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Posts posted by pompyavi

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    I actually started respecting him a lot when he came to bat with a broken hand just to save the game, it was sad the he didn't manage to do it, but the act itself was worth the praise. 

    Yep. I was proud that day when he came to bat to save the match with a broken finger. He did not have to do it as they had won the series already but still he came. I was proud when his team chased 434 against that AUSTRALIAN team who dominated the world cricket from 1997 to 2007. He was a very good captain. 



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  2. 2 minutes ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    I didn't know what had happened before the start of PSG game, I was doing some other work too while the match was going on and didn't pay much attention to the commentary. I actually thought there was some problem with the Ref and he didn't appear or something similar. But when I checked it online, I was too angry with what happened, and loved the fact that both teams refused to play in that game. 

    what happened sibling :rubchin:



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  3. 13 hours ago, Sejabin said:

    Not as much as some soompiers who fall in love with the male lead in every drama wkwkwk 


    this is why we love kdrama. We can have and collect many oppas as many as we love hahaha

    LOL. I may be odd one out here. Before my Seungwoo oppa, I liked a cricket player (he is my first love :P). I liked him from 2006-2014. After that, I was not watching cricket so lost that fascination for him plus he retired from International cricket. Seungwoo oppa is my second, and i can foresee my fascination for him till he retires.



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  4. 26 minutes ago, 4evrkdrama said:

    Mmmmm... like my mister, light in your eyes(radiant),misaeng, because this is my first life, reply series , just between lovers , prison playbook etc

    Heya, try hospital playlist, you may like it. It's from the same writer as reply series and prison playbook. Rest all I know falls under crime, investigation, law but those series also portrays realities of Life.



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  5. 12 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    Noona, method does take a toll on the actor. I heard a story about a very famous Indian actor of years ago Dilip Kumar (pompyavi must be knowing him), he is now in his 90s.

    Yes I know about him. He was the one who introduced method acting to Indian Cinemas. Although my favorite of that generation is Manoj Kumar. I still watch his black and white movies.



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  6. 3 minutes ago, partyon said:

    What's wrong with the ML? He's a good actor!

    He behaved inappropriately during Time kdrama conference. Reading more about it i found that he is a method actor. While shooting for Time, he dropped midway because the method acting took a toll on his mental and physical health. 



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  7. 1 minute ago, partyon said:

    I enjoyed he science in Interstellar too. Relativity isn't easy to grasp despite me also used to knowing the maths behind it.

    Yep I totally agree, that it is not easy to grasp those. I myself struggled a lot thinking how can it happen. Recently my brother helped me to understand the things for Tenet. Have to say quite complicated for an average person. My brother gave me an advice, he told me to if i wanna understand things, I have to let go of pre-notions. He is doing masters in quantum physics, and he says the way we see world is far beyond than that. Especially in Quantum physics where a particle can be in two possible states at the same time like Light.



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  8. 10 minutes ago, partyon said:

    Inception is my favorite movie of Nolan's of all time, dongsaeng.

    Eonni, I have watched all the Nolan movies except Dunkirk. Prestige and Memento is 8.5 for me. Interstellar is 10 because that's what I expect from a science fiction, the scientific part to be based on real science laws. Also, I was exploring through time relativity at that time so it was a bonus for me to understand that. 



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  9. 1 hour ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    I think it has big impression on almost anyone who watches it. I will definitely rewatch it, but not anytime soon, I got to make myself ready for it. 


    I will watch TENET soon, but how would you rate the movie among Nolan's previous works like Inception and Interstellar?

    Exactly, I may not be able to rewatch it within a year. Need to be prepared for it.


    I rated Inception as 9.5, Interstellar as 10 and for Tenet after understanding I rate it as 9 and before understanding(like i got just 50% with the first watch) it would be 7. The details that Nolan has put in Tenet is amazing, even the title "TENET" has details in it. The only thing I will complain about is sound-mixing, background score is too loud in some scenes that you can't hear the dialogues.


    Also I am looking forward to Robert Pattinson's Batman. I was not happy with him being casted as the Batman. But he has become really good. His latest movies, especially in the devil all the time he was really very good and in Tenet, he was a scene stealer whenever John David Washington and he was in a scene together.



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  10. 8 minutes ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    Love your new DP

    Thankyou sibling, you see that anime made a very big impression on me.

    Also, after some reading and watching TENET for the second time I understood 90% of it. Still 10% is left. :sweatingbullets:



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  11. 38 minutes ago, Min2206 said:

    Whoa, you sure go into details ... I enjoy them for what they are.

    Yeah, from childhood onwards I am very picky. I don't watch anything which I can't relate to or where I can't get through the characters (this is not applied for the ones which FFed and watch. Those I forget immediately). Among Sci-fi I really love Christopher Nolan because in his every work he took the concept of time to a new standard. I am already curious what he is gonna do with TIME next. I am looking forward to James Cameron's AVATAR 2. I am hoping for the story to be little better. AVATAR had a really simple story but the CGI, VFX, cinematography made up for that. 



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  12. 34 minutes ago, Min2206 said:

    Can't remember.  But I do join my dad when he watches some.   Inception sounded familiar.  Yes, I have heard of Christopher Nolan but never really dwell in depth like how I am now with KDrama.  I just enjoy the movies as they are.  Was more into Sci Fi, action-packed movies eg Xmen, Avengers, Star Trek, Transformers, Thrillers etc

    But that was like till last 1-2 years because me now more into K-Ent.

    I was more into Marvels than DC. DC has some amazing villains but they cannot make use of them properly. For example, in Justice league Stephenwolf was so powerful that he took on every member of the league. But when superman returned he single handedly took on Stephenwolf. Whereas in Avengers endgame, Carol Danvers's role was balanced. She had the potential to take on Thanos singlehandedly but Russo brothers balanced her role. 


    I love X-Men. My favorite characters are Dr Xavier and Wolverine. The last Xmen movie Phoenix was really a disappointment. 



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  13. 1 minute ago, Min2206 said:

    Let me know the feedback yea .. but do I need to read up some topics?  no......

    It is an awesome movie. Have you watched previous Nolan movies? Inception, Interstellar? If yes TENET takes time travel concept to a standard that nobody can think of, atleast in entertainment industry. Only Nolan can do something like that.


    And yes you need to read some physics concepts to understand the movie.



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  14. 11 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    I wouldn't dare to say this on "Start Up" thread, because well, I will greeted with "Unamused" reactions 

    Can understand sibling. 


    Hola Chingus..


    I need to brush up my knowledge on thermodynamics, feynman-stueckelberg interpretation and anti-matter to watch TENET. I watched it yesterday but could only understand 50% of it. 


    Nolan should give us an heads-up which topics to read before watching his movie just like DARK did before airing its final season.



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  15. On 11/24/2020 at 9:23 AM, mirmz said:

    basically post some cartoon couples and anime couples ;)

    also i've been watching tons of anime such as kimi ni todoke, mischievous kiss, toradora, lovely complex, and say i love u. does anyone know any similar ones? i'm wondering because i've really enjoyed them. 

    Have you watched "your lie in april", "orange", "kaichou wa maid sama", "my little monster " or "kono oto tomare".

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