming  of episodes.  I'm also enjoying a drama, "Bromance", a little silly, but I do enjoy the gender bender dramas (and time travel, high school dramas) a drama  produced & filmed in China.  And a character & friend celebrate a birthday dinner at a fancy restaurant. Come out and walk down the wide stairway of a glitzy, glamorous mall ablaze with colorful lights of all sizes suspended from the highest ceilings & scattered all over?  So pretty and seasonal!      Beautiful!   :rolleyes:   Maybe they've run over budget?  Saved a bit of money on Hae Gang's hospital scene   :(   Spent a little more for our chaebol, Jin Eon's hospital room! Even SR got an upgrade (per JR, to VIP room).

Oh, well.  What to do?  Just grin and bare it. --- Uh-Oh.  Think i'm in the crazy "count-down" mode now. . B)


I vote that HK is faking it.  But does JE know? or not?   He's pulling the same trick on TS (with friend HW's help). Unlike JE, Hae Gang knows where lots of family & CNP skeletons lie buried.  A partial list: 

(1)     TS is blackmailing the Chairman & she  over heard him say the Chairman "killed" his best friend,  

(2)     Saw the original Patent Certificate (names, dates) sent to MH from TS's office.

(3)      Can probably prove that TS falsified Pudoxin test results.

(4)      Can prove that TS attempted to kill Yong Gi twice  ( a third attempt failed, but nearly killed HK)

(5)      Killed the CNP Researcher (whistleblower) who had the original Pudoxin tests showing the unacceptable rate of side effects.

(6)       Inside knowledge of every legal move the company made --- and will know which documents have been altered!


What COULD she do. what MIGHT she do and, in the end, Whatever WILL she do about Jin Ri and Seol Ri ? I won't try to guess --- depends a lot on which HK comes out!

And the Chairman, Man Ho?  I think he will just let Hae Gang go after TS, alZindagi Gulzar Hai - Episode 11 Completel guns ablazing.  Maybe he's the person who will be safest next to the shooter"?  I think he will be satisfied to lose everything he himself had, as long as his son, Jin Eon, continues in Researching and producing new meds in the right way! That was his wish --- to have JE & HK do it.  But he might not have HK next to his son! 


@mdj101 I too vote she will most likely fake it.  What better way to put your enemies off guard and to 'infiltrate' the company and do some 'espionage' work.  However, I don't think she will be able to fool JR, the Viper nor SR, the sly fox.  MH may give her the support but don't think he will reveal everything to her.  TS will likely use that to sow suspicion between them and then HK will remember the event she overheard and turn against MH perhaps,  JE will be caught in the middle and SR will try to sow discord between them and TS will score a goal temporarily.  And then BS and YK also jumped in to help with the Ssang Hwa San matter against MH.  And while this is going on, TS and JR will blow up the pudoxin issue and MH and HK will both be caught and TS scores another, temporarily.  Erm......... are there any more cartwheels to spin or turn?  Maybe they all jump onto the boxing ring and beat the light out of  each other:P I'm getting giddy myself but from brain cell haemorrhage............:P kekeke

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Guest my2centsworth
1 hour ago, trust71 said:

Like what i share before if ever HK fully recovered from losing her memory.....want her to pretend not knowing anything yet.....especially they accusing her of fabricating document implicating YK husband w/c lead him to commit suicide....Let MTS...JR...KSL.... AND EVEN JE...TIP TOEING AROUND HER.

I would like to see HK to pretend that she hasn't fully recovered her memories too. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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9 hours ago, kimnana41 said:

@drmjs I will try my best to paraphrase the answer I received.  It went something like a lawyer is bound by the professional rules of conduct and if he cannot provide a zealous defense he should recuse himself.  Then there was the parsing of the word can. Yes, a lawyer can still practice law with amnesia as he has the credentials and can practice.  But should he?  A  lawyer, being bound by the rules of conduct,  must self-regulate.  Yet, the only way the lawyer would face reprimand is if someone reports him. In summation, if the lawyer has the credentials, he can practice.  If he does something to cause concern while practicing, it must be reported, then his law license will be reviewed.  Note:  my ABA lawyer talks a mile a minute and I would need a recorder and several replays to get full understanding on first pass.  But I am impressed that he answered the question, as he put me on timeout after the Temptation drama.:)

kekeke... your lawyer is the son you mentioned earlier right?? so does he get annoyed that you ask law questions based on some drama? ^_^

so some other questions ~ will YK get into trouble for any actions that HK did as YK during the four years? or will whatever she did be automatically cancelled because she wasn't YK at all. so like she filed the case for Moon Tae Jae as YK2 but that probably wasn't valid in the first place right? and can HK be jailed/sued because she gets accused of colluding or pretending to be YK (like MS cooking up some kind of identity theft scheme that he reports HK for) and can lawyers switch sides? since she was legal counsel for the company, is it allowed to be on the other side and file case against the company? wouldn't confidentiality agreements be an issue?....

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It seems this has not been posted yet: 

Korean Media Discusses the Most Buzzed About K-dramas of 2015

Posted on December 10, 2015 by ockoala
As advertisers are looking at things in a different light, so are the metrics for measuring a successful or popular drama. Movies still rely on box office but television shows don’t just use box top ratings anymore as viewership has migrated to streaming. Korean polling site Gooddata published a study of the most buzzed about K-dramas of 2015 measured by the discussion and interest around it, separate from how well the shows did in conventional ratings. The rankings are split up among the various time slots so Mon-Tues drama buzz isn’t being stacked up against the Fri-Sat dramas, for instance. The winners in each time slot does strike me as rather accurate since it’s the group of shows that I recollect did have substantial discussion around. Winners in each time slot include School 2015, Answer Me 1988, She Was Pretty, among others.

Most buzzed about K-drama of 2015:

Mon-Tues dramas: (1) Who Are You: School 2015, (2) Six Flying Dragons, (3) Hwajung, (4) I Remember You, and (5) Heard it Through the Grapevine.

Wed-Thurs dramas: (1) She Was Pretty, (2) Yongpal, (3) Scholar Who Walks the Night, (4) The Girl Who Sees Smells, and (5) The Village: Achiara’s Secret.

Fri-Sat dramas: (1) Answer Me 1988, (2) Producer, (3) Oh My Ghost, (4) Second Time Twenty Again, and (5) D-Day.

Weekend Dramas (1) Awl, (2) The Time I Loved You, (3) Jingbirok, (4) I Have a Lover, and (5) My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol.

LInk: http://koalasplayground.com/2015/12/10/korean-media-discussion-around-the-most-buzzed-about-k-dramas-of-2015/

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Hi Lovers...it's d-day today right...i'll take deep breath coz of probable OTP angs momments :(..and do hope doc and YK will compensate some of the pain...well let not forget WJ :wub:

About doc...remember when YK offered him her hand to be friends for 3 months she'll stay in Korea and he didn't want to accept her hand...even then he already decided it will last longer then 3 monts ;)

Edited by zagigirl
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CREDIT: eftychia


0:14 Dokgo Yonggi can't be seen running away from you again.(x) -> I'm afraid Dokgo Yonggi might see you and run away again.(o)
0:20 It's too dangerous for her.(x) -> Running can cause her(the little girl) the bone fracture.(o)
0:32 Cheonnyeon Pharmaceuticals has prevented my patient from coming to me ...(x) -> You should not make it happen that Cheonnyeon Pharmaceuticals prevent my patient from seeing me.(o)
'Hyung' is what a boy/man calls his elder brother or an older man who he is (supposed to be) close to.
1:30 You love him?(x) -> You said you love him.(o)
2:03 Do you think those workers will leave Choi Jin-un alone?(x) -> Do you think the company executives will tolerate Choi Jin-un?(o)
2:32 It's an issue that is dangling a man's life.(x) -> It's an issue that people(patients)'s lives depend on.(o)
3:03 Cheonnyeon Pharmaceutical's researcher accused of embezzlement commits suicide.(x) -> C Pharmaceutical's researcher, cleared of the false charge of embezzlement, committed suicide in the end.(o)
3:13 The countermeasure for the patent infringement action of Mido Pharmaceuticals
3:19 The murderer is in jail(x) -> The CEO of (Mido) pharmaceuticals is in jail.(o) (the person who tried to kill Do Haegang but killed her daughter by mistake.)
3:31 There was a grave mistake That's not an accident. it's murder.(x) -> They fabricated a crime and put the guilt on him(Yonggi's fiance) It was not suicide; It was murder.(o)
3:41 That woman is not one to hold onto grave mistakes.(x) -> You don't have to feel guilty towards her(Do Haegang).(o)
4:06 She made the other people around her bleed.(x) -> She made other people weep bitter tears.(o)
4:16 We must also not remember.(x) -> We are not even in her memory, aren't we?(o)
4:22 How she must have lived,(x) -> How we have had to suffer so far! (o)
4:20 how she must have withstood it. We must know(x) -> You mean she doesn't even know of us, don't you?(o)
4:34 how she must have never felt sorry for that man.(x) -> You mean she has never felt sorry for my dead fiance, don't you?(o)
4:39 We shouldn't be able to forgive then.(x) -> You mean we're not supposed to forgive her.(o)
4:52 I can just explain that to her properly.(x) -> I'll tell her what she did to us.(o)
5:04 I will uncover the truth and receive the treatment(x) -> Since I was found and recognized already (by Min Taesuk), it's no use running away now, and I can't stop (my daughter's) treatment.(o)
6:05 (& 6:31) Doctor Park(x) -> Doctor Min (o) (His name is Min Gyusuk. He's Min Taesuk's younger brother. 'Min' is their surname.)
6:11 I'm grateful for the sentiment.(x) -> I'm grateful for your kindness(suggestion), but on my part... (o)
6:38 The doctor is right next door(x) -> Her doctor is here with her. I also like you being here.(o)
6:48 I will be stepping out for a bit.(x) -> I've got to go out now. I'll be back soon.(o)
8:24 The fact that Yonggi calls her mother 'ajumuni' shows that Yonggi doesn't know she's her mother yet.
9:52 please assure her I'll be right outside and back with some Korean pears.(x) -> please tell her to count up to 100 and that I'll be back before she's finished so that she's not worried.(o)
10:02 I'll even be upset if you don't bring any pears(x) -> If you're not back here when she's done counting 100, she'll be worried.(o) (pears is 'bae' in Korean; 'Baek' in Korean is 100.)
10:47 It's regarding Do Haegang, right?(x)->You are Do Haegang, right?(o)
10:59 the wife of a Cheonnyeon's heir(x) -> You were the director of Cheonnyeon Pharmaceuticals.(o)
12:39 I left my name and my work(x) -> I lost my name and my nationality(o)
13:10 Why are you suddenly reading?(x) -> (I'm surprised to see) you're here in the living room reading a book (not in your room as usual)(o)
15:31 (x) -> He received a written accusation of embezzlement charges(o)
20:12 when I saw the imitaion(x) -> when I saw (her on the screen of) the interphone(o)
23:20 to put Do Haegang onto the thorny path (x) -> to drive a thorn inside her mouth.(o)
25:52 that's why he is searching for Do Haegang(x) -> that's why he tried to find Dokgo Yonggi(o)
36:26 15 million, 9 million, 6 million (x) -> approximately 1,500,000 US dollars (1,500,000,000 Korean Won), 900,000 dollars, 600,000 dollars (o) 
39:03 the customer is not able to answer (x) -> The person you're calling is not able to answer(o)
43:22 In Korean, 'punch' has the same pronunciation as 'bread' or 'cake.' Birthday punch is a common joke in Korea.
44:13 Tell them to watch (x) -> Let them watch(o)
44:40 It's okay(x) -> Let's go (for it)(o) (He knows she will say "let's go (for it)", because she used to say that when she's younger.)
45:00 The young Haegang is reciting(memorizing) law clauses.
50:28 I couldn't keep my promise.(x) -> I couldn't protect her, but I guess you did.(o)


LINK: http://myasiantv.se/drama/i-have-a-lover/episode-27/


Episode 28


00:36 and the lady owner?(x) -> (Where is) my mother-in-law?(o)
00:47 What do you ask?(x) -> Why are you so surprised?(o)
1:13 I also clean her house.(x) -> I manage the household in her house, too.(o)
4:59 Please speak freely.(x) -> Please speak comfortably. I know you're Yonggi.(o)
5:30 I lived in ignorance.(x) -> I've lived pretending ignorance.(o)
5:39 I want to start with you.(x) -> To begin with, I'll learn what you've gone through.(o)
6:55 unni = a girl/woman's elder sister
7:50 noona(nuna) is what a boy/man calls his elder sister or an older girl/woman who he is close to.
11:38 She says "He blew On-gi(warmth) into me." 'On-gi' is Do Haegang's original name.
14:54 You were pretty.(x) -> I liked the way you were.(o) (Jin-un is not talking about her physical appearance.)
29:24 Only he knows what Haegang has and has not done.(x) -> Only she knows what she has and has not done.(o)
34:05 with warmth and courage: warmth(On-gi)=Haegang's original name, courage=Yonggi
42:21 What did I do?(x) -> Why would I (be mad?)(o)
42:30 "Just put on your seat belt": In Korean, it might sound a little rude, because of the way he says that.
43:23 When Jin-un turns on the radio, the lyrics of the song sounds like "you spoiled my mood" in Korean. At 43:56, Haegang says "you spoiled my mood."
43:36 Talk with the lighthouse. (Haegang once referred to Baek Seok as the lighthouse.)
44:19 I should just throw him in the ocean(x) -> I should reclaim land from the sea (so that the ship(Haegang) cannot approach the lighthouse(Baek Seok).)(o)
44:30 To you, that jerk is a lighthouse. To me, he's an idiot.(x) -> To you, he is a lighthouse and I'm an idiot.(o) (In Korean, 'lighthouse' and 'idiot' starts with the same sound. It's a play on words using alliteration.)
54:22 I'm so sure that woman is on my side.(x)->Fat chance of her being on my side.(She cannot be on my side.)(o)
56:01 Even 3 minutes is older, so stop sighing.(x) -> Even 3 minutes older is older, so stop calling me Miss, and call me unni.(o)
56:31 'Three-minute curry/Jjajang' is a brand name of food sold in Korea that you can eat after heating it in boiling water for 3 minutes.
1:02:44 We're married(x) -> You're her parent.(o)


LINK: http://myasiantv.se/drama/i-have-a-lover/episode-28/

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