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56 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:



Eun Taek is really so great. He is much more observant and sensitive than all the others. He is the one who noticed that YJ might like Seol. When Seol sat far from YJ, he stopped Bora for any comment, well aware that the couple must have had a fight. However, he understood that Seol should be left alone with this topic. Nevertheless, he met Yoo Jung lying to Bora and Seol. So Eun taek is the one who is well aware how deep their relationship (YJ-Seol) is and he is helping Yoo Jung with all his support. I would like YJ to return the favour: YJ helping Eun Taek to start dating Bora. I believe, Eun taek noticed YJ's kindness at the hospital and many things and he has become their supporter! 

Me saying that since the very beginning..




I mean if you go only by character analysis and not how good looking are the actors or the cartoon is ..


ETK is the best character in that universe.. and Bo Ra is dumb :P

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12 minutes ago, coffeeboy said:


If you want to watch this video

You can download a chrome extension call "hola free vpn", with this extension you can watch region restricted video.

Hi!  What if I want to watch it from a smart device? Found an app called hola vpn, but it's not free. :(

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6 minutes ago, annypooh said:

Hi!  What if I want to watch it from a smart device? Found an app called hola vpn, but it's not free. :(

 sorry i only use it on my computer.


Anyways guys have you guys seen (in ep 11 preview) that it's Baek Inha who was showing Seol&Inho pics (together at the library) to Youjung. 

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@bebebisous33 this is how I feel about Jung: In the confines of the drama and all the insane people he goes to school and interacts with, his cunning, manipulations, and that intelligence to read people is needed to survive. Jung is playing the same game all the students in that university play with each other, but he plays it very well and almost always wins (all of them are liars, manipulators, thieves, users, etc. the whole student body is pretty damn hypocritical because they do this to each other all the time behind each other's back and to each others faces without apology. however when Jung does it, and does it well, it becomes a problem? why should he sit back and be a chess piece on the board when he can be the player moving the pieces). Like you, I don't think Jung needs to change much (I feel a lot of the audience is waiting for some big life altering change from him, and that's just not going to happen. that's not how real life works. jung's changes will be small and gradual but at the end of the day he'll still stay who he is (I think he'll simply make better choices on who he hands ropes to and talk more with Seol before doing so). Basically, Jung is never going to change and be this "good guy". He's the anti-hero of this drama and that's how he'll stay. Viewers (and Seol) need to either accept that or go love cute, adorable, and much more open with his emotions, Inho (which many have already done LOL).

@enigmatic_zephy ahh the eternal question of who came first, the first or the second lead. This is my stance on this topic in dramaland and in real life. I'm not even going to pretend that the notion of timing and "fate" doesn't play a factor in who you fall for (as you said you meet this person first, you get to know them first, you date them first, therefore when another person comes along you don't notice them because you already have one and aren't looking). However at the end of the day it all comes down to choice. It's who you choose to be with. I know dramas like to play up the firsts, but they are called first and not last for a reason. Something always comes after it and it really doesn't matter who you met first.

It's who you are attracted to, who you get along with, and who you ultimately choose to want to be with. If first were really it, we wouldn't have so many people who cheat on significant others or break up or divorce. I feel if you really love someone and you are with them off course you are not looking for/at another person so you may not notice another person, because you only have eyes for the one you're with AKA you in a committed relationship. At the same time there are people who are in relationship that do notice other people. Even though already in relationship they feel a certain attraction and bond, that draws them from their current relationship to this new one that has come along.

In the end I believe Seol will make a choice on who she wants to be with (or even be alone). I don't think that it does or will matter that Jung appeared in her life first. If she one day looks at Inho and feels something within her, feels a certain pull that she does not have with Jung and that she wants to explore with Inho. She'll dump Jung (or cheat) and go to be with Inho. The same is true that if she really does like/love Jung and the bond that they have and what they each bring to their relationship she's going to stay with him. Although she may know she has options (Inho some other man down the line) Jung is who out of those options her heart is drawn to and who she simply wants to be with.

So to me it doesn't matter who came first and if you are in a relationship or not. What matters is who you're attracted to and  choose to be your "for now or forever:". I think saying something like well this female character is with this guy simply because they came first is really dismissive of the female lead's ability to know herself, know her feelings, and act upon them accordingly.

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@bebebisous33 very well explained.. i agree..


Fate, Life, destiny, and actions.. 

I find anture/life funny... in everything else.. hard work and strategy seems  like such a goto thing to do to achieve your dreams..

but when it comes to emotions/relationships..any kind.. somehow all gets messed up.. you can outline a full proof plan..and never know what random variable will topple it..


Alas! such is life

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48 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Here too, if In Ho would have met Seol first, would she have fallen for YJ?

I think she would. Before Jung proposed to her, she had started to feel a connection, a confusion with him, and Inho was in her life before they became girl/boyfriends. And she says to herself "Don't fall for that smile, Hong Seol". Inho smiles to her too. Maybe we can say her and Inho's relationship started off as friends but her and Jung's relationship started really bad and now they are like this. It's about the person you are with, not the time. I think that Seol is not someone to be in a relationship with someone whom she doesn't feel anything at all, and if she realised that she doesn't feel anything for Jung more than a little liking, she would have ended the relationship already. 

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Sorry for the long post in advance ><

10 hours ago, lclarakl said:


So Seol is upset over a picture of In Ha and Jung although she has been reassured by Jung, In Ho and In Ha that they are only friends. Yet, she continues to hang around In Ho like he's her boyfriend. I swear it seems like in a regular day she's spends more time with In Ho than she ever spent with Jung in one day:  she's in the library with him, riding the train with him, walking home with him, playing the piano with him, working at the restaurant with him, walking the streets with him.............can I just say that as much as I like In Ho as a side character, I'm truly sick and tired of seeing him constantly in Seol's face like he's her boyfriend and protector. She's upset over one stupid picture that crazy guy working with crazy girl sent her, how in the world does she expect Jung to feel when she's hanging out with a guy she just met who he told her he didn't want her hanging around.


If there is one man in this drama that I think is a waste of human flesh, it would be Seol's father.  Because of his careless actions, the family is in a financial bind. I felt sorry for Seol's mother who was trying to run the restaurant by herself because her husband went home saying he was tired. I'm sure she's the one doing the most work at the restaurant.  Then later at home she's still working and he's on the couch--too lazy to answer the phone that's right in front of him. Yes, I feel sorry for Seol's mother.


Totally agreed with your comment about Seol's father. I read the webtoon up to the english translation.. and so far, it shows that Seol's father isn't like how they depicted in the drama at all. In the webtoon, while being busy, her dad still gives some words of encouragement, still works hard at his old business.. not like a lazy bum as in the drama.. :/ 

and I just wanna defend Seol for a bit: :P 

Seol admits it herself that she overanalyzes the situation and jumps into conclusion a lot. That is already in her characteristics, so it's hard to change overnight.. Hence when she saw the pic of In Ha and Jung together, I guess the overanalyzing + jealous-gf+ insecurities about look parts kinda intertwined and took over ==> being upset with Jung, plus they haven't been together for that long. It's inevitable for these things to happen in a relationship, especially with an overanalyzing gf and a keeping-things-to-himself-suspiciously bf. :)  Seol and In Ho happened to be together all the time because of their ongoing lifestyles coincides somehow: go to the same school, work at the restaurant (the only place he can really work at since he got kicked out of others), and Seol helping him study, etc. However, even during those times that they're 'together', Seol kept a clear distance with him: walk with a distance, not confide in him about her life problems OR relationship problems, but still treats him like a good friend. Yes Jung did tell her not to hang around him anymore bc he's afraid InHo might say something bad about Jung. But so far In Ho hasn't said anything bad either, even though he has this grudge on Jung as well... So I don't see a big problem of Seol and In Ho hanging out with each other. It just sucks that it's gonna make In Ho crushing on Seol even harder >< 


9 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I got to defend my girl yet again (I know I was the one  mad a bit ago LOL) Okay, I agree the amount she hangs out with Inho is a bit much but they friends. Jung interns and has a lot on his plate right now with school too and the distance it takes to get to her house. I know we been in a dry spell these last 3 eps, but every moment the two can be together they both make an effort to be together. Heck they would be together now as in he would be driving her home from school and or meeting outside of school like going on a movie date or resturant or meeting just for 5 minutes at their water front area. However they are on a break and giving each other time to think. Seol does want to go to him but she does need the time to think and accept him as is.

Honestly if she chooses Jung after this and then something we all know will pop up, pops up and her immediate reaction is to believe the other person, doubt Jung, etc (like Jung's dad did with him at the dinner table) I want Jung to dump her. Coming to him now means she should be truly, really willing to give him the benefit of doubt. To take his word. To have some faith and trust in him and believe him. I am not saying she should stay silent on things however when she approaches issues it should be coming from of wanting an explanation and understanding and not of a place of accusation. He should be innocent before guilty and not guilty, now show me you're innocent. Nah Jung we done with that LOL. Trust me and love me for me or leave me so I can find somebody who will. Love me for all of me and try as I am willing to try and want with you, or leave me and go be with easy Inho! To constantly give and give and give but never reach a point of satisfaction, never be "good enough" is damn tiring and wrecks havoc on a person's sense of self. Jung gets that enough with his father "Am I that strange? What are you nervous about?" He don't need it from Seol too.

Now Inho and Seol. Okay remember how Seol and Bora got into that one fight in episode something or the other because Bora said Seol is never real with her. Seol doesn't show her true feelings, doesn't share on her hurt and pain and only shares smiles and the easy stuff. That is exactly what Seol does and has with Inho. Theirs is the surface, fluffy cute stuff. They are cotton candy which is all nice and well. But eating candy everyday and you will throw up. Seol has really opened up wth Jung/ to Jung in a way she hasn't even with Bora and the rest. Seol has let Jung in, in a way that she hasn't/doesn't with Bora and the rest. Sharing her insecurities about her family....it's that deep emotional stuff. That, I can pour my heart out to you. It's easy to laugh with someone but can I let my guard down with you enough, can I be open and vulnerable enough to cry with you...I have that trust in you that you will be of comfort and support and I can come to you and you will be there? The emotional depth in a relationship, she has it with Jung and not Inho.

She jokes and teases and shows concern (and she does that with Jung just as she does with Inho) but can we tell each other harsh truths, can we confront each other about things...when Seol needed comfort in ep 10 she doesn't confine in Inho. He asks her and she says it's nothing. In ep 9 when they broke up and he asked again Seol said it was nothing. Inho guessed at it. Seol never willing gave it (the same is true of the Younggon situations that he knows and Jung does not). When Jung and her were out on the hospital bench and he asks her what was wrong, she opened up and told him and he did the same in return. Inho himself saw he is not the emotional support she wants nor seeks (honestly everything has been of Inho trying and Seol giving very little of her core self. yes she buys him medicine and holds umbrellas. But do they connect because they both understand how it feels to be a pushover and doormat for everyone? Does he understand what it feels like to feel that you are never enough for a parent or that you are not easy to love?). 

What I saw this ep was Seol escaping into something light and easy (her interactions with Inho) as a means of avoiding having to deal with the more heavy closer to the heart matters (Jung). If the flickering light mean something, then does the piano room means something too. It's a place she passes by on the way home. A rest or pit stop if you will. So I guess you can think of the piano room and her escaping interactions there (I remember she went there before having to leave to study, today she stopped by before going home to study and do work) as the rest/pit stop on her way home which could be Jung? I make no sense do I? All I know is Seol isn't cheating and what she has with Jung (I honestly think that girl is half way to love. She has her doubt and concerns but the feelings are there and real. Just look at her face when she sees him. Like...like...you just saw everything you ever wanted or needed. Jung does that a lot. He tends to be there when she needs him the most -well in the webtoon at least-) is more than what she has with Inho. Don't let cute fluffy scene fool ya. I relationship is more than just being able to laugh together. You got to understand me emotionally as well and I believe Inho does, but is it on the same level as that of what she has and wants to have with Jung. For as much as they are different they are also similar and understand each other. I think this why they both try because they both recognize  that there is something worth trying for. 

*goes to watch the two previews again and again and again and again I keep coming back to you, the song is so fitting*


:cookie: Here is your cookie for having such an on-point analysis. Took the words out of my mouth every single time. Glad to find someone to think alike about all the characters :blush: Thank you!!!


7 hours ago, MyNameIsM said:

i have written a long post but its gone lol

in short i dont like how they wrote In Ho to be just typical 2nd lead and turning Seol to be one of lead female who oblivious of 2nd lead feelings plus that scene where she kept missing put sth on her wound and In Ho had to do it for her. 

This, we have seen many times already so it got me side eyed hard.

i have no doubt if Seol feelings towards Jung, not a single minute. Its obvious her heart is with him (that scene when she got hurt when Min Soo crushed that poor lion doll. Its not the doll she cared but it was from Jung and its their things!. My heart hurt so much for this).

Seol just needs more time to understand Jung and he needs to come to her to meet in the middle. This is relationship about isnt it? Meet in the middle while not losing our true self. Jung is trying and Seol is trying because they love each other.

idk if you guys like that lion doll scene. I do love it very much. And that scene when she implied having what she was having (Jung) is not easy. So she wint give him up easily. Man, i got emotional again....:tears:


yeah In Ho is a typical 2nd lead in terms of love-line.. but I think he's different as well. like for the scene you mentioned in bold.. a typical 2nd lead would try to take advantage of the situation and uses his hand to put on the ointment for the girl he tries to go for... like yearning for the physical contact.. but In Ho didn't.. in fact he was just holding a tube and merely smeared it all over the wound.. I found it funny for some reasons.. lol:lol: and I agreed about the lion doll scene too... so heart-wrenching :tears:

7 hours ago, NRGchick said:

And the other scene which sent shivers up my spine.

The hand stroking her hair at the end and the look he gave her. *shivers* 

@NRGchick hairtouch_zps7udmcslc.gif

OMO OMO me too!!!! I was *gasping* and *shivering* at the same time.. but it felt sooo good for some weird reasons.. lolll 

3 hours ago, debolina said:


But the bottom line is that they need each other. At this point especially, when they are apart, it will only strength their bond and bring them more closer. (EEEK THAT PREVIEW) she is the person he needed to talk to, to be around when he stormed out from his father. He is the person she was wanting to see when she fought with her parents (i'm presuming) Why would you think they don't deserve to be together man. Why is Seol better off without Jung? The person knows her pulse. She doesn't need to even speak and he knows what's in her mind. He is supportive of the person she is, coaxing her to become strong. Yes, he has flaws, but not life threatening ones. He'll only go on to make himself better. And yep, before anyone asks,yes i'll want a boyfriend like him in reality, cause hey the real life has far more worse samples.


Sorry.. cutting your post for space :) 

Thank you for this. Very beautifully written. Took the words out of my mouth (or my hand :lol:). YES to the bolded parts. Her mind has been filled with Jung since the beginning. She thought she could keep her space and take her mind off of him for some times. But she can't. When they walked past each other at the vending machine, she felt upset that Jung ignored her.. lol it's like a normal gf tantrum when they're mad "I know I'm mad at you and ignore you but shouldn't you still try to come to me and console me?" type of deals... loll so cute these two :lol::wub:

3 hours ago, badsmuler said:

‘Cheese in the Trap’ team to head to Hainan for group vacation


OMG Lee Sung Kyung is soooo tall!!!!! =O 


2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

So here is the thing I am confused on, and if I'm confused I'm sure Jung is confused (I think). What exactly does Seol have a problem with. Jung's actions? Or the fact that he doesn't communicate with her? It seems a lot of time she's not upset by the actions purse because sometimes she understand it or sees the reasoning for it. However it seems she gets upset because he doesn't communicate to tell her things. So she wants him to be honest with her about these things and not necessarily stop doing these things (so long as it be for good and not evil)?


I think that whatever she had to endure/go through/deal with Young Gon in the past had traumatized her so badly that it hurts her so much more to find out that Jung's messages were the catalyst. If it was me, I wouldn't know what to do/say to the bf either. That beautiful scene with falling leaves where Seol wanted to take a break from him was so touching.. and realistically needed. When there was a crack in Seol's voice telling Jung that she needs some times. It hurts my heart so much too :( (Of course we knew that it was In Ha. Jung could have said so too, but he knows that telling her that wouldn't do anything plus at that time, he DID allow In Ha to mess with Young Gon's head.. so he knows he's at fault too.)

Before, about Jung hitting/resorting to violence the perverted guy or 'threatening' TA Heo to drop his report so Seol could get the scholarship, some other events too that i couldn't think on top of my head, We see Seol being upset/scared of Jung as her initial reaction. Then after some times to think about it, she approached him again to tell him how she feels about his doing so and that he needs to communicate more. Technically Jung has been communicating more too and wanting to protect her, telling her to tell him right away if YG keeps bothering her. But whatever that she's mad about was his text messages pushing YG to do so a year ago.. To put it harshly, I felt like Seol is somewhat putting the blame on Jung as well. I mean yes those text messages could be bad. But the core problem is Young Gon is a bad/crazy/creepy stalker. Even if those text msgs weren't from Jung, he would have behaved the same way anyways

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@orangesmartie92, @nubianlegalmind About In Ho:

I would like to say that he does seek her out! Sure, in the episode 10, she heard him playing and entered the storage. However, he was there after she had quarelled with Yoo Jung. He intervened each time, when YG was involved, although he was asked not to meddle!! Then he proposed to commute with her. Since he is nice to her, she is nice to him as well. As for his job, I believe, it was Jun's manoeuver.

Let's not forget how Jun met Yoo Jung and In Ho for the first time. He saw both with his sister and noticed that there was something going on with Seol. Therefore he asked her who was her boyfriend. When he realised that YJ was the one, he told her that YJ will dump her at some point. So in my opinion, it was pretty clear that Jun prefered In Ho. Striking is that we see Jun and In Ho together joining Seol and the others for the move from her flat. Jun hadn't appeared as asked, instead he met In Ho. Why? I believe, he wanted him to become his sister's boyfriend because he thought that YJ was just a student who would play with his sister. Interesting is that it was Jun who offered the job to In Ho. Again, we see him hanging a lot with In Ho. This isn't random! Jun has in his mind: In Ho should become her sister's boyfriend. But his behaviour changed as soon as he heard where YJ was coming from: a wealthy family!!! From that moment, he even said that he could take profit from it. Then in the episode 10, we see him texting YJ trying to meet him aso. I believe, Jun has changed his strategy: he sees In Ho as a buddy, but he prefers now Yoo Jung because he can win much more from him. He tried twice to meet YJ for lunch!

Therefore I would say it was more Jun's move to have In Ho taken that job! In Ho didn't mind staying around Seol because he had noticed how sad she was, when he told her, he had to quit working at the academy!

@enigmatic_zephy Thanks for the compliment! I believe, timing wasn't that important in that case. To me, YJ and Seol were interested in each other from the moment they met. Sure, because of the prejudices, the hurt pride, the misunderstood feelings YJ felt (he was bothered because he had noticed her judgement and rejection, yet he was definitely attracted to her), they spent a year showing the cold shoulder to each other, but they kept looking at each other from afar!

When she met In Ho, she saw him as a homeless person. Besides, she was more mad at him for breaking her laptop! So she was upset but her thoughts weren't revolving around him!


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14 hours ago, thunderman1 said:

At this point, I don't know who else will disagree with my statement that YJ and Seol are so alike. Both have parents who do not appreciate what they have done so far for the sake of their families.. both are used by others for one's benefits, both feel as if the world needs them in order for things to keep moving forward. Ahh what a compatible OTP. :)

Love this drama! It aligns with the original webtoon so much!! :) From the stalker, to Min Soo, everything was well paced. :)

 And both had similar group of friends, a couple where one of them is defending them from people at school who want to take advantage (bora and InHo) 

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Hi i think someone requested for a translation regarding this:


If im not wrong it's about the hot responses PHJ/CITT is getting from C-Netz. <<CITT>> achieved the good results of number 1 in number of search hits in the past week; the total number of hits achieved for the week reached 9.9 hundred million hits. Furthermore, it's trending as the number one searched drama+overseas drama on China's weibo. (posted on the 3rd of feb)(cr *)

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@thunderman1 YJ said, he thought that they were similar. But actually, it was his friend Kyung Hwan who pointed it out to him. That's why he made the mistake by believing his friend. He actually overlooked the differences. KH mentioned the similarities in their personality twice. From these comments, I think, YJ started looking at these similarities. They are indeed similar, but he didn't think about the differences because his friend KH doesn't know YJ's manipulative side! Why should he know that side, since he has been very nice to YJ!?

YJ didn't think that this could be a difference between them. Now, he has realised that Seol isn't someone who can manipulate people, but above anything, she doesn't like is to get help from people! She was hurt that she had received help from YJ all the time and the scholarship wasn't because of her hardwork or good reputation! ! Yet,YJ allowed her through his schemes to defend herself. He tried to follow her wish... but what she doesn't like too are his manipulative ways. However, she got aware that it did help her! 

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The only thing that kept bugging me during that altercation between Minsoo & Seol was how weird the actress' (the one portraying Minsoo) nose appeared! It just bothered the heck out of me for some reason LoL:crazy: Then 'gain South Korea is a country known for cosmetic surgeries. I'm also not quite sure how I felt on Jung stayin' out of Seol's girlfight with Minsoo, although I understand why. It was something Seol had to solve on her own 'cause had he helped, Seol would just continue to sweep it all under a rug. I need to take lessons from Jung on how to tackle troublemakers HA:P I don't know what happened, but I actually liked Inha for a change. What was that ridiculous hairband thing she had on her head!?:blink: I see her more as comic relief & yea she can be wacko but damn got to give her credit for bein' brazen enough to grovel & somehow get things done her way.

I think that nerdy guy would be really good for Inha. Nice of her to help him stand up to Sangchul too^_^ And ugh, as much as I'm #TeamJung my heart wavers when Inho looks at Seol, so tenderly... and the Anti-Stalker Kit (I might need one myself) he so sweetly put together for her awwwww~~~ 

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5 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@40somethingahjumma the thing that is killing me is that since so little international fans ship seol & jung   I don't get any gifs or pictures to reblog. I want a gif of that reunion hug so bad and one of the back hug, but no one cares. no one likes them *wails like a sheep*

I this point I don't care for the whole love triangle thing or the potential shipping war that will come out of it cause I see it as viewers projecting their wishes onto seol. it's clear as day that jung is who she wants to be with feel that they are purposely trying to manipulate my feelings of "awww poor adorable inho. stop hurting the puppy." like someone said does he need to be there to see the reunion hug? inho runs frantically in search of seol "aww he cares about her so much" inho, is just a minute too late and sees seol see jung and the two hug "aww if only he had been there one second earlier. it isn't fair if he had been there a minute earlier he would be comforting her and not jung" Inho's man pain "aww poor puppy. if seol is stupid and wants a psycho instead of you, i'll have you" it's text book and I'm bothered because of the lack of gifs I get of seol & jung LOL, and also because it feel unnessary...

whatever I know everything I said makes me sound bitter and you're right LOL. I want gif and pictures. if I see one more inho is savior and king post on tumblr I might legit cry. can't I just have that one gif of the reunion hug *oliver twist* please sir, may have some more

why was I born without talent so I could do this stuff myself....

ETA: I know this cause the same thing was done to me recently in a different drama and wae, wae didn't I see it at the time. am I doing the same now...*trust issues got trust issues* everyday with you :bawling:


I am blissfully unaware of how the wider community allocates their preferences myself and right now I aim only to follow the storyline as I see it. ;) But I do understand your frustration.

Truth be told, I think everyone knows that I'm not a fan of the "deserving" argument... or even the "chemistry" argument. I feel like a broken record over the "deserving" line. Even if we were to use that argument in real life, I'd say that most of us will never be in a relationship.

I think a big part of the problem is that a lot of people are watching Cheese as 1) a conventional rom com, 2) a counselling worksheet on how to conduct relationships. Doing that only messes with one's head. It's like watching Star Wars and Star Trek and wondering why there are space ships and rubber-faced aliens walking around. There is a reason why there are so many screwed up, crazy people in this show, and why the male lead is the anti-hero who deals with deadbeats, losers and Mad Hatters. To try and watch with rose-coloured lenses and impose a conventional ethical/moral reading on it without engaging with its complexities, I think misses the point entirely. The romance exist because it ties all these characters together in this rather upside down universe. (That's why I think the Batman analogy is probably still the best)

I like In-ho for his own sake. He may or may not be better for Seol. But I don't know that because they aren't in a romantic relationship. Plus he has a crazy sister who is already a massive burden on him and he needs to get back onto the saddle, reclaim his dream. If Seol decides down the track that he's the one for her, so be it. But I don't see that happening any time soon.

But in this so-called ship wars In-ho is irrelevant and no matter how much they parade him as an "alternative" (Sorry buddy... but it wasn't me who started it.), the show isn't primarily about a girl choosing between two guys even if that's how the fans read it. To me it's about a girl meeting a guy and they start a dating relationship. The romance isn't the end game per se but the vehicle towards character development and mutual acceptance between two flawed human beings. Considering their history is clouded with so much baggage, I would say that they're doing reasonably well so far.

With or without Seol, Jung will always be the male lead because he is the reason why Cheese is what it is. His character, his machinations is what makes the drama and the 'toon unique. If people can't see that, then they've missed the point of the story entirely. Personally, I would never have continued watching this show if he wasn't the main character and who he is.

P.S. I will respond to others when I get the time.

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3 hours ago, nubianlegalmind said:

I will deal with the Seol/In Ha/Jung issue first, since that is what is so prevalent on the board right now. Both Seol and Jung are to blame for the confusion and jealousy felt in this situation. First, Jung still has not really told her the FULL story about his relationship with both In Ho and In Ha. In fact, all of them are passively quiet and ambiguous about it. So, in Seol's eyes, they look like long time friends who lost their way. I imagine she looks at them the same way that she looks at her friendship with Bo Ra and Eun Tak. But it isn't the same. They grew up together pretty much as siblings. Because of In Ha and her evil ways, she ostracized them from the only family they had (the aunt) because her aunt wasn't rich. She saw an opportunity with Jung's dad and she took it. Jung probably knew this from the start. These two kids are poaching off of his family so that they can live a better life, and unfortunately In Ha is shameless about it. That is infuriating! Seol is completely ignorant of this. It doesn't help that because of Seol's unbalanced relationship with her parents, she feels less than, which is why she is an overachiever. You couple that insecurity with In Ha's intimidation and beauty and yes, she isn't going to feel to good about the mysterious "past" between them.But, as I mentioned before, this is where communication comes in to play. You ask questions and gain an understanding. You cannot get close to someone by invitation all of the time. Sometimes, you have to put in some effort yourself.

Hm I never saw it as Inha wanting to leave her aunt because she wasn't rich. Sure she was a smart cookie but I really never got the impression that she wanted to run away from there because of money. I don't think her thought process went that far yet.

Nah, I think she just wanted to get out of that house. As cunning as she was as a youngin' there's no excuse for child abuse. Their aunt hit them (well in the webtoon it was only towards Inha, right?). Also, in the webtoon, it wasn't just physical abuse, it was also verbal abuse towards Inha. Her aunt saw her as worthless compare to Inho who had a talent.  I don't blame Inha for running to Daddy Yoo. He was someone the Baek kids were acquainted with + he happened to be there when she was trying to run away from her aunt. 

I think this is why I've always held a soft spot for Inha. Child abuse, you guys. Again, I'm not saying that she couldn't have strived to be the better person but if I had to pick someone to defend amongst all those crazy goons in Seol's life, I'd pick Inha. I hope she gets her moment in the drama. I want someone to sit down and talk with this girl one-on-one. Imo, she also has a lot bottled up.

Anyways @nubianlegalmind not attacking your post. I just got carried away in my thoughts; it was gonna be that first paragraph only otl. :) 

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@40somethingahjumma I agree with you. This drama is more about the relationship in a couple between two persons who have both flaws than who will end up with Seol! To me, it is pretty clear that YJ is the main protagonist (see the posters and the pictures presented at the beginning of each episode, from 10 In Ho had only two!! - episode 4 and 10!)

I only posted four pictures YJ-Seol and the two mentioned with In Ho. You can notice the progression of YJ-Seol's relationship, they got closer and closer, until they fought so that this time, Seol is the one who walks away, while in the episode 2, it was the other way around! When you compare the two pictures with In Ho, you can see that the distance between In Ho and Seol hasn't changed at all. While Seol was running after In Ho in the first one, you can observe that in the second picture, In Ho sees to be the one who is more longing for her! However, the distance between them hasn't changed at all therefore it is pretty clear that they will never be closer than this!  

Like I mentioned above, the last episode was more about Seol and her problems than In Ho! In Ho is just a tool for the writer to change the dynamic of YJ-Seol's relationship! It was pretty clear from the episode 9 and 10 that In Ho tries not to meddle between YJ and Seol, acting totally differently from the usual second lead! However, YJ's insecurities are still there, he is afraid of losing Seol. He has experienced very often than In Ho was much more appreciated than himself. So since In Ho gets easily loved, YJ will think that he might lose Seol to him! I understand his way of thinking!

I have the impression that due to In Ho's relationship with Seol, YJ and In Ho will fight against each other again. But this fight is indeed necessary because there are so many issues between them which need to be told. So far, all this was swept under the mat but the issues haven't been resolved. Both need to confront each other with fists and words so that they can finally realise what they both misunderstood. I am sure, In Ho needs to apologise to YJ... First, we heard from In Ho that he wouldn't tell his dad about it (fight, episode 9) implying that he would usually report to YJ's dad. As a friend, you're not supposed to report to the father of your friend!







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Has anyone read The Curtain  by Agatha Christie? - Poirot's last case?


When I read the novel, I never could really understand the main villain's character..

Its the perfect murder done..


and then I see YJ and I understand... What really being smooth and manipulating people means..


Ofcourse, DO NOT consider this post to mean YJ being called psycho/socio/whatever path.. its just that.. this is the closest I have ever come to see another character in same league.. not intention but how they execute their plan





What do you guys think about.. baby brother love..

So, Seol.. people have hurt her, bugged her, trampled all over her..but she ignores

Even if its about friends, boyfriend..her first reaction is to think through..her actions..plan it out..etc..


But for most of the women or men out there...and seol (also In Ho... and although it doesn't show but I will bet on In Ha too)...  when it comes to being our baby brother/sisters getting hurt or face any inconvenience... we just can't seem to take it in..Never..

In Ha- we have seen her abuse her bro.. but I will bet everything that she will not let anyone else hurt him for their own means (as in if she wants someone to hurt In Ho for her means..that she can do..) .. infact there is one scene in webtoon.. when someone tries to hurt In Ho..she just slams all those boys..lol..


So rewatching MS and HS fight..

and wat stands out for me is...HS is still very calm about the doll (aka boyfriend connection)... and actually asks MS nicely that she is overdoing it..


up until she realizes Jun got involved..and the big sister kicks in..

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