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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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50 minutes ago, CatWhiskers said:

And here it is....my first ever fanfiction!! I have this scene in my head awhile. I always pondered Si Jin's death from his dad's perspective and also how his dad met Mo Yeon. I haven't really figured out how to put it up yet in those fanfiction sites. I am putting it up here. Enjoy!

PS. Sorry it's a bit long. I just can't stop writing.Lol.


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The heavy drizzle didn't stop. But at least it wasn't pouring. It has been raining almost every other day. Strange. At this time of the season. Not that he cared anyway. He didn't care for much ever since that day he was called to office and handed the white envelope and the tags. 

Since then, life was just passing by and he went on each day numbly. For the past 3 months, he found himself here despite the fact that he kept telling himself to let go.

But seriously? What is there to look forward to? Yoo Young Geun swallowed the all familar lump in his throat, with misted eyes, he look up to the grey skies and wondered for probably the 100th time if the Gods are cruel and if this is some sort of punishment for whatever he has done in his past life. 

The memories kept coming back. Like being on rewind and replay. Being a soldier, he always thought that if anything, he would have left them both behind first. But no. In some twisted fate, his beloved wife ended up 6 feet under, long before him. A simple trip back to her hometown alone turned into a tragedy forever etched in his mind. He remembered that 3.48pm phone call that gripped his heart as clearly as if it was yesterday. 

He rushed over to the Emergency and was granted to hold her bloodied hands one last time as she whispered her final words and breathe her last. 

To say he was devastated was wrong because there probably isn't a word in the dictionary to properly put to it how he feels. That black abyss. But back then, he had his son. Their son.

For his sake, Yoo Young Geun pulled himself together and like father and son, they braved through her death. Together. 

Yoo Si Jin. Their son. God, how he wished he listened to his wife. He should have insisted that Si Jin took the path of a lawyer or a doctor or whatever it is that lessen his chances of being dead then being so stupidly proud when a passionate, 7 year old Si Jin declared, in the midst of a family dinner, that he is going to be like his appa he grows up. 

Oh, how his wife frets. And worries. And drums into him every single day he is at home or every single phone call he made to get that stupid idea out of his son's head. 

Stop encouraging our son! 

Then at 15, apparently and STILL , their son was very set on going the military path despite his poor omma's pleas to consider her heart. 

Your son is going to be death of me. Isn't it enough that I gave my husband to the country and now my son?! Do something! 

And at his graduation from West Point, he remembered his darling wife, looking so proud and trying her best not to teared up while he reign in the smugness in him and marvelled at how his wife caved in to their son's wishes at the end. 

Yoo Si Jin is so like him and yet like his omma. He had her smile, eyes and every good physical features. He is a determined kid, smart and is always good at what he does. Perhaps a little too smart, with words. He hears much from his son's days in the military. Albeit a little too much too. Thanks to a certain general who eyes him as a son-in-law. Si Jin is a perfect son and he couldn't have ask for more. So when a certain news reached him that he was being detained for disobeying commands, Yoo Young Geun sputtered and nearly choke on his morning coffee. 

His son? His son, Yoo Si Jin?! To say he was worried is a given. But he trust his son. And just like always, he waits. News travelled soon to his ears. So a woman was involved. Or so Sergeant Choi accidentally spilled, somewhat bitterly. 

Ah. Not the first time. He and his wife always pride themselves that their son is rather good looking with brains and a good heart. If one could overlook that his job requires him to put his life on the line, he is quite the husband material. Or so his wife believes. He cheekily assures his wife that their future daughter-in-law must really be something to deserve their son in which his wife retorted that THEIR future daughter-in-law must be insane for being with their son knowing the responsibilities Si Jin carries and how she will always never know if he is going to come back alive. And according to her, he would be damn lucky if he manages to put a ring to her finger. 

But you managed our marriage well.And I have no doubt whomever chooses to be with our son is quite a remarkable woman herself. Just like you. 

His words to her put a full stop to the matter. 

So, he waited patiently for his son to bring it up.Nope. Not a single word. Not even when they were fixing each other up for their photo-taking session for his retirement or during dinners or breakfasts or lunches. 

She must be quite a woman. Because suddenly Si Jin wants to go fishing. Alone. The boy hates fishing. And since when he uses his vacation doing "useless stuff"? "Useless stuff", according to Si Jin, being running laps or working out when he could go on blind dates and try to get a girlfriend, get hitched so his appa can hold grandchildren.

Really? Sometimes Yoo Young Geun wish his son would tone down his playfulness. 

It wasn't until one fine day, or morning, that he woke up to a drunk Si Jin on the couch. God, he is drinking now?! Somewhere in the midst of trying to wake him up and helping him to his room, his son slipped a few words. Among the mindless rumblings, a name slipped. Kang Mo Yeon. Repeatedly. 

Ah, so this is the woman who put his son out of sorts and in such a state.

When Si Jin called back a week later, Yoo Young Geun thought there was a lift in his spirits. His heart leaped and he couldn't contain the happiness and excitement he felt as a father when his own son wants him to meet someone very special. A certain, very pretty-according to his son, doctor. 

He never got to meet her. 

Yoo Young Geun realized how his son will never experience this next part of life. Getting married to his doctor, waking up next to the love of his life, doing things a married couple do, having kids, being a father and husband and growing old. Too young. Too soon. 

His eyes sting with tears and no matter how hard he tried to blink them back, they flowed. With the back of his hand, he rubbed them away almost instantly. So tired.

No. Enough. Enough.

He has been standing here for what? A good 20 minutes? Just lost in time. Not that it is a first. He is rather used to it now. The drizzle has mellowed down. A mere soft pitter-patter.

He gripped the umbrella tighter and with the bunch of daffodils on his other hand, he set out with determination. Down and down the trodden path to the cold slab that held no body. 

A lone figure stood there today. It seemed Si Jin has a visitor.

He continued on. A woman? Squinting his eyes, yes. A woman. He had never seen her before at the "funeral". As in, a woman not from the army. 

Well, he could at least thank her for visiting. Quickening his steps a little, he was about to greet her when realization dawns on him. And he stops just a few steps behind her. 

She held no umbrella. Her clothes were damp. Hair matted. God, how long did she stood under the heavy drizzle? 

"Excuse me, miss...."

And at that, she turned. Wide bright eyes, brimming with tears, lips parted and confusion on her face and probably slight irritation at whoever that snapped her out of her reverie? 

At that moment, he knew in his heart who this woman is. Even in his old age, and even though he is STILL in love with his dearly departed wife, he couldn't help the first question that crossed his mind when she first turned and fully look at him.

How could anyone look so beautiful when crying? 

He could understand now why his son is so smitten. He is sure she is a spirited and lively one. Determined and definitely courageous. His wife would put in insane. Those eyes held that, and the fact that she actually accepted their son. 

He smiled. Perhaps for the first time in months. How could he have met her under such circumstances? Ah, she is still waiting for him to continue. He ventured ahead. 

"Dr. Kang Mo Yeon?"







aw i love this... where can i read your other dots fan fiction? are you by any chance AsaianFanFic account too?

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1 hour ago, CatWhiskers said:

And here it is....my first ever fanfiction!! I have this scene in my head awhile. I always pondered Si Jin's death from his dad's perspective and also how his dad met Mo Yeon. I haven't really figured out how to put it up yet in those fanfiction sites. I am putting it up here. Enjoy!

PS. Sorry it's a bit long. I just can't stop writing.Lol.


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The heavy drizzle didn't stop. But at least it wasn't pouring. It has been raining almost every other day. Strange. At this time of the season. Not that he cared anyway. He didn't care for much ever since that day he was called to office and handed the white envelope and the tags. 

Since then, life was just passing by and he went on each day numbly. For the past 3 months, he found himself here despite the fact that he kept telling himself to let go.

But seriously? What is there to look forward to? Yoo Young Geun swallowed the all familar lump in his throat, with misted eyes, he look up to the grey skies and wondered for probably the 100th time if the Gods are cruel and if this is some sort of punishment for whatever he has done in his past life. 

The memories kept coming back. Like being on rewind and replay. Being a soldier, he always thought that if anything, he would have left them both behind first. But no. In some twisted fate, his beloved wife ended up 6 feet under, long before him. A simple trip back to her hometown alone turned into a tragedy forever etched in his mind. He remembered that 3.48pm phone call that gripped his heart as clearly as if it was yesterday. 

He rushed over to the Emergency and was granted to hold her bloodied hands one last time as she whispered her final words and breathe her last. 

To say he was devastated was wrong because there probably isn't a word in the dictionary to properly put to it how he feels. That black abyss. But back then, he had his son. Their son.

For his sake, Yoo Young Geun pulled himself together and like father and son, they braved through her death. Together. 

Yoo Si Jin. Their son. God, how he wished he listened to his wife. He should have insisted that Si Jin took the path of a lawyer or a doctor or whatever it is that lessen his chances of being dead then being so stupidly proud when a passionate, 7 year old Si Jin declared, in the midst of a family dinner, that he is going to be like his appa he grows up. 

Oh, how his wife frets. And worries. And drums into him every single day he is at home or every single phone call he made to get that stupid idea out of his son's head. 

Stop encouraging our son! 

Then at 15, apparently and STILL , their son was very set on going the military path despite his poor omma's pleas to consider her heart. 

Your son is going to be death of me. Isn't it enough that I gave my husband to the country and now my son?! Do something! 

And at his graduation from West Point, he remembered his darling wife, looking so proud and trying her best not to teared up while he reign in the smugness in him and marvelled at how his wife caved in to their son's wishes at the end. 

Yoo Si Jin is so like him and yet like his omma. He had her smile, eyes and every good physical features. He is a determined kid, smart and is always good at what he does. Perhaps a little too smart, with words. He hears much from his son's days in the military. Albeit a little too much too. Thanks to a certain general who eyes him as a son-in-law. Si Jin is a perfect son and he couldn't have ask for more. So when a certain news reached him that he was being detained for disobeying commands, Yoo Young Geun sputtered and nearly choke on his morning coffee. 

His son? His son, Yoo Si Jin?! To say he was worried is a given. But he trust his son. And just like always, he waits. News travelled soon to his ears. So a woman was involved. Or so Sergeant Choi accidentally spilled, somewhat bitterly. 

Ah. Not the first time. He and his wife always pride themselves that their son is rather good looking with brains and a good heart. If one could overlook that his job requires him to put his life on the line, he is quite the husband material. Or so his wife believes. He cheekily assures his wife that their future daughter-in-law must really be something to deserve their son in which his wife retorted that THEIR future daughter-in-law must be insane for being with their son knowing the responsibilities Si Jin carries and how she will always never know if he is going to come back alive. And according to her, he would be damn lucky if he manages to put a ring to her finger. 

But you managed our marriage well.And I have no doubt whomever chooses to be with our son is quite a remarkable woman herself. Just like you. 

His words to her put a full stop to the matter. 

So, he waited patiently for his son to bring it up.Nope. Not a single word. Not even when they were fixing each other up for their photo-taking session for his retirement or during dinners or breakfasts or lunches. 

She must be quite a woman. Because suddenly Si Jin wants to go fishing. Alone. The boy hates fishing. And since when he uses his vacation doing "useless stuff"? "Useless stuff", according to Si Jin, being running laps or working out when he could go on blind dates and try to get a girlfriend, get hitched so his appa can hold grandchildren.

Really? Sometimes Yoo Young Geun wish his son would tone down his playfulness. 

It wasn't until one fine day, or morning, that he woke up to a drunk Si Jin on the couch. God, he is drinking now?! Somewhere in the midst of trying to wake him up and helping him to his room, his son slipped a few words. Among the mindless rumblings, a name slipped. Kang Mo Yeon. Repeatedly. 

Ah, so this is the woman who put his son out of sorts and in such a state.

When Si Jin called back a week later, Yoo Young Geun thought there was a lift in his spirits. His heart leaped and he couldn't contain the happiness and excitement he felt as a father when his own son wants him to meet someone very special. A certain, very pretty-according to his son, doctor. 

He never got to meet her. 

Yoo Young Geun realized how his son will never experience this next part of life. Getting married to his doctor, waking up next to the love of his life, doing things a married couple do, having kids, being a father and husband and growing old. Too young. Too soon. 

His eyes sting with tears and no matter how hard he tried to blink them back, they flowed. With the back of his hand, he rubbed them away almost instantly. So tired.

No. Enough. Enough.

He has been standing here for what? A good 20 minutes? Just lost in time. Not that it is a first. He is rather used to it now. The drizzle has mellowed down. A mere soft pitter-patter.

He gripped the umbrella tighter and with the bunch of daffodils on his other hand, he set out with determination. Down and down the trodden path to the cold slab that held no body. 

A lone figure stood there today. It seemed Si Jin has a visitor.

He continued on. A woman? Squinting his eyes, yes. A woman. He had never seen her before at the "funeral". As in, a woman not from the army. 

Well, he could at least thank her for visiting. Quickening his steps a little, he was about to greet her when realization dawns on him. And he stops just a few steps behind her. 

She held no umbrella. Her clothes were damp. Hair matted. God, how long did she stood under the heavy drizzle? 

"Excuse me, miss...."

And at that, she turned. Wide bright eyes, brimming with tears, lips parted and confusion on her face and probably slight irritation at whoever that snapped her out of her reverie? 

At that moment, he knew in his heart who this woman is. Even in his old age, and even though he is STILL in love with his dearly departed wife, he couldn't help the first question that crossed his mind when she first turned and fully look at him.

How could anyone look so beautiful when crying? 

He could understand now why his son is so smitten. He is sure she is a spirited and lively one. Determined and definitely courageous. His wife would put in insane. Those eyes held that, and the fact that she actually accepted their son. 

He smiled. Perhaps for the first time in months. How could he have met her under such circumstances? Ah, she is still waiting for him to continue. He ventured ahead. 

"Dr. Kang Mo Yeon?"








WOW...Just WOW...This is definitely one of the best stories I've ever read... Your writing style, your choice of words, the way you deliver the characters' emotions is just fantastic, amazing, beautiful, remarkable, extraordinary, daebak, wonderful, etc.... No words would be good enough to describe this story :thumbsup:

I really appreciate your efforts so much and I would like to express my gratitude to you.. So, please keep writing beautiful stories like this one..We really need it.. Please update soon and please take good care of yourself, dear author-nim.. Neomu neomu kamsahamnida  :smiley:  Saranghamnida :heart: :love: :heart:


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@JackieOnTheRocks Hey. Thank you for loving it. It is my first and only fanfic. I would write a few more when I have time. But most likely one shots or snippets here and there. And yes, I do have an account in Asian Fanfiction.  I am STILL trying to figure it out as I am always on the go and depend heavily on my handphone (type this whole story out on my handphone too). 

@themarchioness Chingu, seeing that you have your fics up in Asian fanfiction. Can u help me out and tell me if I should post my story under "description"?  What about tags? I can't seemed to add more than one.

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Could that cellphone be YSJ's?  Why does it have a crack at the bottom right?

Anyway, not to offend the great story-tellers in this forum, I honestly have not read any of your fanfics.  Why?  You all want me to get buried in DOTS and not able to move on with my life?   All I do now is watch and rewatch and rewatch DOTS - anything about DOTS!!   If I add reading fanfics about DOTS, I won't be able to concentrate on anything!!!  I go to the gym and while on the elliptical with my ipod playing my fave K-songs,, my head keeps on replaying some scenes in DOTS.  I knit while watching on my TV screen DOTS - end result - I mess up my knitting.  Even so - I haven't given up - I'm still here, right???

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2 hours ago, themarchioness said:


@annettegatuslao, I'll have to look for you on Asianfanfics!  Am I the only one who sucks at navigating that site?  I don't really get it, so I appreciate when people give me the heads up. 

There are a few of us there who use the same handles as we do on Soompi. I'm there too. I reckon you could just search for our nicks, find us and sub to our stories - you'll get alerts when any of us update our stories. I need to start searching and subbing too... hehehehe... We're really creating our own fantasies here... hahaha...

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6 minutes ago, CatWhiskers said:

@themarchioness Chingu, seeing that you have your fics up in Asian fanfiction. Can u help me out and tell me if I should post my story under "description"?  What about tags? I can't seemed to add more than one.

I am by no means an expert, but having faced the same sort of confusion you are describing, I so get it!  I'll send you a PM (so as to not go OT in this thread) and hopefully help.

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@gilaswan Yes. We are all living out our fantasies, missing scenes, super zoom in kisses etc. We are DOTS starve. Fanfiction is the only way to survive now. It has been 2 weeks DOTS ended. And here we are hanging.....since when did a Kdrama ever render us all into such mushy people???

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During the olden days of soompi, a member is not allowed to post twice in one page - I guess that rule doesn't apply anymore - so here I am again.

Just realized in SJK's and SHK's respective interviews, they both said the roles they play in DOTS are similar to their real selves.  SJK said the only thing he is not similar to YSJ is YSJ's fighting skills - he don't fight like him,  And in the BTS special, SHK said KMY is just like her real personality - she jokes a lot (outgoing, like some of her co-stars say).  So - I can now justify to myself - while re-watching DOTS over and over again, I am seeing the real SJK and real SHK.

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:wub:  Now, why are they so playful and comfortable here keke. Hope they will attend Baeksang together. Can't wait to see them again.



@gilaswan love your "We only met 2 weeks ago..." story very much. The missing scene in DOTS that I was hoping for KMY to meet with YSJ's father, her future father-in-law came to live in your fic. Awesome piece of writing there (ps: you have quite a few creative bones in you and not just "rainbow" logical explanations...)

@themarchioness Did I hear that you like the idea of births and babies...keep those ideas alive and hopefully they landed in your fic too.

@CatWhiskers DOTS have made you turned into a fic writer too. Clap Clap Clap...keep them coming, keep DOTS dream alive dear...I'm a reader of your fic too now.


Thanks writers-nim for your hard work...here is something for you


cr 66.media.tumblr.com

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