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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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Happy Friday, Dotters!  (Can I call ourselves that?  :) )

One of the things that stuck out at me earlier this week when I was reading our posts about how we were all still focused on DotS and unable to move on, was that we are all listening to the OST on repeat.  I'm definitely doing the same.  And as I sit here right now at work listening to the OST, I wonder if any of you, like me, have certain scenes that you associate with the different songs.

For example, I always associate Junsu's song with the scene of the patients in the Medicube after the earthquake when everyone's spirits are starting to lift again (and right before we get to hear KMY's phone confession).  For MC the Max's song, I always think of YSJ getting shot and arriving by ambulance at the hospital.  Those are probably pretty obvious ones as those were the first time we heard those songs in the drama, so I'm mostly curious about the other songs.

For Yoon Mirae's "Always," I always think of the final scene in Episode 1 when YSJ is about to get on the helicopter and looks back at KMY.  I love that moment.  For "You Are My Everything," I always think of that moment in Episode 1 when YSJ goes to the hospital for his appointment and instead sees KMY riding past on a gurney because she's trying to save an ER patient.  I love that he immediately pitches in to help push the gurney and she doesn't even know.  It's like, from the beginning, he was there for her -- whether she realized it or not.

K.Will's song makes me think of that moment in Episode 3 after he faked her out about the landmine and she's upset and he's walking backwards trying to calm her down so he can apologize.  It always makes me laugh to think about that scene. 

I don't really have strong associations for the other songs on the soundtrack, but the Mad Clown song always makes me think of the GooWon couple generally.

What about you?

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When I listened to “You are my everything” – both versions today, I find its quite interesting.

The English version is definitely from SJ’s POV.

“When I see stars, I think of you”. MY is like a star that brightens SJ’s life, as he says. The whole song is about waiting and praying that the one he loves will finally realize that he loves her and that they are destined to be together.

The Korean version is more from MY’s POV, I think.

“You pass by me like a gentle wind”. I can’t think of a better way to describe SJ. 

“Appearing in the fog. You are tinged by white fog. My heart seems to stop at this moment”

This reminds me of the scene when MY recognizes SJ right after he gets off the helicopter and removed his helmet near the end of episode 15.

Until now, I am still not sure which is my favourite scene in DOTS but that scene, where these two keeps looking at each other though the lines of soldier, is very special to me.

I discussed about this before when I first saw episode 5 but now that SJK described that scene in the special, I understand it better from SJ’s POV.

When Team Alpha gets out of the helicopter and walks over, They believed Si Jin was reappearing like a hero to save the day.I heard that people squealed and shouted.

Then, of course, Si Jin searches for Mo Yeon first.He doesn't show it, though. Mo Yeon can't believe her eyes as she looks straight at him. When I read that part for the first time, I thought, "What should I do about this?""Scriptwriters are amazing people. How did they think of this?" Wow...Even I had butterflies.

Then he says his lines. "I hoped that you weren't hurt. I regretted leaving like that..." "and for not saying goodbye. Look after yourself." Then he just walks away. It's insane. It is.


SJ left Uruk without saying the final goodbye so MY could imagine how hurtful and disappointed he was. She thought he could even hate her. And yet, here he is, in front of her eyes. Why is he here? Just to save people in Uruk? Does he come for her too? What is his current feeling about her now? Should she let him know how she really feels about her? From disbelief, her eyes were fixated on him with lots of questions.

SJ, on the other hands, looks at MY longingly with such a sad and yet relieved expression on his fate. The woman he intended to look for right away, to make sure that she is safe...now she is standing right in front of him. The one he couldn’t gather enough courage to say the last goodbye to. Thanks heaven because she is safe and sound. Seeing her in person again makes he realizes how much he missed her and how important she is to him. And yet, will he be able to change her mind? How does she feel about him now that they cross path again? Did she miss him?

I can imagine him saying these lines inside his heart (from the English version)

I hope that someday you will realize that I can see forever in your eyes

And I’m wishing my dream will come true.

I am lost without you. You are my everything.

These seem to be only two of them, getting lost in their own world until MY broke of the eye exchange for her work, but not before giving SJ the final look. And SJ’s team waits until he finally turns attention to them to salute him.


I don't care about plot holes. The writers can be really genius in touching out hearts.

Sorry for the long rant :)

P/S: credit on gif. The fan art is not mine too.

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@themarchioness I love that name :w00t: Dotters, like the people who connect the dot and find the hidden messages behind each sentence, detail, expression, reaction, event then we have the big picture ^_^ I really like your idea of sharing feelings on OST but due to the limit of time, I would like to postpone my post on this a little bit later and thank you as well as @vu_hoa1983 for your beautiful sharings. This is the first drama that I love every single of the OST album (at different level :lol:) and kudos to the composer, musician as well as the producer who choose OST can't be more appropriate for each of the scene :)

And thank you Dotters (I would like to use this name from @themarchioness if you don't mind ^_^) who have shared your fanfic with us, keep going guys :wub: they brighten me a lot in the syndrome and are effective compensation besides rewatching the drama.

I have been happily swimming in DOTS' gif and to say, this drama is an infinite source of joyfulness to my soul. KMY - YSJ is such a down to earth couple and straightforwardness is one of many things that I love about them. From their very first days, when YSJ looks at KMY's eyes and says that he wants to be taken care by her, then after that, he straightforwardly pours out that he wants to meet her and asked "Not tomorrow, what about right now?" - receiving this question, our KMY is not as typical female character who will be shy and confused and wondered, instead, she says "Yes".

There are many details and scenes that portray their genuineness. 

50_zpsmqhtrhmt.gif 53_zpscbalcn43.gif

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(Gifs credit to beauty and big boss tumblr)

Look at how the two start by teasing each other then being startled by their partners' frankness, I can't help but laughing. They might went through hard time when they had to contain the inner feelings but after the thick and thin, KMY and YSJ are sincere with their hearts and speak out loud their hearts and souls like that :). I believe that the more they being together, the more they find out interesting characters from the partners along with cross points of the two's universes. 


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@themarchioness We've got the same problem :/ I'm actually experiencing some difficulty too while navigating the site. Idk, but it seems a bit too complicated for me. What I usually do on the site is just write and post. Hahaha! 

@bibiyl Awww thank you so much for posting Sarang here <3 I'm still feeling a bit shy over it, but I'm glad you like it! Jeongmal kamsahamnida!

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2 hours ago, themarchioness said:

Happy Friday, Dotters!  (Can I call ourselves that?  :) )

One of the things that stuck out at me earlier this week when I was reading our posts about how we were all still focused on DotS and unable to move on, was that we are all listening to the OST on repeat.  I'm definitely doing the same.  And as I sit here right now at work listening to the OST, I wonder if any of you, like me, have certain scenes that you associate with the different songs.

For example, I always associate Junsu's song with the scene of the patients in the Medicube after the earthquake when everyone's spirits are starting to lift again (and right before we get to hear KMY's phone confession).  For MC the Max's song, I always think of YSJ getting shot and arriving by ambulance at the hospital.  Those are probably pretty obvious ones as those were the first time we heard those songs in the drama, so I'm mostly curious about the other songs.

For Yoon Mirae's "Always," I always think of the final scene in Episode 1 when YSJ is about to get on the helicopter and looks back at KMY.  I love that moment.  For "You Are My Everything," I always think of that moment in Episode 1 when YSJ goes to the hospital for his appointment and instead sees KMY riding past on a gurney because she's trying to save an ER patient.  I love that he immediately pitches in to help push the gurney and she doesn't even know.  It's like, from the beginning, he was there for her -- whether she realized it or not.

K.Will's song makes me think of that moment in Episode 3 after he faked her out about the landmine and she's upset and he's walking backwards trying to calm her down so he can apologize.  It always makes me laugh to think about that scene. 

I don't really have strong associations for the other songs on the soundtrack, but the Mad Clown song always makes me think of the GooWon couple generally.

What about you?


^ I couldn't agree more :) Though one of my favorite scenes from DOTS, is YSJ returning to Urk after hearing of the earthquake incident. My gaaaaahd the feels when MY's eyes were searching for him, only to find out that he was searching for her as well <3 SJK and SHK did great in that scene. They were speaking with their eyes! You could really feel the longing, the "I want to run to you right now and tell you that everything's going to be okay" look, but you can see how much they're trying to control themselves, how much they're hesitating to a point that only their eyes can speak what their mouths can't. That scene was amazing.

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13 minutes ago, annettegatuslao said:

^ I couldn't agree more :) Though one of my favorite scenes from DOTS, is YSJ returning to Urk after hearing of the earthquake incident. My gaaaaahd the feels when MY's eyes were searching for him, only to find out that he was searching for her as well <3 SJK and SHK did great in that scene. They were speaking with their eyes! You could really feel the longing, the "I want to run to you right now and tell you that everything's going to be okay" look, but you can see how much they're trying to control themselves, how much they're hesitating to a point that only their eyes can speak what their mouths can't. That scene was amazing.

I love that scene a lot too.  In fact, I got one of my friends to start watching the drama because of that scene.  After I described it to her, she was like, "SOLD!"  LOL.

I should note that the scenes I associate with different songs from the soundtrack are not necessarily an indication of them being my "favorite" or anything like that.  It's just what those songs happen to make me recall.  Honestly, if I tried to pick a favorite scene I don't think I'd be able to.  There are SO many scenes I love from this drama and my reasons vary for each -- they're all my favorites!  And if I tried to identify them all, it'd be one really long post.  :P

And @superbigcat, of course I don't mind if you use the term Dotters!  :)

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@annettegatuslao the end of Episode 6 is one of my favorite moments in DOTS. That helicopter swooping at night and Special Forces rapeling down the was just so dreamy! And Captain Yoo looking for Dr. Kang through the soldiers lining up for formation. I love it. The feels! :heart: 

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I know there are a lot of people who like to say that the plot in DotS isn’t very well thought out but I think it is. I think they’re just thinking about the plot in the wrong way. DotS comes across to me not as a show that’s supposed to have a plotline focused on the events that happen to/with military personnel but instead it’s supposed to show how two people from different walks of life can figure out a way to be together; no matter what happens around/between them. If you think about everything that happens outside of the relationships as just white noise, then the show makes perfect sense. The external happenings are just to show what a significant other of someone with a dangerous job, like Captain Yoo’s, would have to deal with everyday in order to be with the person they love. So there isn’t supposed to be a story with all the disasters because the story is the relationships themselves [Both Si Jin/Mi Yeon and the Goo/Won couple]

I absolutely love the parallel scenes we get from SJ and MY! :wub: The fact that the script is so detailed with those scenes is what makes me think that people focusing on the outside details of the plot not being a cohesive story are wrong about what the plot is actually focusing on.

As for the songs and the scenes they remind me of…

Junsu "How Can I Love You": the confession scene where Mi Yeon runs in and grabs her phone while Si Jin watches/smirks at her.

M.C the Max "Wind Beneath Your Wings": the scene in episode 6 where Si Jin comes back on the helicopter and locks eyes with Mi Yeon until she’s called away by a patient.

Mad Clown "Once Again": the Goo/Won couple but also all of the scenes where MY dumps and then walks away from SJ.

CHEN "Everytime": Car wash scene where MY accidentally sprays SJ with water and then gives him her coat in a parallel of the aftermath of the cliff scene.

K.Will "Talk Love": I immediately think first of the boat scene where we hear the song and then both parts of the show where SJ/MY are at the beached ship.

t Yoon Mirae "Always": End of Episode 2 where SJ walks towards MY on the tarmac.

Gummy "You're my Everything": The Goo/Won couple separating on the tarmac in Urk after DY gets transferred back home. I think this is the only song that I don't associate with SJ/MY at all even though it fits their relationship too. 

Davichi "This Love": Episode 16 where MY is running the gamut of the stages of grief after SJ appears in front of her again, alive.

SG Wannabe "By My Side": The hospital scene where SJ and MY fall asleep spooning and MY's voiceover.

Lyn "With You": In episode 15, where MY is talking to the specter of SJ on her couch and then starts crying. 


I'm with @themarchioness about picking a favorite scene though. Even in my re-watches there's very little that I skim past [other than diamond guy because who cares about him? :P]. I love everything about the relationships, be it friendship, bromance or romance, and since that's the bulk of the show I can't pick just one scene to be my favorite. I will admit that I have two favorite "bromance" scenes though. In Episode 6 where SJ/DY are in the bar and have to deal with all the recruits coming after them and the part where DY gets a package from a girl and both boys come running at the sound of the name. :lol:


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21 minutes ago, phikyl said:

Gummy "You're my Everything": The Goo/Won couple separating on the tarmac in Urk after DY gets transferred back home. I think this is the only song that I don't associate with SJ/MY at all even though it fits their relationship too. 

Davichi "This Love": Episode 16 where MY is running the gamut of the stages of grief after SJ appears in front of her again, alive.

That's interesting since the Gummy song is completely MY and SJ to me and Davichi was GooWon 100%. And This Love is the one song I see no real association with MY/SJ at all lol. 

I really have begun to like the MC the Max Song lately.  Which reminds me of her calling him a liar at the end of ep. 15  at the memorial and crying.    

I can't even begin to pick a favorite scene, though I still love MY's confession broadcast.  Such an original way to remain true to her character, but also to move the relationship forward.  Plus it was just completely fun and surprising.  

And sorry I cut your post, but I totally agree about the plot.  It was about the characters and how they compromised and worked things out more so than anything else. I think that's what confused some people because they wanted the plot to have some big overreaching issue  and it didn't really other than in the romance department. 

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2 hours ago, melissala said:

I can't even begin to pick a favorite scene, though I still love MY's confession broadcast.  Such an original way to remain true to her character, but also to move the relationship forward.  Plus it was just completely fun and surprising.

I can't tell you how many times I've replayed that scene. The way she runs in to grab the phone without even sparing a glance for Dr. Daniel is great. MY is totally focused on the fact that SJ is in that room and she needs to get the phone and get out, did she even realize Dr. Daniel was there too? Lol! I knew she would run away after SJ cornered her though; it's what I would have done too! I kept telling my screen that he shouldn't let go of her but SJ didn't hear me. :P

No worries about cutting my post, I don't mind! It takes up too much space to quote everything that was written. :D

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vHFb46G.gif Title: Busted
Author: WinterBubbleTea
Drama: Descendant of the Sun 
Genre: Humor
Gif Credit:kristy86
Pairing: Yoo Shi Jin/Kang Mo Yeon, Seo Dae Young/Yoon Myung Joo
Summary: When they argue they didn't think to get busted, oops.


1 hour ago, phikyl said:

I know there are a lot of people who like to say that the plot in DotS isn’t very well thought out but I think it is. I think they’re just thinking about the plot in the wrong way. DotS comes across to me not as a show that’s supposed to have a plotline focused on the events that happen to/with military personnel but instead it’s supposed to show how two people from different walks of life can figure out a way to be together; no matter what happens around/between them. If you think about everything that happens outside of the relationships as just white noise, then the show makes perfect sense. The external happenings are just to show what a significant other of someone with a dangerous job, like Captain Yoo’s, would have to deal with everyday in order to be with the person they love. So there isn’t supposed to be a story with all the disasters because the story is the relationships themselves [Both Si Jin/Mi Yeon and the Goo/Won couple]

I absolutely love the parallel scenes we get from SJ and MY! :wub: The fact that the script is so detailed with those scenes is what makes me think that people focusing on the outside details of the plot not being a cohesive story are wrong about what the plot is actually focusing on.

As for the songs and the scenes they remind me of…

Junsu "How Can I Love You": the confession scene where Mi Yeon runs in and grabs her phone while Si Jin watches/smirks at her.

M.C the Max "Wind Beneath Your Wings": the scene in episode 5 where Si Jin comes back on the helicopter and locks eyes with Mi Yeon until she’s called away by a patient.

Mad Clown "Once Again": the Goo/Won couple but also all of the scenes where MY dumps and then walks away from SJ.

CHEN "Everytime": Car wash scene where MY accidentally sprays SJ with water and then gives him her coat in a parallel of the aftermath of the cliff scene.

K.Will "Talk Love": I immediately think first of the boat scene where we hear the song and then both parts of the show where SJ/MY are at the beached ship.

t Yoon Mirae "Always": End of Episode 2 where SJ walks towards MY on the tarmac.

Gummy "You're my Everything": The Goo/Won couple separating on the tarmac in Urk after DY gets transferred back home. I think this is the only song that I don't associate with SJ/MY at all even though it fits their relationship too. 

Davichi "This Love": Episode 16 where MY is running the gamut of the stages of grief after SJ appears in front of her again, alive.

SG Wannabe "By My Side": The hospital scene where SJ and MY fall asleep spooning and MY's voiceover.

Lyn "With You": In episode 15, where MY is talking to the specter of SJ on her couch and then starts crying. 


I'm with @themarchioness about picking a favorite scene though. Even in my re-watches there's very little that I skim past [other than diamond guy because who cares about him? :P]. I love everything about the relationships, be it friendship, bromance or romance, and since that's the bulk of the show I can't pick just one scene to be my favorite. I will admit that I have two favorite "bromance" scenes though. In Episode 5 where SJ/DY are in the bar and have to deal with all the recruits coming after them and the part where DY gets a package from a girl and both boys come running at the sound of the name. :lol:


I want to ask...what is the song being played when the two guys ran quickly to where Mo Yeon is when the package from the airflight stewart arrive?

43 minutes ago, phikyl said:

I can't tell you how many times I've replayed that scene. The way she runs in to grab the phone without even sparing a glance for Dr. Daniel is great. MY is totally focused on the fact that SJ is in that room and she needs to get the phone and get out, did she even realize Dr. Daniel was there too? Lol! I knew she would run away after SJ cornered her though; it's what I would have done too! I kept telling my screen that he shouldn't let go of her but SJ didn't hear me. :P

The mortification is the best!

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4 hours ago, themarchioness said:

Thanks dear...


Descendant of the Sun Recap Episode 6




Author: WinterBubbleTea
Drama: Descendant of the Sun
Pairing: Kang Mo Yeon/Yoo Shi-Jin
Character: Han Suk Won
Genre: Moments
Summary: Obviously he wasn't making threats, he was making a suggestion for the safety of his fellow citizen of Korea.
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@superbigcat, I love the term "Dotters" too which @PeachyPeach coined in the thread sometime in March. I use it too and much prefer it to "troops" which sounds too serious. "Trooping" feels "heavy" and conjures up images of army boots dragging on the floor. The show has military characters but it's not about soldiers only. I'd much prefer to be dotting along and leaving a happy trail as we enjoy the love story between uri Big Boss and Beauty! :wub: 

Thanks to all of you faithful Dotters - @themarchioness, @IrisFM, @winterbubbletea, @CatWhiskers, @phikyl, @annettegatuslao, @kristy86, @Chellsee - and the many others whom I might have forgotten to tag who keep posting lovely pics, gifs and stories that keep this going! Oh, my support group! Saranghaeyo! 

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Awww....I really love the term "Dotters". Lol. ~~GROUP HUGS EVERYONE~~

Thank you for keeping this thread alive. And for the fanfics, screen caps,  gifs, pics, discussion....etc... and I am basically echoing whatever @gilaswan just mentioned above. 

My favourite DotS song has to be Yoon Mi Rae's "Always". Just the lyrics alone is enough to give me the feels. I cannot shake the feeling I first have when I saw the MV of the song. It was actually a fan made MV. And they had the English translation with it. The first line itself got me so hooked. 

I have the covers, the original songwriter herself who wrote Always for Yoon Mi Rae herself is Rococo. She did a short cover of the song and I absolutely love it. It is a more mellow and acoustic version. Her voice is so heavenly and just so much feels. I have the violin cover. The piano cover (because I play the piano, it is the ONLY song I actually took time to practise it. Lol)

To me, the lyrics of Always is beautiful. Especially the first verse and the chorus. 

When I see you, everything stops

I don't know since when

One day you came to me like a dream

You shook up my heart, I knew it was destiny 

This first verse makes me feel like it is YSJ's feelings for KMY. From the first time YSJ saw KMY and fell for her. It was love at first sight. And she is really pretty and he was rather smitten, coupled with the fact that she is rather bossy (she ignored him when he was talking to her about the handphone) and directed for him to be sent out. Judging by the look on YSJ's face, my guess would be this is the first time he got called off by a woman. So he was attracted to her by her looks and attitude on the first meeting. I think he only truly want her was when he saw how committed she was in her job. Saving lives. And he like that passion. (When was rushing to the operation, and he helped push the stretcher). And it really was like a dream to him, to meet her so unlikely like this. It really was a chance encounter. 

I love you,

Are you listening? Only you

This part is also YSJ to KMY. How he desperately wanted her and I felt his heart was reaching out to her to accept him. Seeing his nature of job, he probably doesn't have any serious relationships. And finding and knowing KMY, and ever since then, he was bewitched by her. It is just so touching watching him being steadfast in his pursue of her. Silently and respectfully, he shows and tells his heart to her. 

Your love came like a scattered wind,

Whenever, where ever you are.

Whenever, where ever you are. 

This last lines from the chorus also kills it for me. Thsee lines spoke volumes about YSJ and KMY. How their meeting and their relationship and their growing love for each other is really really random and so unexpected. The love they felt just came out of nowhere and I really like how the writer uses the 'wind' to describe how random it is. Because that is how love is. It just came when you don't expect it. 

And the 'whenever where ever you are' makes me feel like they are always thinking about each other. No matter where they are. Even at the initial separation in Episode 2, they clearly still were thinking of each other.

Oh my gosh. Hahaha. Such a long post. Almost writing a fanfiction out of a song...What has DOTS really done to me???? I have come undone....lol.

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