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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Come on @lclarakl don't run away chingu...i love your comments even if we do not agree...almost all of you think i'm insane for defending JE from the start...should  i left a long time ago?...why?...this topic is here to see different opinions

Anyway...if not here lets meet elsewhere...i'll be glad 

Come on @lclarakl don't run away chingu...i love your comments!!!!!!!!!!   

I enjoy reading Your comments!!!! I will miss You!!!! Come back!!!! I love your forum, here you are considering and insightfully see a lot of nuances and subtleties, that many different and opposite opinions! Just recently there was a stage when the facts are a little drowned in the nuances.... It is natural.... It will pass!

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Does any one know what SR actually said while standing next to JE's bed?   Viki has not subbed that part yet.

I'm dying to know what she said.  How much did she reveal about her real self.  Sly and clever as she has been, I can't believe she really slipped up and revealed how conniving and sneaky she is via whatever she said to TS.

I heard the word "father" --- but nothing else.  She wouldn't slip up and think he is in a coma!  She's been so careful for more than 4 years!

@mdj101 For  you my dear chingu... and then off to bed I really go :) 


Ep 19 - SR in JE's bedroom, talking to TS, and overheard by half-awake JE:

TS walks into JE's bedroom. 
TS: Oh...you're here. Have you been here all night watching over him?
SR: Yes.
TS: How's he now?. I'm worried that's why I come by to take a look before heading off for work. So he is able to sleep well.
SR: That's because he has been injected with sleeping aid.
TS: Compared to work matters, what's important now is for him to recuperate.
SR: Why did you do that?
TS: What?
SR: Why did you say she committed suicide? Even if she really did commit suicide, shouldn't that not be told? Is there something else that's more important than making sure sunbae doesn't hurt too much? Something that has to be kept a secret? Something that needed to be protected?
TS: What are you saying?
SR: I know she didn't commit suicide. I overheard your conversation with FIL.
TS: Let's go to the study to talk.
TS and SR leave JE's bedroom.
JE opens his eyes. He has overheard their convo. (Wow!)

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@jadecloud: --- Thank you for translating that scene where BS tells HK/YK@ that he loves her. It confirms for me the impression I had about what was happening there.  Watching it raw, no English subs, My gut feeling was that BS was not making "a confession of his love" to her. That would be in expectation of a reply, an answer.  I do not see that in his face.  Remembering he is a very simple man, I felt he was making a statement, a fact which he is struggling to understand himself right now and to figure out what is the best thing to do about it!  

I don't think BS is over the shock of the information that just hit him like a bolt of lightening.  Didn't he just come from GN's house?  He is so stunned that he didn't even think about getting drunk  --- a usual way drama guys deal with stress!  He does not have "lightening quick reflexes!".   I still have faith!

Edited by mdj101
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@jadecloud:.... Thank you!  She thought the sedative injection had deeply knocked him out!   Seems right!  She getting over confident with herself now!  Reminds me of her snapping at JE, of all people, to "Sit down!".  OK...Just enough of a slip to justify seeing him up, alert, and at his desk the next morning.  More than enough information for him to put him onto the trail of already suspicious activity he's heard about in the Company.    B)   

                  And he is "a man on a mission" now. Not the least bit interested in climbing the corporate ladder --- but he will see more of the forces that changed Hae Kang as their Corporate Lawyer! 

Edited by mdj101
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Does any one know what SR actually said while standing next to JE's bed?   Viki has not subbed that part yet.

I'm dying to know what she said.  How much did she reveal about her real self.  Sly and clever as she has been, I can't believe she really slipped up and revealed how conniving and sneaky she is via whatever she said to TS.

I heard the word "father" --- but nothing else.  She wouldn't slip up and think he is in a coma!  She's been so careful for more than 4 years!

@mdj101 For  you my dear chingu... and then off to bed I really go :) 


Ep 19 - SR in JE's bedroom, talking to TS, and overheard by half-awake JE:

TS walks into JE's bedroom. 
TS: Oh...you're here. Have you been here all night watching over him?
SR: Yes.
TS: How's he now?. I'm worried that's why I come by to take a look before heading off for work. So he is able to sleep well.
SR: That's because he has been injected with sleeping aid.
TS: Compared to work matters, what's important now is for him to recuperate.
SR: Why did you do that?
TS: What?
SR: Why did you say she committed suicide? Even if she really did commit suicide, shouldn't that not be told? Is there something else that's more important than making sure sunbae doesn't hurt too much? Something that has to be kept a secret? Something that needed to be protected?
TS: What are you saying?
SR: I know she didn't commit suicide. I overheard your conversation with FIL.
TS: Let's go to the study to talk.
TS and SR leave JE's bedroom.
JE opens his eyes. He has overheard their convo. (Wow!)



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Does any one know what SR actually said while standing next to JE's bed?   Viki has not subbed that part yet.

I'm dying to know what she said.  How much did she reveal about her real self.  Sly and clever as she has been, I can't believe she really slipped up and revealed how conniving and sneaky she is via whatever she said to TS.

I heard the word "father" --- but nothing else.  She wouldn't slip up and think he is in a coma!  She's been so careful for more than 4 years!

@mdj101 For  you my dear chingu... and then off to bed I really go :) 


Ep 19 - SR in JE's bedroom, talking to TS, and overheard by half-awake JE:

TS walks into JE's bedroom. 
TS: Oh...you're here. Have you been here all night watching over him?
SR: Yes.
TS: How's he now?. I'm worried that's why I come by to take a look before heading off for work. So he is able to sleep well.
SR: That's because he has been injected with sleeping aid.
TS: Compared to work matters, what's important now is for him to recuperate.
SR: Why did you do that?
TS: What?
SR: Why did you say she committed suicide? Even if she really did commit suicide, shouldn't that not be told? Is there something else that's more important than making sure sunbae doesn't hurt too much? Something that has to be kept a secret? Something that needed to be protected?
TS: What are you saying?
SR: I know she didn't commit suicide. I overheard your conversation with FIL.
TS: Let's go to the study to talk.
TS and SR leave JE's bedroom.
JE opens his eyes. He has overheard their convo. (Wow!)

Good to have JE heard all their conversation, so he will plausible start investigate the case with YK2 which might be the trigger for her to recall what had happened on that day.

Besides, I really hope there is one scene will show later, that is TS feels being threatened by SR and decide to send somebody to kill her.  Writernim, please be consistent to the TS character, this is how TS to clear up all his obstacles in the drama. 

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@jadecloud, @zagigirl, and @DelroyB, I promise that my irritation has nothing to do with your opinions or that of many, many others on this thread. Although, I agree with some and others I don't, at least most of you explain your position and I can respect why you feel the way you do, but more than that--I do enjoy reading them.  Many times I've given a "Like" to an opinion I totally disagree with, but I like the way the opinion/comment was expressed or I thought it was "insightful" (miss that option on the 'new'  Soompi forum). I have always loved a thread where there are opposing opinions and a healthy debate because I think it makes for a really good thread.  

However, when I see a character such as BS that at the moment is really a "good" person (could change with the stroke of the writer's pen) being demonized based on propaganda on the thread and not on the writer's actual work it's a bit disconcerting...but then again, it is someone's opinion.  

In my opinion of BS, I never saw him as the end game but it wouldn't surprise me if he was based on reasons I'll keep to myself. I also like seeing JE and HK together in some scenes, and will admit in all honesty, I started this drama wanting them as the end game after JE had been punished severely and sufficiently; however, I'm just not warming up to his character as much as I thought I would--the writer laid it on too thick in the first 10 episodes to try and rewrite history so I'm taking too much joy from his suffering to pity him. I also find something 'off' in his relationship with HK and with them as characters....I can't put my finger on it yet (but it has something to do with their words not holding much value or meaning).  Regardless, that doesn't mean I want her with BS because I don't see the writer building the romance between the two of them. Then again, I also don't see the "manipulating", "cruel", "idiot" that most of you on this thread see BS to be--I see him exactly as the character HK painted him in episode 17, 47:30 minutes.

I loved how the writer has painted BS' character so far.  I like how the writer has shown BS following up on clues as he received them to dispel doubt concerning YK2's identity, which he has shared with HK up to this point. I found it interesting that the writer dropped a hint that HK in the beginning when she first lost her memory she would disappear and the whole family would worry for her. It was probably after being hit over the head that she stopped disappearing; however, that also tells me that BS must have shared some information with YK2 in order for her to be looking for her 'family'.

I love the fact that the writer has shown BS' complete shock of learning that YK was a twin (not a man who knew the truth and keep it hidden because he had a hidden agenda);  BS being even more shocked when he run into YK the original.  For me, the test will be how BS handles the information he now knows. From the preview, I love the fact that I can see his heartbreak in his expression as YK2 is trying to cheer him up. He has been an upstanding guy IMO, I hope the writer doesn't change him.  

I find it funny that some want to minimize JE and SR's affair--wondering if they slept together. If you want to see a content man in his affair with SR and know that he liked her--go back to ep 7, 17:35 where SR is the one who felt she needed to wake up from this dream (affair) and JE was the one encouraging her to "let's take this to the end" and told her he would be beside her no matter what "whether it's a good dream or a bad dream"--when she wakes up he would be by her side (JE made that promise to SR and we have BS comforting YK2 through her real nightmares). Yet, it was JE encouraging SR to continue the affair when she was having doubts but we're extra hard on the evil SR and not on the evil, manipulative JE who did have intentions of marrying SR, but changed it when he saw the new HK. His character hasn't changed or developed IMO.

And then ep 7,  35:50 we have HK shaken to her core when she goes to the house room/house where JE and SR spent the night. Hearing JE call out to HK thinking she was SR, it was that scene that pushed her to want to commit suicide; but it also shows the intimacy between JE and SR. The writer has been trying to rewrite some things form earlier episodes, but for me it's not working because it contradicts what has already been shown in regards JE's personality. Yes I get JE grieving in episode 19, but I don't buy it to the extreme extent they are showing considering the past and his behavior which depicted no level of love for HK--zero.

I digress. For me, personally, I need to step back from the thread for a while. Know that I truly do value different opinions just not witch hunts that I feel is being done in an effort to bring down a good man in order to help elevate a worthless man---yes, JE is worthless to me at the moment and for me I'm not sure if the writer can undo what she's done....:phew:

Thanks again for the well wishes  and I hope to catch most of you on another thread.

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I think JE suddenly became energetic after his misery for losing HG because he overheard about SR said something regarding HG to BIL, prob she said something about knowing that HG didn't committed  suicide ?? :huh:

Yes, I was thinking of the same thing.  Maybe he thought if BIL could fabricate the fact that HG's suicide, he could also fabricate the fact that HG was killed or even still alive somewhere.  JE is so fired up to find out the truth.

In ep 19 and 20, we see that HG was active in approaching, following, asking for a date and taking care of JE and at first, I wondered why.  Why would she be chasing after him? I try to reason with her.  Perhaps she was concerned about his health during the mourning period etc.  But I think, this is the reason why: deep down she had thought of the possibility that she was the real HG.  On one scene, she checked the mole on her wrist and knew she had the allergy.  She is just not 100% sure yet.  It's like she was trying to console JE that there's hope that HG might be still alive?

Edited by deandraluv
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Guest my2centsworth


Does any one know what SR actually said while standing next to JE's bed?   Viki has not subbed that part yet.

I'm dying to know what she said.  How much did she reveal about her real self.  Sly and clever as she has been, I can't believe she really slipped up and revealed how conniving and sneaky she is via whatever she said to TS.

I heard the word "father" --- but nothing else.  She wouldn't slip up and think he is in a coma!  She's been so careful for more than 4 years!

@mdj101 For  you my dear chingu... and then off to bed I really go :) 


Ep 19 - SR in JE's bedroom, talking to TS, and overheard by half-awake JE:

TS walks into JE's bedroom. 
TS: Oh...you're here. Have you been here all night watching over him?
SR: Yes.
TS: How's he now?. I'm worried that's why I come by to take a look before heading off for work. So he is able to sleep well.
SR: That's because he has been injected with sleeping aid.
TS: Compared to work matters, what's important now is for him to recuperate.
SR: Why did you do that?
TS: What?
SR: Why did you say she committed suicide? Even if she really did commit suicide, shouldn't that not be told? Is there something else that's more important than making sure sunbae doesn't hurt too much? Something that has to be kept a secret? Something that needed to be protected?
TS: What are you saying?
SR: I know she didn't commit suicide. I overheard your conversation with FIL.
TS: Let's go to the study to talk.
TS and SR leave JE's bedroom.
JE opens his eyes. He has overheard their convo. (Wow!)

Good to have JE heard all their conversation, so he will plausible start investigate the case with YK2 which might be the trigger for her to recall what had happened on that day.

Besides, I really hope there is one scene will show later, that is TS feels being threatened by SR and decide to send somebody to kill her.  Writernim, please be consistent to the TS character, this is how TS to clear up all his obstacles in the drama. 

I love that scene! I knew it was only a matter of time before JE overheard someone talking about the accident. To have SR in that conversation just sealed SR's fate. JE will now come out with guns drawn. Watch out for those in the line of fire. This is going to so fun and satisfying. 

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Guest my2centsworth

Ok...before I call it a night, I'd like to put my thots on BS out there. I know there are many BS shippers. For me, I don't hate BS. I just kept wishing he would stop being pushy, stop being in denial and help YK2 regain her memories. Anyway, from ep 19, this is what I gathered of BS. I'm giving him some more slack, and if in ep 20 he still didn't come clean and do the right thing...then I will say he really has slipped deeper into the dark side. As of now, he is still hovering near the inside border of the dark side. If he walks any further inside, it will be difficult to extricate himself.

This Sisterhood Shipper looks out mainly for the twins...hehe :)  HK and YK Fighting!

Hidden Content

Let's hope BS will wake up in ep 20 and tell the truth to HK, to GN, and to YK, and unite them. BS apparently is the only one who knows about the twins and GN's connection. He's the only one who can tie them all back together. Otherwise, redemption option is off the table for he has slipped further into the dark side.

PS: LOVERS, goodnight now. Jinja-YO! Catch y'all for ep 20 :) Hopefully, I can sleep...

I love this! Thank you so much! I hope that BS is still in shock and will soon come to his senses. If he doesn't tell HK she will find out sooner or later from someone else which could really shock her system. I don't want her to hate BS but if he doesn't tell her and she finds out another way she could turn on him. I would hate to be in BS's shoes and love someone for as long as he as loved YK and then find out he is more in love with her twin sister. My heart aches for him.

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@jadecloud, @zagigirl, and @DelroyB, I promise that my irritation has nothing to do with your opinions or that of many, many others on this thread. Although, I agree with some and others I don't, at least most of you explain your position and I can respect why you feel the way you do, but more than that--I do enjoy reading them.  Many times I've given a "Like" to an opinion I totally disagree with, but I like the way the opinion/comment was expressed or I thought it was "insightful" (miss that option on the 'new'  Soompi forum). I have always loved a thread where there are opposing opinions and a healthy debate because I think it makes for a really good thread.  

However, when I see a character such as BS that at the moment is really a "good" person (could change with the stroke of the writer's pen) being demonized based on propaganda on the thread and not on the writer's actual work it's a bit disconcerting...but then again, it is someone's opinion.  

In my opinion of BS, I never saw him as the end game but it wouldn't surprise me if he was based on reasons I'll keep to myself. I also like seeing JE and HK together in some scenes, and will admit in all honesty, I started this drama wanting them as the end game after JE had been punished severely and sufficiently; however, I'm just not warming up to his character as much as I thought I would--the writer laid it on too thick in the first 10 episodes to try and rewrite history so I'm taking too much joy from his suffering to pity him. I also find something 'off' in his relationship with HK and with them as characters....I can't put my finger on it yet (but it has something to do with their words not holding much value or meaning).  Regardless, that doesn't mean I want her with BS because I don't see the writer building the romance between the two of them. Then again, I also don't see the "manipulating", "cruel", "idiot" that most of you on this thread see BS to be--I see him exactly as the character HK painted him in episode 17, 47:30 minutes.

I loved how the writer has painted BS' character so far.  I like how the writer has shown BS following up on clues as he received them to dispel doubt concerning YK2's identity, which he has shared with HK up to this point. I found it interesting that the writer dropped a hint that HK in the beginning when she first lost her memory she would disappear and the whole family would worry for her. It was probably after being hit over the head that she stopped disappearing; however, that also tells me that BS must have shared some information with YK2 in order for her to be looking for her 'family'.

I love the fact that the writer has shown BS' complete shock of learning that YK was a twin (not a man who knew the truth and keep it hidden because he had a hidden agenda);  BS being even more shocked when he run into YK the original.  For me, the test will be how BS handles the information he now knows. From the preview, I love the fact that I can see his heartbreak in his expression as YK2 is trying to cheer him up. He has been an upstanding guy IMO, I hope the writer doesn't change him.  

I find it funny that some want to minimize JE and SR's affair--wondering if they slept together. If you want to see a content man in his affair with SR and know that he liked her--go back to ep 7, 17:35 where SR is the one who felt she needed to wake up from this dream (affair) and JE was the one encouraging her to "let's take this to the end" and told her he would be beside her no matter what "whether it's a good dream or a bad dream"--when she wakes up he would be by her side (JE made that promise to SR and we have BS comforting YK2 through her real nightmares). Yet, it was JE encouraging SR to continue the affair when she was having doubts but we're extra hard on the evil SR and not on the evil, manipulative JE who did have intentions of marrying SR, but changed it when he saw the new HK. His character hasn't changed or developed IMO.

And then ep 7,  35:50 we have HK shaken to her core when she goes to the house room/house where JE and SR spent the night. Hearing JE call out to HK thinking she was SR, it was that scene that pushed her to want to commit suicide; but it also shows the intimacy between JE and SR. The writer has been trying to rewrite some things form earlier episodes, but for me it's not working because it contradicts what has already been shown in regards JE's personality. Yes I get JE grieving in episode 19, but I don't buy it to the extreme extent they are showing considering the past and his behavior which depicted no level of love for HK--zero.

I digress. For me, personally, I need to step back from the thread for a while. Know that I truly do value different opinions just not witch hunts that I feel is being done in an effort to bring down a good man in order to help elevate a worthless man---yes, JE is worthless to me at the moment and for me I'm not sure if the writer can undo what she's done....:phew:

Thanks again for the well wishes  and I hope to catch most of you on another thread.

          I'm always delighted to see your comments! I read them and enjoy! I absolutely agree with you!!!!

         Already forgotten the fact that JE has consciously made the choice in the past. He was tempted SR. JE said that his heart is drawn to SR, or that he is captivate to SR. He clearly irreparably guilty! Regarding the events that occurred 4 years later: maybe the writer wanted to show: JE sincerely wanted to build your future with SR, and came to Korea with that intention to live with SR. After meeting with HG, to the consciousness JE suddenly realized that his Alliance with SR be not lacked depth of feeling, as it previously happened with HG that he was not satisfied with the communication with the SR in comparison with HG. Besides, he was intrigued by the behavior of HG, its unusual position in society initially sparked his compassion.... Everything is relative..... Here he is "caught" and it all started on the new helix....So now JE behaves differently.... 

Second question: Maybe I don't understand exactly because of the difficulties of translation..... It's hard for me to say my opinion, because English language I started studying 3 months ago, starting with the alphabet.... And I'm embarrassed that I unclear write my thoughts, using the automatic translator Google... I'm curious: when I write-is that clear?

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I can't have a logical conversation if people don't want to see the information in the fashion in which the writer has presented it. He ignored nothing and followed up on the clues provided. The writer has gone out of her way to show ]how shocked JE is at learning that a twin does exist. Let's see how long it takes JE to discover the truth--probably not long since YK in back in the picture. However, why isn't JE questioning the fact that another woman looks exactly like his wife? Why isn't he asking his mother in law about it. Why are the BS haters not commenting on that? And the view that BS is worse that SR and JE?  LOL!!!

Anyway, I'm dropping this thread. It's extremely irriateing for me to have characters who I see as good people being demeaned on a thread just so people can support a ship they have. I personally don't want BS with HK because the writer hasn't painted the drama that way, but I most certain don't want to keep reading silly and childish name calling of a character--it makes absolutely no sense to me. A thread that was once fun and full of deep, logically conversation seems to have deteriorated.

There are several of you that I hope I will catch on another thread in the future and enjoy your wonderful comments and wicked sense of humber. I'll continue to watch the drama, but I'll skip the thread.

Are you leaving real people, including those whose comments you enjoy, for a fictional character? Because they comprehend the given events differently from you, and it makes it hard to have a logical conversation? Well, it's up to you.

But since you'll continue to watch the drama, I think this experience should contribute to your better understanding of Jin-eon's motives for wanting divorce, etc...

He also had an issue with Hae-gang's view of life, which differed from his, and was irritated with their inability to have any kind of conversations, leave alone logical ones, which made him want to walk out of the marriage with the person he loved the most, in the hope of achieving inner calm and piece of mind....

Edited by ayselluna
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I agree on your POV on how writer will ship and justify the time JE spent with SR and HK went and saw their shoes etc and then tried to commit suicide.

I think when she tried that we could see his love for her which i think was what writer might have used to get our attention, however he still chose to stay with SR because of the circumstances we still waiting to clarify from him and her on why he treated her that way and why she changed so much… we partly know the reasons and someone mentioned his household which makes sense … no wonder he never wanted to move in in there, he wanted his family to be happy out of that house but she wanted to go in there with him...


I also think JE woke up different the next morning determined to find out the truth and if knowing that HK did not commit suicide helped might have taken a weight off his chest …he was recalling when she tried to kill herself and he warned her not to do that specially in front of him  etc … so i guess he felt "better" and is going for the truth… wonder when SR will show her shameless face in front of him… hope he goes digging in her flat and finds the passport… i think he should not confront her just yet… he should observe but make it clear she should not come to his parents place no more...

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          I'm always delighted to see your comments! I read them and enjoy! I absolutely agree with you!!!!

         Already forgotten the fact that JE has consciously made the choice in the past. He was tempted SR. JE said that his heart is drawn to SR, or that he is captivate to SR. He clearly irreparably guilty! Regarding the events that occurred 4 years later: maybe the writer wanted to show: JE sincerely wanted to build your future with SR, and came to Korea with that intention to live with SR. After meeting with HG, to the consciousness JE suddenly realized that his Alliance with SR be not lacked depth of feeling, as it previously happened with HG that he was not satisfied with the communication with the SR in comparison with HG. Besides, he was intrigued by the behavior of HG, its unusual position in society initially sparked his compassion.... Everything is relative..... Here he is "caught" and it all started on the new helix....So now JE behaves differently.... 

Second question: Maybe I don't understand exactly because of the difficulties of translation..... It's hard for me to say my opinion, because English language I started studying 3 months ago, starting with the alphabet.... And I'm embarrassed that I unclear write my thoughts, using the automatic translator Google... I'm curious: when I write-is that clear?


@Tata555, Thank you and keep writing, I understand you perfectly and so does everyone else on the thread. I agree that JE is behaving differently now that he is reflecting on what he had with HK and SR is no replacement for it. He hasn't put forth any effort to get HK back in my opinion. Just as HK got on her knees and begged him to give her another month and how she got on her knees and begged SR to leave her husband, I hope the writers don't make it easy for JE, that he is made to beg.

@ayselluna, I've enjoyed my discussions with you and I think you missed my point.......as usual--we are like ships in the dark, we keep missing each other's points  :lol:.  Believe me, having my own parents go through a HK/JE situation (no amnesia, but everything else basically the same), I probably understand the emotions of HK and JE much better than the writer ever will and those watching the drama. 

Edited by lclarakl
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@iclarakl re BS.. I stand with you. I feel he had no idea whatsoever of HK, that he investigated and was firm YK2 is YK. And I believe he kept YK's background away from her as not to hurt her as YK's past where BS is concerned were all bad news.

(Fiance committed suicide. Grandma died and house all gone. So where he is concerned YK2 to him has no family ties and alone n colleague shunned her n she ws harrassed)

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@ayselluna, I've enjoyed my discussions with you and I think you missed my point.......as usual--we are like ships in the dark, we keep missing each other.  Believe me, having my own parents go through a HK/JE situation (no amnesia, but everything else basically the same), I probably understand the emotions of HK and JE much better than the writer ever will and those watching the drama. 

@Iclarakl, I've enjoyed my discussions with you too, and I think It's ok to miss points, as we are all humans.  I also believe we had better be like ships that keep missing each other than like those that attack each other.

But since, unfortunately, I too had my parents go through Jin-eon and Hae-gang's situation (no child loss, but a different reason), I also probably understand the emotions of Hae-gang and Jin-eon as well as you, and others, who faced a similar situation do.

Yet again, one can never know for sure unless he finds himself in the shoes of those people.  God forbid!

Edited by ayselluna
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I await subs for EP 19 for better understanding-- 

But will comment on YK and daughter

-- YK has just arrived back in our view in the story -- Yes!!!!- she is going to be a great part of upcoming episodes.

-- But, within the first few minutes, writer is showing us that YK has some medical issues (extent of them not yet shown or discussed)

-- I truly hope that writer is not trying to set us up, for eventual death of YK.

-- As others having already pointed out, the writer appears to like to show parallel actions in the story.

-- Writer please do not end this drama with the parallel of a loving JE, HK, and daughter (ES) that we were told about (not yet actually shown) that was in the beginning of the drama --- Do not end with a with a loving JE, HK, and daughter (now WJ) parallel.

-- Writer If only one couple can end together -- let it be YK and GS.

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We all expect more JE suffering his cheating and mistreating moments before and if he is meant to get HK back… i think he will, after all he got fatal instinct women as a lover which serves him right and to show other men how wrong of a choice they can make, so that on its own might make him suffer more before he can be happy again...


We all want SR to suffer, but she has no clue, she is repeating what  HK did and said to her, only in her case she is not married to him, he never wanted to marry her, he does not and never said he loved her, yet she is still obsessed …AIGOOOOO!!! i think we will go insane if we try to understand her … he has his reasons to keep you there as of responsibility for his actions and also grateful for saving his live …


HK will not just abandon BS, she is also grateful to him and will continue to be so after her memories are back but it seams unreasonable to me that she stays with him out of that and pity and not for love … regardless she will not want to let the kids down but sure SR will put family against her if she decides to get her life back on track but not necessarily  leave them as a whole!

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lclarakl !!! wrote: "He hasn't put forth any effort to get HK back in my opinion." I also think that JE did very little trivialities of life, is to forgive him and believe that he atoned for his guilt, what he "has done", is the mountain: he just left with another young woman: he struck out and destroyed all their joint lives and all the good that was between them......

I'll be waiting for you when you move from the passive into the active form! I miss your comments! Consider me your fan!

 Also I am very interested to read the comments of all forum participants.... I laugh a lot and argue with you all.... Before, I had no one to discuss the topic of Kdrama.... My friends don't understand me, why I look Dorami....Our forum helps me wait for the next series.... and to understand that wasn't noticed earlier...

Also rightly said @ ayselluna: "Yet again, one can never know for sure unless he finds himself in the shoes of those people.  God forbid!"

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