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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Indeed the doctor told TS that she won't be able to have ever a baby because of her body,i think she is now infertile but i think he told her in those ancient times method...ED knows she is faking it but TH sure has no care in the world..I could understand that TH didn't see SN for all that time,he said he is afraid he will harm her if people descover him there,most because TS keeps tabs when he goes to Lady Park and he is still a Emperior withou power,so he is the one who didn't want to go even if Golta told him he can..but i find it unreal that neather Golta or anyone from his guys find out SN is pregnant...i'm sure TH wanted to know news about her to stay still...even WY eunuch find out she is pregnant..I don'tthink this time she will hate TH because he was partly the case she could escape this time,he let LP go..i'm sure when she will find out who was the one behind she will most likely use TH to destroy TS and the clan...like i said if the baby lives,why would SN go back to the Palace...and with TS taking her baby don't even want to think because of the mess,how will she demonstrate it's her's and not royal...that baby complicates all the story...and can a concubine/ future Empress be ok to have already a child of another man..i don't thik tehy were that liberal those days and even to marry into a royal family...SN is from a poor background and with a kid i don't think people would accept her as their empress and i don't thin the people from the palace would buy that is TH...

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@Ixands i think at this point, if her baby dies, she will not blame Ta Hwan because he has nothing to do with it. It's purely TN and DK's fault. 

ghollygina22 said: oh no!!! our lady goryeo friends!!!! :(( especially Hong-dan SN close friend! No not Officer Park!!! NO TEAM GORYEO !!!!!! They're not gonna be complete.... :((

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eunsuhae said:
from what I could gather, TN already announced her pregnancy to TH even before she got the confirmation from the royal physician.
and when she finally got examined, he broke to her the news that she, in fact, was not pregnant and could never give birth (still not sure of this part) which is why she had no other choice but to continue to fake her pregnancy

but I don't understand that torturous medical treatment she was getting, the woman is sure desperate

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Guest FateD1430293421

If SN loses the baby...n there is a baby plot somewhere in this dramam...does that mean we will have another ohlalala btwn WY n SN...u better let it with rose petals bed n all this romantico stuff this time :)>-

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And lost in all this baby stuff is the plot that Wang Yoo uncovered that his father (who was king before abdicating to Wang Yoo because he was too much of an old fart namby-pants to rule Goryeo against the constant Yuan invasions) was either being bribed or under some other sort of control by Goryeo ministers partial to Yuan Rule because he continued to be a woosie (which is why El Terror re-installed him as king instead of Wang Go because he could be 'controlled' better).  That means Wang Yoo needs to stay in Goryeo a bit longer than anticipated... maybe even re-assuming the throne since his father is gravely ill?

Oh god my head hurts now.  8-|

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yea...i oso hope she miscarriage..so tat the storyline will back to more logic...yea i do pity sn if she lost her baby..but tis will be her drive to gt revenge ....than with the baby survive and be under the care of tn and will later create a havoc in yuan empire when enemy knw the real father of the child...too much makjang!!but i think the writer will juz follow the novel plot..cos they suffering the cold weather now causing all their ideas FROZEN... =))

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@Ixands - Whoa, that's kinda harsh. We get it, you hate TH.   
@illay - Yes, that's exactly why I didn't like the love-child plot. Because I guessed the baby either wouldn't survive (which would start SN's revenge) or it would be taken from her (most likely by Ki-Se, who would get a perverse thrill out of SN/WY's child being raised as his evil sisters kid) I hate both ideas, it's heartbreaking.  EDIT: It's even more heartbreaking if WY never knows about it? OH MY GOD! How horrible! I can't....
And I'm SO bummed that Bul-hwa was killed by Byung-Soo. UGH! :((

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SN's friend is probably alive...and maybe finds her?

SN took the mirror, right? So she'll probably have the blood letter in her hands.
She'll use it to bring the family down.

SN's friend will be witness to the killing spree earlier, which will implicate DS, TN on treason charges?

I'm getting ahead of myself but I need to forget what happened today. My mind is exploding!

SN will remember Lady Park's advice.

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CherKell said: And lost in all this baby stuff is the plot that Wang Yoo uncovered that his father (who was king before abdicating to Wang Yoo because he was too much of an old fart namby-pants to rule Goryeo against the constant Yuan invasions) was either being bribed or under some other sort of control by Goryeo ministers partial to Yuan Rule because he continued to be a woosie (which is why El Terror re-installed him as king instead of Wang Go because he could be 'controlled' better).

Oh god my head hurts now.  8-|

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Guest walkingintherain

I was about to fall asleep when I suddenly thought about something! Okay this maybe crazy, but this drama is already driving us crazy haha

Anyway, could it maybe or possibly have at least a small chance of maybe SN lost her baby but manage to save LP's baby?????? Since LP's baby is 10 months pregnant, so maybe she manage to, I don't know, maybe cut open her tummy and take the baby out? I don't know where I got the idea, maybe due to the sadness of the drama my brain is frantically finding something to cheer me up? Haha

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ChelseaS said: SN's friend is probably alive...and maybe finds her?

SN took the mirror, right? So she'll probably have the blood letter in her hands.
She'll use it to bring the family down.

SN's friend will be witness to the killing spree earlier, which will implicate DS, TN on treason charges?

I'm getting ahead of myself but I need to forget what happened today. My mind is exploding!

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Guest roshan90

I dont know why people are all so confused about the timeline of things.. Let me explain with My Patterns..

OOhlala & Pregnancy Scenes in Empress Ki

EP 9 OOhlala between TH & LP --- Got Pregnant in the same episode..
EP20 OOhlala between WY & SN
EP22 Pregnant SN
(So my point is, It took 2 episodes for WY but few minutes for TH..
TH is leading..  :)>-  )
EP 10 OOhlala between TH & TN
EP 22 No wonder TN got delusional pregnancy.. She believed the writers would make her pregnant.. WHY Writernim WHY... :((

Dear Writernim,
Why didnt you give me even a minute to wear my Safety Belt??? You crashed our plane and landed in a cave.. Dont Let Me Die by myself bleeding... Jeh-Bal-Yo..

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@ChelseaS - I was about to ask that - did SN take the mirror from Lady Noh? 
@illay - Agree, I think that's why Byung-Soo and company were trying to make sure they were all dead so there won't be any witness's. I'm again disgusted that this guy took WY's letter. :-L

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Et made a fake Blood Latter but we know he missed a little detail along the way..the real Blood Letter has the buterflly drawing that young TH made on the paper that his dad wrote in his late minutes and our guys who it because JokHo told them...so i'm sure that Th will recognize the real one when SN will show him in the future,he even now draws that sign on his papers

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tessieroo said: @ChelseaS - I was about to ask that - did SN take the mirror from Lady Noh? 
@illay - Agree, I think that's why Byung-Soo and company were trying to make sure they were all dead so there won't be any witness's. I'm again disgusted that this guy took WY's letter. :-L

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I have no clue what they are trying to do but there is one thing I know
TN needs a baby to lie about and where would she get it
LP was probably left there lying dead for a whole day
so her baby wouldn't make it
the only way is SN being the badass self also gives her badass genes to the baby
and this is why he survived despite being a few months old only
and I have no clue how he will survive without medical help now
but the air in the cave is fresher and pure so it will help in making him live

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