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[Drama 2015] The Return of Hwang Geum Bok 돌아온 황금복

Ldy Gmerm

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It's just awful that ES and TJ are going along with this marriage when they are aware of MH's feelings. What was the point of asking MH to live with them? Recognize him as a member of the family? It's utter nonsense because the poor guy has suffered even more since moving back into the house. He gets insulted by halmoni everyday and reminded of his place, then everyone keeps him in the dark about his mother's crimes yet give him hints and tell him just how awful she is, basically making him uncomfortable and unwanted. It's like GB just can't stand the sight of him and does these things so he gives up and moves out. I think after witnessing that marriage meeting, he will get the hint and move out of the house. It's best so he concentrates on finding out about his mother on his own if these people refuse to help in anyway other than make his life unbearable.

You nailed it right on the spot....the writer is making MH the brunt of all the hate that should be directed at MY. I kind of hope MH gets killed and GB and ES suffers for the rest of their lives. The guy did everything in his power to help find ES. He did everything in his power to help GB and yet both these two stooges are just are cruel as MY and YR will ever be.

I kind of want GB/ES revenge scheme to backfire on them as well....it's one thing to get revenge upon MY, but it's something different when you take it on someone who had no clue and was in fact a tool in an evil plot....

Quite frankly I want TJ to lose everything too! Even if they divorce technically MY would still get half of what he owned and technically MY can't be held liable for something that happened in another country anyway unless Japan files suit against her.

last pressing question....why the hell does GB have to marry IW? What protection does this give GB anyway? So halmoni pimps GB out for the sake of preventing MH from marrying her. *Prays to drama God that fabled white truck runs her over and backs up on her carcass *repeat steps* about 20 times....she ticks me off to no end!

Yes as you can tell I'm pretty much boiling mad at how low the writer is taking this!


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@lclarakl thank you for bringing that up! Apparently I had missed it during live streaming. I went back just now and rewatched the scene, and the kid's reaction is so perfect, LOL! (I put some screencaps under the spoiler.) I'm following another daily with this child actress at the moment, and she's doing a great job there as well. I'm definitely a fan. :D 

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If agree with all of you that the drama is not making much progress lately. To be honest, at this point I'm watching it mostly for the company here :), and because I'm mildly curious to see how the writer will clean up this mess. Right now I'm too annoyed with GB and ES to really care about what happens to them. Maybe things will get better next week as we get closer to the end.

@Ldy Gmerm, thank you for the recap and videos. @gerrytan8063 thank you for the preview interpretation. I think it will be interesting to see what GS will do next. It was a part of MY's father's plans to use MH as GS's weak point. I hope that GS will stay true to his character and not add to MH's misery by doing something shameful in the name of saving him. (One such parent is more than enough. :( )

I wonder how much longer it will take for MH to find out the whole truth. YR has told him that the black box audio he played is a fake because it can be proven that Tae Su wasn't in Japan during the time of ES's accident. I guess he'll continue digging until he either finds the truth out or overhears it by accident.

What is GB thinking these days? I would love to get into that character's head. I wonder if her wedding will be our Friday cliffhanger.   

@ina111, Thank you for the clips of the little girl. Her expression says it all.

I absolutely agree with you in regards to ES and GB. Those are my exact feelings as well. As a matter of fact, I've been tired of ES for a very long time. I do think she let her daughter suffer unnecessarily--now I think the same thing is being done to MH.


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This episode was nothing more than a filler. Sorry, but the whole GB and IW romance is so unbelievable at this point.  After 100 episodes, I have to say that this drama is becoming tiring. I'm just ready for it to end already. I don't know what's left to expose, other than to bring MH and TS into the know.

The taxi driver died in the accident, so I guess they are to pretend that didn't happen and MY gets no jail time. 

The only person, and I mean only person, that I'm cheering on at the moment is MH and also TS. The rest of them have motives and hidden agendas.


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I loved that last part when Kim Kyung Soo walked in on Ye Ryung in his room ... priceless look of fear.

Now the three stooges is trying convince Moon Hyung to accept to Kyung Soo so they will have a chance to get the black box file ... as Kyung Soo is soft in matters concerning Moon Hyung.

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Not much I can say that you guys have not already said.

Video from Episode 113:


TJ looked shocked at the beginning over GB and IW getting married. His mother really kept him out of the loop at what she has been doing. Her conversation about MH afterwards mad TJ uncomfy. She mentions to him what IW said about MY to MH. I feel TJ needs to know or realize the truth but I do not think his mother should be the one to tell him.

TJ goes to look at a copy of either MY's bank statement or RH's and starts thinking and putting puzzle pieces together.

ES in my opinion is doing a disservice to her daughter. She and GB just moved in they are under not obligation to do what this old woman says. Not to long ago the woman hated their guts. Also she should be talking to her daughter to see how her feelings are for IW not going on a previous engagement that she again never talked to her daughter about to see if she wanted.

Sure MJ is her friend looked after her daughter as her own but this is not the way to repay her for that kindness. She already gave her a restaurant and RH's old flat. I am disappointed in MJ she was upset when GB broke up with IW (never knowing why and what he did.) she was upset when GB was with MH and was going to marry him. So why is it ok after a few months for your son to race this girl down the aisle all because you always wanted your best friends daughter to be your DIL? She will be upset when this does not happen.

Why is RH so worried about IW and GB getting married. It is not her business. Is she more worried that IW will make sure to really go after them? Well, hell that is a given he is already doing that. He will put one or the both of them back in jail or in jail. YR we know is upset because she thought she broke that up for good. What she failed to see is just like 10 years ago when he rejected her it has always been GB for IW. Unfortunately IW does not want to see that GB was not as into him as he was/is her and again he is pushing what he wants.

I laugh at the scene above. GB never held this man's hand when they were engaged before. HIs tears and hers seemed so fake to me. Why are you thanking him and his mother for taking you back? You would not be marrying him if he had not reminded you of your promise when he was ill. Also what on earth can IW do for her in protecting her? He does not have to marry her to do that. Again this is him pushing his wants on her and this idiot going along with it because her halmeoni is smack in the middle. IW to me is disrespectful in announcing he wanted to marry her before really talking to her and then her mother and father. Also the kiss was just so stiff. IW is trying to tie her to him before she comes out of the fog she is in and gets her mind back clearly.

Right now GB does not need a rushed wedding to a man she is not in love with. What she needs is people around her to give her shelter, warmth and understanding and just letting her get away from the crazy that has been happening. Unfortunately we are going to see them spend money on a wedding before someone either comes in to ruin it or something happens to make IW see where GB's heart still lies.

For me this family scene was awful because TR was talking about GB so badly but now that she knows GB is her niece and she is with MJ's uncle everything is suppose to be swept under the rug. IW does not allow GB a moment to herself and that to me is awful. She is talking to her mother and he comes out and takes her phone to talk to ES. DUDE! Maybe GB needed to talk to her mother without you around. He will make sure he is around enough she can't sit and think this through enough to change her mind. smh.

IW wanted to marry fast before. Then when he found her again not thinking about her mother being missing. Now with ES found he is still pushing this before they have made sure everyone who needs to pays. He wants her tied to him anyway he can.

MJ is getting what she wanted but no one is thinking about what GB needs and GB in her stupidity to please others and push MH is only looking for comfort. It is crazy that they are not seeing this for what it is. She wants her son to be happy but perhaps he is not meant to be with GB. What about GB's happiness? Because they dated before and she hated to see them break up (after 10 years) they are rushing this.

MY goes to GS's flat to pretend to be wifely and make a meal for him. (when she really wanted to look for the black box data) Only to find out that MH is there and ES has been there to make him food. She gets mad that someone else thought enough to do that for them and MH makes a comment but ES asks him and GS to step out of the kitchen. MY and ES have it out Mostly she wants to know how much MH may have been told about what she did. Still not seeing she should be the one to do it or that her son is not stupid and will find out based on her behavior and lies himself. GS drags her out and takes her home.

MY starts in on the black box and he realizes what her goal is. When he is not receptive she turns on the tears and then pleads that she wants to live as MH's mother.. Well let me see... has she not been doing that for 28 years? Or are we all wrong? In the last few weeks or months no she has not been because he has not been her focus he has been a tool that she pulls out to people who she knows cares about him. She slept with GS 28 years ago had his baby and then kept the child from him and would have still done so if MH or others had not found out the truth. Now she continues to try to use the man to get rid of evidence against her.

MY pleads about MH and trying to spare him (she never thought of this when doing her dirt) but the damage is done and she can't put this back in a box. There will be no stopping this from coming out. GS of course is weak against his son because he does not want to hurt him but then he should have never come back to S. Korea nor made his presences known to MH either. He contributed to the turmoil the man is going through by wanting his son. GS could have left him with TJ. If he had a bone to pick with MY he could have just exposed her. So his moment of stupidity will only hurt him when MH finds out the truth and that he tried to hide if for his mother. Saying he did not want him hurt will not fly. It is too late MY has already done it.

ES heads into the office only to find it full of the investors that MY met with and convinced that MH should be the Chairman again against her sons wishes. ES wants to know what they are doing there and one man is especially rude and mouthy until TJ walks in with other men and lets them have it informing them he knows they were sent by MY's father. They all look down and shut up and end up leaving.

GB and the rest have their marriage meeting with MH either not invited or not told at all with an empty seat. We see MH speeding to the venue as YR or someone has told him. He comes in and all look either down because they did wrong or embarrassed.

YR has gone to GS's flat per MY's instructions (how did she get the door code?) and goes in looking around for the black box data only GS comes out or in looking for MH. She panics and goes to hide in his bedroom behind the door.

GS comes in and she watches him sit and think about what MY said to him and then gets out the USB disk from his locked drawer with the data on it and puts it in and listens and watches it (it is the full video with MY driving and the car running the cab off the road I believe) YR mouth opens as she realizes it. GS gets a call from loan shark minion in the parking garage to tell him that YR is in his flat and his eyes go wide then he cuts his eyes over his shoulder and he knows she is in the room and calmly puts it up and locking the drawer and goes out. (MY has truly messed up because she almost had GS lol.)

YR comes out and goes to search his desk and drawers and she can't open the drawer and she gets out her phone only to turn around and GS is behind her asking her is she doing startling her at being caught.  LOL



YR is back at MY's office tel with her mother telling her that GS caught her and she did not get the black box and all three look afraid now. MY is meeting with MH trying to appeal to him maybe being with GS (lol that is rich if she is. ) or just trying to lie some more to stop him from finding out the truth. GS comes in to look at her as MY says something in the background. GB and TJ share a moment and GB says something to him. TJ meets with MY and we see him turn to see MH standing there with him saying something in the back ground. GS has dropped his brief case in the parking garage and we see RH and MY or YR and MY in the car and they gun the engine towards him just as someone pushes him out the way and we see the USB fall out of the case or his pocket with GS saying something about the black box data has been stolen or gone. (frankly if he lost it good riddance why would you have it on you.? Also why not have a back up copy put up somewhere?) GS is meeting with ES at hte company and she says something to him. (maybe she should be questioning his loyalty.


Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Episode 113

I know the general sentiments of this forum ... so don't shoot the translator ...

@ Ldy Gmerm

Q: Why is RH so worried about IW and GB getting married. It is not her business. Is she more worried that IW will make sure to really go after them?

A: Ri Hyang asked why was In Woo meddling in something that does not concern him (as he is not in the family). That is when Geum Bok announced her marriage to In Woo. Yes, both women are worried that In Woo had more than a valid reason to go after them as it is the matter of his future wife and mother-in-law.

Q: IW does not allow GB a moment to herself and that to me is awful. She is talking to her mother and he comes out and takes her phone to talk to ES

A: Geum Bok called her mother to let her know that she will be very late. In Woo took over the call and asked for Eun Shil's permission for Geum Bok to spend a night as his mother wished Geum Bok too. In Woo officially addressed Eun Shil as "Mother-in-law"


The talk Mal Ja had with Geum Bok was a touching one. Mal Ja told Geum Bok that she was finally her daughter-in-law. Mal Ja recalled in this bedroom that she and Geum Bok spent many night crying for Eun Shil. Geum Bok said if it wasn't for Mal Ja she would not be able to withstand it as she did not even know whether her mother was dead or alive. Mal Ja told Geum Bok whether Eun Shil was around or not, Geum Bok will always be her daughter in her heart, just as In Woo will be a son to Eun Shil. Mal Ja said that will be the way they will live now and all the sadness was to be forgotten.


Q: YR has gone to GS's flat per MY's instructions (how did she get the door code?)

A: The door code is Moon Hyung's birth date. Ye Ryung probably guessed that already.



Probably Eun Shil's voice saying that after Geum Bok's wedding, they will formally charged (the ladies) for the crimes.

Mi Yeon told Moon Hyung the only way they could carry on living will be with Kim Kyung Soo

Geum Bok told her father she will stay on as she had much to do.

Kyung Soo got attacked while Mi Yeon and Ye Ryung in a car rushing towards him. His bodyguard tried to move him out of harm's way

Kyung Soo said he will released out the black box file

Eun Shil asked Kyung Soo what his decision will be?


Note: The interpretation is best based on the limited understanding of the language

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Thank you for the trans..

Again MY has messed up. MY puts on a sob story for GS and just when he is considering it she sends YR in to try to steal the information and YR gets busted. Next she tells MH that they can only survive with GS. Well no that is not true. MH can survive with GS because it is his father and MH has done no wrong. MY on the other hand did plenty of wrong to this man and others and still continues to do so. Then we see her trying to run down GS with YR in the car. I do not think that will make the man consider her false tears of wanting to live as MH's mother anymore. She almost had him and then she does things like this. I honestly do not know what she is thinking. Had she stayed in her place and let her words work on GS she may have gotten him to go along. As it stands now not only did she try to steal the information but she tried to run him down to get it.

RH should know by now that IW was already going after her and marrying GB was not going to stop that. Being apart of that family does nothing except allow him to say its for his wife and MIL.

The fact that ES says they will formally charge them after the wedding is foolish. Charge them now. As it stands they will have time I bet to stop that wedding delaying what they think is IW getting into the family and going after them and ES reporting them or their being formally charged.

For me I say go to it YR, MY and RH because that wedding is a farce anyway and should not be happening! Do your worst.

As for MJ we always knew she wanted GB as her DIL. MJ hated when they broke up mad at GB never finding out what really happen to make her do so. Then she hated to see GB with MH and to give her blessing. So for me of course she would jump on this train wreck because she gets what she wanted again. GB was already like a daughter to her she was the mother in place of ES while ES was gone. There is no need to go this route. Again this is about what her and her son always wanted and that is for MJ's son to marry her best friends daughter GB. Also marrying IW does not take away all the sadness. Clearing up all the mess MY made and exposing it then taking time to emotionally recover as well as work on forgiving will do that not marrying IW.

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aI would like to believe the wedding is a farce but its not...i think the drama should have ended 10episodes ago. Iw marrying gb in order to get my...thats the biggest myth period...he is doing this simple to drive the knife deeper into mh.

Ive said this again and again es is the most retarded person ever..an old saying "Counting your chickens too soon". Something is going to happen...iw way to happy he finally gets his last laugh all the while not a single person has shown a single ounce of concern for mh.

28 years tj knew mh as his son and he has done squat to give him comfort. Es doesn't have a pot to pee in claiming mh as hers and then doing everything thats destroying his sanity.

the only way my and es will stop is when mh is hurt realy bad.

but it looks like iw will get gb afterall.

btw....what exactly are they going to charge my with? It happened on foreign soil....

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Although I don't understand most of what the people are saying, I've continued watching this drama from the beginning to now. However, I've come to the realization that the whole drama is based around the events that happened in the beginning of the story, it's just going round and round with the three nasty women weaving their web of lies. Amazing how the writer could drag this story this far, to 100+ episodes! Enough already.....lock them up, with no chance to get out the way YR is out! I'm soooooo sick of their nonsense, and GB being with IW is ridiculous! I almost choked watching her having that tender love scene.....wow, amazing what you can do in Kdrama land! How many more episodes are there? I've come to the realization that watching dailies isn't the best thing, cuz the middle part always seems to get dragged out WAY MORE than it should be, and makes the drama become tiresome!

I keep waiting for some bright spot in MH's life.....right now he is really, the most pitiful character.  With an evil mom, stupid fake grandmother, evil fake wife, and a woman who loved him but can't see the forest for the trees.

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EDIT: @MaraT there are 12 more episodes left. The drama is scheduled to end on December 11.

@Triton823 I agree with you. If I were ES, I'd be too embarrased to say that I am MH's mother. If she and TJ really thought of MH as a member of their family, why didn't they talk to him and ask him how he's doing? Why didn't they invite him to that pre-marriage family meeting? Because it would make everyone uncomfortable? Because they think it would hurt MH? If that's the case, then why are they still pushing through with this wedding now? Can't it wait a few months?

For the record, I would have been fine with GB and IW ending up together after the dust settles, but pushing for the wedding right now feels wrong to me. It feels forced, ill-motivated and inconsiderate. 

@Jackie1048 thank you for the translations! Lol, I love the way you put this  "I know the general sentiments of this forum ... so don't shoot the translator ..."  :D  

@Ldy Gmerm thank you for the recap and videos. At this point I think GB would have married IW even without that promise in the hospital. She loves him and feels indebted for all that he and MJ have done for her. Like you and @lclarakl, I am also not at all convinced that she's in love with him in a romantic sense. However, the GB in today's episode seemed pretty convinced of that herself. There was no hesitation in that kiss. 

In MJ's defense, she did eventually accept MH in spite of IW being her son. (That to me was one of the most touching scenes in this drama.) I think she is unaware of all that's going on with MY at the moment, so she's just going by what she sees, and GB appears to be happy and willing. 
I totally agree with you that IW would be going after MY and RH full force regardless of this marriage.

I agree with @gerrytan8063 that GB and MH seem over now. Even if the GB-IW wedding doesn't go through, I think that there's no way for MH and GB to be a couple again. Even though I really wanted to see them together at the end, I simply cannot imagine it happening after today's episode. GB has gone too far with IW.

I say good for MH. He can do much better. The silver lining of all this mess with his mother is that GB's marriage must be pretty low on his priority list.

I think MH's voiceover from the preview says that he'll become independent(독립), which I guess (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) means that he's moving out. Does that also mean that he'll ask to be removed from TJ's family registry? @Jackie1048 I think the last thing ES said to GS was a suggestion to take his hands off (손떼다, remove himself from this matter).I think she's saying that because knows that he's conflicted about MH, and she's probably also worried about his safety. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all the folks who are celebrating tomorrow!

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Mh will remove himself fromthe registry....not one has even spared a thought for how my must be feeling....to find out that the family you thought you had was not, lost the one true love in his life....the dude is suffer far worse than gb ever did at least she had someone....mh has not a single person to rely on.

the marriage is definitely forced and I just love how everyone has forgotten how much go loved mh for them to abandon him like that.if the plot don't get more logical I'm dropping this crap....charging my for something she did in another country....come on there is no way in hell Korean courts will try that!

they introduced my father crime....again taking way from the true villain. The writer has definitely dropped the bomb. to the notion of is going after yr/my/rh technically he would not be able to as that would be conflict of interest.

up to ep 100 this was a great drama but it rapidly went into the "crazy" area quickly.

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@Triton823, I wholeheartedly agree with you......it's going downhill!  I initially loved GB, but not now that she seems willing to be with IW. I mean, show me something believable, at least. All this time she obviously still cared for MH, and all of a sudden she's in love with IW? Crazy!  This is what I mean about dailies......maybe because it's so long, the writers get all pressured and run out of ideas, so they keep spinning the same yarn in a hundred different ways! Sigh.......I WAS really enjoying it at first....like many other dailies.....but somehow it's not sustainable! 

I also don't understand.....so halmoni is allowing ES and TJ to live together like man and wife, since MY wont let TJ divorce her? Korean culture is so complicated! Lol. Even the whole marriage meeting thing. But I guess it makes sense to meet before the wedding.  My son's in laws requested that we meet them prior to the wedding, too. Nothing formal, though....although now that I think about it, we were faced off like how they do it in the dramas! Seems funny!!!!

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The fact Moon Hyung removed himself from Tae Joong's family will also stopped Mi Yeon for harbouring any desire on the company and whatever else she "thought" should be hers. One, it will also stopped Ye Ryung's delusion of being TS Group's daughter in law even though her marriage is never registered. And now the only child in TS group is a female. Two, the fact he is not in the family ... also meant he is no longer Geum Bok's brother.

It will be a very long shot for Geum Bok to be with Moon Hyung. Granted, the two women did not want to disclose what his mother had done for fear of hurting him but knowing Mi Yeon trying to kill of your mother and Moon Hyung's grandfather chased your own maternal grandfather to his death ... just hoped that the truth does not kill him off first.

Mi Yeon is just a desperate woman and grasping on straws. Those goons she had gathered to help her "cause" just got thrown out of the office when Tae Joong arrived and rattled some legal jargon on them. Mi Yeon running down her son's own birth father is a stupid move and it will just swing everything to Eun Shil and Geum Bok's favour.

It is not the fault of the characters as it is the writers who put the words into their speech.

When my husband and I decided to get marry, we also set a parents meeting. Mind you our parents had never meet each other before that meeting. However, it was just an formal announcement as we took care of the wedding expenses ourselves. We did not have the mothers meeting up discuss the wedding plans as there was no dowry/wedding gift demands involved.

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I disagree full heartedly with some of you....remember iw/gb were in a relationship well before es disappeared...only at the sight of mh showing interest in gb and gb flat out rejected mh....iw started to get jealous and controlling it was during that time he started to listen to yr and her pack of lies and thats when things turned for the worse for iw/gb.

Would gb still marry iw? That answer is a resounding hell no. Iw even tried to force gb to give up working at the company which she refused. Iw problem and it still is....he is using the fact that mh is currently gb brother and granny wants to pimp gb to him...he is using this situation for all the wrong reason.

As to the scene this morning...it wasn't a romantic,"I want you to father my children" bs kind of kiss. It was more of a grateful passionate kiss. Gb i believe is doing this out of honor and not love because the previous episodes show gb and her mother were completely blindsided by the marriage thing.

Will also point out iw did not waste anytime getting back in once it was reveal who gb daddy was! Anyone else seen that?

As to gb/mh being fin....hold your cow poke partner....my father crimes if you will notice is no longer being talked or discussed. They are focused on my crimes....that again will mention happened in a foreign country.

This drama could have simply ended with tj forcing a divorce on my by suing her for fraud....i am not liking how the grandmother is allowing es and tj to be together while tj being married....that is just wrong....my might be evil but that is just low.

Back to my boy mh...tj should have corrected the registry because that is the right thing to do, but es also needs to keep her trap shut because she owes gs a hell of a lot for saving her sorry richard simmons in japan. Gs has done what he needed so really she shouldn't be acting like shes boss when she herself owes gs a life debt! How will she repay him? Sparing his sons feelings bs? The woman is beyond stupid as is most people around him. Gs is getting the sense that all is not right with mh all the while everyone else is trying to destroy one another!

How is es going to save mh from pain when shes trying to destroy my!? Thats his freaking mother!

I see mh getting hurt really bad in fact i want him to die simple to put an end to this crappy ending the writer is taking us. Its the only way to stop both my and es in that there revenge needs to hurt someone who is completely innocent in all this to humble themselves.

rant is over....still not feeling right with how royally ************* up this drama has taken.

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Another filler episode for us.. but we all expected it.

Video for Episode 114:

YR is busted in GS's flat and tries to say she brought a gift which he does not buy. He sees a active call on her phone and takes it and puts it on Speaker to hear MY asking her if she found the black box data. He looks at her and hangs up dragging her out.

GS drags YR to MY's office tel and threatens to drag her jail if they do not tell who put her up to coming to his flat. RH tries to hold onto her but GS says if they will not admit it YR is going back to jail. Of course YR is shaking like a leaf looking scared and RH looks over at MY and say something but GS is not having excuses and she finally admits that MY perhaps sent them to get the black box data and MY says something and the scatter leaving.

MY runs her mouth about wanting that black box data. GS in his foolishness asks her how she became this way that she use to be a person that would own up and take her punishment if she did wrong. (Poor deluded GS, MY really had him snowed for so many years. MY was never the type of person he either thought she was or wanted her to be. MY is exactly as he sees her now and always has been, selfish, greedy, cold, egotistical and self centered. She cares about no one but to save herself and that includes even her son and GS. He almost let her fool him but her actions stopped that.

RH and YR come back later and tell MY about MH being at GB's family meeting for the marriage and she is shocked and upset. OF course you know what this means. Go crash this event with no respect. She also tells her about the black box video and audio is the full video from the accident showing everything including their faces. MY , RH and YR are all worried as they thought ES only had part of it or the only copy.


MH is sitting at the table looking uncomfy. Then she proceeds to tell MJ that she wants IW to move in to their house after the marriage. MJ is stunned that this woman is wanting her son to go to his wife's home instead of hers. You can see that MJ is devestated since she wanted GB her DIL in her home. MJ makes a comment about MH and GB living together. Granny goes on about their living as siblings and we can see again how upset MH is. TJ says something to his mother and she replies ES only gives a token comment and Granny again imposes her words on everyone and we see her begging MJ to let IW move in with them instead. (So disrespectful in my opinion.I am truly disappointed that no one tells this woman no or where to get off.) While MH looks like he is about to cry MY bust in. MY goes on about why is MH there and he should not be and ES says something about her son maybe or tells her to leave and then TJ gets up saying something trying to tel lher and to try to drag her out and she continues yelling and screaming about MH being there for this situation and granny makes a comment and of course TJ can't seem to pull this small woman out as she rages like a shrew. Everyone then looks uncomfy after MY's exit.

TJ drags her outside and say something to her and she replies and he says something else and turns to go and sees MH standing there looking very sad. He walks over to say something to him and MH looks at him

 MH and MY go to a cafe and this witch say they only way they can live now is with GS. MH just looks at her. This woman is too much. She just had someone break into GS's flat to steal the evidence he has on her and she thinks this man would want her. He will want MH but not her.GS comes in and over to the table and she says something getting up.

ES and GS meet up at the company and talk about the USB and ES suggest maybe he stands down as MH is his weakness. Meanwhile YR has made her way back into the company (not sure how or why) and is listening to them talk about the USB and filing it after the wedding perhaps. GS gets a call and walks off and MY comes walking up and we see YR trying to stop her from talking to stop her from talking to ES but she does not see her and MY say something to ES and she replies and MY is trying to bargain with ES only for YR to call her from where she is hiding to tell her to meet her. GS walks back up and we see MY looking at them both. (It really interest me how she thinks this man will take her and her son in after what she has done.)

YR later tells MY what she heard at the office tel and they plot on how to get that USB from GS.

MY calls her fathers men to find out where GS is and she sets up a way to divert him so they can get the USB.

GS comes out and is attacked by the thugs but he fights back dropping his brief case and and we see MY and YR watching from the car and MY guns the engine and Loan Shark Minion grabs him out the way and they pull up and take the USB that has fallen out on the ground and YR gets out and grabs it and they see her and they get in the car and drive off with GS and Loan shark minion chasing them and YR telling MY to hurry MIL (why is she still calling her mother in law.) and they speed out the parking garage. GS tells the Loan shark minion to prolly get the car he knows where they are going.

MH is sitting in his office and gets a recording sent to his phone and he plays it. It is a conversation between ES and MY and he looks up.

MY and YR come in to RH waiting and she asks if they have it and YR says yes showing it and they sit down and look at it all shocked as you can clearly see MY and RH's face in the car at the accident and GS banging on the door. (HE should have had management there with a key and the police. This was stupid.)


Es stops MY's car in the packing garage at the wedding and is dragging her out with her voice in the background. MH meets ES and GS outside the office tell and looks upset as he says something about either MY or ES and looks about to cry. (Has he finally found out the truth and can't face ES.) RH and YR dare to be at the wedding venue and meet with MY and she has her hand out for the USB and RH looks at YR. Someone holds the USB out. RH is holding MY back from getting to YR (yeah MY they are now double crossing you  no way will they give up that piece of evidence if they can keep it and profit.) as MY fights. RH and YR are snatched into a black van by some men in black suits, (Ok who has grabbed these two?) and they are thrown around in the van. RH and YR dare to walking to the wedding hall with sunglasses. MY comes to stand behind RH and YR who are at the back of the wedding hall and she gives their backs a look. TJ, his mother and sister are all smiling and clapping as GB is walked down the aisle by ES as we see others from the office there and ES saying thank you to someone.

Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

I find myself strangely calm about this wedding because I have a feeling something is going to go on .. But we will see. If not it will be a matter of them not registering but we will see.

@jackie1048 thanks for the trans.

@gerrytan8063 thanks for the trans and jumping in as well.

Everyone in the states.. please have a safe holiday and take care..

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Gotta agree....general kdrama dont have heroine wedding until after the bad guys are in prison not while they are free doing whatever. Because we've all seen how tj, gb, and tj have all abandoned mh all the while saying he is their son bs and not shown a single ounce of concern with what is going on with mh

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Today I felt that MY was justified in her being mad about MH being at that meeting. But I also felt she should have said what she needed to later to TJ and ES and even MH. Her behavior has been the main reason why things have turned out this way for MH. She just can not act like she has any decorum or class.

MY had no reason to really barge into that family meeting. She has been disrespectful at every function MH has tried to be included in. But as it stands now she has embarrassed him at every turn. But she keeps saying she is doing things for him. MY needs to stop doing things for MH because she has made him look bad time and time again.. The phrase "a reflection of me comes to mind." MH is innocent of all wrong doing by MY's actions have tarnished him by association because he is her son. And no matter how many times he tells her to stop or stand down she will not listen.

Well once he finds out the truth he will let go of that family finally. He has lost his place in it due to MY's actions and crazy Halmeoni's. It's too bad because they made a big production out of this meeting when they know it was wrong. None of this should have gone on until after everything was cleared up. Perhaps when MH had the chance to leave.

I keep thinking things will not go as planned on Friday.This wedding was just too rushed. but then I could just be wrong. ES thinks IW can keep GB safe or stop her from continuing on with her revenge she really does not know her stubborn daughter.  We have already established that GB is an idiot, IW is selfish, TJ is blind, ES is ineffective, and Halmeoni is selfish and greedy.

I see one more big crazy moment from MY (and her crazy sidekick YR possibly) when she finds out that her son has gone independent from her and TJ.  She will blame this on TJ for not wanting to keep him when it was not TJ that caused this mess. MY did. She wanted him to keep MH but keep her too and TJ wanted her gone and because of that she tried to take and if she could not take she tried to ruin.

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I'm sorry, but this episode just was the end for me. I can't take it any more. I think I'm catch the last episode, but this really went to ridiculous. I have to say that GB is a fickle woman. All those old scenes during the wedding made no sense to me.  

I'm so sick of seeing people pulling people in every episode.

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