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Guest ororomunroe

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I would not say YJ is evil but he is manipulative. He exacts punishment methodologically (I wince when I think about how he punished the pervert). How did he go from a 'hogu' to someone who is so cynical about the people he meets?

I agree that Seol had a bad first impression of him and he thought she was like the others. Isn't it wonderful how the different layers of YJ and Seol are being unwrapped? We see YJ smiling more, enjoying another person's company. That person who cannot hide her thoughts and intentions well. Who is like an open book. To an extent Seol is blooming too. Someone who tells her that she is doing great and from In Ho, to learn to be more assertive. 

With regards to In Ho, again I believe that he will remain a good friend and if he and YJ mend the chasm between them, they will be a formidable pair.  The one I am most worried about is IN Ha. Does she have romantic feelings towards YJ or is it more that YJ and In Ho belongs to her and she will not be happy if Seol enters the picture. 

love reading your thoughts about the drama. @bebebisous33 I am YJ's fan as well ^^


@mywebfoot welcome to the club! I love the idea that we are Seol's friends trying to figure out YJ and squee-Ing along with Seol. A mix of Ah Young and Bora. Hahaha.

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8 minutes ago, mywebfoot said:

Thank you all for the lovely and thoughtful posts. Enjoy reading them. I've been sucked into CITT like everyone else, and did not expect a drama like this one. As I told @NRGchick elsewhere, I've been avoiding the forum because of spoilers, but today I am bored and need some Cheesy goodness while I wait for the next eps. Also, thanks to everyone who takes the time to put their webtoon comments into spoilers. Truly appreciate it as it helps me enjoy the drama as seen through PD Lee's creative vision, and not just that of the Webtoon Artist's.

Since everyone has been posting analyses on the JungxSeol relationship, I thought I'd go elsewhere and try to share what I think is so intriguing about this show.  

At the core of the wonderful addictiveness of this show, for me at least, is a dialogue I imagine takes place very often between girlfriends.

Imagine one friend, the practical sort, giving advice to another, the over-thinking sort. The overthinking girl has met a guy. A great guy... but he has some odd habits, which she shares with her practical friend. Is she overthinking them, she asks her practical friend. Practical friend proceeds to give advice. 

Seol is the overthinker. Jung is the great guy. And we, the audience, are the practical friend. And so we begin to churn through it, analyzing, commiserating, squeeing and unknowingly sucked into over thinking too. To me that's how this show works. And it's BRILLIANT. Much better than the Reply Series Husband Game, this one is a, let's call it 'Groupthinking the Boyfriend' game. 



Wow I love your response. It sounded proper enough to be included in an English paper. Props to you!

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1 hour ago, rhaps said:

@40somethingahjumma, if Jung broke up with Seol, I don't think he would have the heart the hurt her, even if he wanted too. Remember episode 3, when he was angry and jealous. He still saved Seol from that nasty sunbae from the bar. If he still did that even before they were dating, even when he thought that Seol was 'using' him, then how could he hurt her now after his feelings towards her has been growing ? Especially because it IS his fault anyway ? 

Unless Seol was doing something really really bad, in the term betraying his trust and making him really really really disappointed, then I don't think that he would hurt her.  He just couldn't. Like I've said before, I've never seen Jung bullies someone who is completely innocent.

@mgicc, my favourit song is the one that I've been waiting for all this time :P . That is the one playing in the opening of episode 1,  the end of episode 3 (when Jung asked Seol to date him) and when Seol gave a watch to Jung . I hope it would be released soon. I'm still replaying those scenes whenever I wanted to her it :D 

Anyway, I've been enjoying reading all of the posts here, interesting indeed. Love the cultural knowlede about korean, thx! :) Too bad, I can't participate too oftenly. 


I am not sure when there is the concern raised about YJ being violent to Seol. I don't think he could ever be physically violent to her. At most, he would start deleting messages or give Seol time to think. After finding someone who understands and accepts him, he would not so easily just let go. He can be tenacious. I still can't get ver how many times he ask her for lunch...lol

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that smirk really throws off a lot of people, eh? it seems like he's smirking after the flashback which will make people think that he's actually proud of what he'd done (sending the texts to Young-gon) instead of being proud of himself outsmarting Young-gon.


in the webtoon, however he seems to be restless after that. he keeps tapping his foot and his fingers and even Seol noticed that


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I'm team Jung all the way!!!!! I don't think there is anything wrong with his actions or reactions, I get the way he is. People make judgments about him, why cant he do the same. Its very hypocritical thinking. I think deep down Inho knows it wasn't Jung that got him beat up and Jung knows it was Inha but won't say anything bc that is not his style. That is why Inho keeps saying to Jung "you have nothing to say sorry for..." Inho can't blame his own sister so Jung is the scapegoat for when he wants to feel sorry for himself. I can't wait for monday/tuesday,I want another kiss scene!!!

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17 minutes ago, chasingdaisy said:

that smirk really throws off a lot of people, eh? it seems like he's smirking after the flashback which will make people think that he's actually proud of what he'd done (sending the texts to Young-gon) instead of being proud of himself outsmarting Young-gon.

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in the webtoon, however he seems to be restless after that. he keeps tapping his foot and his fingers and even Seol noticed that


I like how he smirk though. It's kind of mysterious but not an evil one.

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Are both Jung and In-Ho (both characters, not the actors) left handed ? I thought they were right handed, but when Jung was visiting Seol's parents, In-Ho was cutting a cucumber /zucchini while holding the knife with the left hand. Jung was also holding the chopsticks with the left hand when eating the noodle. I thought they were rigtht handed... ?

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1 minute ago, ka77 said:

Are both Jung and In-Ho (both characters, not the actors) left handed ? I thought they were right handed, but when Jung was visiting Seol's parents, In-Ho was cutting a cucumber /zucchini while holding the knife with the left hand. Jung was also holding the chopsticks with the left hand when eating the noodle. I thought they were rigtht handed... ?

if i'm not mistaken, Jung is right handed. but Park Hae-jin is left handed (or ambidextrous, so to say).

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But I like Jung's smirk, u can see he's planning something "evil" and knew he would get away with it( ok ignore my obsession w Jung, haha).


The thing Seol hates most is to look at the back of Sunbae's head( he walks away) each time they had misunderstandings, Jung always do what he pleases and that made her angry coz she doesn't know what he's thinking. Jung also hv problem understanding her, why must she want to do everything herself when she can tell him her problems. Why can she tell her friends, even Inho but not him? Both of them has childhood trauma of his father expecting too much frm him and his idea that Jung has mental issues based on Prof Baek's word and for Seol, she felt that she was not loved by her parents and they expect her to do well on her own and her grandma, the only person finally opened up to her before her death. She was afraid ppl leaving her n so does Jung, both r insecure and hv never reach out to ppl until they met each other.

Both of them actually started analysing each other during the time when Jung gave Seol a hard time in the early episode. That's why I think  Seol can be forgiving n understand why Jung did what he did to ppl he said deserved it. Just my opinion frm reading the comic, u may hv ur own opinion too regarding this.


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Shall we share love for Inho? Yes? Let's see.

For 7 episodes we saw a 'pitiful' version of Inho. He seems carefree and is always running his mouth (goodness sometimes im amazed at all the punchlines he throws out) but he has a lot of emotional baggage to carry. Much like Jung who uses a facade to shield/protect himself, this guy uses his spunky personality to hide his inner demons. Obviously, his losing his dream is one of the big ones. But there's so much more. His childhood and broken relationship with Jung are also weighing in on him. We've roomimated a lot on the idea that Jung pushed Inho away and treats him like he does because he felt betrayed by a person he sincerely cared about. It's the same for Inho. While I do agree that Inho was able (and still is) to receive love easily, I don't think Inho is one to give his love/affection easily. He's very independent, both in his youngin' days and now (his ego was quite something). Like I said before, he grew up thinking he could accomplish his goals if he worked towards it and 'because I was born such an amazing and talented guy.' Reading the webtoon and now watching the drama, I've never gotten the feeling that he easily thows his affection to others. Because getting along well with others and sincerely caring for them are two very different things. Inho has that ease of making people feel comfortable around him but that doesn't mean he holds a distinguished affection for them. There's nothing wrong with that. Yet, it does show that Inho also guards his feelings. My point here is that Inho also saw Jung as someone special, someone close to him. That's why the scars are so deep on both ends. Both of them held each other in such high esteem, a nice friendship, that now both carry the weight of that broken relationship, a broken brotherhood, broken trust, etc. Yeah Inho lived off Jung's father and I side-eye Jung's father all the time. And not everything was rainbows and flowers, since Jung did get hurt by living in an environment where his father took in the Baek kids. But at that moment in time I think that brotherhood was sincere on both ends. Not a perfect relationship (let's blame the father for now hehehe) but it was sincere.


Also recall the high-school flashback where Inho considers how it would be if Inha married Jung. He thinks it'd be nice to become a real family, not just something like a family. Just the three of them. No one can dare tell me these kids didn't share a special bond or I'll flip Inho's piano.

Now let's think on how this ties into the present and the aforementioned burdens these two kiddos carry. We still don't know what the heck really happened with Inho's hand. All we know is that Inho strongly believes that Jung was the instigator. And Jung...well in the drama he's said nada as of now. So let's focus on Inho again. There's obviously been a huge lack of communication between them regarding the accident. Inho goes around telling people (Seol) that Jung broke his hand. And here we keep saying every week, 'why don't they just sit down and TALK it out for heaven's sake!?' Me thinks Inho is afraid of what he may discover if he has a heart-to-heart with Jung. Because although he yaps around on how it's Jung's fault, I don't think he believes that 100%. Or he's simply not sure. He doesn't know for certain. Inho is the only person who really got to know Yoo Jung. So how could my friend be capable of something like this? He was like my brother, he wouldn't right? But the circumstances...? Inho is scared of the truth. Because although Jung won his affection (bromance ya'll bromance) he has this doubt engrained in his brain on whether Jung wronged him or not. And I've focused on Inho here but I feel its the same situation with both guys. If they sit down and talk they may hear something they don't want to hear, something that'll be like the final blow to their already broken friendship. Ugh I love them both. Together.

Well I was actually gonna write about Inho's development in episode 8 but obviously I got sidetracked. :D

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Guest mywebfoot

@Emily Pun Thank you. I took English Language as a topic once, but dropped it like a hot stone. You could say I am a failed Language major :P, now taking to haunting kdrama forums with amateur analyses! 

@NRGchick Thanks for welcome! I saw a tumblr post once that catalogued all the times he asked her out for a meal. I counted 11 times. Dude is persistent, but in a very sweet and un-stalker-ish manner. 


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@MrsSoJiSub @chasingdaisy @rhaps @qwenli

Thank you for your responses and I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that there's a gentleman hidden under all those layers of emotional complexity and "contradictory" impulses. ;)

Maybe it's an indictment of our modern day society where we can't get our heads around the fact that people can compartmentalize how they see people and not hate them or love them.  

4 hours ago, colormejoyous said:

Honestly, I'm more of a Jung supporter. But, I'm also sort of done with explaining his behavior to people outside this forum. They can call him the devil himself and I'm not saying anything (though it seems like "devil" is the only label left after using every negative label (warranted or unwarranted) to describe his personality. I'm just DONE explaining because if people choose to see certain things with negatively biased glasses then there is not much I can do to change their perception. I'm just going to keep enjoying the show, and stay away from commments that don't bother to go any deeper in understanding Jung's character and the reasons behind his actions. If they want to simplify everything then congratulations to them, but they have picked the wrong drama to watch. If people are watching cheese, then they should at least learn to deduce and connect the dots for characters' various choices and their resulting personalities.

But, at the same time, I do like reading reason based opinions on this forum, so keep at it guys! (sorry for the ranty comment, couldn't help myself. lol)




Don't hold back, @colormejoyous, tell us exactly how you feel. :lol:

Although some times I feel frustrated that I must be backing the wrong horse. :lol: But only sometimes. ;)


2 hours ago, qwenli said:

I dont know, i seriously got a feeling that its the older audience (me included) that is understanding him. Maybe we need another ahjumma fanclub. Haha.

LOL. Yeah, maybe we should start Jung's ajumma fanclub. :lol: Where we can all chastise him for all the naughty things he's done and then give him a nice big hug each. :bawling:

I like the way you think, dear!

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15 minutes ago, mywebfoot said:

@Emily Pun Thank you. I took English Language as a topic once, but dropped it like a hot stone. You could say I am a failed Language major :P, now taking to haunting kdrama forums with amateur analyses! 

@NRGchick Thanks for welcome! I saw a tumblr post once that catalogued all the times he asked her out for a meal. I counted 11 times. Dude is persistent, but in a very sweet and un-stalker-ish manner. 


Oh wow that's cool. Even though you dropped the class, you at least learned something from the class. I find it easier to analyze KDramas than books.

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For me, though, about Min Soo's behavior...  I just try to compare it with Jung's reaction when HE was frequently rejected by Seol as well.  Let's not forget that this is the guy who's been making everyone doubt about his motives, because he's assumed to be unstable.  Yet, how did he react to Seol's rejection? By being patient and trying to show her that she can trust him (there are some times when this gets blurry, but I'm talking about how he reacts publicly - not the secret threats that he gives).  He'd smile and offer help.  He'd buy her coffee.  Normal stuff.  And yet, he doesn't overdo it.  He doesn't try to change his personality for the sake of the one person that he likes.  Sure, he makes subtle changes with how he reacts (he tries telling her how he feels about her relationship with In Ho now, rather than keeping everything shut.).  But Jung is still Jung - flaws and all.

Min Soo, however... well, she did the exact opposite.  And if your behavior is worse than the guy that the show has marked to have major issues, what does that exactly make you?

And regarding Bo Ra, the girl needs to calm down.  But I also think that we have to account that that's actually her personality.  Seol even explained that when they first met, Bo Ra was always fighting.  So, yes.  Her behavior is uncalled for.  But you can't exactly say that it is unexpected.

Meanwhile, Min Soo who's been shown to have an admiration for Seol all throughout the first few episodes, suddenly reappears looking like a Seol clone... Only to throw her under the bus in public like that - it definitely sets off warning signals for the Crazy Train.

And THAT is why Min Soo is officially on my crazy list.  Along with In Ha and Young Gon.

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2 minutes ago, Ahpheng said:

:blush: thank you for the compliment and for following my IG 


Chingu @Ahpheng I really love all your c-strips in your IG!! I'm going to follow u too~~ I missed a lot of your CITT series.. gonna make time to read all of it!! :heart:

Reading 6 pages of this thread today, and I love all of your discussions!! and I just noticed most of u have become Yoo Jung's fan club?? hahahaha...

YJ's character is easy to be hated at first, but gradually we love him.. he's like a child who needed love?? hahaha... at first I find YJ scary and confusing.. but now I seriously like him! Not that I dislike In Ho, I like him too.. but he'll be a great friend to Seol~~ ^^ (He can be mine personally! hahaha)

Still haven't watched both new episodes with subs.. :bawling:

But right now since I have KGE's movie Memories of Sword in my tab, I'm going to watch it during my one hour lunch time... ^^ Should have CITT's episodes in my tab~~ huhuhuhu


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@ChasingDaisies Its not that jung is being truthful out of goodness of his heart.. :P .. Seol asked him to be truthful and hence he is..with the expectation that being truthful is answer to all issues



In webtoon,

After HS walks away from YJ upon learning of his involvement in YG case,

There is a very cute scene..


YJ mumbles to himself:


If I tell her the truth , she gets angry

If I lie, she doesn't like it

From now on, I will do things my way..




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