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4 minutes ago, partyon said:

Some of the characters belonged to the mafia :joy:

:facepalm: yeah we remember....


Also, Why do you always have to damage LMH oppa? What did he do to you?



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24 minutes ago, kokodus said:

Also, Why do you always have to damage LMH oppa? What did he do to you?


 Because Every time my twin bored , universe her LmH picture :sweat_smile:




16 minutes ago, partyon said:


Those are all @Ameera Ali's gifs and images, though, not mine :D


yeah , Throw me under the bus twin :hwaiting2:

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43 minutes ago, kokodus said:

Virtual angel event was conducted by @Lmangla Her events are all always soooo good. She is the OG party planner in soompi. LOL. :heart:

thanks. it all feels such a long time ago. I had to go back to find out what was virtual angel. my memory bank is so short these days! :lol:


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@kokodus @Lmangla @Ameera Ali @joccu Found the script @Sleepy Owl and I wrote for season 2 of Hospital Playlist.


1) Truck of doom hits Andrea and he suffers from memory loss. He forgets his love and becomes a priest. In the end, he recovers his memory and leaves the priesthood and searches for his love Dr Jang

2) But Dr. Jang is angry at Andrea for leaving her and gets revenge by marrying Kim Jun Wan (cardiothoraic surgeon) after he was dumped by his soldier girlfriend (Ik Jun's sister)

3) It's revealed that Ik Jun (general surgeon) is actually the brother of Dr.Jang making it all super awkward, because his friend Kim Jun Wan has dated one of his sisters (soldier) and married his other sister (Dr Jang)

4) Distressed by his brother Andrea's memory loss and depression for losing his love Dr Jang, Andrea's oldest brother (played by Sung Dong Il) decides to join the mafia to get revenge on Dr. Jang and the truck driver

5) Neurosurgeon Song Hwa and OB gyn Yang Seok Hyeong go camping but get lost in the mountains. Seok Hyeong and Song Hwa connect on a romantic level when he saves her from a bear attack

6) OB gyn Yang Seok Hyeong's betrayed girlfriend Chu Min Ha goes on a rampage in the hospital, seaweed slapping everyone who comes at her way!

7) Priest Oppa Andrea's mom meets up with Dr. Jang, "Divorce your current husband Jun Wan, get back with my son or you both have to leave the hospital' (incoming water splash)

8) Meanwhile, Ik Jun is visited by his ex-gf(played by Go Ara) in the hospital. She wants him back, but he's like nah... "I'm tired of all women! They have all betrayed me! I'm gonna stay single"

9) The seaweed slapping Chu Min Ha (betrayed gf) has now reached a sad Ik Jun, but the camera slows down as she aims a seaweed slap at him. We hear romantic music! She slips but he holds her back preventing her from falling. Their eyes lock and BOOM!


10) New scene: Andrea is crying loudly in a bar in Italy, unable to forget Dr. Jang. An Italian girl comforts him and soon they become more than friends.... Turns out she belongs to the mafia though! The Cassano family. Her brother's name is Vincenzo..

11) But Andrea is still sad, so his oldest brother(Sung Dong Il) and his new Italian girlfriend decide to get revenge on Dr. Jang so that Andrea can finally move on. Cue on dramatic music.

12) As they arrive at the hospital, ready to kill everyone in their way, they meet the truck driver. Bam! He's a goner!

13) Cue in on Dr Jang who has just found out that her husband Kim Jun Wan is cheating on her with her and Ik Jun's sister (Jun Wan's soldier ex girlfriend).( Incoming water splash and kimchi slap 2.0)

14) Andrea's brother and girlfriend aim a gun at Dr Jang but her brother Ik Jun saves her. Andrea's gf shoots cheating Kim Jun Wan instead and sadly he doesn't make it. Dramatic music. Police arrive and arrest Sung Dong Il and the Italian lady

15) Ik Jun's seaweed slapping gf Chu Min Ha goes to the police station angry at Ik Jun for getting into danger like that. She seaweed slaps him! Boom


17) Andrea hears of all of this and is shocked his brother and gf could do such a heinous act. But cue in on ANOTHER truck of doom that hits him as he is on his way to the police station. Dr. Jang spots a lifeless and bleeding Andrea, operates on him and saves him.

18) Dr. Jang is distressed after having lost her cheating husband Jun Wan and after having saved her ex-love Andrea, so she quits the hospital and becomes the manager of a chocopie factory.


19) Andrea has forgotten everything post truck of doom 1.0, and thinks he is still dating Dr. Jang and starts searching for her again.

20) (Time leap to 1 year later.) Dr Jang and Andrea meet by chance in the chocopie factory after Andrea's bus breaks down in front of it. Cue in on romantic music when they look at each other lovingly and kiss... Happy ending!


@kokodus Time for you to admit, Ms. Koko, that you would have watched season 2 if @Sleepy Owl dongsaeng's and my script had been used instead....



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3 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

that why no script part 2 lol 


Are you saying that you want @Sleepy Owl dongsaeng and me to write a Hospital Playlist SEASON 3?!?!?!? :yaaa:

Everybody who wants a season 3, put up your hands!




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14 minutes ago, partyon said:


Me and dongsaeng @Sleepy Owl 's thoughts after seeing the script of season 1 :joy:

Please that was a perfect show as it was. Only mistake that I did was persuading you to watch the show.




3 minutes ago, partyon said:

Everybody who wants a season 3, put up your hands

No Please you've already done enough....

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4 minutes ago, kokodus said:

Please that was a perfect show as it was. Only mistake that I did was persuading you to watch the show.


Don't worry, Ms. Koko, @Sleepy Owl dongsaeng and I want to make sure that your warm memories of Hospital Playlist will always stay clear in your mind and heart.


@Sleepy Owl dongsaeng, gear up for a SEASON 3 OF HOSPITAL PLAYLIST!




You won't have to ask us twice, Ms. Koko. We heard your request for a 3rd season loud and clear! :dorakiss:


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10 minutes ago, partyon said:

Everybody who wants a season 3, put up your hands!




Twin you should, put be aware sign 

Imagine someone new put his hand  up lol 




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6 minutes ago, kokodus said:

No @Ameera Ali I've decided to ignore this noona dongsaeng combo...they become crazy like this once a year. It's just a phase, it will pass. 


Relax Ms. Koko!



We know that you want to know what happens in season 3....



Stay tuned for this weekend!



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