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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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The PD of tvn Life Bar is praising DH and said she was the best guest :D 

Although google translate has mess up some part but still its readable.

Life pub PD reported the back side of convenience of the year.

In the TVN 'Life Bar' broadcasted on the 2nd, Lee Hae appeared and conveyed the intention of his 30s as an actress and his love story with 'Lovers' Seven.

Particularly, the most talked about is the honesty of Dae Hae who talked about the story with Seven. It is not easy for an actress to mention publicly in a broadcast about her lover. However, in the 'life bar' where the story of a man is not a story of a star, Ishiha has frankly solved the love and love of a human being rather than a star.

Owon Tae-taek PD, who is in charge of directing the life bar, told OSEN on the 3rd of the 3rd day, "I do a preliminary interview before the recording. I also talked a lot in the interview beforehand." "I thought it would be nice to be able to see the nature of such a thing, which can be seen in the stones, in the broadcast," he said.

What is there to talk about? It is a story that knows the whole world. "I had a hard time to answer the question, but I had a lot of trouble before I started talking with Seven. Oh PD said," I was concerned. It is the person who has a comment and such a wound. It is true that he was worried about what would happen to his boyfriend, Seven. "I said," Isaiah said in a preliminary interview, "Please ask your questions," but if you can go out and talk about these things, I was worried that I would not. "

The ending was the first broadcast since the 'life bar' was changed to 19 gold. A more honest place, Idahae was the best guest. Oh Won-taek PD said, "The life bar is a space of Maseong that makes people honest once they come in." "The atmosphere at the time of recording was really good. /mari@osen.co.kr

credit source: http://osen.mt.co.kr/article/G1110577616

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First Chinese article on her guesting.


李多海甜蜜谈恋情 曝光时男友SE7EN很慌张】李多海近日在综艺节目中谈起甜蜜恋情。她称交往前,和大众一样对SE7EN印象不太好,但接触后发现,“他每句话都很纯真。”恋情曝光时,李多海提议承认事实:“不能对大众耍小聪明”。她还称自己当时很淡然,而SE7EN比较担心她所以慌张。

  新浪娱乐讯 韩国演员李多海[微博]作为嘉宾出演的tvN综艺节目《人生酒家》2日晚播出。节目中李多海提及了男友SE7EN,回忆了两人恋情被曝光时的反应。对于恋情的曝光,李多海表示消息虽然很突然,自己当时则很淡然,而SE7EN却很慌张:“他一直在问是要回应说目前互有好感,还是在相互了解的阶段,SE7EN比较担心我,所以更紧张。”谈到男友,李多海说到:“我倒是会因为男友是歌手而担心,东旭(SE7EN本名)属于我,但SE7EN是不属于我的。”
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Okay, after reading the Chinese article, all I can say is that once again, some of what she said was taken out of context to create headlines. When she was describing their first date, she said "he speaks innocently/purely, almost like a child". She was not referring to his past scandals but of course people just took that one word and created a headline out of it. Also, she mentioned that when their dating news came out, she was very calm about it and even suggested to her agency to put out a positive statement because "in this day and age, we cannot play games with / outsmart the public". Her bf was more worried and nervous for her, and they talked about how they should respond to the news: having good feelings for each other or getting to know each other, etc. but DH said let's tell them the truth. At the same time, she was worried for him because he is a singer/idol, "Dong Wook belongs to me, but se7en doesn't".

And, of course, the news conveniently left out how they were worried for each other because that would be too boring. So all along, we thought DH was the one who was shocked and hurt by the news because she had been so silent but it's not true. She was silent because she was probably worried about her career prospects due to the China Korea situation (she accepted an offer to do another C drama in Oct last year but obviously that fell through).

The straight talking DH - love her or hate her. That's part of her charm but of course her words land her in trouble sometimes. :wink:

All the more reason I think she should take up an acting project next, even though I am super looking forward to her new variety show. It doesn't matter if it is for a lead role or not. Fighting Da Hae shi! :wub:

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@ELY_397 See as i told truth hardly comes out in article they will highlight what they want rather then providing the real content of show they want more clicks on article rather then providing truth.Thanks ELY for doing it,it means a lot to give write info out.




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Hopefully those viewers who saw the LB episode knows the correct context of what Dahae said, and their numbers are much more than the few bias, antis, trolls (BATs) who more likely did not see the whole episode, but tickled / influenced by "news" writer who intentionally sensationalize their article headings (to get the clicks). The news writer started the "flame" and it is the BATs who continue to "fuel" it for their own reasons and hoping to cause a bigger "fire" , they are the arsonists, the lower rungs of mankind. 

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Actually, if you translate the comments left by Koreans in her IG, many of them are positive about the show after watching it. Journalists are trained to sensationalise negative news over positive ones because human nature is such that reading about other people's misfortunes is comforting to those whose lives are lacking in one way or another. I like the way she sees her boyfriend as a person and not a singer or an idol adored by his fans. It makes it more real!

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I really admire Lee Da Hae for being straight forward. She is not a person who is pretentious and who puts on a mask. It's like "this is who i am", and accept me or leave me. I like her honesty and frankness. As i have observed Dahae is a very sensitive person that's why she knows how to understand and share the feelings of other people. She is a kind of person who is nice to befriend with for being genuine and understanding to a persons mistake. She doesn't judge by their mistake but see them through their sincerity. I hope Dahae will always be happy and successful in her career.

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@ELY_397 Yah I read those comments too. I am happy that she is gaining some attention from Korean viewers again :wub:

@Annya They showed part of his singing at the very end of the episode (after the preview of next episode) but from a different angle. Also I found on that FB account another unseen video for our girl. Even some parts we saw in previews didn't make it to the episode so I am sure there many of those :D

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I know that song!  I like that too when I heard it in the radio.  I just think the lyric may not be appropriate.  Some people may accept it in a wrong way.  Nothing! It just clicked my worry mode on for a minute!:tongue:  That's good it only showed a little bit after the preview of next episode!

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Don't worry abt them they are having fun u guys have fun too :wink: don't stress urselves unnecessarily.

The rating for DH episode i hope DH does drama on tvn or other channel.

The TVN 'life bar' broadcast on the last 3 days was 1.3% (TNMS standard), which is more than double the previous broadcast (0.7%).


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Not sure about the official English name of this show yet..., it could be Homestay Daughters or Boarding House Daughters. The cast will play games and complete missions with the guest. The older guy will play a mature student and the other will play his younger brother. First airing scheduled for 14/2 @11:10 p.m.



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See it funny show,i knew it.I am happy abt it,will see DH having fun in show.I know she is scene stealer  hope this show get more fanbase more active again.Since its not drama a show so fans will love it more seeing her individual side.

Thanks for doing translation dear.:D

This is the title of show.



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