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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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LOL!! The governor makes me laugh so hard!!!

They remind me of a gang of granpas! XD They are also a bit useless LOL

Am I the only one that likes Bayan VERY much? Everytime he appears on screen I am fanmode on!
At the start of the drama I didn't like him very much, but now I respect him a lot. I like his fearless nature and leadership. Everytime he's on screen it's full of charisma, I would really like him not to turn to the dark side, he would be a great Prime minister! And he's a fine man too

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sarah.lina said: @tucci : Did you watch many sageuk? i've watched many of them, no offense to JCW of course, the blame is only for the PD, a good romance sageuk without any fanservice scenes is like Princess' Man, when they throw at us at every episode one skinship scene, you have to think about the marketing behind that (even in YWCFTS there was too much of it) but here China is their main market (more people means more money), it's because of that they wanted to cast Soon Joon Ki and Jang Geun Suk, at first, two hallyu stars, it's because of the chinese market, but they are decreasing the overall quality and integrity of the drama, it's clearly not from the writers they hate "skinship scenes", they even have the gut to end History of a Salaryman without any kiss scene between the OTP (because it didn't have any purpose). :-B :-B :-B

i hope that i was clear ;)

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@tucci : in my opinion, i didn't even like the hug scenes in the first episodes of EK (between WY and SN so amateur), i really prefer meaningfull scenes like the mother bird with TH or the proposal with WY, those scenes are important but the constant hugging at every episode is not that important if you tell me, i just hope that JCW next movie will use more his acting skill than here, like the moment when he cried on SN's death, i want to see powerfull scenes like that, we are in the end of the drama, the revenge has to be the main goal not the romance, it's too late for that. :)>- :)>- :)>-

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Guest roshan90

@petria I read Tahwan Weekly and I havent even watched the episodes yet because I am a bit busy. Awesome. I loved all your small small insights..  :)>-

@sarah.lina I dont think the writers hate Skinship.. It started from the first episode. WY-SN had more skinship in the 1st episode itself than I have seen in many sageuks or even in many romantic comedy first episodes. So writers are not against skinship. History of Salaryman is one big disappointment on that part. But at least the Second Leads had Kissing scene and I am sure there was a CPR kiss(between second male lead and First female lead) there too..

I am just watching this drama for the romance more than revenge. :)) About the "Hugging" thing, SN is his concubine. They cannot start making out in the first scene itself. Of Course there will be hugs and CPR Kiss and then OOHlala. That is the Order. :))

But I also agree with that medicine Kiss. SN could have done it with a spoon. I think it was written the same way in the novel too.
Most Novels are really illogical. I am saying this for like forever. "Please Dont Follow the Novel Like its a Rulebook Writernim" And Its never working. 

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Guest united06

Episode 30 graphics ~






CREDIT: DarkSmurfSub GFX team

English subtitles are now available at DarkSmurfSubs~! ♥

Empress Gi English Subtitles is a Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7752-empress-gi-2013/
Please visit the link above for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!
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Guest united06

Episode 31 graphics ~







CREDIT: DarkSmurfSub GFX team

English subtitles are now available at DarkSmurfSubs~! ♥

Empress Gi English Subtitles is a Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7752-empress-gi-2013/
Please visit the link above for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!
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Guest ravendark

petria said: TA HWAN WEEKLY
(episodes 32nd and 33rd)

Each of Ta Hwan`s recent victories has been overshadowed: El Temurs` are trying to ease their failures by portraying him as a puppet who has changed master; his readiness to die for Nyang is minimized by Wang Yoo`s secret sacrifice; even eunuch Park got a line to warn him not to gloat over hunting prey, but to look for Nyang, as if he would forget about her due to the dead wild pig...

Two possible explanations: either writers want to keep Ta Hwan`s development slow and gradual or they are sending us a message that no matter how much he progresses, it will never be enough...

When Nyang confessed that she started to fear, I don`t think that she was referring to the awakening of her passionate feelings, but to what he said in the tent: You made me like this. It wasn`t his first time expressing something similar, but it was the moment when she got to understand the meaning of it: he is different from all other people she knows and his fragile existence is in her hands.
The arrow was already some of that fear coming true.

Her rising feelings for Ta Hwan are, for now, alarmingly similar to what she used to give to Wang Yoo: she has started acting as if she has been undeservedly honored, as a servant owing loyalty...In which universe does that go with her and Ta Hwan`s story?...

I don`t think that medicine-lips-touching was just an allusion to the CPR-kiss; it was prepared by sucking poison from the wound: like, she drank his blood, then gave him her... remedy, as a sort of unification of their souls...
Her dress in golden color of Paeha`s bedroom and butterfly-earrings were implying that she had fitted in perfectly, like chameleon.
Future oh-la-la will probably be very dramatic, but it is partly presented as if Wang Yoo`s doings are pushing her into Ta Hwan`s arms... another overshadowing...

Ta Hwan`s character is still in a transition: playful child in one moment, exhausted old man in the other; as if something grave is approaching, to push him over...

As a Ta Hwan`s fan, I feel as if I`m standing in front of firing squad. 
Hope that we will both survive.   :-<

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Guest adjani1430293095

Woman you say the darnest (ie. best by the way) things! hahahaha :) 
critics said: Guys, could it be possible that the drug being used by LK (via mouth-to-mouth feeding) was not really an antidote but rather an opium that's why TH resolves into drug addiction in the future?   http://forums.soompi.com/plugins/Emotify/design/images/35.gif  http://forums.soompi.com/plugins/Emotify/design/images/35.gif

I'm addict to you, sweetie!!

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Guest sogongx3


Thanks ;)

Lol you can see the progression in their relationship. In the picture you posed there's a tiny distance between them and in my profile picture she leans on his shoulder&holding his hand.

They must be very close now :)

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Guest adjani1430293095

@ravendark: your morning mind is fine.. and to be honest, I won't put that pass the PD or writers but.. for a historical .. probably not! Although he would Certainly use her pregnancy to get her to return! or save her in some way or make her empress! :) 
ravendark said: PeggyM said: @adjani Agree with everything you said 100%....awesome post.  For sure we cannot predict about the sleeping together part, it seems it will be up to SN because he is willing to wait for her to come to him...another sign of his love for her.  I am really wondering what it will take to push her to that point, perhaps it could be this incident with him near death???  Besides getting rid of the ET clan, their first night together is probably the most anticipated upcoming events of this drama....at least for me :)

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Just a thought in the what-scared SN issue: (kill me shipmates [TanYangSHip] this is so not romantic)
Th's words:
I can wait.Until you reach out for me.You're right here yet I miss you.
You made me this way.So don't keep me waiting for too long!
Then TH's facial expression after that.
If you are a concubine and your only source of power is a man totally devoted to you, willing to give you his all and has never ever wavered in loving you say those words (especially now that he is becoming strong, wise and independent unlike the previous TH where sometimes he just utter things even if he can't really do it) will you not be scared?
Your ultimate source of power might leave you? What will happen to the ultimate sacrifice you have made for your revenge - leaving everything behind and all. will you not be scared??  ( i know uri SN is strong but with out TH's power covering her no matter how strong she will still be small and unimportant, she'll never accomplish her unltimate revenge - exterminating ET's clan.)
But of course my in my heart i hope that she's scared because TH is creating a small crack in the super stronghold that she made, the fortress of her emotions. A crack may lead to the total destraction of the fortress in time, patiently, and you know how patient uri Paeja is right??

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Omo Tn is worried about uri Paeja!!! :)
i think TN likes uri Paeja, she is just bad to him because of the way he treats her.
there were so many acts:
when her clan plans to kill him, she was worried when uri Paeja can't speak she bring Maja to himher smile when they first met
omo I'm shipping TN-TH???  :-O :-O :-O
But we can't blame Paeja rihgt for treating her that way??I'm starting to sympathize to TN, i can feel her death is nearing. 

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in my dream. . .

EK starting to fall on to TH and she's afraid. . . of the feeling. . . consequences that it might get in the way for her revenge. . . she's actually confused and trying to supress the feeling. . .

but one thing's for sure... Paeha is already in her heart and she really truly cared about him that's why she was crying while giving the medicine to TH.

anyway in my dream... the ohlala happened. . . lol she offered herself to TH. . . omg im going nuts because im a super duper wanna see TH and EK to end up together . . .

im delusionaly dreaming of my preferred ending. . .

so what if TH is kinda childish and not so manly or wiity like WY. . . the thing is TH MADE SN happy, with TH EK can be herself . i prefer that enjoyable moments with TH. . . AND I THINK EK HAS MORE ENJOYABLE MOMENTS WITH TH THAN WITH ANYONE. . .

Im really going nuts here cause of EK. i like WY but in this story i prefer EK to end up with TH.

I actually pity TH, his life is always in a cliff . . . he's always in danger. . . no wonder he bacame dependent on EK. with his situation he'll really need an inspiration for him to keep breathing and stand strong... :((


i can't wait to see the el terrorist clan go down especially that old hag and her crazy daughter. . . :-??

fighting TH and SH. . . \m/

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