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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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ENG Sub version of OST8 - By my side


SG Wannabe – By My Side (사랑하자) Lyrics

Don’t forget me
How can you leave me behind?
You’re the most precious person to me

It’s you
The one who’s made my heart tremble for the first time in my life
The one and only person for me
Even after looking thousands of times

Don’t say that this is a sad love
If you think about it again, I’m so happy
Although it hurts as much as we’re in love
Just like now
Let’s love

I am a fool
My love can only see one person
If you ever miss me
Just come to me

Don’t say that this is a sad love
If you think about it again, I’m so happy
Although it hurts as much as we’re in love
Just like now
Let’s love

Not being able to see you
Is scarier than death to me
Stay by my side
Don’t leave me

You are my love
Someone who’s worth my entire life
It’s you
Although it hurts as much as we’re in love
Just like now
Let’s love


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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Descendants of the Sun" Episode 11










"Descendants of the Sun" tries to pack in a lot of action by having our heroes face weapons trafficking, plagues, gun standoffs, earthquakes, kidnapping, and politics. No matter what happens, this show seems destined to best itself - and it did. It came 0.3% higher than the last episode at 31.9%. More than anything, however, it was the acting in this episode by our leads that made it worthy of that rating.

Jin Goo proved his mettle as his expressed Dae-yeong's worry for Myeong-joo with previously unparalleled intensity. It was his version of the Song Joong-ki intensity that made the "Nice Guy" and "A Werewolf Boy" star so famous. The man truly deserves his many CF offers and his place in the sun along with the rest of the "Descendants of the Sun" cast. Not to mention that Song Joong-ki brings back the stare that made him a chilling Ma-ru in "Nice Guy".








The secondary couple found in Doctor Song and Nurse Ha is completely winsome in their grudging affection and respect for each other. They may be my favorite couple because seriously, they are just so cute. Also, Chi-hoon's moral dilemma came to a poignant catharsis as he finally learned to put his patient above himself, and deliver a sound medical call and execute it. He earned the respect of the patient he wrong and began to respect himself. I do wish he would consider his wife and child more, but a man who can't respect himself won't be a functional husband or father.

In general, I liked this episode more than the past few. Yes, a lot of things tend to happen in this drama, but this episode balanced plausible occurrences in a third world country. Deviants try to gain control via nefarious means (i.e. Argus), illness spreads like wildfire, medicines are hard to come by, and it's difficult for those sent to help to be away from home. Of course a lot of what happens is a bit out there, but in Korean drama, some leeway must be given, especially when Jin Goo goes berserk and beats up a bunch of bad guys. That's just cool.








A few random likes and pet peeves of mine. I love the cello version of Gummy's song. Why didn't Fatima scream when she was shot? A piece of tape isn't going to hide a scream of pain. Argus is no longer truly scary because David McInnis delivers lines like The Joker and his plans don't seem very well thought out. He just blazes in with his illegal arms and expects everything to go his way.

HanCinema viewers, what did you think about the events of this episode compared to those of the previous episodes? How did you like all the different romantic lines? Did the Song Joong-ki stare and Jin Goo tears get to you like they got to me? 

Written by: Raine from 'Raine's Dichotomy'








"Descendants‬ of the Sun" is directed by Lee Eung-bok, Baek Sang-hoon, written by Kim Eun-sook andKim Won-seok-II, and features Song Joong-ki, Song Hye-kyo, Jin Goo, and Kim Ji-won-I.









Song Joong-ki was skillful on KBS News 9










Song Joong-ki did it again. He answered silly questions with right answers. Although he is the first actor to sit at the KBS News Desk, he was modest and bold at the same time.



Song Joong-ki was interviewed on the news due to his rising popularity in "Descendants of the Sun". He appeared on the KBS 1TV "News 9" on March 30. Lee Byung-hun and Rain were previously featured on the news on a weekday night, but Song Joong-ki is the first actor to appear on the 9 O'clock news.



Song Joong-ki stands in the middle of change. Not long after he was discharged from the military, Song Joong-ki starred in the drama "Descendants of the Sun" and became a Hallyu star. "Descendants of the Sun" is being broadcasted in China at the same time and has been exported to 32 different countries.



Song Joong-ki said he was shy but grateful at this sudden fame. He chose the line "Then save him" as his favorite and responded wittily to the silly question, "Song Hye-kyo or Kim Ji-won-I?"



Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo were speculated of seeing each other because they were seen outside together because of the drama. Song Joong-ki answered, "This is all because the drama is so popular and I'm just enjoying it". When the anchors asked why he thought he was so popular, he answered with a big laugh. It was like seeing the playful Yoo Si-jin on the news.



The questions and editing was disappointing but Song Joong-ki pulled it off well. More people would have fallen for him and that's for sure. He was calm but humorous and it was a pleasurable time for the viewers.



Source : www.newsen.com/news_v...



both articles c. Hancinema



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Just finished watching ep. 11.

I don't cry easily. Usually, when my friends already sob hard while watching movies or dramas, I only feel sad but no tears come out. DOTS is a drama that could make me cry for several times already. Jjinjja daebak!

Myeong Joo's struggle to survive from the virus is very worrying. Dae Young seems to need a mortal threat at his gf to finally say he misses her, hahaha. But that was a very touching scene, when they talked using walkie-talkie. 

Myeong Joo's phone call with her father was also very touching. Though I hate her father for saying, "Because I can't do anything, I don't call you first. I can only wait until you call me first". He should've found out about her since the first, his daughter caught a dangerous virus"

But oh well, seems like his character is just like that. 

Wah, Myeong Joo apologized to her father because before she went to Mowuru Camp, she said if her father didn't let her go, he'd lose both a liutenant and daughter. It seemed like a foretelling of what was happening to her. I can relate, because I'm an Indonesian and from Javanese tribe. We do believe that we must not speak badly to our parents, because if we do, God will be furious and the bad words will comeback to us. 

I love Myeong Joo more because of this episode. She's so ill but her spirit was unbeatable. I really admire her. It's scary to see her so pale and dying. Hope she will recover soon. 

I hate Argus in this episode too. Before, I just see him as the necessary villain to make this drama more interesting. But the way he stole the medicine for the M3 patients when there are people who are dying is very low. Plus he slapped Dr. Kang. Ugh, I hate him. :angry:

I feel he had a soft spot for Dr. Kang. Not at the liking or crushing state, but definitely interested. 

I also hate Yoo Si Jin's boss here. I forgot his military rank. Major? He's so selfish. Liking Myeong Joo, but when Myeong Joo has a virus, he wants to throw her to the US Army. He also refused to understand that Si Jin needs to save Moo Yeon. He's so not helpful. 

The drama thickens by getting Dr. Kang kidnapped by Argus. On another drama I think it would be too forced and too cliche. However, it's DOTS so it's exciting. 

Argus saying "You're the perfect person to spend my last night with here" makes me think he would try to sexually assault her. It's just the way he spoke. I'm sure he won't do it, yet I was afraid when he said that. 

Si Jin wanting to save Dr. Kang is so cool. Didn't think that he would use the card given by the Arab high official. Ep. 12 seems to be lots of actions. Hoping all will be well. 

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2 hours ago, miss sojisub said:

its Junsu song.... the ost still in teaser not out yet. perhaps it will be out next week or at the final week.... if i'm not mistaken the title is "for who stopped being scared" i don't know if thats right... sorry

Thanks for the update @miss sojisub. I too love the song. I recognised Junsu's voice and I was hoping that it will be released this week.:tears: Such a beautiful song and I love the melody. Dots is beyond awesome in cast, script, dialogue , cinematography and it's very rare that I love every single song in the ost but I do in Dots! Long live Dots! :glasses:

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just watched episode 11 again and i think this is what will happen next.

YSJ is going rogue for 3 hours and using the VIP card, requests a chopper.  The chopper is being used to save KMY but also i think to deceive Argus into thinking that this is his escape route after the weapons delivery takes place. YSJ will probably take out Argus before he escapes.

I think YSJ and KMY will separate due to this incident,   but be reunited in the end where we see them kiss on the balcony.



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18 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

The lyrics of the new OST basically hinting that KMY and YSJ will break up, looks like KMY will be flying back in that chartered plane with the chairman.




I don't want them too ;_;  It's a GooWon OST, use it for them. :P 

It'll probably happen, but  I'l continue to think positively and hope he just sends her back with the promise to return to Korea soon.  Don't we have cute Korean scene spoilers!?  But yeah, they'll break up and meet again since fate refuses to let them dump the other. 

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19 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

The lyrics of the new OST basically hinting that KMY and YSJ will break up, looks like KMY will be flying back in that chartered plane with the chairman.


rather than break up I think it's more like SDY fear.. losing his woman. 

that pict will be one of the scene right?? that's mean YSJ is successfully save his woman, but he maybe will face a trouble with the army rule.

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3 hours ago, thelittleclouds said:

Just watched the english subbed. This episode is so intense I had to hold my breath most of the time. There's no time to relax except that cute scene of SongSong (both looking so adorable!) I could feel YSJ frustration towards the liutenant and the chief, how he clenched his fist, how he tried so hard to hold his tears out of worry. And that asparagus!!!!!!! I just hate him so much now I hope tonight YSJ will surely make him a soup! 

I hope Captain beats him hard like SDY beats the guy who stole YMJ's medicine. 

Edited by ororomunroe
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'Sons of the Sun "Song Hye Kyo / KBS 2TV' Sons of sun screen capturehttp://www.topstarnews.net/detail.php?number=188127



















SG Wannabe's 'By My Side' MV for 'Descendants of the Sun' OST is here!


By yckim124








The full MV of 'Descendants of the Sun' OST Part 8 is here!






This time SG Wannabe treats listeners with their soulful voices in the song, "By My Side". The MV features Yoon Myung Joo and Seo Dae Young from the drama. Their heart aching love story is portrayed, and it once again captures the hearts of many viewers.








Check out SG Wannabe's amazing vocals and the romance of 'Descendants of the Sun' in the new MV!











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