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@MrsSoJiSub -- Well, if you can't find like-minded friends, I'm always here for you. ;) Even if Seol leaves Jung, we never will. :bawling: Let's commiserate together if we ever need to.

But In-ho... yeah, I like the boy more and more but he's too much mouth at times. He's less bad than he was in the beginning but I think the more responsible he becomes the less compelled he needs to talk.

The problem I have with In-ho as a real romantic rival... and I don't think he is... is that he sort of feels obvious. He has that bickering relationship with the female lead which could go either way. K rom coms love deploying the bickering leads trope but I feel that Cheese is rather above all that.

I would be disappointed if Seol did end up In-ho not because I'm trying to start a ship war *slowly reaches for the exit* but the thing that makes Cheese special to me is that we have the leads already an insane couple trying to be a less insane couple. That's so unique and I would hate for them to suddenly go all conventional on me in Ep. 14. 

But this is the director of Heart2Heart so I'm hoping that she'll stay the course. She did a good job bringing the couple together early in that one too but spoilt it for me by going down the makjang route after Ep. 11.

5 minutes ago, naruto89 said:


But anyways, I am enjoying this drama very much and hope that people are not just "shipping" Yoo Jung and Seol just because Park Hye Jin is obviously gorgezz ( and who wouldn't want that hunk) ! but just following the narrative, and the types of characters that you would want for yourself?            


But why would I want Jung for myself? I already have a nice man that makes me a hot chocolate before I go to bed for me each night and occasionally (very occasionally), he even watches Asian dramas with me.


Do people necessarily pick "ships" because that's what they want for themselves? I dunno, I just follow the story where it takes me. I normally go where canon goes. If I don't like the leads, I don't watch. 

Do I watch murder mysteries because I like watching people murdered? Hmmm...

PHJ is undoubtedly hot... no arguments from me on that... but he's just an actor playing a role and doing so darn well.

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11 minutes ago, naruto89 said:

So this is my perception of the drama (as an unbiased viewer) : 

In the beginning, I found this drama to be really cute, especially Yoo Jung's character with the whole: Let's go eat! haha and basically trying to get Seol to have a meal with him.

But, I find that the more I get to know Yoo Jung's character, the shadier he seems to be. I am liking the mystery aspect of the drama and how the writer is building up Yoo Jung's character in this respect; however,I don't see how one can justify purposefully asking a classmate to stalk Seol. Moreover, I suspect that he is the reason that In Ho had extensive injury to his hand. As the story is unfolding we are seeing that In Ho's dream was piano, and that his hands are important part of his identity and his dream. I also don't know what could justify him doing this, seeing that In Ho seems like a sincere, genuine character. I hope the writer can provide us with proper reasoning. I think Seol should trust her gut feeling again after he also beat up the pervert on the street unmercifully. 

Moreover, I find that Yoo Jung and Seol are quite...how do I say this? ....Awkward? Unnatural? I can't seem to put my finger on it, but something about their relationship seems forced. Seol seems to trying to talk herself into this relationship almost every episode. Although, they keep talking about how similar they are, I don't know think that just because two people are similar they necessarily need to date. Seol and Inho on the other hand seem to have a more natural interaction. Just Saying how I call it. 

But anyways, I am enjoying this drama very much and hope that people are not just "shipping" Yoo Jung and Seol just because Park Hye Jin is obviously gorgezz ( and who wouldn't want that hunk) ! but just following the narrative, and the types of characters that you would want for yourself?            


yes you r rite..jung-seol seem unnatural..awkward..forced..but that's the charm of their relationship..i hope the relationship will so stronger.

inho-seol do seem natural bcoz they started as a friend..and through times they get to know n help each other better..


definitely he is the most gorgezz man the k-drama world..how lucky go eun to get 'cuddled' by him..i don't see jung hugged her but more to cuddled her..she fit perfectly in jung arms...and jung face when hugged her is like he is very satisfied to get cuddle his teddy bear whom he missed so much..i was hoping that I am seol..


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Okay another thing:

Do all romances have to follow the same trajectory? Or our own trajectory? Maybe Seol enjoys being in a relationship with a good-looking, smart guy with a dark side? May be she doesn't mind the dark side so much when he uses it for her benefit?

Maybe she likes men who straddle the divide precariously. Maybe... because she has such a wussy, chauvinistic father who jumps from one business scheme to the next that FOR HER to meet a man who do anything for her... can actually be quite... attractive.

Maybe she's the one who has the dark side. I don't think we should allow ourselves be fooled by the curls and cute smile. 


And the thing is we don't know what she thinks about In-ho, right? Why? Because he doesn't occupy her thoughts, she doesn't second guess herself when she's with him. She's doesn't feel awkward with him. Why? Because she's not in love with him. 

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I can't wait for tonight's episode...I've lost my life becoz of Jung n Seol, checking forum every hour, rewatching episodes, downloading drama n ost, making screencaps etc....the most unbelievable is I live stream every wk juz this drama n do live recap here for the 1st time of my drama watching life! I really can't...sighhhh. :crazy: What have they done to me??...:P see u tonite, must do daily functions too for now.:D

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Giggling here on the scene in the car, she kissed him and run after... I was like thinking "omgeee he would follow her and IN Ho is there..andweeee!" And sooo it happened...darnit....! I hate it when they are just on the middle of really getting along well and this kinna misunderstanding pops up..! Schrooo...! Hmmmppp..! Jung is just makng sooo much effort... And i want them to be just lovey dovey...! Chaeballlll...! 

Who ever here is writing a petition for that much awaited REAL kiss... Count me in signing...! This is just plain cheating....! Sooo not fair...! Anguere? :);):P 

@40somethingahjumma i am watching just two... PM me the other 2 your watching,,, got some popcorn over here, lets watch together..! Hahahaha


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5 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Okay another thing:

Do all romances have to follow the same trajectory? Or our own trajectory? Maybe Seol enjoys being in a relationship with a good-looking, smart guy with a dark side? May be she doesn't mind the dark side so much when he uses it for her benefit?

Maybe she likes men who straddle the divide precariously. Maybe... because she has such a wussy, chauvinistic father who jumps from one business scheme to the next that FOR HER to meet a man who do anything for her... can actually be quite... attractive.

Maybe she's the one who has the dark side. I don't think we should allow ourselves be fooled by the curls and cute smile. 


And the thing is we don't know what she thinks about In-ho, right? Why? Because he doesn't occupy her thoughts, she doesn't second guess herself when she's with him. She's doesn't feel awkward with him. Why? Because she's not in love with him. 

Well, on the first point....I agree, not all romances have to follow the same trajectory....

but I think we know all too well that the good looks, smarts, and bad boy fettish will fade with time....the dark side is what im wondering about too chingguu....from what i can judge so far, for all we know Jung can be a sociopath ???? Is that something people are ok with?  but i mean, it can be an interesting story of that is the direction the writer wants....


and since as viewers we practically know all of hong seol's thoughts....i have no reason to believe yet that she has a dark side...but who knows (no one knows for sure, maybe she did the five finger discount in 7th grade?) 

And, from what the drama has shown us, I think she cares about In-ho (maybe not full fledged feelings) , but I believe that he doesn't occupy her thoughts as much is because she probably doesn't have a reason to be suspicious, you know? I think we have seen Seol being more suspicious of Jung in her inner thoughts.... 


but we shall see where the drama takes us! 


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This is so random but watching the episodes of both dramas....aaaahhh Yoo Jung and Bong Won from 6 Flying Dragons would be formidable together. They would slay their opponents one by one and bring all of Gyero to it's knees and then they would go at each other for Joseon. I weep at the idea of these two awesome characters uniting and then splittingI up and *cries of a broken character loves heart* It'll never happen. I would kill to see PHJ and YAI as their characters facing off *wishes there was a way to teleport kdrama characters form one time line and story to another*

@40somethingahjumma I love reading all your insights on the drama. So true that Inho is much more than a second-lead and has his own storyline that has nothing to do with Seol and his feelings for her. Inha is so  badass (and still hella spoilt and bratty and a enable user) in the webtoon. It's killing me that the actress isn't doing her justice. LOL at Seol being a Duracell bunny on speed. She's a precious little cinammon roll to me that I want to keep in my pocket and protect from everything.


@naruto89 I like reading your insights and I hope you continue to share. As the saying goes "There are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth" Thus far in this story we have seen everyone's side and everyone's explanation of events expect for Jung's. I have noticed that in the drama people  make claims and then we see it from their perspective. Seol makes judgements and we hear her 1,000 thoughts and we too make judgements. After all of this then we get a tiny glimpse into Jung and he explains and tells his side of things. What I enjoy about the drama is how the presentation of events has us draw conclusions to those events and then skew or play with how we perceive, accept, or not accept events. Maybe I got issues because when we compare Jung to all the other characters in this drama (I ain't comparing him to real life because in real life or like real life, everyone of these characters has their own issues and shadiness to deal with) who is the real shady one in everything. Okay maybe Jung could have handled somethings differently and made more "friendlier choices" but imho making friendly choices in this drama seems to decide to ignore people's wrong doing/bad traits and get walked all over by bad people in innocent college student clothing. For all of Jung's "shadiness" he is more honest than anyone of the characters in this drama. He is who he is  and he makes no apologies (ETA: he does when needed because he knows he was in the wrong) or some bs "just this once" excuses for himself.

Every time Seol has called him out on his behavior, he has been honest, owned up to it, and let her do what she will with that information. That's a lot more than I can say for San Chul who has never come clean bout the Seol incident but still walks around boldly acting like her friend and screwing her over in group projects. TA Heo who steals a person's wallet and credit cards and does things that could get him fired from his job. Knowing this he makes a deal of you scratch my back, I scratch yours. Then goes and plays the victim when the kitchen gets a little too hot for his liking. If homeboy didn't like having to do favors for Jung (wasn't he asking Jung for "favors" too when made him keep hush hush of the wallet incident?) all he had to was be honest, admit to what he had done, and deal with the fallout (losing his job). But he didn't, he/has not/will not. He's a thief who steals from the students in his department, loses papers to cover his own back, and then goes and cries victim when he's really not. He's shady! He's manipulative! He told Seol half truths knowing she didn't know and acting like he didn't know, that she didn't know.

These characters in this drama are killing me. They are all adults. Very aware adults, making adult decisions and then wanting to run away and not deal with the outcomes and fallout of those decisions. They are entitled little shits to be honest. They expect something from Jung and the world (they have to with the way they all selfishly behave). They feel like Jung and the world owes them some piece of pie because life is so hard and difficult and woo is them. Sit down with your violin okay. The world owes you nothing. Jung and his riches and his silver spoon entitled life owes you nothing. You don't get to steal and use him (yes they all use him) then cry when he uses you right the heck back. I feel like the whole campus and Jung have this sort of agreement of how they'll deal with one another. Oh rich sunbae Yoo Jung will pay for things. And smart Yoo Jung will do the work. Yoo Jung will never get mad at us. Yoo Jung will smile and give and give without complaint because he can give, he should give, he will give (his dad too put this in Jung's head and Jung is playing the role) but then when it's you alls turn to give something back to the boy. When it's time to scratch his back a little ya'll start crying...nah son. I do for you, but it's time for you to do for me, you wanna bailout? Nah kid, that's not how it works. If I'm going down for richard simmons I did for you, you better believe I am taking your richard simmons down with me. Why should I be the only one punished when we both robbed the bank? 

As for the Younggo stalker thing we've only seen things from Younggo's perspective and have gotten/his side of the story. I reserve judgement until I see Jung's side of things because it could have been an honest mistake. Also not to blame Seol, but let's be real. This chick attracts crazies like honey to a bee. Her warm heart will be the freaking death of her! Only now are we seeing Seol stand up for herself bit by bit (a positive influence that I think is both Jung and Inho's doing) but since episode one how many times had we seen this girl bow not only to Jung but many others in apology? Cower away from confrontation? Allow people to walk all over her? Let everyone leave their richard simmons at her doorstep to deal with and do all the work. Girl was late to witch Kang's class knowing how witch Kang is and how important her needed scholarship is, all to allow a co-worker he called last minute show up late for work?!!!! The group project....even when she was trying to deal with the dropped class situation with assistant Heo. Moving out because it's what would be best for Joon. Even Jung in the beginning. I love the girl my lords could she do well to take Jung's advice and think more of herself more often and Inho's advice to just blow up if need be because she will get old quick living life how she is now. So yeah I kind of went off topic there, but the stalker situation and Jung's role in it all; we haven't gotten the fully story and I an't taking crazy Younggo's word for it all. Inho's hand incident is similar. We have seen how Inho saw the situation and got his side of the story, but we have yet to hear Jung and his side. So I hold off judgement on that too.

Why I ship these two. I actually ship them because of the chemistry and how awkward their relationship is. I feel like most kdramas make relationships seem so damn easy too damn easy and effortless. Relationships are a lot of work imho. I mean it shouldn't be so much work that you are freaking exhausted but yeah it takes time, work, consideration of one other, and getting to know one another to break out of that awkwardness and reach a place of real trust, love, a shared bond that you continuously work at to make stronger (Seol and Jung are and continue to work on this, which is what I enjoy about them). I feel that relationships are constantly learning about one another, seeing different sides of one another, and deciding if you can handle it. If that person is someone you want to keep working with to keep growing that bond and that relationship. That is what I see when I look at Jung and Seol, two people who are mutually attracted and interested in each other ,wanting to work at being with one another because of the feelings that being together brings out in each other and themselves. He makes her happy, she makes him happy. He can't sleep at night because the thought of her maybe leaving him to be with another guy keeps him up. She smiles and laughs giddy to herself at the thought of a possible future with him. Their first date was awkward as heck and they just weren't on the same "wave length" but they have worked at that (time and getting to know more about one another) and now he knows of coupons, they have nice talks, he buys her hair ties and lion phone keychain thing, and she gets him much adored watches.

They talk, share deep feelings, laugh, and touch one another. Their hand holding that was once awkward no longer is. Yes they argue, and fight, misunderstand one another. But again they come back to one another and talk about things and reach some kind of mutual understanding and agreement of going forward. Seol learn more about Jung and Jung learns more about her. Both agree that they want to continue going forward becuase of or in spite of what they learn and that's a relationship imho. Their is an adult and realistic relationship. All of the above is why I ship them. With that said Jung and Seol are like two sides of the same coin but for as much as they are similar, they are also very different. The day Seol decides she cannot handle Jung and who he is and doesn't want to be with him (or vice versa) I'll let my ship go and wish them both happiness in whatever fictional relationship comes next. As for Seol and Inho I am not going to lie and say they are not compatible. They are compatible, they have things in common. Seol has fun with Inho in a way that she can't with Jung and her dynamic with him is different than how she is with Jung. However I don't think she talks with Inho the way she talks with Jung or shares with him as much as she shares with Jung (Inho happened to be there when  Younggo came and she never shared with him the details of what went down). At the end of the day, Seol seeing all that she has with Inho and knowing all that she does of Inho, she chooses not to be in a romantic relationship with him (that may change in the future) she chooses and wants to be with Jung. Inho is there, but she chooses Jung and to me she and him (Jung) fit. Yeah I enjoy her friendship with Inho but that's all I see it as, and that's all it is for now. Should she ever decide she no longer wants to be with Jung and Inho is where it's at, not going to lie I'll be bitter and crushed (I think she and Jung can work well into the future) but I'll accept it LOL (the bitterness depending on Jung's behavior, may never go away LOL). If she's single I will also accept that. I can understand why people don't ship the two or see their's as a problematic relationship (and it is one) but all relationships come with their fair share of problems. And once I feel that theirs is an abusive relationship that is not good/healthy for Seol, then I'll bounce (we haven't reached that point yet). 

*please excuse spelling and grammatical errors

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I can't finish the subbed episode today because my panda eyes will only get worse. But I gotta write this or I might forget later. I'll call this my Random Post. 

1. Did you see Euntaek hurriedly get in between Bora and Inho as they were walking to the pub? Hehehe I love him.

2. DUDE that pervert was not only choking Seol, he was going to hit her with the laptop!!! I'm so glad Jung got there. Even though I had already streamed the episode I held my breath. Creep.

3. Okay, I LOVE the fact that Seol instinctively hid behind Jung when she saw YG. Which btw, he literally got on the rock, posed for like 10 seconds and left running to the girl senior. Yup, something is definitely off with the guy.

4. Who's idea was it to zoom in on all the Jung-Seol hand holding? Because I love it. Its repetitively used and I like that it represents their growing relationship, even with all the setbacks.

5. The little giggle Jung/PHJ did when he was listening to Seol in the cafeteria. So cute. The entire scene was cute actually.

6. The cheek kiss. OMG Hong Seol you are quite possibly my favorite kdrama lead girl ever. Gosh I think she tickled us all to death. 

6. I also realized that Seol pushed Jung's hand away twice when he was trying to approach her after beating the guy. The look on his face though. Then when he was waiting for Seol at the hospital, it looked like he had this huge weight on his shoulders. I'm telling you guys, what scares him the most is that he's the bad guy everyone says he is (in this case pervert dude) and that in turn he will ultimately scare Seol and she'll leave him. When he said he was starting to regret beating up the guy I believed him. He really was frightened that Seol wouldn't come out of the room. That she'd turn her back on him, just like the pervert said. Ah be still my heart.

7. I'm gonna play devil's advocate now. I do feel bad for Inha. I don't know how many more flashbacks we'll have with the trio but if the ones we got today are all we're getting regarding Inha and her dream, well I will be a tad disappointed. Why? Because I think they toned Inho's remarks down. In the webtoon he just went on and on and on and onnnn about his natural-born talent, about Inha's lack of talent, "you should give up." Blah blah blah. If we're advocating for Jung's current behavior due to his bad childhood, then imma advocate the same for Inha. I'm not excusing her behavior in the present because yeah she could set her mind up to achieve something for herself. But is it easy to muster up the strength and determination when you grew up with a brother (the only family member you had left) who constantly told you, "give up?' I don't find it easy.

Ah and some may say, 'Inho did it, why can't she, they're in the same shoes.' No, no, no. Inho grew up with people who told him he was talented, he was great, he would be some grand musician one day. "You were born with talent." And of course Inho loved playing the piano so he worked towards it and enjoyed the fruit of his labor. He knows that cycle, of working towards something and getting an outcome. He has the determination to accomplish things on his own.

And now, now he realizes what its like to lose your dream. He didn't understand until he went through it himself. He had no sympathy towards his sister.

And I wrote too much again. Sigh...panda eyes it is.

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Cheese in the Trap: Episode 7

by javabeans | January 25, 2016 | 13 Comments

I do enjoy this couple so—they’re awkward and halting and sometimes make me cringe so hard in secondhand embarrassment, but they’re endearing as all get-out. In most dramaland trendies, I fall for the romances because they’re sweet, or chemistry-packed, or bolstered by heaps of funny, witty cuteness. In this case, however, I actually find the romance enlightening and enriching, for the way it captures the lovely awkwardness of regular people figuring things out as they go, stumbling and making mistakes but letting their feelings guide them back together.


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6 hours ago, demarchelier said:

4. [+22, -2] I bet Baek Inha had something to do with what happened to Inho's hands... she is definitely evil enough to.

Haven't watched today's episode yet but I had the exact same thought at the commenters above! (lol) What if Inha was the one behind the whole incident? What if she was the one who caused the whole misunderstandings between the two boys? ...That would just be horrible... D: She wouldn't do that to her own brother, right? Right? o_o;;


Cheese in the Trap





Herald Pop - Naver: 'Cheese in the Trap', Park Hae Jin♥ Kim Go Eun showing more skinship
1. [+2,469, -18] I've fallen completely for Yoo Jung, Seol, Inho and all the characters. They're all adorable

2. [+1,446, -18] I'm having a hard time falling asleepㅜㅜ I have insomnia on Monday and Tuesdays nights and I sleep during the day ㅜㅜ But it's all good

3. [+1,388, -21] The actors are so good at acting and they're such eye candies.. The sweetest thriller drama ever

4. [+1,019, -15] Thank you so much for the eye candies

5. [+970, -15] Everyone there's a kiss scene in tonight's episode 

6. [+160, 0] Hong Seol was so cute when she ran away after the kiss ㅋㅋ




tv Report - Naver: Seo Kang Joon starts playing the piano again through Kim Go Eun's help

1. [+445, -6] My heart was fluttering at the kiss scene in the preview but Yoo Byung Jae's crying spoilt the mood. I couldn't help but burst into laughterㅠㅋ

2. [+374, -5] I hope things turn out well for Baek Inho soon ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

3. [+359, -3] Why is life so cruel to Baek Inho? ㅠㅠ He's pitiful in the webtoon but I wish his drama character finds happiness

4. [+165, -3] Seo Kang Joon's nailing his character, his acting is stable and most of all, he's handsomeㅠㅠㅠ I love you Baek Inho





Newsen - Nate: Nam Joo Hyuk defends Park Min Ji and punishes Ji Yoon Ho
1. [+493, -6] The scene that made my heart flutter the most ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+458, -9] Eun Taek is the man!!

3. [+63, 0] This particular part made my heart flutter so much while reading the webtoon. I even took a screenshot and ponder about it for a long time but seeing it come alive in  3D is such a meaningful experience.. Made me swoon even more because Nam Joo Hyuk looked so handsome

4. [+50, -4] Why did they cast a handsome actor to play Oh Yong Gon? Am I the only who thinks he's handsome? ㅜ

5. [+23, -2] EoNamTaek = The boyfriend is Taek anyway

Naver: Kim Go Eun, adorable 'Hongvely'

1. [+475, -10] Kim Go Eun appears radiant the more I look at her

2. [+384, -14] Her acting's really good and she's so lovely and adorable. Most of all, she manages to pull of every outfit she wears. She looks amazing in jeans

3. [+259, -5] She's super cute

4. [+190, -12] Her acting is really natural enough to make me confuse if she's really acting or she's just going about her daily routine. Meanwhile, Inha's overacting puts me off


5. [+69, -3] I fell in love for Kim Go Eun more than the actors.

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15 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:


n then ofc bora - ETK.. how darn cute is this couple.. bora open eyes. r they bringing in Mona?..this is one love story not getting its due in the drama unfortunately


n I want a crazy new guy for inHa.. she actually has great potential as a character to have her own spinoff.. taming of the shrew..

You speak my mind girl!!!! I do agree all your comments regarding this drama! We need Mona!!! I pity Euntaek and his precious feeling for some reason.

Have no idea why Lee Sungkyung is hated tbh. I think I am the only one whose mental disorder lol. I love her portray as a baddest girl who likes to mock and pull someone hair off but I would like to see her grow up as well.

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19 minutes ago, bjvipb2uty said:

I can't finish the subbed episode today because my panda eyes will only get worse. But I gotta write this or I might forget later. I'll call this my Random Post. 

1. Did you see Euntaek hurriedly get in between Bora and Inho as they were walking to the pub? Hehehe I love him.

2. DUDE that pervert was not only choking Seol, he was going to hit her with the laptop!!! I'm so glad Jung got there. Even though I had already streamed the episode I held my breath. Creep.

3. Okay, I LOVE the fact that Seol instinctively hid behind Jung when she saw YG. Which btw, he literally got on the rock, posed for like 10 seconds and left running to the girl senior. Yup, something is definitely off with the guy.

4. Who's idea was it to zoom in on all the Jung-Seol hand holding? Because I love it. Its repetitively used and I like that it represents their growing relationship, even with all the setbacks.

5. The little giggle Jung/PHJ did when he was listening to Seol in the cafeteria. So cute. The entire scene was cute actually.

6. The cheek kiss. OMG Hong Seol you are quite possibly my favorite kdrama lead girl ever. Gosh I think she tickled us all to death. 

6. I also realized that Seol pushed Jung's hand away twice when he was trying to approach her after beating the guy. The look on his face though. Then when he was waiting for Seol at the hospital, it looked like he had this huge weight on his shoulders. I'm telling you guys, what scares him the most is that he's the bad guy everyone says he is (in this case pervert dude) and that in turn he will ultimately scare Seol and she'll leave him. When he said he was starting to regret beating up the guy I believed him. He really was frightened that Seol wouldn't come out of the room. That she'd turn her back on him, just like the pervert said. Ah be still my heart.

7. I'm gonna play devil's advocate now. I do feel bad for Inha. I don't know how many more flashbacks we'll have with the trio but if the ones we got today are all we're getting regarding Inha and her dream, well I will be a tad disappointed. Why? Because I think they toned Inho's remarks down. In the webtoon he just went on and on and on and onnnn about his natural-born talent, about Inha's lack of talent, "you should give up." Blah blah blah. If we're advocating for Jung's current behavior due to his bad childhood, then imma advocate the same for Inha. I'm not excusing her behavior in the present because yeah she could set her mind up to achieve something for herself. But is it easy to muster up the strength and determination when you grew up with a brother (the only family member you had left) who constantly told you, "give up?' I don't find it easy.

Ah and some may say, 'Inho did it, why can't she, they're in the same shoes.' No, no, no. Inho grew up with people who told him he was talented, he was great, he would be some grand musician one day. "You were born with talent." And of course Inho loved playing the piano so he worked towards it and enjoyed the fruit of his labor. He knows that cycle, of working towards something and getting an outcome. He has the determination to accomplish things on his own.

And now, now he realizes what its like to lose your dream. He didn't understand until he went through it himself. He had no sympathy towards his sister.

And I wrote too much again. Sigh...panda eyes it is.

Yaa at everything you had to say but especially the bolded and all of 4-6. Youggo is definitely some type of crazy and he is a character that truly needs professional help because he is a danger not only to himself but the campus. Just thinking of the way he uses poor Single White Female Minsoo...but LOL at the way he uses San Chul and but poor the girl senior with the bun (but not so much cause her stank self was in the D group with Seol and she worked on her independent project but not the group one) still poor her...

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subs are out..


Two key observations for me.. 


2. YJ - he was so caring towards In Ha.. this is altogether a diff side to him... he really loved the siblings..

in Ho:  i understand is the carefree talented sunshine kind of personality who genuinely likes people and is not fake..so YJ gravitating towards him..plus the bro-bro relationship would illicit the strong positive feelings YJ has for inHo


In Ha: but in ha has always been superficial..both IH and YJ know that..and despite that YJ cares.. really cares..(spoiler: webtoon - i think there is a scene when she fakes her leg is hurt , cold war between the three has already started, even then YJ comes and attends to her frantic call.. ofcourse father asked him to go..but still)

Why does he care so much? Because he sees a sister in him? But he and IH both know that in Ha is trying to woo YJ.. YJ realizes that..and yet he is caring towards her.. and not just because she is In Ho's sis (and since he really likes In Ho).. but its a liking of its own..


1. Biggest highlight for me - In Ha

In Ha has more torturous a past than YJ or IH..

- What is YJ's problem - that parents don't trust him and expect too much? - But they love him..even if child YJ can't see it.. his parents are not cruel..

- In Ho has a bratty personality..n he had his older sis to shield him.. he is good looking, talented, gets people to like him easily..has no sense of responsibility or how others feel

- In Ha: abused, since reacts more .. so more abused than her brother, brother who doesn't stand by her.. runs away..makes fun, one aspiration she had regarding drawing.. and her own brother takes that away from her... imagine how hurt she is.. to have given up on relationship..and basically find her happiness in clothes and bags.. not sure if she genuinely likes YJ ( she knows YJ has no feelings and is wooing him only so that she can have comfortable living)..


My heart goes out to her.. her pains.. while others are busy cribbing, whining, justifying why they do what.. here is a lady.. who has gone through much more than anyone else... and is not apologetic about wanting to be happy (wherever her happiness lies)

I am angry at In Ho.. while all of us felt bad that she would take away his money in initial episodes.. after ep 7.. i don't feel bad towards him...


More than YJ, In Ha needs healing.. i hope webtoon could do sthg for her..



Edit: I think YJ realizes in Ha's predicament.. and relates to her at some level..and that's why was caring towards her..



lol..just finished watchign and preview - Yj is soooo jealous of In Ho's proximity to HS..


and go for YG.. finally tells YJ why he has been wrong..think will d girl like you if she knows you sent a guy to stalk her..


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Wow . . . I've noticed that whenever I watch a new episode of "Cheese in the Trap" it takes me twice as long as it should.  Why?


(And sometimes more than once.  ;) )

I just love watching them together.  More than anything, it's their expressions that has me completely entranced and makes me feel like I need to pay just that little bit more attention to their actions.  Honestly, the acting from PHJ and KGE is so natural and effortless that sometimes, I could care less about the actual story.  I feel like I could just watch the two of them have a conversation in a cafe and be totally immersed.

Tonight's favorite rewind scene was that moment where YJ walks into the classroom and, when everyone invites him to sit with them, he heads for Seol's desk instead.  I just love the way she grabs at her friends and then slumps over in despair as he laughs and tells her to scoot over.  I could watch that scene over and over again.

In fact, I think I will . . . so, bye!  :P

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In episode 7, Seol came out of her hospital room to talk to Jung. Poor guy, he looked like a little puppy or kid in the corner. The look on his face was as if he was sorry for what he has done (= going too far in hurting the underwear thief), or sorry for upsetting Seol .

But do you all think that he did honestly regret his action, like he told Seol ? 

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