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Posts posted by lu09

  1. Binge watched the entire series over the weekend and I want more lol:sweatingbullets::lol:. It was amazing. I thought I was gonna get bored because I'm not a sports person but I have to say, this took me by surprise. Everyone did an excellent job and I'm happy that the staff got vacation although NGM and PEB won't be attending it. All I have to say is GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!

    • Like 4
  2. 2 hours ago, monalisa said:

    Dr. Bae advised Dr. Kim to use his hidden card before its too late. Doesn't that sound like Dr. Bae knows what the hidden card is? And I think Do guy knows Dr. Kim has something up his sleeve. That's the reason he wants Dr Park and Dr Kim to clash. But its still a mystery to me if Chairman Shin is alive or dead. One more mystery - Professor Shim seems so protective and concerned about Dr. Seo's future. I wonder if she's actually related to him.

    I think he does, otherwise he won't ask in the first place. I hope it's something good lol:sweatingbullets:. Now that I think about it, it could explain why evil Do wants to get in contact with chairman Shin urgently. I haven't seen the first season so I don't know either whether he is alive or dead too. But since his secretary came to visit Kim Sabo, I would go with him being alive......


    Now that you mention it, Dr. Shin does care about WJ though I highly doubt she is related to him. I have a feeling she knows his background hence why she doesn't want people getting him in trouble. 

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  3. He became a WHAT??? Are they trying to bankrupt the company? Since when he had any experience other than spending money?? 


    @brooksmom Revenge is best served in a cold dish, if I got the saying right lol:sweatingbullets:.... YR should enjoy while she can. 


    @marrez1 They will make her pitiful. Even if they break off now after the bomb is dropped, there is a possibility that she will get pregnant so the mom will have to swallow the pill and live with it. So will I.......

    • Like 5
  4. 10 hours ago, poopytubby said:

    thank you so much for the translations @alleram95 :heart:

    Makes me wonder how jo kang hwa fell in love with her :no_mouth: or maybe he just has diverse taste HAHA 



    @Nancyzak Awwwww:wub:. Do you think the daughter can see her mom or even sense her presence? I mean, she was always there from the beginning; not to mention, we don't know anything about her ghost abilities.


    @Samuel YohanesY I hope not. And I hope they don't get divorced. Both YR and her have the right to have a say in the daughter's life.


    I always thought she will be weak and will always question her husband's feeling for her due the stills that was posted with her looking sad and dejected but looks like we don't have to worry about that. And yes, I think that's the real reason why he married her. 

  5. @monalisa That would be hilarious lol:lol:B). That explains why evil dude is anxious about what the chairman is up to and why he can't be reached.... 


    Our Lady is growing up and I'm enjoying her progress. I'm glad she told her mom off; though I have to say, the mother still didn't get the message lol:lol:. I can't believe she thought her daughter got rough because of the instant noodles and junk food. I was just shaking my head and wondering what kind of world she is living at:sweatingbullets:.... But the fact that EJ mentioned that her mom was never the one who carried her out whenever she fainted was gold. Girl always knew who was there for her. I'm glad she admitted that:).


    I hope nothing happens to SWJ. This is all that guy's fault. Can't believe he has the nerve to blame WJ for his mistakes. So what if your father took out a loan to put you through school and your building. You knew that, yet you were breaking the law and wanted WJ to let it slide. Unbelievable:crazy:. I hope EJ gangster friends put him among the others and beat the living out of him. He is bound to learn his lesson then<_<.


    The hospital is finally functioning again. I had a laugh when Kim Sabu told the nurses that he made another hotline lol. And him telling Dr. Shin that he is the friend that Dr. Nam mentioned and ohh, he tore the contract paper and so she can go ahead and report it. The look on her face lol:lol:. And Nurse Oh never fails to deliver the last punch. They really put her in her place :rolleyes::D.

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  6. @Lmangla I think the group were traumatized lol:joy::mrgreen:. Who won't be:lol:??


    I hope nothing happened as well. Pretty please:(. She really is selfish and I hope this pairing never happens because CJ deserves better.


    @ktcjdrama If she is in a higher position than him, the cheating duo is really screwed lol. I hope she really divorces him at the end.


    I'm happy with HJ. It's about time she moved on:D.


    @Saja La I love the sound of the scenario lol:joy:. Also, He is bound to find out the woman got plastic surgery the moment he finds out that she is JS sister lol. I can imagine him thinking that she was after him and knew who he was. The writer can go many ways now since a lot of audiences are against the pairing considering the fact that nothing was confirmed about what really happened that night. And knowing JB, she can lie to get what she wants........ Hopefully.....


    @msmy This trope would have worked out in another drama but with this pairing, Hell no:mrgreen:. If he is chasing after her for an apology, then I can understand. But making him miss her is different story.....

    • Like 7
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  7. I'm sorry to say this but I'm really against the season thing lol. Not to mention, like @bedifferent said, it's really hard to gather the cast again for 2 more seasons so I would like the news to be fake:(. Also, one of the things that people like myself love about Kdramas is the fact that it's different from Western shows in terms of how there is a beginning and ending with in a certain episodes compare to having multiple seasons running for a couple of years. Of course, there are a few exceptions like a crime drama from OCN.... If the writer and PD wants to cover everyone's story, then it's better if they increase the episodes like they have been doing for their previous dramas.

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, Saja La said:

    ep 66 safe to watch.... But then again i just Fast forward any scene that CJ is in just in case they remind the *vomit* scene... See, if JB was having a hard time like the her father, who is missing and full or regret, then i wouldn't be half as mad, but nooo JB hadn't redeem anything yet.... JB just got a new hobby, stalking....

    Thanks for the info chingu:). Yep, I'm gonna skip this one lol. I can't handle seeing neither of them:crazy:


    She will never be redeemed. The woman doesn't even know the word regret or remorse so I don't expect anything from her. I'm sorry to say this and apologize in advance if I upset anybody but this is the one time I'm praying that if she ever gets pregnant, she miscarriages. I never wish this upon any women but this one can't even take of herself, how on earth is she gonna raise a child? Not to mention, she went ahead and slept with a drunkard man who she knew clearly was under the influence and told her NO before to her advances. I have a feeling she is gonna get a new hobby soon:skull:.


    I'm glad that happened with JS lol. He really deserved it:lol:. And this is just the beginning.....


    @msmy So JW is starting to get revenge. This is getting good lol. And the preview, why CJ??????? If she is avoiding you, be happy:tears::skull:. Why are you running to her:crazy:?

    • Like 6
  9. @Lmangla Dude just wanted an ordinary life and now he gets paired with a crazy lazy bum. I think Kdrama characters shouldn't wish for ordinary lives because that's when sh#$@__ hits the fan lol. 


    @ktcjdrama So you are telling me that she has been following around a guy that she doesn't even know his own name and now she slept with him. Wow:expressionless:..


    A daily drama that characters realized that they are not meant to be................. Other than them either ended up in jail or committing suicide, NOPE lol:joy::mrgreen:

    • Like 7
  10. 10 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

    @lu09 let me fill you in more then. The money she used for all her multiple plastic surgeries are from HaeJin’s hard earned money. She is a lazy bum who only asks money from HaeJin, even snatching away her father’s cash savings from his own hands so she can doll herself up. 

    Thanks. Great, just great. This combination has to die now. How on earth could the writer put this lazy bum with a young hard working individual? This is just crazy. 


    @Lmangla Considering the fact that JB only sees money, I highly doubt she remembers human faces. She is a lost cause:weary::expressionless:

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  11. @Lmangla @rolisrntex it's good to know a lot of people aren't having this Sh@&#_$it. And I'm still amazed how on earth didn't CJ know who the hell JB is. I'm just shaking my head here. This is ridiculous:crazy:


    The mom would absolutely faint when she finds out about this. I'm praying that the writer decides to change the script and make it so that a pregnancy never happens. No Pregnancy please. Or else I'm gonna drop this the moment she gets nausea and wonders what the hell is wrong with her?:unamused::skull:

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