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Posts posted by pompyavi

  1. 17 minutes ago, elan1 said:

    Very solid assessment! Fantasy has limits. Characters can’t just do whatever they want and then we magically blanket them with “oh it’s fantasy so it’s okay” :joy:  Pretend the main character shoots a baby, “oh it’s fantasy, it’s okay” 

    This is the reason my kdrama watching rate has gone down. Though work is also one of the reason. But nowadays I prefer Animes more than kdramas.



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  2. 3 minutes ago, nrllee said:

    one thing did bother me about the “bird strike” (or TaeSan strike).  When a hole like that happens, everything gets sucked out because there’s sudden cabin decompression.  That’s where you get passengers sucked out or pilots sucked out when it happens in real life?  And that didn’t exactly happen in the drama?  It just looked like air was blowing into the cabin.  So that kinda bugged me.  Yes I have nightmares that it will happen whenever I am on a plane.  Watched too many AirCrash investigations.

    I can write a whole essay on that. But I won't otherwise I might come off as a hater. The whole plane crashing scene was a mess. I am not sure whether it was Tae San though. It looked Tae San from Tae Sul's point of view. My guess is there will be branch timelines. Everytime they try to change something a new time branch will be created. Otherwise if either Seo hae or Tae sul dies in any timeline, how that will work out then? It will only be possible if the events are already in a loop like Tenet. Also does Seo Hae previously comes to past and then she and Tae sul fell in love or did she originally belong to tae sul's timeline. If it is the latter then there will be two Seo hae's currently. Hope it is not the latter because if that is not handled properly it will get messy

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  3. 18 minutes ago, elan1 said:

    LOL too many inconsistencies and too many broken rules. There were people online complaining and getting upset on people who wanted some realism and consistency by arguing it’s a fantasy. They called them haters lol That’s such a horrible excuse for lack of connection and pattern 

    As an audience we have the right to call out if we don't like something but targeting a particular actor\actress is wrong. I know it is fantasy mystery genre that's why I won't nitpick about the way they travel to past and future or how the machine was built in the first place. I won't go behind the science of it. As for the body flickering thing, I believe they will explain in the upcoming episodes. it could be that since Seo hae belongs to different timeline she is getting pulled or some kind of wormhole is skewing up all the timelines. And there are some rules how time works. I am not expecting them to follow any scientific things but the simple things like plane crash scene and the drone scene should not be messed up. Mystery fantasy genre do not give a free pass.





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  4. 6 minutes ago, nrllee said:

    I agree about this not being her first time.  I guess that ties in with the whole Sisyphean concept (repeating the same thing over and over again).  If she relies on the diary, does it mean her memory gets wiped with the time travel?  Which is why she needs the diary to jog her memory?  But wouldn’t you keep a more detailed journal though?  Not just dot points?  I believe the flickering is significant and your wormhole or timelines crossing seems plausible.  If her memory is wiped then that would explain why she didn’t follow any of her father’s 3 rules?  Start running, don’t trust talk to anyone and stay away from Han TaeSul?  But if she’s done this a few times and she knows her memories would be wiped then shouldn’t she have written down those rules by her dad?

    @nrllee hello. Exactly my thoughts. Memory getting wiped would explain why she did not know how to eat bananas :P


    8 minutes ago, nrllee said:

    I am still a bit tentative about this whole sci-fi thing.  After the disappointment that was Alice I just stayed away from this genre.  I did try Space Sweepers and I enjoyed it.  And for CSW I will try anything.  But I agree with many here who think a lot of the scenes seem overdone.  Sigh.  I am trying very hard to get on board.  I will keep going for a few more eps, if only to see if the whole time travel story makes sense.  It’s such a hard genre to get right.

    As far as I know JTBC has changed it to mystery fantasy. It is not a sci-fi. So, I am not expecting scientific accuracies but atleast I hope they do follow their own made rules. Otherwise it may follow the same path as Alice. I am more used to serious and heavy tones when it comes to sci-fi genre.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, elan1 said:

    The fighting scenes in episode 2 was also illogical... was it just me or did I see some of the bad guys running away? instead of teaming up, they each took a turn trying to hurt her with their gun lol 


    im sure @partyon and @Abs_ triggered would appreciate that random shirtless scene, it’s like something they would write on a drama if they were writers

    Yep, the action sequence was good then the shooting scene was like bollywood movie. The more confusing thing is some wear mask and some don't. If they are trying to protect themselves from radiation, they should all wear mask. Or the other guys immune to radiation..lol



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  6. 16 minutes ago, Sleepy Owl said:


    I was literally shaking my head. He did the video call in a plane when his friend was shocked how the call got connected if he is in the plane. Mobile Networks in SK must be too strong

    Exactly my point. I need that in India. 


    21 minutes ago, elan1 said:

    I expect PSH to find a giant cat and ride it for the remainder of the drama

    If something like that happens I will drop it, does not matter if my oppa is there or not.


    Some of the scenes were directed so nicely - the scene where the young brothers play in beach, all the scenes between the brothers, the opening scene of ep 1 between Seo hae and her father. 


    @Sleepy Owl you made it from 854 to 584


    856 corrected..

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  7. @bedifferent How you have been? 

    I watched both ep 1 and 2. As of now I am not hooked to the storyline yet. The plot lacks something but I don't know what :sweatingbullets:?? I think many noticed that the plane crashing scene was overdone. Simple things were neglected like contacting the control tower. The simple things stand out the most. @Sleepy Owl the whole 3.5 minute stint was actually about 5 minutes. And how good the network was to have such a good quality video call.. I need that kind of network service :D.  Apart from the transition between different scenes the scene where Seo Hae was relaxing at the top of the train was so cliche.. wonder where and why did the drone vanish???

    The only good things I liked in ep 1 were the scenes between Eddy Kim/Tae Sul and Tae San/Tae sul. 



    Like wise in ep 2 also.. getting DNA from ashes.. the fight scene was going good and then suddenly the guys from control bureau couldn't land a single shot. Aren't they supposed to be trained??? Some of the guys wearing mask and some don't confuse me..

    I feel the plot has potential but the writing is off and the director seems to use cliche for some scenes. Hope it does not turn out to be a mess.


    34 minutes ago, bedifferent said:


    I am going to throw out a theory lol.  Seo Tae Hae knows the name Han Tae Sul from her father, it's linked to her family and her fate somehow.  She heard his name from the news of the plane crash that evening.  As soon as she registered the name, her image fizzle and she collapsed...perhaps a time quantum thingy event signifies the future meets the presence.  LOL My guess is so wild.  Tae Hae knows that a lot of people in the future are traveling back in time looking for Tae Sul, their presence is the suitcase that they each carry. I think this is why she wanted to phone Tae Sul right away to warn him not to open suitcases to prevent him from changing the future inadvertently... which obviously changes her and her family's fate.

    I believe this is not Seo Hae's first time traveling to past. She had a diary with events noted. In ep 2 we got a glimpse that she and Tae sul know each other. Also there's a number tagged in her arm before she traveled. Don't know what that signifies?? Serial number of travelers?? Also how could a living body flicker, does not matter what amount of radioactive particle you carry within you. Is she being pulled in her timeline?? Or does she belong to a branch timeline and some kind of wormhole is trying to skew the timelines?? I hope they will answer these things..

    13 hours ago, LingLing_Wannabe said:

    really liked the first two episodes, and will be continuing the entire series. A lot of international fans have shared that they love it so far. However. However. A lot of Korean fans are complaining that the series is childish, or unrealistic, or even cringy. I really think that despite its faults, it is a fun and exciting show! Just wanted to hear everyone's opinions. 

    To be honest.. I too felt that. Not the whole episodes but few scenes. May be I am more used to dark and serious tones of scifi

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  8. 32 minutes ago, sadthe1st said:

    that cockpit scene was hilarious lol and repairing the short circuit fault in 3.5mins

    I can write about a essay on that as how bad it was. But the lack of simple things made it look crappy. Co-pilot not contacting the control tower is the simple thing but it stands out. And the whole 3.5 minute exaggeration wasn't necessary. I wonder why such a serious scene was downplayed as comedy. 


    Some of the scenes transition were very cliche in both ep 1 and ep2. At the start of ep 1 when PSH was being followed by a drone and then she suddenly was on the top of a train and where/why did the drone vanish??

    Similarly in ep 2 also there are some scenes 


    How did Tae Sul get a DNA from ashes? 


    And then the gun shooting scene. How could not they land a single shot????

    Just because you changed the genre from scifi to myster fantasy, it doesn't give you a free pass to show anything. 

    I feel the writers didn't research enough or lack experience. Hope the upcoming episodes will be better. I will directly watch after episode 6. Work is keeping me busy enough, don't wanna nitpick anymore. 

    Ok guys ranting over..



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  9. 1 minute ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    So what anime did you watch in between? While I am waiting for the Demon Slayer movie, they just dropped the teaser for the second season and I am glad that it is planned for 2021.


    I will be checking out the first episode of Sissy furs tonight though 

    Started with Black Clover but put in hold since the plot gave Naruto vibes and it is still nowhere near ending. As of now just watching sisyphus..no time chingu.. all my time is going to work.. I am going to be super busy till April. 



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  10. 3 minutes ago, partyon said:

    Wanna join? We have 8 different DPs to choose from

    Do I need to watch that drama?? If not then I am ready to join...


    Yep @Min2206 stick around. I will also occasionally come. As they have given too much work to me in office. The worse thing is they aren't giving me promotion..:tears:



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  11. 6 minutes ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    The death of that character in Attack on Titan made me very sad even when it happened in the Manga. There are certain things said this in Manga, which are actually true if you think more about it. There's this guy named Levi Ackerman, most favorite character in the Manga and anime of most of the viewers. 


    7 minutes ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    The other episode this guy said something similar to "You need to get blood on your hands, if it is required to save your comrade, if you hesitate, you will lose a life" and this is exactly that happened in the latest episodes. Two characters hesitated to kill the young girl with the gun, on to be shot back and killed. 

    Ahh @Sleepy Owl don't spoil the anime. :angry: I am planning to watch it. We are almost done with Naruto. 

    The one thing I love about naruto is the symbolism with real life. And the antagonist's reasons of doing things. I would admit that after hearing this dialogue I was not sure whom to root for anymore. In fact at the end when he asked the protagonist what would he do, he did not have any answer and even I did not have any answer.



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  12. 19 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    ever happened that you get attached to a certain character in webtoon, Manga or anime you are watching that their death hit you really hard?

    Yep. The deaths in Naruto are very tragic. Especially 2 of the character's sacrifice hit me very hard. Naruto has amazing soundtrack especially the music at the sad scenes and those dying scenes. I was watching it at morning 2 am and at that time one of my roommate was having a night shift. And she suddenly came while I was in tears. She asked me something bad happened to me and I just said that something went in my eye. Even for your lie in april, I knew that the female lead would die at the end but her letter brought me to my knees. 



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  13. On 1/24/2021 at 11:38 PM, partyon said:

    dongsaeng, did you hear that your oppa adopted a dog from the dog shelter?


    The doggie was scheduled to be euthanized :tears: because no one wanted to adopt him.

    But then, your oppa adopted the doggie and the doggie has a new fabulous home.

    Yep I saw it yesterday. My oppa is awesome right. My oppa always help others. 



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  14. 1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

    he is actually taking up his responsibility of being a father. so much drama because she didn't just sign the paperwork to give him his rights.

    Well even if he cheated, that does not mean she can abandon the kids like that. The kids did not do any wrong here, just caught between the disputes of both of them. If she does not want to take responsibility just sign the papers and let him take responsibility. Just because he cheated (assuming he did cheat) it does not mean he can't take up the responsibility.


    Speaking of responsibility, just now I finished debugging failures and they handed me one more product to look into. :crybaby:



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