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@phikyl Oh, I'm a major sucker for romance :) I often catch myself smiling like an idiot on the couch when the main characters finally kiss :D 
Though I must say, I don't get that with American series. They just don't have a clue how to build up suspense (or character depth, true feelings, any kind of bond really...). In American series 2 minutes in and the main leads are already f-ing their brains out. Let's also show as much skin as possible, preferably a side-boob or frontal view so we can really get those viewers coming back for more utter gutter entertainment.
That's the thing with Korean shows. It can easily take up to 13 episodes of an hour long, or more, to get that first kiss across. But when it does happen, you're just SO happy it happened :)

Anyway, I've bought a huge amount of DVD's and BluRays before I had a girlfriend/wife. So I've got a couple hundred on the shelves which I, indeed, hardly watch anymore. I might digitalise them at some point but I'd need a massive amount of hard disk space for that lol. Not to mention a lot of time...
Back when I started buying those, there were no streaming options available. Even in the Netherlands where high bandwidth speeds are common (I had 120Mbit downstream for about 5 years since 2008), streaming wasn't available. So we either had to download it to watch it on our computer, or buy the DVD/copy or burn the DVD.

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@CamelKnight Same about the romance and the way Asian dramas pull it off. In another thread, we're all up in arms about the directors leaving the show off on a teaser are-they-or-aren't-they-going-to-finally-kiss moment *cough*RefreshMan*cough*. Grawr! But with the instant gratification in American shows, I'm not inspired to write novels on a public forum about the show because the romance goes 0-100 in the first episode. :P There are a few shows that don't do that but for the most part, it's no fun to watch the romance in American shows.

Watching Asian dramas has definitely forced me to learn to savor even the meaningful looks the leads give each other because there's no telling when/if you'll see a kiss. Lol!


That makes sense. I grew up a military brat so I didn't acquire much stuff like DVD's or books. Once everything went digital, I preferred to either stream or download media and store it on a portable drive. Definitely makes my life a lot easier when moving. Packing up a tablet and Nook takes up a lot less space than the thousands of books/movies I have on each would. :lol:

I'm a baby [hello 20's!] so while I remember having things like VHS's and cassettes, by the time I was old enough to have a job and be able to start collecting my own things everything had turned digital. 


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@phikyl What romance in American series? It get's destroyed instantly. There really are only a few US series who get it, but I can't for the life of me think of any at this moment. Korean drama's on the other hand, I can't stop naming them lol :)

Yeah, moving wasn't easy. It took several boxes to pack all the DVD's and then I had to sort them by alphabet again (because obviously packing alphabetically would be silly...). Ah well, not planning to move anytime soon so they can stay where they are for now.
Oh.. forgot I wanted an aquarium where the DVD's are now. Seems they'll move soon enough :( 

Lol, I grew up on cassettes. I even bought a few (official from artists). Utter madness.

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@CamelKnight I know there's a few but I can't think of any off the top of my head either. The K-drama style doesn't always get me though. I'm not a fan of the deer-in-the-headlights type of kisses and K-dramas are big on those. If i'm going to wait [im]patiently for a kiss for 10+ hours I want it to be a "real" one; not one that looks like the female lead can't wait to get away. Lol! 

I grew up on CD's but my parents were big on making my sibling and I work for our stuff [though they didn't give allowance for doing chores or anything so I'm not sure how they thought we would do that...:rolleyes:] so I didn't get to amass a collection like yours. Streaming is definitely the best thing about everything going digital. Makes my life so much easier. No need to hunt down a DVD for years when you can just find a stream and watch it now!

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@phikyl I've been disappointed with K-Drama kisses too from time to time. Some actresses *coughHaJiWoncough* simply can't seem to kiss properly. I feel for their real life counterparts (when applicable). However, some kisses are worth the wait. Like Secret Garden's foamkiss (eventhough Ha Ji Won has trouble pouting her lips) and Lie To Me's colakiss. If I were a girl, I'd swoon. I'm a man though. No swooning here. Honestly. Nothing like that whatsoever. I swear. Really. Nope. Not here no. Maybe next door.

You forget I'm a tad older :) I've built my DVD collection by working 40 hours a week. I've been in steady jobs for over 15 years now so plenty of time (and money) to build a collection. I'm of the generation between hardcopies and digital versions. I like holding a book in my hand, but also have an ereader with plenty of books. I've got a collection of DVD's, but also have Netflix for instance. My wife's pressing me to discard the DVD's though. They do take up space but since digitalising them all would take approximately 8 terabytes and many, many hours, I'm holding her off for now :P 

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@CamelKnight gasp! Did you just say Ha Ji Won isn't good at something?! Are you ill?! :P Lie to Me's cola kiss is just...wow! Words cannot describe how well they did with that one so it was probably a good thing that Lie to Me was my first Korean series. Whether you're a female or not is irrelevant; that kiss was definitely swoon worthy! 

Yep, definitely much more time than I've had to amass a collection. I'm with you on hard copies of books but they're very impractical for someone like myself who moves a lot. 8TB?! Yikes! I think my collection is only around the 2TB mark but epub files are a lot smaller than any video format, that's for sure. I only have hard copies of 2 TV series' though; Firefly and Gossip Girl. Never felt the need to invest in others [though I debated Doctor Who for a long time]

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@phikyl I'm a major HJW fan, but kissing is really NOT her thing! I love how she looks, I love the way she kicks butt, I even love how the Wonder Girls mention her legs in "So Hot". She simply cannot kiss. I guess flaws make her more human though, lol :D 
The first time I saw that cola kiss I was totally taken by surprise :o It's exactly the way you want something like that to happen. And indeed, swoonworthy. I even watched Lie To Me a second time not so long ago, just for that kiss. The series itsself is fun, but nothing out of the ordinary. Apart from that kiss...

I still owe a load of books and I often visit a Red Cross bookmarket close by to buy more. I like having shelves full with books :) 
Firefly. Excellent choice :) It's a shame that got cancelled, eventhough the movie was good too as sort of a make up for cancelling the show.

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@CamelKnight The karaoke kiss from that show is pretty good too but the cola kiss is what sticks in everyone's mind; for good reason! I haven't watched Lie to Me in a long time. Maybe I'll re-watch it after I whittle down my "currently watching" list a bit. 

I love having shelves full of books also but it's not practical for me right now. The dream is to have a room filled floor to ceiling with books but that's probably a long way off. Right now I only own a handful of hard copies; mostly ones that were a pain to find in the first place so I don't want to have to try to replace them. 

I heard a while back that they're making a Firefly MMO. I haven't kept up on that news about that though; too busy waiting for Camelot Unchained. As for Serenity, it was good but it crushed all my hopes and dreams. Wash! HOW COULD THEY?!?! :bawling:

All I know is if there's ever a zombie apocalypse, I definitely want River Tam on my team!


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@phikyl Ugh, just thinking about it makes me want to rewatch that show again. I really need a shot of romantics lol!

I just checked out Firefly Online. I wouldn't hold my breath. It's been under development since 2013 and it doesn't seem to have any recent updates.

I was struck by lightning too when Wash died. On the other hand: they needed some closure and some way to go out with a bang. Wash dieing was the obvious road to take.

I'd take River Tam and close the door behind her. Lock and key. Run like hell. Even if she was on my side. That girl is scary!

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@CamelKnight I've been having a melodrama kind of week but it's about time to go back to my usual romcoms. Maybe I'll just skim through the episodes for the good parts/a dose of romance. :D

But...but... WASH! He was the best![ I'm a horrible person but...] Why not Jayne instead?!? Lol! Although, Jayne's death probably wouldn't have had the same gut wrenching feel that Wash's death did. Now I want to re-watch that series again.

Dang. I was really hoping that Firefly game would come to fruition. :(

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@phikyl my romcom week is lasting for over a year and it doesn't feel like stopping (though I'll admit, "Remember" almost broke it with romance being only in the last few episodes. I disliked it for it!).

You could argue that for just about any character from Firefly. Why not "insert random name"? Any one of the main leading characters would've been a disaster and thats exactly why. It was meant to end on a disaster. The series needed a proper ending. Had everybody survived, there would've been room for a sequel, a new season and fans would've been crying out loud for it. With the killing of one of the main characters, the show has been put to rest for good and I personally think it's for the better. Rebooting a long dead show (voluntarily in that state or not) is hardly ever a good idea since people (and thus writers) change. Not to mention the difficulty of getting the same actors together. Just look at how long the Friends movie took. Or the reboot of X-files... Or Twin Peaks. Haven't seen any of them, but I doubt they have the same feeling as they used to.

Movie -> game adaptations are hardly any good. Vice versa is even worse though. I don't know. It could've been good, but if you like the concept of Firefly, start playing Eve Online. It has a massive community, you can fly spaceships, do various jobs (anything from building to mining to destroying outlaws to... you name it) and it has one of the deepest gameplays you'll ever come across. Not to mention the sheer beauty of the game. Take a look at this trailer. It's all from in-game footage.


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