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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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I'm still waiting for KBS to show the cast script reading..we only saw the pictures but usually before drama starts they would show some glimpse of script reading..I read that people are cheering and teasing them when they're exchanging their lines...

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Comment #6 tho xD



[Naver: Munhwa Ilbo] 'DOTS' originally had a sad ending where Yoon Myungjoo dies

1. [+16,829, -303] Jo Insung, Kang Dongwon, and Gong Yoo would've matched too but.. Song Joongki was the perfect fit. The casting was done well.

2. [+13,710, -378] I still like the typical happy endings. It was just really sweet. It was the kind of ending that I wanted.

3. [+11,125, -319] Everyone would've been in tears and there would be so much buzz if it was a sad ending~ The ending was very clean-cut and happy~ ㅋㅋㅋ It was refreshing and really daebak~ ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+9800, -408] I'm sick of impactful sad endings now. Happy endings are overboardrefreshing.

5. [+4643, -148] Wowza.. I see...

6. [+1418, -44] The saying that the genre is Song Joongki didn't come from nothing. It was because of Song Joongki that Yoo Sijin was made possible.

7. [+1327, -31] Celebrity and public service soldiers couldn't accept the role because they were afraid of getting even overboard hate!! Song Joongki had nothing to lose because he served in the search battalion!! ㅋ

8. [+1124, -32] It was totally.. Song Joongki's role... If Captain Yoo wasn't Song Joongki... no no no... Kang Dongwon, Jo Insung, and Gong Yoo are all handsome, but Captain Yoo is Song Joongki

9. [+1119, -37] It's a relief Song Joongki was casted rather than the other actors

10. [+1037, -29] Song Joongki's casting was heaven sent~~~

credit: http://knetizone.blogspot.com/2016/04/descendants-of-sun-was-originally.html

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Thanks guys for keeping this page alive. Goin through withdrawal syndrome now. Argh. It's painful. No more Kdrama for time being. Dots sets my bar higher now. I think it will quite awhile for me to love another Kdrama as much as I love Dots. 

Sidenote. A friend of my lamented that there was no bed scene. Lol. I think the writer did hint some skinship. I mean, YSJ and KMY conversation (in the cafe-flashback, camp scene, car wash scene) seems more...how should I say...daring? And they seemed more physically closer. So....IDK. Dots is full of subtle stuff like this. 


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4 hours ago, LeN said:

Comment #6 tho xD



[Naver: Munhwa Ilbo] 'DOTS' originally had a sad ending where Yoon Myungjoo dies

4. [+9800, -408] I'm sick of impactful sad endings now. Happy endings are overboardrefreshing.


credit: http://knetizone.blogspot.com/2016/04/descendants-of-sun-was-originally.html


yes yes yes, I'm so sick of "SE is more memorable" theory, that never works for me :blink:

about SJK is worry that kiss happened so quick at ep 4, hahaha, he has no idea that we're so over the push-pull and the wait until half of the drama for one kiss, I'm so happy DOTS went totally different way    :blush: 

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@marchioness - 

Many recaps and comments complains of the ppl's.I'm with you, I don't have any problems with ppl as long as it's integrated in the scenes. The airplane, the lipstick, subway, car, water bottle, and even the goat, hehehe. The DOTS ppls also took the risk in investing and they deserved all the exposure .

Anyway, no one's forcing us to buy , it is still a free choice. ^^

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Which genre of drama does DotS belong to? Romance or romantic comedy? :huh:

I was under the impression that it is a romance drama. From all my readings, I understand that it is a love story. Because of that, my expectation was different. The ending, while refreshing and funny, didn't kill it for me. I didn't go away feeling the lingering sweetness like I did with some other dramas. 

Still, I'm glad to see the drama doing well in spite of all the flaws and gaps. I'm most happy for Song Hye Kyo. I watched this drama for her and am so glad she received a lot of accolades for her acting, even from her co-stars. I'll like to see her in more romantic comedies. She's too cute! I also look forward to seeing more of Song Joong Ki. He's a great actor. I like to see him in some action thrillers or romantic comedies.

But please, no Season 2 or movie version of DotS please. Just let this be the final finale.

Thank you everyone, for making the DotS ride so fun! Thanks for all your insights and wonderful sharings, especially all those cute fan arts and c-strips. Love them to the moon and back! :wub:

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Some people think you need to get someone killed to call it a perfect ending lol.

It still hasn't sunk in that the last two episodes were aired a few days ago. My Wednesdays and Thursdays won't be the same anymore..idk what to do without Dr. Kang and Captain Yoo. This withdrawal syndrome is a lot worse than any of my Kpop concert withdrawal..and that says a lot. 

Thanks so much to everyone who has been contributing endlessly to this thread...recapping, analysing, commenting etc. You guys are awesome!! :wub:

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