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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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temptation Now I'm tempted to be in Yoo Se-Young's boat ..  :)>-but here in this drama temptation is about temptation of money !temptation of power !temptation of revenge !temptation of hate !the temptation of win and
temptation of winning!temptation of love !temptation of happiness !temptation of forgetting !everyone is tempted by something and everyone is unhappy with his temptation because it is alone in itexcept for those tempted by love no... I forgot ... there are one-sided love as Kang Min-Woo's love for Yoo Se-Young :)
Sometimes this kind of love turns into hate , but  this is hurting more  the one who hates than the one who is hated, although the first does not realize it till the end...
this is still ep 13 , I'm still watching!

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dear chihgus, >:D<
I'm sorry if I disappoint anyone with my comments, but in a drama
I tend to appreciate characters who fall in love and defend it against all the world
I disagree with characters whom for hate, destroy the lives of other  people and  themselves , even if they have reason to be upset.is saidlove by force can not be, if someone does not love you forget it and forgive not destroy!!!I do not think the subject of this drama was about a woman who steals another woman's husband ... the story line is ambiguous only on the beginning,  for us the viewers the truth is revealed right away, with the intention to understand precisely that there  wasn't a moment talking about Se-Young's intention to seduce Cha Seok-Hoon and make him divorce.For his wife maybe it looked so , she didn;t know the truth, she is upset and broke the marriage but for us, who know the truth is a mistake to speak about this any longer.
As a mistake is Na Hong-Joo's desire to avenge Seok-Hoon and  Se-Young and for that she married Kang Min-Woo.She  said it clearly right when she accepted his marriage proposal I do not love you but I want to be able to use your money and your power to turn the two people life into a hell
Is that right?For me it is not!So I apreciate more Seok-Hoon and  Se-Young couple....


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adikkeluangman said: CNBLUE's Jungshin and Kim So Young shed their maknae image for 'CeCi's October issueCNBLUE's Jungshin and actress Kim So Young brought out their stylish charms in the October issue of 'CeCi' flaunting their model-like statures.

With 'CeCi', Jungshin and Kim So Young shed their fresh, maknae image from their recent drama SBS 'Temptation' and transformed into a chic, city couple.
The two flaunted their model-like height during the photo shoot, leaving the staff members in awe with each shot taken. Aside from the couple shoot, Jungshin brought out the macho side of him with his hair damped in water. Kim So Young also tapped into her slender and feminine persona.

Now I want to see magazine photo shoot betweent Lee Jung Jin and Fei or LJJ-PHS..

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Just some random thoughts. I just had to get this out of my head because I kept talking to myself out loud and was starting to get the you’re crazy looks again. This is longer than I intended so consider it a temptation dissertation. I'm a firm believer that you are responsible for your own actions, not anybody else's. That being said, from day one I thought HJ was unjustified in her revenge since she asked for the divorce. 

Before the time skip, her last interaction with SY was on the park bench at the hospital (before she resigned from her marriage*) and with SH when they ate together after the divorce was final in which he revealed that he was going to Brazil and had already told her the first time they met up at court that he quit from DS. During their meal HJ herself said it shouldn't matter to her anymore where he goes. When they go to part ways on the side walk, SH tells her he's sorry to forget all the hate, and her wounds etc. So from that day they walked separate ways on the street, she didn't see him again or hear from him until the engagement party that MW invited her to so (the nature of his relationship with SY was still ambiguous to HJ).

Let's see over the course of this short time HJ was still working at the hospital, SY’s “waiting” for SH, MW had JS kicked to curb for her affair, HJ felt insulted by MW's mother after their meeting, and MW had decided to fight with SY to step on SH for "personal reasons" aka HJ unbeknownst to her. Now a divorced SH is going to Brazil and before he goes to mediate/figure his feelings out/ do business/whatever tells SY at the airport that their ill-fated relationship isn't over and asks if she'll wait for him. Imo as a single individual you don't have to justify your relationships/associations to a n y o n e who you are not in a relationship/family with and he has none. I wish they would of said when he lost them or even mentioned his upbringing because that could of shed so much light on his ??? personality. I saw this quote on db that said "who I am and am not screwing, what I am or am not doing is no longer any of your damn business." And I find it A+ in this situation. 

MW is really shady guy because he knows SY is coming to the party and doesn't tell HJ, while he didn’t know SH is coming along but nevertheless knowing of HJ's rightful disdain towards SY doesn't even give a heads up. It' was text book manipulation talking about, “…You shouldn't run away. That arrogant, rude woman is down there and so is the man who left with her. You can say hi or curse at them. Just don't run away. Face them. Are you going to run away and hate someone the rest of your life? Please let me help you. But first you need to be confident.”  SY takes the full force of deserved criticism for playing with someone else’s marriage but absolute crickets to MW capitalizing on SY’s destruction and even thanking her for it..

CEO Yoo. I wanted to ask you this if I ever meet you in person. I heard a strange rumor about you. That you seduced a married man and put an end to his marriage. (bruh)  It sounded like nonsense to me so I couldn't believe it. I was wondering if the person you came with today was the man involved in that rumor. It's true. I'm the man in the rumor. But I think you've got it wrong. What's wrong? The reason why I got divorced wasn't because of our CEO. My wife could no longer trust me. I tried to turn things back but I wasn't capable enough. You sound awfully confident for not being capable enough. It's because I'm not ashamed. I tried to do my best with my ex-wife and I don't regret anything that happened during my marriage. Right now I'm trying my best to be a man like that to our CEO.”

And this is where it starts. After the party SH didn’t waver in his feelings and promises to make sure SY doesn’t regret her time and feelings on him, while HJ’s mad. She’s mad because SH’s unapologetic for being where he is now. She’s mad because he’s moved on and isn't miserable, especially since it’s with that shameless rude richard simmons she hates. I didn't mind HJ dragging SY in her front of inner circle to make herself feel better (especially with that bathroom  convo) even though she was low key rude to the hosts of the party.  People over look that HJ spending time with MW and his kids while innocent as it may seem. It isn’t innocent. She was playing in someone else’s marriage that involved small children. JS slapped the taste out of her mouth. “I haven't signed the papers yet. How can you flirt with him when he's still legally married? If you think it's unfair go nag Kang Min Woo so he'll please end things faster or as soon as possible with his legal wife so he can go have fun.” And she did but I guess a free pass covers a lot apparently. So now SY/SH are dating and staying in their lane but I’m still supposed to hold them responsible for HJ not moving on and agreeing to marrying MW, who is proposing the same day he got his wife to sign the dotted line, lol? Am I supposed to feel sorry and pity her cause she fell in the grave she decided to dig? Nah, I’m good.

This is where it gets problematic for me. HJ gets a “I’m allowed to marry for revenge pass” because she's a "scorned woman". The road of revenge is path chosen, not destinedNow if I were to go back to the beginning and ask if HJ was a victim to SY's proposal? Yes. Should SY have propositioned SH? No. However, did SH have to accept that proposal? No. Should HJ of allowed a 3rd party into her martial issues? No. So I'm not going harp on just one party. I'll blame them all equally. SY proposition/acted on feelings for a married man. HJ's passive aggressive non-communication/involving MW. SH had an emotional affair, it's true. There's no way to sugar coat it, but does that negate his right to move on with his life? NO! MW cheated on his wife multiple times and even had an extramarital kid (no offense Roy) for god's sake and people were okay with him having a happy ending with HJ. Where was his well-deserved criticism? Where is his immorality badge of shame? Shouldn't he be in the front of the line at the gates of hell? I'm pretty sure SY/SH can see him ahead of them. I'm honestly glad they didn't pull the trope where the guy "magically" changes because of a woman, because it's full of crap. People only change when they want to change and MW was faithful for about five minutes. 

SH tried to fix his marriage in all the wrong ways, even HJ acknowledges he tried to the very end but she wanted to end things, because she felt his heart already left. And that's okay. It's okay to let someone go in order to protect your own heart from being ultimately destroyed in the end. It's also okay she didn't accept SY's apology. She doesn't have to; it's in her mentality's best interest. NHJ is a grown woman and in the end it was her decision. HJ’s inability to see that her actions got her to where she was made me pity her zilch, when the realization finally dawned on her I was so happy for her. /end ramblings. Now on the other hand if SH would of asked for the divorce I would of gladly helped her dig the grave, lol. So looking at the big picture I'm not going to condemn SH to hell for deciding to be with SY after his divorce, especially seeing he repeatedly wished HJ no discontent knowing he's the one who hurt her in the first place. It doesn't matter how people slice and dice it she traveled that road of her own volition.

I read some of the comments under the last episode from like 3 different ksites and I couldn't stop laughing people screeching about immorality in regards to SH/SY "dating" after his divorce, and the "sanity/sacredness" of marriage which they "desecrated". Where the heck were they when HJ was marrying MW for all the wrong reasons? They must of skipped those episodes, lol. MW/SY are cut from the same cloth (personality, arrogance, manipulation etc.) but no one had a problem with him romancing HJ from the start, because although his actions were as callous as hers for some reason unbeknownst to me he gets the “ white knight” treatment. I detect a bit of selective amnesia. It's sad that no one is talking about MW's dabble in misogyny/adulterous ways, MW's mothers supportive favoristic adulterous materialistic sexism and inability to understand basic anatomy 101, HJ poking in MW/JS's marriage or JS interfering in MW/HJ's marriage. While I do feel there were a few loose ends (HG/SJ - SH/SY's appa - SY's sickness) I'm still happy with the ending. SY and SH committed for the long haul whether it be in sickness or in health. On the dl I kinda wish it had a s2, featuring a MW/SY/SH love triangle or a ménage à trois, teehee, cause I still believe SY's the one that got away for MW. They should have kissed once so I could felt that chemistry out, ha. Anyways... now that I've got this super long train of thoughts all out of my system, I'll miss this drama and the awesome people I met in this thread. Hope to see you all on another drama. I am finally f r e e from Temptation.

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Guest be happy

Yes true everyone in this drama tempted by certain way and all of them are sinner ..thats real life full of temptation for human being ...but the one who choose love is most the winner 
SY tempted by SH 
SH tempted by SY
MW tempted by SY ..HJ..power
HJ tempted by Roy ..revenge ..power
at the end what we get all 4 characters suffered because all are sinner for their  own temptation 
but the one who realize the truth of real life is the one who seek salvation 
I see that the end of this drama is the best end can be asked for
every one is in middle of extreme emotions ...not extremely happy to get his/ her  own tempted object  and not extremely sad 
because every one realize that what you have in your hands its what you really dig for 
every one responsible on his own choice ..and decision and should not blame other for  his failer 

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Guest adikkeluangman

Fei Reveals Photos from “Temptation” End-of-Drama Party
On September 19, miss A’s Fei uploaded some photos onto her personal Instagram. With the photos she also included the caption, “End-of-drama party for ‘Temptation.’ Everyone did a great job.”

In one of the photos, drama leads Kwon Sang Woo and Choi Ji Woo could be seen clapping happily in front of a big cake. In another photo, Fei and Kwon Sang Woo get close for a selca. Fei looks a little shy as she leans in towards the male star and smiles towards the camera.
Meanwhile, Fei made a cameo appearance on the first episode of the drama as Lee Jung Jin’s girlfriend.

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What I absolutely love, is I've been reading other drama threads on different sites, and it's so nice to know that the same flaws with the characters development, the disjointed writing, the cheesy scenes, the force romance, characters personality changes and the moral issues are more openly discussed.  On this thread, sometime I feel we're the minority, but on several other threads, OMG, we are definitely not alone by far.

That's why I know this drama won't win any awards for best drama or best couple or best anything.  If there is a drama that should win an award for not only brining up this subject of morals, but dealing with it head on--not shying away from the after affects and taking the easy way out of giving the lead cancer as a form of punishment, that drama is One Warm Word. 

When I watch Temptation, it's as if the characters are operating in a very small bubble where everything is a secret and it stays that way revolving in their small world. Their romance is perfect with the exception of her illness and everyone loves that they are together. There is no moral core or voice. The only person receiving blame is HJ. Only in the very end does the writer help some of the SY shippers know that SY was wrong from the very beginning. However, what the writer didn't do was humble SY. He let her character remain arrogant to the end and the same for SH.  SH's character is almost 3rd wheel to the other characters. For some reason, he doesn't seem to be a prominent. It's almost like JS' character. We also see that SY wears the pants in their relationship. SH will be her puppet---not a man I would want. Handsome, but not a manly man.

In the drama One Warm Word, the writer tackled the subject head on and it's impact on other family members. It showed how it impacted her sister who was in love with the brother of the woman whose husband she was having an affair.  It wasn't a drama showing how money can buy love and money was power, it showed how to married people came together looking for something that they didn't find in their marriage and found it unexpectantly. It showed how their actions impacted those around them. It also showed in order to make a marriage work, it takes a lot of work. They had sandcastles, but they showed what it means to have true love. The characters in this drama were the complete, exact opposite in attitude.  One Warm Word came across as more realistic in every way.

In Temptation, SH started out with true love for his wife. Then we see him less than 2 months later having love for SY motivated by money and power.  IMO, SH doesn't have a clue what true love means---not a clue.  I wonder if he would love SY if she had nothing?  Some how, I don't think so because he can't deal with the pressure of not having money.

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