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Blood (Ageless AhnGoo❤️) - Ahn Jae-Hyun ❤️❤️❤️ Goo Hye Sun ❤️


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Awww this breaks my heart. Look at how sad he is! I guess there are some commitments that cannot be cancelled. I know AJH would rather be with GHS right now. 

Let's all pray for GHS' fast recovery. Been uneasy ever since the news broke out. :bawling:

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To be able to take extra good care of Goo-nim, take good care of yourself and stay strong, Jae-hyun-si. As much as we have been assiduously yearning for your drama comeback and enjoying your spectacular performance in You Are Too Much, your well-being comes first, Goo-nim; please, recuperate well. Himnae, AhnGoo - for every trial in life brings forth a more enriching experience and more firm faith. We will always be wishing you both well in all your future endeavours. :heart:



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I saw the videos when he left the charity event and ran directly to the airport. He looked sad and worried, somehow anxious. 

I am sure that GHS did not want him to cancel his attendance to the charity event. He fulfilled his commitment and returned that same night to Korea.

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On 17 March 2017 at 6:29 PM, cheerkoo said:

Thanks @gayu312 and to @kooswan for the articles--

‘신혼일기’ 이우형PD “구혜선 편견 깼단 반응, 가장 뿌듯”(인터뷰①) NWD Lee YooHyungPD: "I felt most happy about people's reactions that prejudices about GHS have been broken."

[이데일리 스타in 김윤지 기자]“저도 신혼인데, (‘신혼일기’ 끝나고)오랜만에 아내 얼굴을 봤어요. 하하.”PD Lee: "I am also newly married. I have not seen my wife's face until NWD ended. hahaha"

이우형 PD가 밝은 얼굴로 웃었다. 이 PD는 나영석 PD와 함께 케이블채널 tvN 예능프로그램 ‘신혼일기’를 연출했다. ‘신혼일기’는 상대역으로 만나 부부로 발전한 배우 안재현·구혜선 부부의 일상을 담았다. 지난해 겨울 강원도 인제에서 2주 정도 촬영을 진행했지만, 프로젝트 자체는 그해 여름부터 시작했다. 이 PD는 “실제 신혼이니 그 감정을 가장 잘 알 것 같다”는 이유로 이 프로젝트에 합류했다. 지난 10일 감독판을 끝으로 ‘신혼일기’는 막을 내렸다. 이 PD는 “아쉬움 보단 홀가분하다”고 말했다. Lee WooYoung PD co-directed/produced NWD with Nah YoungSuk PD. Although the filming was done for 2 weeks inside the INJE red-roof cottage, the actual project started in the summer of the same year. Because he himself is a newly-wed, he felt he could most identify and so joined the project. PDLee was interviewed on 10th after NWD went off the air. Lee PD says that he feels relieved rather than sad about it ending. 

“어려웠어요. ‘삼시세끼’처럼 끼니마다 밥을 만들어야 한다든가, ‘꽃보다’처럼 여행을 한다든가 그런 예능이 아니잖아요. 남녀 문제는 참 단순하지 않더라고요. 미묘한 감정 변화나 관계를 어떻게 화면에 담아내야 할지 고민했어요.” He says the project was difficult. More so than making other programs like Three Meals or More than Flower series where the cast just make the meals or go on the trip. NWD is about relationship and prblems between man and woman so it was not just a simple program/project. We worried about how to show the sensitive emotional changes or relationship changes through clips.

그의 말처럼 ‘신혼일기’는 예능과 다큐멘터리 사이에 있었다. 여섯 마리 반려동물과 어우러진 선남선녀의 평화로운 일상은 한 편의 동화 같았지만, 가사 분담으로 갈등하는 모습은 현실이었다. As PD Lee said, NWD is not totally a variety show, neither is it totally a documentary; it is somewhere in between. In some way, watching the daily life of a good looking man and a woman along with their 6 pets is like a novel, but it also has the reality of conflicts and hurts. 

“시청자 분들이 두 부부의 달콤함을 보면서 대리만족을 하거나 즐거워하시길 바랐어요. 동시에 결혼은 현실이란 것을 말씀드리고 싶었죠. 두 사람이 갈등하고 화해하는 모습을 보여준 2화가 그런 이야기를 담고 있었어요.” "We hoped that the viewers would get the satisfaction of  seeing sweet moments between two people, but we also wanted to say that marriage is a reality and we wanted to show the conflicts between people and how they deal with them."

‘신혼일기’ 스틸컷(사진=tvN)

안재현과 구혜선은 2화에서 서로를 향한 속 깊은 이야기를 털어놨다. 서로에 대한 이해로 마무리됐지만, 그 과정은 부부 생활의 민낯과 같았다. 만약 두 사람이 카메라를 의식했다면 나올 수 없는 풍경이다. 자연스럽게 말하고 행동할 수 있는 촬영 환경을 만든 제작진의 노력 덕분이었다. AJH and GHS talked in depth with each other in the 2nd episode. They did end with an understanding, but such a talk is like showing the raw and bare side of couple's life. If the two were conscious of the camera, it could not have come out. We PD's really tried hard for such issues to emerge very naturally.

‘신혼일기’ 속 빨간 지붕집은 실제 두 사람의 거주지가 아니다. 촬영을 위해 빌린 후 리모델링을 했다. 안재현·구혜선이 입주하기 전 제작진이 이틀 정도 생활해 본 후 눈에 잘 띄지 않을 만한 곳곳에 20여대 카메라를 설치했다. 촬영 중 제작진 개입도 최소화했다. 오디오 감독만 실시간으로 소리를 점검하고, 제작진은 몸을 숨긴 채 멀리서 지켜봤다. NWD's red-roof house is not the couple's real house. We rented it for the purpose of filming and remodeled it. For 2 days before AJH and GHS moved in, the PD's lived there and hid about 20 cameras where they cannot be seen easily. While filming, PD's and staff also extrememly minimized any type of interference. Only the audio-PD was always there nearby in order to make sure that the audio worked properly. PD's hid from them at a far away location and viewed their daily life. 

‘신혼일기’의 가장 큰 성과는 구혜선의 재발견이다. 그동안 잘 알려지지 않은 구혜선의 털털한 면모가 ‘신혼일기’를 통해 드러났다. 이 PD는 ‘신혼일기’를 하면서 가장 뿌듯했던 순간으로 “‘구혜선에 대한 편견이 사라졌다’는 댓글을 봤을 때”라고 말했다. 이 PD는 동갑내기인 구혜선에 대해 “직접 만나보면 굉장히 소탈한 사람이다. 그 부분을 꼭 보여드리고 싶었다”면서 “쉽게 친해지기 어렵지만, 친해지면 다 퍼주는 스타일”이라고 말했다. PD Lee says that, while reading people's reactions about NWD, what made him most satisfied was a remark about how prejudice against GHS has disappeared. He feels that rediscovering GHS was the biggest accomplishments from NWD. The real side of GHS had been hidden for many years and NWD found it. PDLee states that he and GHS are of same age. Once she gets ot know you, she is extremely open and free and easy. I really wanted to show that aspect of her. She is not easy to befriend, but once you become friends, she basically is the style to hand over generous scoops."

“안재현·구혜선 부부 둘 다 이번에 처음 일했어요. 준비 과정이 길다보니 틈틈이 연락하고 또 만나면서 조금씩 친해졌죠. 구혜선 씨는 나중에 별별 모습을 다 보여줬어요. (웃음) 현장에서도 한두 시간씩 수다를 떨곤 했어요.” "This is my first time working with AJH and GHS. Because the preparation took a long time, we occasionally had to talk and meet and became close little by little. Later, GHS-ssi showed so many different sides to her. (laughter) Even at locations, she can gossip and talk for couple of hours at a time." 

이 PD는 구혜선을 ‘산신령’에 비유했다. 아무래도 실제 부부 생활을 다루기 때문에 민감한 대목이 있을 법 했다. 그럼에도 구혜선은 제작진에게 모든 것을 맡겼다고 했다. 덕분에 두 사람이 서로 과거의 흔적(?)을 발견했던 에피소드까지 전파를 탔다. 이 PD는 “안재현은 ‘이 부분은 방송에 나가면 안 될 것 같다’라고 말을 하곤 했지만, 구혜선은 그런 부분이 없었다”면서 “가끔 득도한 것 같다는 느낌을 받았다”고 너스레를 떨었다. (인터뷰②로 이어) PD likened GHS to ?'mountain spirit'. She knew that sensitive issues will emerge as two real people are being filming all live. Even so, she trusted us entirely. Due to both of them, we were even able to get a trace of their past on air. AJH did not think it should air. but GHS was Ok with it. PDLee jokes that there was a sense of godly spirit."


‘신혼일기’ 이우형PD “구혜선 창의요리, 다 맛있었다”(인터뷰②)=NWD's Lee PD says: "GHS's creative cooking: everything was delicious."

[이데일리 스타in 김윤지 기자]지난 10일 종방한 케이블채널 tvN 예능프로그램 ‘신혼일기’에서 이우형 PD는 나영석 PD와 함께 연출을 맡았다. ‘신혼일기’는 상대역으로 만나 부부로 발전한 배우 안재현·구혜선 부부의 일상을 담았다. 지난해 겨울 강원도 인제에서 2주 정도 촬영을 진행했지만, 프로젝트 자체는 그해 여름부터 시작했다. 이 PD는 “실제 신혼이니 그 감정을 가장 잘 알 것 같다”는 이유로 이 프로젝트에 합류했다. 지난 10일 감독판을 끝으로 ‘신혼일기’는 막을 내렸다. 이 PD는 “아쉬움 보단 홀가분하다”고 말했다. (no need to trans. as it is repetition of something translated already.)

(인터뷰①에서 이어) 방송에선 줄곧 구혜선의 창의적인 요리가 소개됐다. 익숙하지 않은 조합이 종종 의아함을 자아냈다. 이 PD는 “다 맛있었다”고 강조했다. 구혜선이 주어진 재료를 이용한 ‘생활형 요리’를 주로 선보인다면, 안재현의 요리는 정석에 가깝다. 이 PD는 “안재현의 요리는 맛있다. 익숙한 맛이다. 반면 구혜선의 요리는 처음 보는 맛이다. 신기하면서 맛있다”고 말했다. 그는 기억에 남는 구혜선의 ‘창의요리’로 양파전을 언급했다. NWD once in a while showed GHS's creative cooking. Because she made food with nontraditional combination of ingredients, it was somewhat shocking. PDLee emphasizes that they were all delicious. Comparing GHS's cooking, AJH"s cooking is close to traditional taste and delicious. "AJH's dishes are delicious and they have familiar taste. On the other hand, GHS's cooking has a new taste. It was strange and delicious. Most memorable dish for him was the onion pancake. 

‘신혼일기’가 끝난 후 두 부부는 어떤 반응을 보여줬을까. 이 PD에 따르면 두 사람의 반응은 시청자 반응과 엇갈렸다고. 2화가 대표적이다. 가사에 따른 고충을 털어놓는 구혜선에게 안재현은 “결혼 생활이 최악이었느냐”고 물었고, 구혜선은 안재현에게 차분한 어조로 차근차근 설명했다. 성숙한 ‘어른 여자’라는 시청자 반응이 이어졌지만 구혜선은 조심스러워 했다. After the NWD ended, the couple's reactions were different than the viewers. Many viewers talked about GHS as the "mature woman" regarding the 2nd episode, but GHS was worried. 

“‘제가 저렇게 말했어요?’라고 구혜선 씨가 말하더라고요. 아무래도 부부 사이이다 보니까 대중의 반응 보다 상대방이 어떻게 받아들일지, 자칫 상대방에게 부정적인 느낌을 주면 어떻게 하나 고민하는 것 같았어요.” GHS said, did I say it that way? GHS was more worried about how her husband would feel and felt the need to be more careful how she would say things towards each other. 

사진=‘신혼일기’ 방송화면 캡처

그럼에도 ‘신혼일기’는 부부 솔루션 프로그램으로 제 역할을 했다. 어느 날 구혜선은 제작진에게 계획표를 보냈다고 했다. 안재현이 작성한 일일 계획표로 여섯 마리 반려 동물을 어떻게 돌볼지 촘촘하게 적혀 있었단다. 귀여운 남편 자랑이었다. 이 PD는 “안재현이 일관성 있게 집안일을 해나가는 모습이 대단하더라. 스스로 돌아보는 계기가 됐다”고 말했다. NWD project influenced the couple to work on solutions for their marriage. One day, GHS sent a text to the producers of NWD. She took a pix of AJH's schedule of how he will take care of the 6 pets in detail. She was bragging about her cute husband. PD Lee also was impressed by the way AJH took care of the housework like his daily to-do's. It made him reflect on himself. 

감자·안주·군밤·순대·망고·쌈. 여섯 마리 반려동물은 또 다른 주인공이었다. 2주 동안 함께 생활하면서 제작진과도 정이 많이 들었다. 특히 군밤과 순대는 초반에는 제작진을 향해 수시로 짖었다. 어느 순간 그리운 존재가 된다. 이 PD는 “출연진 보다 더 보고 싶다”고 말했다. Gamja, AhnJu, GoodBom, Soondae, Mango, SSm are also 6 main stars of the program. The entire staff and crew became attached to the pets during the 2 weeks of filming. GoomBom and Soondae initially barked at the staff all the time. Then, suddenly one day, they became unforgettable. PDLee says that he miss these animals more than the couple. 

오랜 기간 공들여 준비한 ‘신혼일기’는 6부작으로 마무리됐다. 그는 “원래 5회 분량으로 기획했다”면서 “‘삼시세끼’ 블랙라벨 같은 느낌으로 준비했다. 양 보단 질에 주력하기로 기획했다”고 말했다. 그의 말처럼 예능프로그램으론 드물게 자체 OST를 제작하고, 영화 촬영 장비를 동원해 인제의 비경을 화면에 담았다. (인터뷰③로 이어) NWD took a long time to parepare and ended in 6 episodes. They started out with a plan to show only 5 episodes and they filmed it in the style of Three Meals program. Rather than the length, they focused on the quality and, they also tried to come up with good OST's for the program which is rare in variety programs. They also used more movie equipments for the show. XML:Y


This news page has many reactions by people who tried GHS's cooking style. Thanks @gayu312 Every single one them said that her foods are delicious. Few people tried every single dish that she made....all unexpectedly good. One mother says that she has a son who does not like manyonase, but he reluctantly tried GHS's sandwich and liked it unexpectely that he often asks for it. (keke--now I have to try her cooking. I actually want to also try her alcohol mix. keke--there is a 3rd part to the PDLee's interview...it does not really have much on AhnGoo couple. But, I remember PDLee saying that he did ask GHS if she would do another filming. She told him that she would but not now. !!!! PDLee said that he thought about asking other newly wed celebrity couples, but he is very interested in, if possible, filming Lee SoonJae couple. He has been married to one woman all his life and he is a respected veteran actor for a long time. PDLee remembers working with him in Flower series and how he is very romantic and respectful towards his wife.  I would watch that!! He is a well respected actor and mentor to many and he has a long lasting wonderful marriage!!! That will be good!!!)

@cheerkoo thank for you translation and to all who post and update and share links thanks to all of you❤️ 


i hope someday in God's time they will make  another season 2 they inspired a lot of people they both have a wonderful heart ....AhnGoo i will wait for your return in another season ....fighting

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1 hour ago, yellowbluegray07 said:

cr. janeywang

AJH dont worry everything will be alright God will make a wonderful gifts for both of you❤️ he will make things that no one will make. 


He looks so sad in all pic post during amfar hongkong last weekend...his eyes looks teary and tired...very contrast for a gala dinner where must have many big smile and lots of laugh... Pray for JH too

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Lets be positif ... HS is a lucky woman..she has great husband and lots of talents...thats the most important

During this break time from drama, beside focus on her health , now she can have spending more time with her husband while doing her hobbies ( maybe she can write a novel again *lovelovelove )

Be strong Hye Sun

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I first heard about it in dc-GHS...but it has little to do with NWD--and again they gave me the link. (these days, as I am avoiding newsportals, it is good that they are giving links, which is against their policy)

If any of you visit Korea and love tvn's variety shows like NWD and J2W series, etc, as well as their dramas (the article mention Men to Men and DoKKaeBi), there is a store called MYCITY in ShinChon of Seoul where they customize designs from your favorite shows on a T-shirts, eco-bags, socks, hats, etc. The reporter asked about a "couple character" and the sales person said that it is from NWD and based on what GHS drew in that show...so far the most popolar items are from J2W series. It seems to be a store that belongs to CJ E&M which seems to operate tvN and other affiliated channels. The article also talked about the law of intellectual property...which I did not understand,,,I am not sure if AhnGoo couple gets any profit from what Koo drew on her husband's "good choice" wood. kekeke

My thinking about the "couple character" is what Koo drew on the piece of wood that AJH bought for her and they hung it in front of the house. Remember? 


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When I saw AJH video from Hk Airport going back to Seoul, my heart goes with him. I suddenly remembered scenes in ep 5 of NWD, when he was running back home from HK to his wife. The EXCITEMENT AND THE LOVE HE HAS in seing his wife. The same thing when he was waiting for his wife to come home after being a day away from home, then we him running again when he saw her. So when I saw him walking faster in the airport to be back to Seoul, I could imagine him running even faster (only if he could) in that time to be with his wife. Such Love...may God bless this couple and their future little Ahngoos always.

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I pray that everything goes well now w/ Koo's health & w/ her hubby-nim JH taking good care of her. Please love each other till eternity my lovely couple.:wub: I miss u together so much:bawling:.:heart:


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To ahngoo couple be strong..we know its hard time for both of you as koo is sick and then some knetz still hating on koo,they wont leave her alone.I hope koo stay away from net for a while and focus on her healing instead. Watch nice tv program instead or read nice books..i know koo she must been very bored in the hospital right now staying for many days and just lying down..be patient as we want you to heal 100percent soon..its also good to know that ahn is beside her.he must been very tired also with many sleepless nights and busy taking care of koo.i read in his previous interview that he eat less when his stress..pls eat well as we dont want to hear that after koo is healthy and doing well your next..pls we dont want to hear another bad news..its not easy but be strong.we will pray for your good health of you two. To koo i hope you will be discharge soon and be healthy forever.

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Hi dear @cheerkoo i know this is too much to ask can you please do english subs for NWD, sorry I am so desperate to watch it with subs and unfortunately weve been looking and patiently waiting for websites to hopefully upload and no one is doing it.  I am also wondering why there's no english subs  as this only got 6 episodes.


Will be patiently waiting and thank you so much. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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Believe me @MaseYMD! I would love to translate NWD.

But, I think it will take all the way to end of the year for me to do it...that is the problem. When I translated the YTM, I just summarized it and really did not pay attnetion to details, etc...keke I did put more effrot on scenes with ghs...but I probably would like to be more detailed with NWD...so,,,do not get your hopes high. Before that maybe someone else will translate.

Whenever I can, I will do a little by little. sorry. 

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