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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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Guest beastrbae

Omg.. I'm jealous of Unni, now she just needs to do a final photoshoot with Dong Ryung. Kyung Pyo and Bogummie :wub: Sunwoo's hair is doing injustice to his good looks I tell you.. Hopefully their fashion improves with time. I think Hyeri isn't doing photoshoot with any of the hubby contenders not only because she's super busy but also it might spark more speculation among the viewers on who the husband is. Almost 24 hours before live viewing, can't wait for the bonding session between the men in the Kim household!

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1. [+5,719, -98] They always do this in every single installment. Why not help me find a husband instead?

8. [+177, -8] What do we get in return if we guessed it right?
2. [+3,483, -74] Please find me a husband too

HAHAHAHA my stomach XD the commenters are funnehhhhhh


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Okay after watching that video of Jinjoo and remembering her scenes, I can't help but feel like she might become very important in the story later on. I mean, so far, she's already been used as a wildcard haha e.g. when she tossed JH's mom's cigarettes during SW's desk. We don't see much of her, and often when we do, she's just in the background, and I also get that this season is focusing on family, but for some reason her appearances seem much more important than, say, whenever we see Noeul.

I remember in episode 1, the quick scene when SW's leaving for school starts off with JJ watching TV, and we see her drinking Coke. This scene lasts several seconds, and the camera angle even changed for a quick close-up. Then there was another moment and I can't remember when it happened but JJ was shown just playing with one of those ball-catching cone toys, and we had a few seconds of her just aiming the ball at a doll. Maybe there are other examples, too, but I just remembered these two in particular.

I don't know if she's a good transition-er or what, but I definitely wouldn't be surprised if she became more important in another subplot. On a side note though... JJ kills me. She is just so cute!! And when the moms were getting perms I laughed forever that they gave JJ one too! :P

While watching Reply 1988 I was wondering why JH was called Jeong Pal by his friends at times? Is there a meaning for it or is it just a nickname between them? Do the other OT5 have nicknames too?

Well, correct me if I'm wrong but, when you divide the characters 정팔 (jeongpal) into 정(fourth) 팔(arm) you get: "fourth arm" which could also be translated as "dog" = JH's nickname.

Also so glad this was brought up and explained. Thank you! I was curious, too.

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While watching Reply 1988 I was wondering why JH was called Jeong Pal by his friends at times? Is there a meaning for it or is it just a nickname between them? Do the other OT5 have nicknames too?

Well, correct me if I'm wrong but, when you divide the characters 정팔 (jeongpal) into 정(fourth) 팔(arm) you get: "fourth arm" which could also be translated as "dog" = JH's nickname.


I thought 정 meant mercy, no?

Was 정팔 a real person? I was also told it was a character in a drama, or it refers to one. Anyone can confirm this?

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While watching Reply 1988 I was wondering why JH was called Jeong Pal by his friends at times? Is there a meaning for it or is it just a nickname between them? Do the other OT5 have nicknames too?

Well, correct me if I'm wrong but, when you divide the characters 정팔 (jeongpal) into 정(fourth) 팔(arm) you get: "fourth arm" which could also be translated as "dog" = JH's nickname.


I thought 정 meant mercy, no?

Was 정팔 a real person? I was also told it was a character in a drama, or it refers to one. Anyone can confirm this?

정 = Jung

정팔 = Jungpal, it's Junghwan's nickname that Deoksun call him by. And it's also translated to or meaning "dog", which is Junghwan nickname.

While talking about dog. Did anyone notice the dog who random appeared on the screen when Junghwan and Deoksun was left alone and argued about the liquor? When I saw the dog I thought about Junghwan lol, since it's his nickname. And what funny is, the dog also ran away with the gangs when it spotted Dongryong's father xD


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@svl93 @Love1403 Thanks for the answer!! Makes a lot of sense now!! ^^

Does DS have a nickname too? OT3 (excluding Taek & DS) called DS something in the beginning of episode 2 (and I think in other parts of other episodes too)... But since the subs doesn't say anything (even though I'm sure I didn't hear them call DS "DS") I'm not sure what they are calling DS... Does anyone know???

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Anyeong chingus.  I just caught up with ep 4, watching with subs.  I think I am beginning to get drawn into this drama. I am guessing that for the next episode Bora will get into trouble politically and Sun Woo ends up getting involved because he likes her.  Sun Woo and Bora's family friendship is going to be tested as Sun Woo's mother won't be able to curb her worries about Sun Woo getting into trouble.  Sun Woo is her only son and being a widow and all, I am sure she is more than protective over him and would probably fall out with Bora's mom over the issue.  This drama will be more interesting than its predecessor if it can pull off such heart rending drama.  I am looking forward to it.  

I think people just ship who their favourite actor is not caring much about the storyline.  I am actually quite neutral about the guys and I cannot understand why we cannot watch it without much ado about the shipping.  As it is now, we are sure that Jung Hwan likes Deok Sun and Deok Sun likes Sun Woo.  Why can't we just go with what the drama without shipping and let the writer tells the story.  I think the writer said that they won't play guess the husband for this series but yet it seems like people still want to play the game.  I cannot see Taek or the other friend in the running as now because there is nothing in the story that tells me that now.  Maybe the writer is going to change but I trust what whatever it is, the writer will make the characters consistent and plot believable like all the previous Reply dramas.  Thank you for hearing me out.  

agree with you chingu, why all of us can't just watch the drama without shipping anyone ?(include me ?)..


i think maybe because of their chemistry

It is great that actors have great chemistry together but to be shipping them as a couple just because they have great chemistry may not go well with the flow of the story.  I am like you, I just go with the flow of the story.  I try not to read too much into things.  Sometimes it is almost as if fans think that their vocal and aggressive shipping will cause the writers to accede to what they desire.  

I think people just ship who their favourite actor is not caring much about the storyline.  I am actually quite neutral about the guys and I cannot understand why we cannot watch it without much ado about the shipping.  As it is now, we are sure that Jung Hwan likes Deok Sun and Deok Sun likes Sun Woo.  Why can't we just go with what the drama without shipping and let the writer tells the story.  I think the writer said that they won't play guess the husband for this series but yet it seems like people still want to play the game.  I cannot see Taek or the other friend in the running as now because there is nothing in the story that tells me that now.  Maybe the writer is going to change but I trust what whatever it is, the writer will make the characters consistent and plot believable like all the previous Reply dramas.  Thank you for hearing me out.  

I'm with you on this buddy. I'm not against shipping in any way shape or form. In fact, I'm a little guilty at this if anything. Like I have mentioned in my previous post, the chemistry they build around the leads isn't strong enough to make me going cray cray over. I don't really blame them since what they aim at isn't romance but portray the living of people back in 1988, at least for now. Of course, the show would be so dry if there wasn't any romance, so throwing little intimacy here and there is the must. But I have to to give it to the PD, so far they've been keeping the romance very neutral if not so little yet successfully getting our interest remained for the show. Haha hell..actually, now we're all curiously drawn into this relationship mess. m1305.gif

I have a really silly question, I think I was lost along the way but did DS grow interest for SW because of the misinterpretation her friends have given about him having something for her, or she already liked him even before that?

@sweetypumpkin - That's a potentially good point if Dad's passing and Sun Woo's crush started at the same time…the girl he liked likely played a big role in comforting him during that tough time. Can't help myself here but I think that it would make more sense if that girl was Bora given the fact that she can be encouraging and that "older sister/noona" figure like we saw when Deok Sun/Bora's grandma passed away.

Oh dear... your insightful thought here, I love how you look at all the events so thoroughly. t2021.gif Now I kinda wanna know if Bora is really SW's secret crush. LOL

Don't get me wrong.  I am interested in the romance part of the series.  Is it just me being a pervy ahjumma or the scene at the wall was kinda erotic?  It sort of reminds me of 91/2 weeks.  Perhaps if JH is the husband, they may replay the scene again this time with them really making out behind the wall.  Okay, that's just my wishful thinking.  Having said all that, I do draw the line in over projecting the romance part.  I only go by what the writer has shown me.  So far they have only shown that JH is interested in DS and DS is interested in SW.  There is hardly anything about the other characters being potential husbands but yet there's so many post about it with dolls, colour schemes and all.  Not only that, but there are people who would get offended and have useless fan wars over their ship.  I think it is too complicated for my little brain to read too much into such things and dwell in it.  

I think DS interest grew before that.  She gave him a chocolate before that remember?  I think it is only after her friends mentioned something that she thinks she stands a chance and have more 
confidence to show her love more.  This kinda makes me anticipate that she will just fall flat on her face.  From the drama, I think JH may have an inkling of her crush too cause her behaviour is terribly obvious but he is still a guy after all so I am not sure how sharp he is to catch on.  My feel is that JH will not really act on his feelings unless there is a involuntary push factor or by accident.  This guy is too reserved in showing affection.  But he will when push comes to shove like when his father is down and when he protected her on the bus.  As for Sun Woo, the guy is really a nice guy.  He could be smiling to DS.  But you know, he smiles the same way and gives affirmation the same way to the guys too.  He is the best catch of the lot so I am sure he will be popular among girls.    

The compelling watch for the show now is not the romance part.  I think over the next few episodes if my guess is correct that SW likes Bora and will help her with the political mess she will get herself to, then the parent's friendship will be tested.  It is going to be the case of who would you choose, blood relative or friendship?  Where does one draw the line where the closeness of their friendship is like family?  Where will all the allegiance lie?  When the parent's friendships are tested, the children's friendship will be tested too.  The children are bonded by at least one emptiness in their hearts.  DS - the middle child syndrome, JH - absence of a warm family, his dad is a clown and hyung is irresponsible, DR - an absentee father, Taek - missing mother and Sun Woo, missing dad and taking over as the man of the house.  They find refuge in each other and I think that's why their friendship is special.  I don't know about you all but this time round Papa Sung is really getting on my nerves.  I think he is totally to blame for the way his children are behaving.  They act like spoilt little brats in my opinion.  I think it is interesting too if both Bora and Sun Woo gets into trouble with the law despite them being intelligent model students and children.  I mean, their parents never really needed to worry about them academically but they have neglected to see the real them emotionally and socially so it will come as a total shock to the system.   History wise, this is so real and it really did happened during that period.  I know of a girl who had such a bright future ahead of her only to become embroiled in a protest during that time.  She disappeared in the neighbourhood and was never heard of again.  So this story does depict the idealistic youths of that time very realistically.  


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@sheza The chocolate scene captured in that video cam actually happened after the scene at the cafe where DS's friends told her about SW having a thing for her. Episode 3 happened in August 1988, while the timeline for Ep2 is September 1988 -right during the Olympic event.


Do you guys think DR will end up with one of DS's friends in future?:D



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@sheza The chocolate scene captured in that video cam actually happened after the scene at the cafe where DS's friends told her about SW having a thing for her. Episode 3 happened in August 1988, while the timeline for Ep2 is September 1988 -right during the Olympic event.


I didn't know.  Thanks for that.  I wasn't good at following the timeline.  Me thinks DR is not called the counsellor for nothing.  He will end up advising them all at the end about their love life.  Hence I highly doubt he will be a contender for husband.

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Guest adikkeluangman

This is excerpt from Suzy interviews. She been asked about the drama because her upcoming movie The Sound of Flower also starring Lee Dong Hwi and Ahn Jae Hong.

They are like friends in the movie. Outside the set, they're like brothers instead of oppa-dongsaeng relationship. The movie VIP Premiere will be sometime next week so probably both of them will come. Maybe they will invite Park Bo Gum and Go Kyung Pyo because both of them also act in movie Roaring Currents that also starring Ryu Seung Ryong who is the main lead for movie The Sound of Flower.

LDH and AJH at The Sound of Flower showcase. 


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Agree, just let the writer tells the story, whoever we shipped if its not perfect in the storyline, it will not happen, I don't want the storyline to be destroyed just because many are in favor of this or that ship, an example is Answer Me 1994 where many was disappointed, tough its obvious that Trash is the main lead and as what the story tells he is really the main guy, I love how writers are firm to their storyline and didn't listen to fans demand to change the lead.

So far with this series, its beyond expectation of many of the people who doubted the lead star Hyeri, as for me I never doubted reply series, I know the writers and producers are all great and know what they are doing when they cast someone to the drama, I definitely enjoy the first four episodes, they are all great and its is a great mix of family relationships, love lines, school life and relationship to your neighborhood. I like it. 

Plus the throwback part is still my favorite part of Reply series.

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