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Cheese in the Trap: Episode 3

by javabeans | January 11, 2016 | 22 Comments | 117 votes, average: 4.86 out of 5117 votes, average: 4.86 out of 5117 votes, average: 4.86 out of 5117 votes, average: 4.86 out of 5117 votes, average: 4.86 out of 5 4.86 out of 5 stars (117 votes)


Cheese in the Trap has all the makings of a crack drama and pop-culture sensation, which the ever-climbing ratings only serve to confirm. But more than a sweet, potentially giddifying romance with appealing characters, I’m really responding to the thread of thoughtfulness running through the show, and the development of the characters beyond the romantic. You’ll never hear me complain about romantic development as a bad thing, but you’ll also never hear me complain about a romance that suggests hidden layers and emotional depth. When you get them both together, you’ve got something special, and while it’s still very early to make definitive conclusions, Cheese does hint at something special


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1 hour ago, UnniSarah said:

Chingu's Do you think the professor is right that Hong Seol doesn't know how to be a team player????? Please help me out here.  

Clearly I saw she tried to work with them but they never wanted to work together. They always had an excuse for not meeting.

I do not think that Seol is not able to work in a team. She just had no luck with his team members ((( And as YJ said to her, she was too compliant. Team members simply dropped all the work on Seol, because they knew that she would do everything well and on time. 

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2 minutes ago, rhaps said:

In my opinion, the professor has a point, but she is also being too hard. In real life at work, sometimes you get to work with a team of difficult people. There are conditions where you can not work alone and people judge your team as a whole, not just you. There are ways to deal with difficult people, but if they are too many, then the choice is either do your best or leave and find another team.  In HS's case, I haven't watch this with subs, but I have read the recaps. In my opinion, yes .. Sangchul is hopeless, but how about the other 2 friends ? I still feel that HS can do more to cooperate with them, but I didn't see that. 

Then again, if I were the professor, then I won't give her a D. I will give her at least a C , then D for the rest of the team. A good teacher / superior should also listen to her subordinates, so I don't think she is being fair here. Then again, superiors like that do exist in the real life.  Perhaps that is what the professor is trying to teach : the lesson of working in a real work environment.

Spoilers below: (for those who want to read what I have already read from the webtoon--if you don't want to know, don't use your mouse to highlight on the text). 

Min Soo will return later on showing a more bold side of her, probably instigated by HS. She wanted to imitate HS because HS was soon to be popular amongst her peers. Perhaps the green monster got to MS because  HS was soon to be getting the attention, thanks to Sunbae.



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1 hour ago, UnniSarah said:

Chingu's Do you think the professor is right that Hong Seol doesn't know how to be a team player????? Please help me out here.  

Clearly I saw she tried to work with them but they never wanted to work together. They always had an excuse for not meeting.

The professor was right in reprimanding Hong Seol about not being a team player. I got the same lecture from my professor when it happened to me. I really hated group work during my university days. Getting lectured by my professor sucked big time. At the time I thought my professor was being unfair, but he made a valid point which I appreciate now. The point of the group exercise was to figure out a way to work together. Out in the real world you're going to encounter individuals who will not be on the same page as you. As a business management major {I stress the word "management"}, HS who was the team leader should have figured out how to communicate with each of the group members. Obviously she should have dragged SC's sorry butt to get the job done. Min Soo needed a little more hand holding and direction. I don't know how many repeated phone calls that I have to relay in a day at work to remind people to finish their work, how many meetings I have in a week, or the constant explaining on how things are suppose to be done for the 100th time in order for deadlines to be met.

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19 minutes ago, rhaps said:

Hi there :)

Sorry, I just wanna ask, when did Jung say that she was too compliant ? Was it in episode 2 after he was taking care of her wound ? 

Yes, about this moment. He sad:

- Why do you live your life losing out to others?

- What is this?

- Don't worry about others and take care of yourself first.

And I think he did not mean exactly the wound on his hand. 

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I honestly am in love with this drama!!! I have been reading the webtoon lately since I want to know more about it. ㅋㅋㅋ 

I am interested in watching it live tonight but have no idea where and how to. I checked TVN site but can't understand everything. Could anyone PM me the link to watch the drama tonight? I would really appreciate it. :)


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I am watching a half of yesterday's episode subbed right now in my office. Oh my goodness, everything was just 100% similar with my college days. That teamwork problem was happened to me also luckily I studied the presentation the night before.

I was the one who used to cancel or come late for the meeting even if I was the leader. Besides, even if the teamwork gathered I was just "okay! send me your works by email!" 


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1 minute ago, Sandylovesyou said:

I honestly am in love with this drama!!! I have been reading the webtoon lately since I want to know more about it. ㅋㅋㅋ 

I am interested in watching it live tonight but have no idea where and how to. I checked TVN site but can't understand everything. Could anyone PM me the link to watch the drama tonight? I would really appreciate it. :)


Here :)

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I swear I was afraid to start this drama as it was based on a webtoon. From past experience (Naeil Cantabile), there were constant comparisons with the anime, manga and the japanese live version. I felt that it couldn't get off the ground as the viewers wanted to see exactly as it happened in the manga/anime. Sometimes when the PD or writer tries to put their own interpretation, viewers do not like the change. [But to its credit - I discovered Park Bo Gum! :wub:]

It is nice to see that the viewers for Cheese in the trap are enjoying the slight changes and additions to the webtoon. Added to the fact that the script is complete, there is no uneasy feeling that there will be last minute changes to suit the viewers. [R88 - take note! Dragging the hubby bit too long!]

Can't wait to watch Ep 4 tonight!


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1 hour ago, demarchelier said:

The professor was right in reprimanding Hong Seol about not being a team player. I got the same lecture from my professor when it happened to me. I really hated group work during my university days. Getting lectured by my professor sucked big time. At the time I thought my professor was being unfair, but he made a valid point which I appreciate now. The point of the group exercise was to figure out a way to work together. Out in the real world you're going to encounter individuals who will not be on the same page as you. As a business management major {I stress the word "management"}, HS who was the team leader should have figured out how to communicate with each of the group members. Obviously she should have dragged SC's sorry butt to get the job done. Min Soo needed a little more hand holding and direction. I don't know how many repeated phone calls that I have to relay in a day at work to remind people to finish their work, how many meetings I have in a week, or the constant explaining on how things are suppose to be done for the 100th time in order for deadlines to be met.



I am graduated from public relation's communication major. It happened to me as well.  As a public relation major, we did a presentation bigger than Seol did in last night episode. We dressed up like a representative of a company then treated classmate like media representative (we even bought snack for them). In my point of view, what that professor said is right. We dont survive because we are diligent nor smart, whatever. We survive because we have people in our side. At the end, Its not about the GPA which bring you to the good company, its networking. 

You know, communication~ OMG, it has been so long since I said that word again.

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This drama got me at psycho feel! Haha.. But it's a breath of fresh air for me. Since Reply 1988 is ending soon, this drama is my new life line for the week. I browse the online manga but don't read it throughfully. 

I can relate to Seol character and how it must be confusing and bewildering for her to react to YJ hot and cold. But to answer to his dating proposal is something else. She doesn't even know he likes her that way right? Not long a go he was her biggest bully. 

But if I was Seol, I too will be running to the opposite direction if someone like YJ appear in my life. Correction, I'll be running to Inho's arm instead hehe. 

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