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1 hour ago, ditditdutdut said:

I dunno, I found Bora a bit petty in how she treated Minsoo, especially when she snubbed Minsoo's offer to Seol to sit next to her. That was pretty mean, especially since this was before they found the lion plushie among Minsoo's belongings.It wouldn't kill them to have been nicer to Minsoo who was obviously just a bit infatuated with Seol.

On another note, oh my god, now I know why Jung and Seol are meant to be together. Seol needs to learn some manipulation tactics from Jung!! I love the contrast of how Seol and Jung handle their group members, Seol employing hard confrontation with Sangchul while Jung sweet talks his way to Minsoo's heart. I'm really excited to see how Jung is planning to tackle Minsoo. Seol should really learn a thing or two about covert politics from Jung. On the other hand, I also really liked the implication that Jung should learn some compassion from Seol. This was nicely illustrated in the first scene with Inho. It seems that Jung has the best intention for Inho, but can't stop being so condescending about it. He needs to learn to be more sincere and simple. Seol needs to teach him to use his heart.

I agree with your comment. cheetah

I felt that Bora was tactless and rude towards MS the whole time. Later, when Bora did call her a thief after discovering the lion, MS' reaction was predictable. Like YG said, the louder you are, the more support you'll get! By calling her a thief, Bora put MS under pressure! To conclude, Bora's behaviour pushed MS into a corner... and we all know, the more you push someone into a corner, the neastier the latter will become! I am not justifying MS' behaviour at all, but Bora needs to learn to control her emotions! 

Therefore Eun Taek and Bora have something in common. They are both more emotional and they don't think about the consequences of their behaviour. Instead of helping HS, Bora put HS in a more awkward situation. Eun Taek made the same mistake. Instead of waiting for the pictures, he started hitting YG. He didn't think, just like Bora didn't think about the consequences of her actions.

Nevertheless, I couldn't help myself laughing because of MS' stupidity! She is so naive that she didn't even realise that YG used her!

To me, the most dangerous person is indeed YG! I consider him as the negative version of YJ. Why? First, they share many things: pride, resent, violence, oversensitivity! Besides, we all said that YJ has always been able to manipulate people and in the last episode, we saw f. ex. YJ compliments MS for her work, but he gives her the better documents and gives her instructions but what he wants is a good work!! In the episode 8, YG's skill for manipulating people were quite impressive:

- the fight with ET

- the apologies he got from ET and after that, ET has been kind of harassed by his sunbaes!

- MS

- his stupid girlfriend DY

Now, I will explain why I consider him as the negative version of YJ:

- YG stalked HS #  YJ did follow HS after discovering her true personality but he always accepted her refusals for a meal or he kept his distance from her (episode 3), when he noticed that she was so depressed. although some people considered it as stalking, he always kept his distance from her as he was well aware she had a wrong idea from him: so he always showed respect towards HS.

- YG notices MS' bad behaviour and he encourages her to keep doing it! So when he notices that someone has done wrong, he will push this person to keep doing misdeeds!! We saw that YJ is quite the opposite. When someone does something wrong, for YJ, this person should take his responsabilities and face the consequences! But YG is using it for his own "interests"!! YJ did it for HS' sake, but it was because he wanted to help her!!   

- Both can't forgive so easily! His pride was hurt at the baseball game and now he wants to hurt YJ and HS to get revenged! He thinks of himself as a victim! YJ will also retaliate, if he sees himself as a victim. Nonetheless YJ was indeed a victim from Assistent Tae, SC and others, while YG never was...

- YG is really brutal and violent, like YJ. Yet there is a huge difference: YJ showed his dark side after witnessing his girlfriend to get hurt. His emotions took control over him, but he was perfectly stable in the sense, he used his brain to catch the pervert. Here, YG is quite different: he doesn't think straight (f. ex. the way he harassed HS) and it wasn't for a sense of self-administred justice. He wanted to fill his needs!

- YG was chasing many female students on the campus # YJ was chased by the female students. Yet both want to feel being loved. While YG is delusional and chased every single woman in order to get it, YJ stayed calm and quiet, until he discovered HS' true personality. From that moment, he realised that HS was a very tender and genuine person, whereas the other thought, she showed some concern that meant, she would like him. Interesting is that YJ and YG started getting interested in HS after HS had taken care of them both. 

Although the latter doesn't show his inner thoughts and emotions, YG is quite the opposite. He can't hide his true feelings very well in front of others. The way he showed his anger at the baseball game was quite revealing. YJ was indeed the better man: both got injured and insulted, but YJ never got upset and yelled at YG!

To conclude, YJ is definitely the better man because his feelings for HS are genuine, while YG lives in his own world of delusions. He doesn't love HS in real, although he wants her to go back to him, after YJ and HS break up! Interesting is that YG thought, YJ was two-timing, while in reality, YG would be the one to two-time, if he had to console HS and he would still go out with DY! He was projecting his own motives into YJ's personality. 

This took me a while to write it down... but I am quite sure, there is more to it! So feel free to add more ideas about YG being the negative version of YJ!!       

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I am really surprised by number of people defending MinSeol and seeing reason in her behavior :o Do you people not know how dangerous the world can be LOL. MinSeol is a ticking time bomb. If Seol does not turn up to school Monday, I would know who dun it and I'm not even joking. I am 100% serious that people like her literally kill the person they stalk and have become so obsessed with because just as easily and quickly we saw MinSeol fawn over Seol and put her on a pedestal, she easily and quickly threw Seol off and turned her into the enemy why? Because Seol wouldn't have lunch with her? There are whole ID Investigation series about people like MinSeol who have murdered the people they greatly admired. There are hundreds of celebrities around the world (I make this comparison because some called her a hardcore fan of Seol's) who have been murdered by "fans" who "adored" them in the same way MinSeol does Seol. Just off the top of my head, the tragic killing of the Spanish singer Selena.

I am honestly baffled by how some people can't see what a real danger and threat MinSeol is. Okay so she just wants to be friends with Seol. Do people not see how...*tries to think of a nice word*....abnormal it is that Minsoo can't take/accept rejection? That she has slowly taken it a notch further each time Seol has said "no" to her. It's honestly truly frightening to see MinSeol dress like Seol, dye her hair like Seol, steal Seol's possessions, want to eat with Seol, and befriend her. Because that is not where it all begins and ends with this girl. Fine she wants to be "friends" with Seol did she really have to copy Seol's style, and dye her hair just like Seol's in order to do that? Bora's is Seol's friend yet she has her own self identity and is not trying to be or take over Seol's. It's not really about Seol, it's about the fact that MinSeol is using Seol to fulfill something that is missing in her life that honestly Seol can't fulfill (because homegirl needs psychological help and learn to fill that...void herself). So once they had become friends and whatever MinSeol was looking for Seol to complete but can't, where did you guys imagine this "friendship" ending? It would have never been enough, it would have escalated. MinSeol would have needed more and more and more and too much that Seol wouldn't be able to accomplish and just it would have ended in the death of Seol!!

Some are comparing MinSeol's behavior to extreme hardcore fans umm, being such a fan is not a good nor healthy thing. Those types of fans in real life need help and are no "fans" at all. Being called a "stan" of someone is not a good thing at all. Have some people listened to the song 'Stan' by Eminem or even seen the music video? Have you guys read the book or seen the movie 'Misery' by Stephen King. Those are horror stories about obsessive fans who take that fan "love, admiration, let me just love you" waaay too far because they are delusional and unhinged in their heads. They easily blured fiction and reality (and boy does MinSeol do that) and all that love so quickly and easily turned to hate because they couldn't handle the rejection, they couldn't handle the reality that did not fit the fantasy that they had built (and MinSeol has built a fantasy in her head of who Seol is and the friendship -which they never had- which she believes they had. Then let's not even go in on the fantasy she builds of Jung and Seol's relationship and her own with Joon -how were you people not scared/creepied out when she slyly took that picture of Joon?-). They lash out, they retaliate, and they hurt the person they proclaimed to love all so much (which we will soon see MinSeol do to Seol). All of it ends one way DEATH BY THE HANDS OF YOUR EVER LOVING FAN, STAN!

Bora was in the right to have kept Seol away from MinSeol. I'm not joking when I say I don't even know how Seol has not been killed yet. Did the girl not learn anything from her one nice gesture to crazy as get all Younggon. Don't get me wrong, I hate to victim blame and I'm not trying to do it here. However after knowing how obsessed Younggon was with Bora and that idiot who is now his girlfriend and many the female population on campus, and also seeing this out burst and the degree of it during the basketball game...WHY IN THE WORLD DID SEOL SEEK HIM OUT TO COMFORT HIM AND DO A NICE GESTURE!?!?! If I was Jung and I saw that, after everything that had transpired, I would think she likes him too because if not WTF is wrong with Seol? Why is she being friendly towards someone is "stalking" her friend and showed his true colors on the basketball court. My momma taught me how to avoid danger okay. I would not talk, eat, sit next to, or do nothing with a girl who is dressing like me. Stealing my things and lying about it, and then causing a scene attacking me and playing me to be in the wrong when it's her....okay looney tunes, imma let you be least you throw gasoline on me and set me on fire and then cry over my ashes about all you did was want to love me and that I brought it onto my self because, "I just wanted to be you friend".

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@MrsSoJiSub You're right! MS is indeed dangerous because she is mentally unstable! The problem is after Bora upset her, MS ran right into YG who could manipulate her so easily! He had noticed that she was upset! People who are mentally unstable shouldn't get upset! Like I said, if you push someone into a corner, this person will become more dangerous! So if she hadn't been mad, YG would have had less difficulties to manipulate her! 

Now, we can see that MS will try to replace HS in the end... I am really eager to see how YJ will put an end to it!!

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'Cheese In the Trap' actors share their thoughts now that filming has ended


tvN's beloved drama with equally beloved characters and a relatable plot, 'Cheese In the Trap,' wrapped up filming recently. Don't freak out though, because the drama is still far from over! We have to know what happens between Yoo Jung and Seol, and of course, the troublemaker Baek siblings. And we will find out in due time as there are still about nine more episodes of the series left.

The main actors relayed how they feel now after the drama recently wrapped up principal filming in Seoul's Gangnam District. Park Hae Jin said, "There are still many episodes left but we have finished filming. Please continue to watch to drama from now on," and Seo Kang Jun added, "We really had fun filming for three to four months. It's regrettable to part ways [from the drama] and since the show is still airing, I don't want to create the atmosphere that we're saying goodbye." 

Kim Go Eun, who plays the adorable female lead, relayed, "Because we started filming before the show started, we wrapped it up early. It was great that we were loved a lot. I hope you all enjoy the show." Lee Sung Kyung also expressed how she feels now that filming is over, saying, "Please show us a lot of love because there are still many episodes left. We really had fun filming and I don't think I ever had this much fun on set.







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At first I was a bit conflicted about MS because she was harmIess in the beginning. I felt bad for her because she seemed like a nice person, but her actions now are making me extremely uncomfortable. I had a friend who had to transfer schools because the same thing happened to her. The other girl copied her styling, mannerism, and even dyed her hair to look like her. It was extremely frightening because she didn't seem to understand why everyone was uncomfortable with her behavior. There are ways to get to close to people without making them uncomfortable or afraid.

Now MS believes everything YG is feeding her because she's finally getting attention. Her thought process is "If HS who isn't nice/pretty/rich/popular can do it so can I" but the reality is she being manipulated by YG. Her thought process is warped that even HS depending herself makes HS "not a nice person" thus excusing her behavior. MS completely ignored the Bora and Kyunghwan openly confronting him about his lack of participation and how they would no longer put up with it. But all she heard was HS threatening to remove his name from the group.

Highlight of the episode: HS, Bora and Kyunghwan standing up to the useless parasite who is always getting free rides.

That teamwork




The kisses were awesome too. I forgot it was tvN :lol:

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25 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I am really surprised by number of people defending MinSeol and seeing reason in her behavior :o Do you people not know how dangerous the world can be LOL. MinSeol is a ticking time bomb. If Seol does not turn up to school Monday, I would know who dun it and I'm not even joking. I am 100% serious that people like her literally kill the person they stalk and have become so obsessed with because just as easily and quickly we saw MinSeol fawn over Seol and put her on a pedestal, she easily and quickly threw Seol off and turned her into the enemy why? Because Seol wouldn't have lunch with her? There are whole ID Investigation series about people like MinSeol who have murdered the people they greatly admired. There are hundreds of celebrities around the world (I make this comparison because some called her a hardcore fan of Seol's) who have been murdered by "fans" who "adored" them in the same way MinSeol does Seol. Just off the top of my head, the tragic killing of the Spanish singer Selena.

I am honestly baffled by how some people can't see what a real danger and threat MinSeol is. Okay so she just wants to be friends with Seol. Do people not see how...*tries to think of a nice word*....abnormal it is that Minsoo can't take/accept rejection? That she has slowly taken it a notch further each time Seol has said "no" to her. It's honestly truly frightening to see MinSeol dress like Seol, dye her hair like Seol, steal Seol's possessions, want to eat with Seol, and befriend her. Because that is not where it all begins and ends with this girl. Fine she wants to be "friends" with Seol did she really have to copy Seol's style, and dye her hair just like Seol's in order to do that? Bora's is Seol's friend yet she has her own self identity and is not trying to be or take over Seol's. It's not really about Seol, it's about the fact that MinSeol is using Seol to fulfill something that is missing in her life that honestly Seol can't fulfill (because homegirl needs psychological help and learn to fill that...void herself). So once they had become friends and whatever MinSeol was looking for Seol to complete but can't, where did you guys imagine this "friendship" ending? It would have never been enough, it would have escalated. MinSeol would have needed more and more and more and too much that Seol wouldn't be able to accomplish and just it would have ended in the death of Seol!!

Some are comparing MinSeol's behavior to extreme hardcore fans umm, being such a fan is not a good nor healthy thing. Those types of fans in real life need help and are no "fans" at all. Being called a "stan" of someone is not a good thing at all. Have some people listened to the song 'Stan' by Eminem or even seen the music video? Have you guys read the book or seen the movie 'Misery' by Stephen King. Those are horror stories about obsessive fans who take that fan "love, admiration, let me just love you" waaay too far because they are delusional and unhinged in their heads. They easily blured fiction and reality (and boy does MinSeol do that) and all that love so quickly and easily turned to hate because they couldn't handle the rejection, they couldn't handle the reality that did not fit the fantasy that they had built (and MinSeol has built a fantasy in her head of who Seol is and the friendship -which they never had- which she believes they had. Then let's not even go in on the fantasy she builds of Jung and Seol's relationship and her own with Joon -how were you people not scared/creepied out when she slyly took that picture of Joon?-). They lash out, they retaliate, and they hurt the person they proclaimed to love all so much (which we will soon see MinSeol do to Seol). All of it ends one way DEATH BY THE HANDS OF YOUR EVER LOVING FAN, STAN!

Bora was in the right to have kept Seol away from MinSeol. I'm not joking when I say I don't even know how Seol has not been killed yet. Did the girl not learn anything from her one nice gesture to crazy as get all Younggon. Don't get me wrong, I hate to victim blame and I'm not trying to do it here. However after knowing how obsessed Younggon was with Bora and that idiot who is now his girlfriend and many the female population on campus, and also seeing this out burst and the degree of it during the basketball game...WHY IN THE WORLD DID SEOL SEEK HIM OUT TO COMFORT HIM AND DO A NICE GESTURE!?!?! If I was Jung and I saw that, after everything that had transpired, I would think she likes him too because if not WTF is wrong with Seol? Why is she being friendly towards someone is "stalking" her friend and showed his true colors on the basketball court. My momma taught me how to avoid danger okay. I would not talk, eat, sit next to, or do nothing with a girl who is dressing like me. Stealing my things and lying about it, and then causing a scene attacking me and playing me to be in the wrong when it's her....okay looney tunes, imma let you be least you throw gasoline on me and set me on fire and then cry over my ashes about all you did was want to love me and that I brought it onto my self because, "I just wanted to be you friend".

No :P .. 


can't see.. 


because just as people are too quick to jump to YJ's defense on psychotic behavior..people are being judgemental abt MS.. a total whacko is YG.. 


btw, do u mean selena gomez? that is internet hoax!

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2 hours ago, ditditdutdut said:

I dunno, I found Bora a bit petty in how she treated Minsoo, especially when she snubbed Minsoo's offer to Seol to sit next to her. That was pretty mean, especially since this was before they found the lion plushie among Minsoo's belongings.It wouldn't kill them to have been nicer to Minsoo who was obviously just a bit infatuated with Seol.

On another note, oh my god, now I know why Jung and Seol are meant to be together. Seol needs to learn some manipulation tactics from Jung!! I love the contrast of how Seol and Jung handle their group members, Seol employing hard confrontation with Sangchul while Jung sweet talks his way to Minsoo's heart. I'm really excited to see how Jung is planning to tackle Minsoo. Seol should really learn a thing or two about covert politics from Jung. On the other hand, I also really liked the implication that Jung should learn some compassion from Seol. This was nicely illustrated in the first scene with Inho. It seems that Jung has the best intention for Inho, but can't stop being so condescending about it. He needs to learn to be more sincere and simple. Seol needs to teach him to use his heart.

i thought YJ just wanted In Ho out of HS's life..and hence not the offer to help him study..but straight send abroad.. :P


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i have watched the episodes, and i can think at only 3 things:

1. Why there are so many psychos?? YG and MS, what a couple .. At the beginning i thought that MS was only a girl who is a little awkward, but wow!! She has become HS2 and she thinks HS is copying her? I would have react the same as BR i would have already ran for my life. YG is a manipulative psycho stalker: i admit he is really good in manipulating people. I don't know who is more dangerous between YG and MS...

2. I liked the drunk scene more than the actual kiss scene: when he says "it's too noisy" or something like that and puts his head on HS's shoulder.. that scene was pure love :heart: another thing i like of their relationship is that HS thinks something and YJ completes her thoughts *^*.

3. A weird question, not so important: Why the drama is called Cheese in the Trap? :huh:

IH is too cute.. When HS asked him if he had ever envied someone and he replyed no, i think he was lying.. For me he is a little jealous of YJ, or at least this was what i thought when YJ met HS's parents.


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6 hours ago, honeywell said:

Oh my.  R1988 has definitely gave a lot of people trust issues and what not. I say let that one go.  That was one bad dream.   But doesn't this series follow the webtoon like practically in it's entirety?  Just curious how much backlash would the series get if Sol ends up with IH?  I don't think they would go that route as I feel like the end part will probably focus on Jung's redemption and Jung and Baek siblings coming to terms.  

For the webtoon readers, did it ever make it  clear why Jung asked Sol to date so abrubtly?  It happened so fast in the series.  Was it this fast in the webtoon too?


You can say that again... Ugh. Started watching CiTT to get over one drama and I'm having the same issues again :-(

1. My concern lies in the fact that the webtoon is not yet complete but the drama shooting has been wrapped up???? So how did they complete shooting when the webtoon itself is still incomplete. It makes me think that perhaps the writers wrote their own ending? And that makes me anxious!!!!

correct me if I am wrong plzzz

2. I get where the plot in going as explained by many webtoon readers here and that there is quite a bit to cover in the drama. Fine. BUT THE END...WHAT WILL BE THE END?? I mean they are dating already , building their relationship through the ups and downs and what not ( which is great really) but the end is always impactful like BANG!( you know what I mean...? :-/ ) but I can't see what that BANG will be in this drama!! (I'm usually good at concocting makjang scenarios, however , in this case I am stuck!! Maybe I'm not creative enough?). 

The whole "fight and make up" has been going on for a while now so that can't be the end. Perhaps getting married ??? I don't see how that can make for a satisfying ending though...it could but hmmm...usually kdramas ( as a matter of fact most rom coms) end with the couple ending up with each other in the last few minutes,  in this case though, we got that at the start ( I am not complaining) so what Will be THE END then?? Ahhhh my head hurts from over thinking!!


I know I know I should just enjoy the flow of the drama...if anyone figures out how to do that without worrying plz plz plz let me know.


This is slightly off topic but not really... @carolinedl


I remember we said r1988 is no makjang drama so our "leads" would defo end up together ...see where that led us to. So it's understandable that many of us won't believe it until we see it ending happily for YJ n HS (I.e. Them together, Happy with each other...just to be clear lols )

Some peeps pointed out the ominous signs, like the  pervert saying those things to YJ, HS dad saying "he is from a diff world" etc. Plus to add to that my own insecurities like 'JUNG' hwan and Yoo 'JUNG'...Also, this drama claims to be "slice of life" ...I.e. Being realistic ...so I am afraid they may pull the whole "this drama is supposed to be a 'family' drama" card. 

sorry I've taken insecurity to a different level now. :-( 




ONE OF My many personal fav moments..



OMG to the BACK HUG scene in the webtoon!!! Ahhhhhhhh I was imagining and re imagining it a million times over!!! (Yes it's my day off today). It is so so so sweet!!! Ah Jung...


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6 hours ago, honeywell said:

Oh my.  R1988 has definitely gave a lot of people trust issues and what not. I say let that one go.  That was one bad dream.   But doesn't this series follow the webtoon like practically in it's entirety?  Just curious how much backlash would the series get if Sol ends up with IH?  I don't think they would go that route as I feel like the end part will probably focus on Jung's redemption and Jung and Baek siblings coming to terms.  

For the webtoon readers, did it ever make it  clear why Jung asked Sol to date so abrubtly?  It happened so fast in the series.  Was it this fast in the webtoon too?

I'm just bracing myself for the worst case scenario. The show is so radical in its portrayal of character dynamics that one feels it could go in a number of ways.

I'm scaring myself witless but it isn't because of THAT OTHER show. I didn't even watch it. :lol:

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I didn't realized that we're half way of the drama :tears: :tears:

I guess it was never true the extension of the drama since they are already done filming. 

Did anyone got goosebumps in the scene? oh my, he was whispering too close to her ear ommmo

tumblr_o1mmpcF4Fx1r3atr7o1_400.gif tumblr_o1mmpcF4Fx1r3atr7o2_400.gif

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 th?id=OIP.M9ea7aa0b16cd4d13469331643d1c6 Image result for cheese in the trap webtoon     Image result for hands playing the piano      

When episode 8 starts you see Jung offering In ho a chance to reclaim his life & his love for the piano back as what would seem to be his last effort.  Although his attempt contains no frills, not cushion,no sugarcoated words for that is who he is often like a robot straight to the point with little or no feeling.  I think though there was a true sense of feeling that crossed between the two of them.  Maybe it's just me but something in their eyes says they both care more than they are able to show. Almost like brothers on the outside anger on the inside In ho wants to understand maybe even accepted or loved by Jung. But Jung doesn't know how to get there or how to show him. Just my take:huh: Which leads into the good-night scene Jung & Seol first a gentle hug wrapped around each other while holding her head softly. You go, no you go exchange it's funny but also what I love about this drama and its writing.  It brings back that feeling of I don't want to let you go or lose sight of you it just feels to good.  You remember that moment, right? That feeling inside that only love can bring. That's why being in love is so amazing!   All I can say about Gon is one word CRAZY!  He drives me crazy from his behavior to his non remorse attitude about his actions, use of anyone while back stabbing everyone along the way.  Minsoo someone who just wanted to be like everyone else, a friend.  Until she got caught in Gon's web although willing she picked the wrong path with the wrong people and continues to make the wrong choices. As for Da Young she just has no taste in men LOL! :lol: During the the drinking scene Jung shows more than once his protective side and his caring for Seol. Before the others join them he reminds her to stay alert to keep him informed right away. Later he drinks for her so that she doesn't have to drink anymore. He is quick minded and stops a public kiss in order to protect her shyness & her honor.  There is a prince under that frog...  Feeling a little good he gives her and us viewers the JUNG SNUGGLE SHOULDER  maybe it should have come with a Warning no wonder she needed some air who wouldn't have???:crazy:  Which brings me to my favorite scene the park bench just the two of them sitting there.  Drinking to much always has a way of pouring out honesty and feelings that are deep within.  He lowers his shield and allows Seol to see his weakness & struggle with never being liked or loved for himself.  Even in this moment he is unsure and asks for her to confirm her feelings along with wanting her to know that he isn't bad and is worthy of being loved....  A first kiss, sweet quick peck that quickly turned  into one full of passion eek!!!  Wow!!:blink: The writers turned up the heat!!  It's a wonder she could even remember to breath let alone find her way home.  No girl would be able to sleep after that LOL!!!:w00t:  Favorite line for most of us I would say "I didn't forget, I remember everything" a few words but loaded with feeling! Everything she dreamed and so much more!!!  Lastly a tender moment between In ho and Soel at the piano made me realize Soel has no idea that through her both Jung & In ho are slowly changing & finding encouragement along with nurturing, for each of them is learning from her by just being beside her.........The thing is she is learning from them too....

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2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@MrsSoJiSub You're right! MS is indeed dangerous because she is mentally unstable! The problem is after Bora upset her, MS ran right into YG who could manipulate her so easily! He had noticed that she was upset! People who are mentally unstable shouldn't get upset! Like I said, if you push someone into a corner, this person will become more dangerous! So if she hadn't been mad, YG would have had less difficulties to manipulate her! 

Now, we can see that MS will try to replace HS in the end... I am really eager to see how YJ will put an end to it!!

See when we say that we are victim blaming. We are blaming the victims Seol and Bora for not giving into MinSeol's desires (because she wants them to be nice to her, she wants them to feel sorry for her as a way of befriending her. emotional manipulation at it's finest) for and being "nice" as to calm down and keep in check the behavior of the perpetrator, MinSeol. Nope, Seol is in no way shape nor form responsible for how MinSeol deals with rejection and accepts unfriendly behavior. Seol has a right to be or to not be friends and say no to whomever she chooses. Let's not forget that before that lion confrontation Seol had tried to nicely and calmly talk with and ask MinSeol about the lion. Seol saw the it, and she friendly asked and even tried to make excuses for MinSeol by saying "oh isn't that mine? did you find it on the floor or something?" that was MinSeol's opportunity to nicely admit that yes she had found it and to give it back. Even during the confrontation, Seol had suggested going somewhere private to talk. She didn't want the class seeing and potentially embarrassing MinSeol should she admit to anything. Seol was being considerate and MinSeol and MinSeol refused that consideration.

Hell Seol was being nice in that moment so MinSeol could have had a laugh and even worked in a lunch date ("oh yeah I found it on the floor after you dropped it the other day *giggle giggle* I been wanting to eat with you or something as an apology to return it. Here *gives lion* can we do that now?') instead the girl in all her delustion and desire to be in the right and make herself the victim; works in her mind that Seol is accusing her of something (this is MinSeol's own guilt speaking here because she knows her reasons for taking the lion in the first place were unpure) and trying to make her look guilty/stupid/a fool/a thief in front of the whole class (again these are MinSeol's own insecurities of herself that she is venting out by pushing on to Seol). The girl is delusional, she doesn't like herself and because she can't attack herself, she attacks Seol instead. She needs professional help not enabling or cuddling of her insecurities and delusions by pity friending her. Furthermore to say "if she hadn't been mad..." again is to victim blame. We are putting the fault and respobsiblity of MinSeol's actions on Seol and Bora when really the only person responsible for those thoughts and actions is MinSeol and MinSeol alone!

To me saying what I quoted is akin to this: "well if you hadn't have been wearing that short skirt, maybe you wouldn't have gotten raped" here, we are blaming a victim of rape and accusing them of causing their own violent crime of loss of power and abuse because of what they wore (this sadly happens all too often in our rape culture world). No it is never anyone's fault for being raped. Blame solely lies in the evil scum that chose to rape because it really doesn't matter what you wear, how much you drink, how you danced, flirted, etc, etc. A person is vile piece of richard simmons and they wanted to rape they would have raped you or someone else not because of these things but in spite of these things because that's just who they are. The same is true of MinSeol. She is delusional and unhinged in her mind. One way or another, sooner or later, she would have gotten mad at Seol. She would have turned Seol into her enemy, she would have further delusioned herself and blamed Seol and made her the bad guy and she the victim. It could have been anything. Oh Seol is supposed to be a good student but today she's late for class *hate her hate her* Oh Seol normally wears her haird down but today it's up while mine is down *hate her hate her* Oh Seol normally sits her, but now she's sitting there *hate her hate her* Do people not see that Seol is really not the issue here and that she just happens to be the VICTIM of MinSeol's unstable mind.

It's not Seol, it's not about Seol. It's not what she does, what she says, what she wears, or how friendly or unfriendly she chooses to be. If it wasn't Seol it would have been Bora that MinSeol is dressing as and "stan" over, it could have been Euntaek, it could have been Jung, it could have been San Chul. It could have been freaking professor Kang! All of this is all MinSeol and she truly needs professional help. And as someone training to become a professional who one day is able to assist/work with/help the MinSeol's and others of the world. I promise that trying to make all these excuses for MinSeol (one can pity her, one can try to understand her, one can put oneself in her shoes and try to see things from her perspective but still we must see what she had done we all do that here with Jung) and put blame on others, will hurt her (and others) more than help her. I understand where people are coming from and it's needed, at the same time the very opposite is necessary when dealing with those who are on the verge.

No, it's not that we shouldn't upset mentally unstable people. No one should have to walk on egg shells around you your whole life and always be nice to you and always say what you want to hear and never make you angry least it set you off and you result in violence of some sort. It's that we should teach mentally unstable people how to properly read, analyze, handle, and respond to the world's varying emotions and situations that will come there way in healthy ways that make them not a danger to themselves or others. To do otherwise is just to enable dangerous potentially life threatening people and behavior and that would just richard simmons up the world more so than it already is.

@enigmatic_zephy (not Selena Gomez, but Selena Quintanilla-Pérez, she was a famous Spanish singer who was starting to make it here in the US mainstream when she was killed by her "fan" turned close friend and manager of her fanclub and one of her boutiques. She was so young and it's all really tragic) I actually see some of your points and get you and agree with you. A part of me does feel sorry for Minsoo and I do see how she is a victim of her own mind and Younggon's behavior however she and Jung are two very different kinds of crazy imho. Both their asses are in need of psychological help. I think many of us here time and again have said how much Jung needs psychological help. All of tumblr and my rational mind knows Jung needs help. Again however, Jung's brand of crazy and MinSeol's brand of crazy are two very different crazies. Jung is almost methodological and actually to a degree aware of his emotions and allows himself to not go off the handle (see his handling of Youggon in ep 8). His brand of crazy is done with such fineness and control that I kind of want to admire it (he reminds me of Hannibal Lecture in that regard which makes him the most dangerous and the most grey area imho) MinSeol and Younggon's crazy is the kind that they themselves cannot control at times, that lack of control is what separates the three and makes the two much scarier than the one. I am never scared that Jung is going to come to college and just massacre a room full of students. With Younggon and MinSeol, I feel it's only a matter of time before they come and massacre the whole classroom of students (not so much MinSeol tbh). The day I see Jung peeking between book shelves watching and waiting taking pictures and dream up delusional scienerios in his mind of the wonderful lunch and talks he and so and so are going to have and or how he's going to break up someone's relationship and then laugh with glee at how that person will then jump into his arms full of kisses and love (DELUSIONAL!!),  that is the day I find a way to jump into this drama and strong arm Seol and all of society away from him myself (with that said it doesn't mean I don't think Minsoo and Younggon shouldn't have friends, boyfriend/girlfrineds, etc etc. They can have that and do deserve that as much as all the rest of us. However, right now I don't see how with the way they are they can have that. They need help so that they are one day able to attain all of that and find the security and love and acceptance they long for -see in this regard they are like Jung-).

ETA: After I read my own post, I see exactly what you mean enigmatic with regards to how we treat Jung and MinSeol. For me personally I see them differently because while I see Seol and Bora as victims of MinSeol because they hadn't committed any crimes or done any real injustice to MinSeol (I do know her name is Minsoo but until she returns to herself -she ain't go her mind right now- she shall remain MinSeol). I don't see the people that Jung goes after as victims because they are despicable people who have committed crimes and done unjust things not only towards Jung but many other people. Again with MinSeol and Younggon (more Youggon than MinSeol) I see them a danger and threat to just about anyone and everyone. With Jung I see him a danger and threat to just a few select few.

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Cheese in the Trap





news 1 - Naver: 'Cheese in the Trap', Park Hae Jin ♥Kim Go Eun, second kiss is sweeter 

1. [+3,633, -30] My heart fluttered more ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+2,511, -30] Two kiss scenes in one day? What will happen to my heart if you keep doing this?

3. [+2,082, -19] The second kiss is totally sweet ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

4. [+1,570, -16] Shout it out~~~ ^0^

5. [+1,227, -18] Ah... this scene...

6. [+705, -7] Yoo Jung looked so sexy at the bar when he said it's noisy and inched his head closer to Seol's neck

7. [+665, -10] Dating Yoo Jung and a 'some' with Baek Inho????? How fun...I'm so jealous of this girl

1. [+824, -15] Today's episode is dangerous to your health. The kiss scenes will make your heart stop while the annoying Oh Young Gon and Son Min Soo will likely give you cancer

2. [+712, -10] Oh Young Gon, Son Min Soo, Sang Cheol and the girl with the poop bun - Tie these 4 up and throw them out in space. I seriously wanna punch them so bad. Stop bothering Seol and Yoo Jung sunbae, you cancervangers

3. [+445, -10] It used to be just a webtoon that I read diligently but with the drama, I completely fell is love ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+379, -9] Thank you for 2 kiss scenes in one day

1. [+857, -11] This drama is... so harmful to the heart....

2. [+658, -13] So much sweetness in this episode but what if there's none of it next week. Ah Oh Young Gon, you bastard

3. [+550, -24] I almost got cancer while the cancer characters were sitting on the benches ㅂㄷㅂㄷ

4. [+65, -4] The actor who plays Oh Young Gon is cunningly good at acting. I really wanna punch him

5. [+62, -1] No thriller Yoo Jung today but just romantic Yoo Jung ㅎㅎㅎ Son Min Soo is in big trouble

6. [+55, -2] I'm so sure that Kim Go Eun saved the nation in her past life.





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1 hour ago, solelylurking said:

I'm sorry but I have a favor to ask. Can somebody tell me the songs which Inho played in the piano when he was with Seol in the ending of ep 8. My classic knowledge is limited. The songs are beautiful and SKJ played them very well. 

Thank you in advance.


I'm only familiar with the 1st song that he played...

Franz Liszt Grandes Etudes de Paganini S. 141, No.3 in G-Sharp Minor" "La Campanella"





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Hello cheesies! I have been lurking and just reading the thoughts here, but decided I would leave a few nuggets of my own.

These last two episodes are about manipulation vs reality. You can try and manipulate people and situations all you want, but that doesn't make the outcome real. As we saw with Young Gun, who is several sandwiches short of a picnic if you ask me. I get that he left, and thus the entire situation from before between our OTP is still fresh with him, but quite a bit of time has passed, and he is expecting everyone to be stuck in the past.

Not only was he shocked to find out YJ and HS were dating, but he also seemed to be shocked at how popular she was. She is still friends with BoRa and ET. She had BIH come to her aid when he got scary with her in front of the language academy. And, to add insult to injury, Min Soo was walking around being a bootleg doppleganger of her. While YG is not a bad looking guy, he's a weirdo, who blended in with the walls before, and all of a sudden when he came back and saw how well HS was doing, it was like he wanted the same popularity and notoriety too, at any cost.

His master manipulation of MS was something to see. It was disturbing, almost to the point where you wondered how this girl was even still in college. She lacks not only the social skills necessary to be successful, but she is also missing common sense. And for those who felt HS owed her friendship - No, That is not the way it works. If you do something for someone, with the express understanding that you are owed something in return, then you have very selfish intentions from the start. MS took advantage of HS's niceness. It started last term when she bailed on the project. She knew Seol was getting slammed with her Sunbae's work, and everyone else's and she played the dumb role to the extreme. I felt like she did it on purpose to try and spend more time with Seol, but Seol just didn't have time for all of that. That is why YG was so easily able to manipulate MS, he saw that she was desperately looking for an angle to which she could benefit and get what she wanted. While BoRa didn't make the situation better, she was protecting HS, who can be a pushover and who would've allowed this very unstable, very scary girl to monopolize all of her time, while pretending to be her. The movie Single White Female came to mind. That type of behavior is scary and unbalanced.

Young Gun is manipulative, but he is also an easy nut to crack. He wants popularity, attention and trust. The best way to counter that is to point this out, but do it in a slick way, like he's doing to everyone else. Maybe ET will figure this out and get some poetic justice. 

On to our OTP. They are cute, sweet and endearing. But, their awkwardness and their issues are what is keeping them from being great. Yes, they moved on from their problems from before, but the past keeps catching up to them. They are both guilty of poor communication. YJ should just come clean and talk about EVERYTHING he did to her at that time. Just get it all out, so they can move on. HS annoys the hell out of me how she lets the most disturbing things go. YJ should have known about YG first. After all, his stalking HS was because of YJ. She should've discussed it with him. Instead, she kept quiet, and he found out from In Ho in a "why am I the one protecting your girlfriend" tone, which embarrassed him. If they learn to communicate better and be honest about how they feel, they would be a really good match.

In Ho. It is sad that it took him listening to how impressive YJ is, for him to realize how he has blown away his future the past five years. Clearly, he can still play the piano. But his hand injury meant that it wasn't going to be a breeze. He would need therapy, and he would have to work at it, start over in some respects. So he took the lazy way out, then blamed everyone else for it. In this way, he is like his sister, who is so spoiled and lazy, she's infuriating. Him having to be responsible for her has shown him his own selfish and spoiled ways. I was amused when she called begging for money again and he asked why is she always begging for money. Then, in the next breath, he asked HS to buy him a meal. Growing up is really hard for some people. Now, the real work begins for him.

Out of all of the characters, and there are quite a few bat crazy ones at this point. No one annoys me MORE than HC sunbae. How does he expect to get a good office job (like he promised his mom) and keep it, with these horrible habits??? He literally doesn't want to do anything, and he is so blatant about it. He is the type of guy that is a nightmare to be in a relationship with. I was so glad Seol grabbed her friend and ran off when he showed interest. What a LOSER! *cue BigBang*

In all, this is a really compelling drama, that focuses on different archetypes that we deal with throughout life. Let's enjoy it til the end. :) 

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