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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Auntie Mame

said: Actually, has anyone said to anyone else that he/she 'love' him/her?  :-?

I don't recall any subtitle using the word, 'love'.  Or, hearing the word, saranghe.  My recollection is that TH has repeatedly just said he needed her (SY).  WY has never put his feelings in words and just took action.  And, Sniffy just hissed about wanting her.

So far, SY has never said it to anyone either.  She just looks at WY with moony, encouraging and shy eyes.  At TH, with sympathetic, understanding and shy eyes.  At Sniffy, with hatred and a glare.  :-??

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How I see it is:

WY can live without SN
SN can live without WY and TH
But TH can't live without SN cause  like he said "she is his everything"  and the only thing he needs in order to survive.

Somehow TH 's feeling triggers my emotions like that of  "Sorry, I love You".... so darn sad but so endearing.

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chrissydiva said:

Auntie Mame said: Actually, has anyone said to anyone else that he/she 'love' him/her?  :-?

I don't recall any subtitle using the word, 'love'.  Or, hearing the word, saranghe.  My recollection is that TH has repeatedly just said he needed her (SY).  WY has never put his feelings in words and just took action.  And, Sniffy just hissed about wanting her.

So far, SY has never said it to anyone either.  She just looks at WY with moony, encouraging and shy eyes.  At TH, with sympathetic, understanding and shy eyes.  At Sniffy, with hatred and a glare.  :-??
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Guest kenneth123

Sorry long post ahead...I want to let my thoughts out...

Yeah I also pity lady park.. she seems to be a nice girl.. I am also kind of sad that nobody really cared about her in yuan but that is a life of a concubine... just bear an offspring for the emperor and be lucky if you win the affections of the emperor but still it's sad you're like a courtesan just being used :(... if my chinese history is right, the emperor needs to marry someone from baek ahn's tribe as a prize for neutralizing el temur's force... similar to an episode where wy and baek ahn were given prize ... its tradition to grant the wish...the empress after tana...nothing really significant was written about her... she was there for a short while and the real ki was just a concubine but the emperor prefers her to be his empress... baek ahn didn't like it because ki was just a mere tribute woman who serves teapots to the emperor's room and she was not even yuan citizen. . So the 2nd empress was not given attention that much... baek ahn became an opposing force and soon he attempted a coup but failed and died.... so the empress after tana was deposed and ki became the last empress of yuan dynasty... even though ki wanted the crown prince to be emperor... I don't think the emperor really grew apart from her because the emperor wanted the empress to go with him in another province in mongolia because they were being attacked already .. it seems like the emperor really love his empress....

On a side note... even if I am th sn ship... I don't like wy to die .. it will be too sad for sn...he is not a bad character and both of them will be sad knowing that they didn't end up together even if they love each other.. I am starting to get neutral on things..and just enjoy to whom will sn heart belong in the end if th gets her heart... then good..if she still loves wy in the end... then i should learn to be happy for them.. I know I hated wy character before and said bad things about him before... sorry wysn shippers :(

butwhy do I see whib type of ending for this drama... where all of them will die in the end... I wish that when she is already starting her revenge in the palace .. she would have political ambitions and would realize that she has people who serves under her... i don't like that she thinks that she just a subordinate... I miss the sn who kicks richard simmons in goryeo... and was free and didn't care much about love but rather for her gang..helping people and outwitting everyone

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Guest adjani1430293095

Hm.. ok this "love" thingy, my 2 sense worth, historically people of ancient times (particularly in Asian context like Chinese, Korean and Japanese dynasties) did not really speak of "love" between the parties. Remember, most marriages then are arranged (be it for the force of politics, economics or plain parental dictation). It's hard to speak of love when you meet someone on the night you wed them! 
Then in those days, girls were hardly forward and if they were, they were deemed "sluts" or "loose women", again those days, if your husband died, you were expected to either die with him (like being buried with the emperors) or to be a widow for life and were given plaques for chastity. So SN is hardly going to be spouting "love" to either. What really counted was being "taken care of" and given "status", that all showed "love and affection". 
TH's decision to fight and appoint SN as empress shows his willingness to share his EMPIRE with her and to convey to the world that this woman was important to him and best of all, he does so because he wants to and loves her, not because he was dictated to do so (stark contrast to TN's appointment as empress). That clearly shows love. 
As for WY, I am not sure, so far, at least from the drama, my sense of it is that he cares for her but he cares more for his empire and position than this selfish love between a couple. Whilst TH seems to place SN central to his being, almost on par with his empire or even more so. 
But maybe both of them will really show how much love they have once they know she is "dead". .. I wait for more. 

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hanaseyes said: @Auntie_Mame

Well, if you saw the ep 1, in 2m of the beginning TH said
" I love her , she is everything to me"

Have no doubt that in the future, TH'll do manything to SN, well, then i still waiting. There are 40 ep next.

And i've read from a book
" When I say love that is often expressed. But when I say need, usually admitted. Being admitted, meaning it sincerely. Honesty above all. When we know what we need, that is, we know what we have, what we don't have, what we want, and what we follow to. When I realized I needed someone, just someone, be honest with myself the most.
Human usually beings are too proud and self-esteem, so we rarely want to admit what we really needs.

From " Because we're human"

But sadly, when we hear that someone say they need someone, we usually think that they are weak, but foget that how they sincerely and courage to said that !

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MBC didn't confirm any extension as far as i know. Doesn't HJW have something to do after the show? Unless they are paying her the good dough for those extra five weeks, i'm not holding my breath. Girl gots to bounce by April  :))
At this rate, with 60 episodes, i think the three leads are going to be grandparents by episode 60. I am still feeling the rush in my body of Episode 22. My sister was like "Wait? SN became a mom in the space of one episode??" =))

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Guest adjani1430293095

Chrissy: so right.. one episode, if only 9 months went by THAT quickly, and "warrior SN" didnt even have morning sickness :P hahaha sigh.. I don't know, I rather they kept to the 50 episodes at the current decent pacing instead of "dragging" it out and adding stuff to make up more episodes for ratings (I hate that word).
Not everything can be "Jewel in the Palace" long and still make decent story. ... :P
And yes, this flashback and then going forward concept may explain how the story arcs are broken up into. 

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Many commented here stated as per novel TN stole SN/WY's child and TH knew about it? If it is really true I pray if baby is a he, will have facial features and characteristics (clone) like WY... If it is true I am really pissed off here.. Poor SN and WY still, I trury find him silly Chona for leaving SN behind.
In Dong Yi, the King was so anxious to find out from DY if she is showing any signs of pregnancy or not, came out with all sorts of silly questions... I feel the King in Dong Yi is more exciting/in love compared to WY.

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Guest ziimblu

I feel so guilty sometimes....  
If I were to choose "right", it should be King WY & SN.  Nothing wrong with the love or connection or bond between them, right?    In fact, there is almost no argument against their "union ".  Theirs is like a case of being the right persons for each other (altho may not yet be the right time). 
But I feel guilty because whenever I grope deeper, my heart is biased  more for Emperor & SN.  I know too that SN has all the reasons not to fall for the  Emperor, much less trust him, ever again.  I would feel & think the same way as SN does.  But "outside looking in", how is it that I FEEL  more for or about the Emperor?!  How is it that, after eps 22, I am still torn between them (for our SN ), yet, it is becoming too difficult for me to see the Emperor hurting, longing, begging....
I heard a friend not too long ago, quoting some great thinker (sorry I forgot the name) - - - "The heart has reasons which reason does not know?"Yeah, must be true...

*surely, it is not just about the abs :) :) 

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Many commented here stated as per novel TN stole SN/WY's child and TH knew about it? If it is really true I pray if baby is a he, will have facial features and characteristics (clone) like WY... If it is true I am really pissed off here.. Poor SN and WY still, I trury find him silly Chona for leaving SN behind.

In Dong Yi, the King was so anxious to find out from DY if she is showing any signs of pregnancy or not, came out with all sorts of silly questions... I feel the King in Dong Yi is more exciting/in love compared to WY.

Mm Well it's hard for WY to ask silly questions about her pregnancy when he doesn't know she's pregnant. Is he a telepath? :))

You seem to forget that SN is the one who chose to stay. Even when they were about to separate, he asked her again to come with him and she said no. If he tried to force or giving her orders then people would be complaining that he acts like a King. Now that he acted like a man would do with his woman, people are still complaining. He just can't win. At the end of the day, both of them have an understanding in trying to get rid of the ET clan and making sure he gets his throne back. Love is good and all, but it doesn't really help their current living situation. They can love, but at the same time they can try to save their country. The fake money was not just added as a plot to keep him away from SN because it actually linked to Bayan and cie. And may I add it was also SN's idea to go rescue Jokko without really thinking it through. So if she ended up stuck in the harem, it's not WY's fault.

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Guest ziimblu

Watching Kdrama, I find that there are villains/bad guys who would sometimes earn some degree of "recognized existence" in my consciousness. These are bad  guys who, at least, have some "redeeming value", no matter how feigned. 
The rest I just dismiss, unilaterally, as persona non grata, as I allow no one to disturb my full confidence & trust for the hero/good men. 
 But this Yum Byeonsu or whatever his name is, is totally of different genre. I refuse to recognize him, yet I also can't declare him persona non grata.  Like I am so aware of him, altho no doubt, his pathetic person never poses a real threat, either to our dear King or dear Emperor, much less to SN.  Still, I can't seem to dismiss him, like he is some cockroach which steals my precious 2-minute attention (which is better devoted to the face of the king or emperor).This character YB is one of those bad guys who  irritate me no end, like I want him dead! Like DEAD!!!  Already. Like dead yesterday, or last month. (And to think I have always been anti-death penalty!)

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Guest yummysushi123

I have this very bad feeling that SN will only appear at the end of episode 24......
Please! Please! Please! Please God!
Prove me wrong and give SN plenty of screen time!!! :)
It won't do for the main heroine to go missing at the most important time!!! 
And if a cliffhanger awaits us.......at least show us SN and her baby so we know she's fine in episode 23!!!! :)

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