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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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A Sequel for "Descendants of the Sun"?


Thanks everyone for the constant updates, translations and comments. 

I'm not surprised that KBS and NEW want to produce a sequel to "Descendants of the Sun", given the profits they have gained from the drama. As a matter of fact, this is very expected. There have been a few good examples and many not so good ones. The "Reply"/"Answer Me" series is a good example (it should be noted that, like the "School" series, the script for each season of this series is  different and the main cast for each season is almost totally new). We have also had "IRIS 2", "Mrs Cop 2", "Dream High 2", "I Need Romance 2", and "Queens of Housewives 2" while "You From Another Star 2" has not been realized due to a variety of reasons.   

I would totally support Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki if they decide to do a sequel. I have a lot trust in them and I am confident that there must be good reasons for them to do it if they agree to do it. 

I am more inclined to think, however, that if they do it, it would be a totally new story instead of being the second season that continues the story of “Descendants of the Sun”.

First, as far as I observe, both Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki are the type of actors who would like to challenge their acting ability in new and diverse roles and neither of them would really want to repeat themselves in the role of Dr Kang Mo Yeon or Captain Yoo Shi Jin unless there are something really new and refreshing.

Second, at least one co-writer of “Descedants of the Sun” Mr Kim Won Suk has voiced against the idea of the second season. He said that the story in “Descendants of the Sun” has already been told and he hoped that Captain Yoo Shi Jin would lead a happy life in the future without any more trouble. Personally, I happen to agree with him. Moving forward Yoo Shi Jin and Kang Mo Yeon deserve to have a happy life. If there is the second season, the script writers will have to create new obstacles to their lives.

There are many factors that might affect the decision of the cast to do a sequel; for example, they feel so grateful to the script writer and the production company, or they had so much fun working in "Descendants of the Sun" that they would positively consider working together again. At the end of the day, however, the script will still be the decisive factor. And as confirmed in the news, the cast have indicated that they will need to see the script first before agreeing (or not agreeing) to participate.

In terms of timing, Kim Eun Sook is currently very busy with her upcoming fantasy drama called "Goblin"/"Mr Sunshine" which is tentatively scheduled to be aired in tvN on Fridays and Saturdays from November 2016 to December 2016 or January 2017. "Goblin"/"Mr Sunshine" is not yet ready for production and Kim Eun Sook is still working on the script. Given the airing schedule of the show, it is not likely that the show will be completely pre-produced like "Descendants of the Sun". And if that is the case, Kim Eun Sook will likely be pre-occupied until very late this year or early next year and until then won't have the time necessary to create a good sequel to "Descendants of the Sun" unless she really has the ability to do both well at the same, which is not the practice and not something that tvN would encourage.

In short, if Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki agrees to do it, it will likely be a new story with new characters instead of the second season of "Descendants of the Sun". And if KBS and NEW really proceed with this plan, it will be some time for the script to be out for the main cast's consideration. 

In the meantime, I think the cast will do or consider other projects. Song Joong Ki already has a movie project and many other activities lined up until the end of this year. I doubt that Song Hye Kyo would sit still and does not accept any other scripts while waiting for the script of the sequel. She has said many times that she regretted that she did not work hard enough when she was in her 20s and she would try to compensate by working  more and harder now. It is therefore very likely that the main cast, including Song Hye Kyo, will have other filming projects in-between.

I wish them every success in their next projects and, I trust that, if they decide to come back together to do a sequel, the sequel will also be a success, or at least, something that we should look forward to.


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Is anyone watching the DoTS Marathon on KBS World now? :D

Something i always wonder, does anyone know what's the gadget that's placed on their neck which has the earpiece attached to it? Why is it place on their neck - just looks a 'lil uncomfortable :sweatingbullets:

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Come to think of it, I think season two will be a bit difficult to realize if they plan to have it in 2017,I hope I am wrong though. SJK will have his new movie begin shooting this May and it will takes few months to finish the filming, then continue with the movie promo, CF filming and other activities. He will be fully occupied until the end of the year, I think.

This expression is daebak, between relieved, shocked, mortified and wanting to laugh. Uri captain is too cute :D 


cr: winterbear

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Why did Song Joong Ki and Jin Goo argue over AOA and SISTAR?


On April 22, the behind story of Song Joong Ki and Jin Goo's shower scene was revealed in another special episode of 'Descendants of the Sun'!

The scene portrayed a conversation of Yoo Si Jin and Seo Dae Young before they flew over to Urk. Seo Dae Young said, "I heard there are a lot of beautiful women in Urk. Kim Tae Hee in the fields, SISTAR in grape farms, and more.." 

It turned out that Song Joong Ki actually wanted to use a different girl group name for this line. He strongly recommended using AOA, while Jin Goo wanted to use SISTAR. The argument did not end easily, which led to a competitive match of rock, paper, scissors. 

Ultimately, Jin Goo took victory, and SISTAR was chosen to be placed in the line. Too bad for AOA's Seolhyun, who has been showering her ideal type Song Joong Ki with affection!

But still, maybe Song Joong Ki is also a huge fan of AOA and Seolhyun after all!


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Well we all now know that there is no epilogue. XD

I am just wondering about one segment. Did the Director of the Hospital give up on chasing Doctor Kang? Also--when did he give up? Would it be the scene where he was threaten by Shi Jin?

I guess there are a few points that I would have love to be covered. In addition, do I assume since Doctor Kang went back to work at the hospital that would mean that she won't be opening a clinic.

I want to note in the BTS we can see how hard people have to work to get the film done. I am thankful for the time and effort they place into it all.

In addition, according to articles I am not really positive that there would be a DOTS 2. If there was and it was KBS that promoted it then it would be a new cast and new script writers. By what I could see a lot of writers do not wish to write another one because they are uncertain if they could top the first one. I don't blame the fear, sometimes a work you do and the pressure to duplicate the speed, atmosphere, and have just as much impact isn't as simple.

If there is a new cast for DOTS 2 there would be issues because it would have to deviate from the original a bit. Though if it was emulating it would be leaving going to fight and death at a segmented place. Unless they decided to write a scenario where the Doctor is a guy and the Woman is in the military but actually part of something else...in the military.

(Leans on Hand) Maybe they come up with an idea where the scenario is where Doctors With Border going around the political and dangerous situation they are in with regular military in the region they are in...*Brain storms* Sorry haven't been having much time haha so brain is running off into la la land.


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8 hours ago, themarchioness said:

Thinking out loud once more (because it's so much more fun to be thinking about DotS versus focusing on my work, which is what I should be doing right now . . . shhhh . . .).

Some of my favorite moments in the drama were the parallels drawn between KMY's profession and YSJ's.  Sometimes the parallel was shown in an overt manner.  Like when they'd do side-by-side shots of KMY going about her work and YSJ going about his, or when they'd cut back and forth between scenes of KMY issuing instructions to her team and YSJ to his.  Or, another example, in the last episode, when we saw a new class of physicians taking the Hippocratic oath and a new class of soldiers being sworn in.  I thought moments like those were brilliantly done.  (Good job, PD!)

But at other times, the parallel was a little less obvious.  And now that I'm thinking about it more, I wonder how I missed it.  I'm thinking specifically of the life-threatening virus arc.  At the time, I remember telling my friends, "I know, I know, they've weathered a Middle East conflict, an earthquake, an arms dealer, and now we've got a scary virus added onto the pile."  As much as I was completely sucked in to every single one of those arcs, the more rational side of me also felt like DotS was trying to go BIG or go home in every aspect of its storytelling.  But now, I can also see that it wasn't just the drama trying to pile on more drama for the sake of creating drama.  Instead, I think the purpose of that arc was to illustrate that dangers weren't unique to a soldier's life, and that a doctor's life could be challenged at any time as well.  I do remember appreciating at the time of my initial viewing that this time, it was the men who had to sit helplessly on the sideline as they waited for information and outcomes.  But now looking at the drama as a whole, I can also see more clearly just how important that arc was to the story.

Two other scenes I really loved in DotS was: 1) YSJ shooting at Argus with tears in his eyes, and 2) YSJ shedding more tears over his last photo with Argus and then setting it aflame, saying his final farewells to that friendship.  I think that was a turning point for KMY.  In the second episode, she'd challenged him about ending lives when her purpose was to save lives.  In episode 12, I think she really came to understand that sometimes it's necessary to kill.  But even then, it's not an easy thing to do.  How could she not fall more in love with YSJ in that moment?

As I said a few days ago, I think it's moments like these that really helped KMY come to grips with her relationship with YSJ (which was the real conflict of the drama).  I also think it helped her understand that, at the end of the day, they weren't so different from one another after all.

Anyhoo . . . thoughts over.  Back to work.  Can't wait to go home and watch all the BTS clips that you've all been going giddy over today.  :)

:Love your thoughts!  May I add - this drama also showed the 2 choices in life that, which path to take after changing plans.  In DOTS, 2 soldiers, Argus and Daniel were both working to keep the peace around the world - they used to be on the same side - saving the world.  Just like what YSJ said, once they leave their posts, they either become a missionary or a villain - Daniel chose to become a missionary, continuing on promoting peace in a different way, which Argus chose to be a villain.

I also like  how it was always mentioned that doctors are doctors and they cannot choose who to save - because they took an oath to save and not to kill.  This was actually the first argument YSJ and KMY had at the early stage.  It was good that they both developed a clear understanding of their respective duties - not only to their country but to the people.

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1 hour ago, winterbubbletea said:

Well we all now know that there is no epilogue. XD

I am just wondering about one segment. Did the Director of the Hospital give up on chasing Doctor Kang? Also--when did he give up? Would it be the scene where he was threaten by Shi Jin?

I guess there are a few points that I would have love to be covered. In addition, do I assume since Doctor Kang went back to work at the hospital that would mean that she won't be opening a clinic.

I want to note in the BTS we can see how hard people have to work to get the film done. I am thankful for the time and effort they place into it all.

In addition, according to articles I am not really positive that there would be a DOTS 2. If there was and it was KBS that promoted it then it would be a new cast and new script writers. By what I could see a lot of writers do not wish to write another one because they are uncertain if they could top the first one. I don't blame the fear, sometimes a work you do and the pressure to duplicate the speed, atmosphere, and have just as much impact isn't as simple.

If there is a new cast for DOTS 2 there would be issues because it would have to deviate from the original a bit. Though if it was emulating it would be leaving going to fight and death at a segmented place. Unless they decided to write a scenario where the Doctor is a guy and the Woman is in the military but actually part of something else...in the military.

(Leans on Hand) Maybe they come up with an idea where the scenario is where Doctors With Border going around the political and dangerous situation they are in with regular military in the region they are in...*Brain storms* Sorry haven't been having much time haha so brain is running off into la la land.



Oh..I like the idea. As much as I am so in love with DOTS, I am a bit cautious with a Season 2. It's gonna be tricky to pull off. They would need new conflicts. And a real good storyline.  Your idea sounds great actually. I did mentioned in my previous comment, they could actually pull off something closer to home, maybe a terrorist attack or smtg similar to the movie, London Has Fallen? It will be quite refreshing. Lol. And btw, can I say I totally LOVE ur fics. Please do continue. Your YSJ & KMY's one shots are Daebak! Love the Wrecking Lipstick fic and the Bang and Wham fic. Lol. 

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Song Joong Ki’s Love for AOA and Jin Goo’s Love for SISTAR Create Competition in “Descendants of the Sun” Special

Song Joong Ki’s Love for AOA and Jin Goo’s Love for SISTAR Create Competition in “Descendants of the Sun” Special

On the “Descendants of the Sun” epilogue special that aired on April 22, the staff showed what really went on during the shower scene with Jin Goo and Song Joong Ki.

In the actual broadcast, Yoo Si Jin and Seo Dae Young talk about the beautiful women in Uruk, saying, “There are many pretty women in Uruk. It’s like Kim Tae Hee is working in the fields while SISTAR is picking grapes.”

descedants of the sun

When rehearsing this scene, Song Joong Ki asks, “It’s been changed to SISTAR?”

Then Jin Goo and Song Joong Ki play rock-paper-scissors to choose who is mentioned in the dialogue; Song Joong Ki is for AOA while Jin Goo is for SISTAR. Unfortunately for Song Joong Ki, Jin Goo won the match and they went with SISTAR as shown in the drama.

descedants of the sun3

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Putting the dot on DotS.

Now that I've watched the Epilogue, I guess I must face the inevitable truth: I've reached the end.

Words can't express how much this drama has meant to me.  I've been watching dramas for years, ever since I was a little girl who watched alongside her mother, and the number of dramas I've watched is easily somewhere in the hundreds.  Yet, even with all those dramas behind me, I can honestly say that DotS ranks among my top.  There was just something about it.  From the first episode, it grabbed a hold of me and for 16 episodes, it never let go.  It still hasn't let go.

DotS is a drama that, just thinking about it, lifts my soul and gives me energy.  In fact, there were a few times these past few weeks when I'd experience something difficult at work, feel frustrated, angry, or sad, and all my friend/co-worker would have to say was, "Just think of DotS," and immediately, a goofy smile would appear on my face.  I can't explain it.  Even I can't really quite understand it.  I just know I <3 DotS in a huge and monstrous way.

My friends have been trying to console me these past few weeks by reminding me that there will be other dramas to watch.  I know they're right.  But I also know the feelings that this drama invokes in me is a rare thing.  That's what makes it so particularly difficult for me to say good-bye to this drama.

But all good things must come to an end and now I must face reality.  I'm just grateful that the episodes will be forever available to rewatch, as if I haven't already been doing that since the first episode.  ;)

I send my big thanks to the amazing cast and crew who expended so much time and effort to bring this beautiful story into our hearts and home.  And I also thank all you in this forum.  I know I wasn't really active until the end of the drama's run -- and that's because large and fast-moving Soompi threads aren't really my thing -- but I'm grateful that you welcomed me into your fold once I was ready to join.  It's been a comfort to have a place to share my thoughts and to be among like-minded folks who get it.  My friends in real life are pretty good about indulging me in my drama chatter and DotS obsession, but at the end of the day, they can't quite get it.  Thank goodness for safe havens like this one.  *sniffs*

Now to start back with Episode 1 . . . :P

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After watching DOTS special No. 3, I kept asking myself how these actors, especially SJK and SHK managed to keep a straight face after so much giggling - and how many takes were done before they can finalize a scene.  Seems like they were really having a nice and enjoyable time while filming.  That's good because none of them would get bored while waiting for their turns. 

I wish there's a poll on who SHOULD be together in real life - I would definitely vote for SJK and SHK - and I wish there's a rule that if they get the most votes, that they would just follow the rule - these two are just too good together.  Don't mind me - just my weird wishful thinking.

DOTS 2?  I don't think there should be one - it will destroy the beauty of the original story.  What else are they going to show? 

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태양의 후예 스페셜 3부 - 송중기, " 제대후 복귀작, 불안했지만 대본의 힘을 믿었다". 20160422







KBS Drama Head Discusses Desire and Possibility for Season 2 of Descendants of the Sun in 2017






Posted on April 22, 2016 by ockoala









Of all the excessive milking of the cash cow that is Descendants of the Sun, no extension but adding pointless special episodes, it was inevitable that talk would emerge of a second season and/or a sequel. Both writers have previously expressed their finality with this drama, Kim Eun Sook said it was too difficult to plan a part 2 and Kim Won Suk said he’s told all he wanted with this story, so the discussion of a possible second season is coming solely from the Head of Drama Programming at KBS.




In discussing with the media about 2017 dramas in the works for KBS, the department head expressed a desire for more DotS as a way to thank the fans who loved it so much. Of course it’s that, and not because it was such a moneymaker for the network. He explained that the project could move forward with or without the original production team and cast, but he’s proceeding with discussions with the original participants first to see if it’s doable. This seems so much like giving a great toy to a kid who proceeds to destroy it by playing with it outside the parameters of it’s intended use.












DotS is a bit of a lightning in a bottle, using all the classic ingredients of Hallyu drama hitmaking but also having it’s own momentum that can’t be cloned even by itself. So don’t be a wanker, Mr. Head of KBS Drama Programming! Don’t do this imbecilic second season of DotS otherwise Captain Yoo Shi Jin will shoot you.

















yoo si jin's will... #DescendantsOfTheSunCaptain.png  




























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Spoilers DotS Special


tv Report - Naver: 'Descendants of the Sun', Song Song couple still makes your heart flutter even after watching it a million times 

1. [+6,563, -105] KBS' editing skills have improved tremendously, so neat

2. [+4,994, -122] I love seeing this again

3. [+4,338, -106] It's beautiful and heart-fluttering no matter how many times I watch.. DotS, thank you ♡♡

4. [+4,098, -107] Fun drama even if you watch it several times!

5. [+2,865, -81] Did you guys see the deleted scenes?? Daebak






Osen- Naver: 'Descendants of the Sun', Song Song couple, it'd be weird if they're not dating with that chemistry'

1. [+3,701, -153] We already know they're not dating but they match so well! The chemistry just too good that we can only hope ㅎㅎ

2. [+3,306, -134] An article that overflows with feels... The reporter spoke so well about what the fans are feelings^^ Proves that Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki are pros.. ♡♡♡

3. [+2,814, -165] I love this article ㅋ

4. [+2,619, -204] We want them to be together in real life but I'll keep cheering on

5. [+2,479, -316] I like this article so much^^ Please date!!!!

Cr kklujaem

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