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1) Staring is staring. Dictionary.com has a def. Some people can't help themselves.

1a) Do some guys really do that? I find that odd. o_O As for me, I wouldn't be staring at him so I most likely wouldn't know.

2) As long as you're not drooling, rolling your eyes, or having a hard on of lust, then it's all good.

2a) Slap some boobs on your chest & then maybe you'd know how it feels. :)

2b) Of course. *Refer to #2.

3) Sure. Verbally or in a letter is fine by me.

3a) Sure & I'll reply the same :)

4) Why the question?

5) Just don't bring it up so much as to be cocky. Almost everything about my guy turns me on.

6) Not me. I adore & prefer the rough look. I refuse to let my b/f shave even when he tells me how 'dirty' it feels. I love the look. Haha, a big turn-on.

6a) I'd tell him to get the shave away if he wants to see his balls function right again.

7) None -- I'd walk away from him.

8) Don't matter to me as long as I'm referred to as a female. I was first called, "M'am" when I was 13. So, yeah..

9 Of course. I roomed with 3 other guys in my apartment this past year and nothing ever happened between us.

9a) Absolutely. Call me whatever, but he'll still love me. =)

9b) I'd be like, "You've got me, why would you need something like this? So what....am I not enough for you?" Basically, ask him questions till he no longer buys anymore.

10) I'd tell him to forget it. Waste of money. Just be glad for what he has.

10a) Yeah. Be natural. Love him for who he is, not the size. -.-

11) Hell no.

11a) No. I only stick to one guy. My first will be my last.

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Guest Mippy

Do girls tease and call guys "mother f-ckers" or tell them to "go to h-ll"? Do you know anyone that does this? I don't know how to take this. Girls are confusing. :sweatingbullets:

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Do girls tease and call guys "mother f-ckers" or tell them to "go to h-ll"? Do you know anyone that does this? I don't know how to take this. Girls are confusing. :sweatingbullets:

Whoa...whoa. o_O How can saying those 2 things be considered "teasing?"

I myself would find those words really offensive. If a girls 'teases' you by saying those words, I'd leave them & ignore them. No one deserves that kind of talk.

But then again... when I get really angry @ my b/f...I've said hurtful things, but out of pure anger & spite. Go to h3ll was one of them. -.-

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Guest sayuri43

Do girls tease and call guys "mother f-ckers" or tell them to "go to h-ll"? Do you know anyone that does this? I don't know how to take this. Girls are confusing. :sweatingbullets:

o_O that doesn't sound like teasing...

either that or the girl is very vulgar.

I wouldn't take that if I were you -___-

be a mannnn

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Do girls tease and call guys "mother f-ckers" or tell them to "go to h-ll"? Do you know anyone that does this? I don't know how to take this. Girls are confusing. :sweatingbullets:

Depends on the situation, you can't just ask a question like this blatantly. If you punched a girl accidentally, and she calls you that..Then you know she's not joking..But if you two were having a chat and you prob told her something outrageous, and if she says that and laughs..then it's just a joke.

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Do girls tease and call guys "mother f-ckers" or tell them to "go to h-ll"? Do you know anyone that does this? I don't know how to take this. Girls are confusing. :sweatingbullets:

rarely LOL

The younger generation and my generation say that crap SMH.

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Guest predator

Is being called a dork a lot a good thing??

Well when I call someone a dork, I mean it in a good way.

It means they're silly & cute ;D

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Guest megaSTEPxo

Is being called a dork a lot a good thing??

I would mean it in a good way too.. usually if I am teasing the guy

coz I don't feel like saying "You are so cute"

My definition of 'dork' would be someone who does something that's cute/sweet?

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Guest iEatPowder

I need some major help with this one. I go out on dates, and sometimes the girls aren't very inquisitive, and I need some good ideas about how to break awkward silences. I need ideas on what questions to ask/topics to talk about. It doesn't get more serious than this question.

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Guest pochacco

Ladies, say you met a guy a couple of times because of mutual friends. He didn't show much of an interest in you at the time, but later on he told the mutual friend that he might have a slight interest in her, but wasn't sure if he should go after her. then [lets say after a couple weeks] you guys became friends on myspace/facebook and exchanged a few comments here and there. Then after a month of not hearing from the guy, all of a sudden he messaged you "hey. i like you. wanna hang out?" how would you girls respond? The guy is trying to show some confidence and initiative, but would you have a more negative response or positive response? Keep in mind they never exchanged phone numbers, just in case that has any bearing on your decision.

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Guest iEatPowder

Ladies, say you met a guy a couple of times because of mutual friends. He didn't show much of an interest in you at the time, but later on he told the mutual friend that he might have a slight interest in her, but wasn't sure if he should go after her. then [lets say after a couple weeks] you guys became friends on myspace/facebook and exchanged a few comments here and there. Then after a month of not hearing from the guy, all of a sudden he messaged you "hey. i like you. wanna hang out?" how would you girls respond? The guy is trying to show some confidence and initiative, but would you have a more negative response or positive response? Keep in mind they never exchanged phone numbers, just in case that has any bearing on your decision.

I know I'm a guy and you want a ladies opinion, but I would say the guy should've played it smoother if he was genuinely interested. From your story, it sounded really choppy, and it could've confused the girl. It's one thing to be confident and take the initiative, but I'm not sure being so direct as to say "hey. I like you. Wanna hang out?" is the best idea. It's a bit too strong and "Hey, wanna hang out?" would've gotten the job done. You could work your magic from there and see if things blossom or not.

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Guest i n c _ m p l e t e

Why is it that I attract girls who want to sleep with me after a week or so of dating? I don't do anything to initiate. I'm not the one who does the approaching. I want a girlfriend who wants to get to know me and vice versa before jumping in the sac with me. :blink:Why is it that I only attract girls who sleep with me after a week or so of dating? I never initiate, and I never approach a girl and start talking to them. I just want to find a girlfriend that wants to get to know me and vice versa so we can have a steady relationship. :blink:

I give them a chance for a steady relationship, but it never works out because we just hop into bed so fast. It's not the same as when you really get to know someone first.

I guess this is for the more mature ladies.

Maybe it's because you say things like that. Haha. Thus, they think, "wow, I've found a true gentleman who cares about more than getting into my pants. He likes me for me." so they hop into bed with you early, because they feel assured you'll stick around and won't disappear the morning after.

So the last 6 girls I have gone out with or had JUST met, is a coincidence? I find it hard to believe, though I'm not bashing on your theory. I'm just tired of them turning into flings/hookups, and I would really like something on a more serious level.

Oh and on a less serious note, is it a big deal if a guy farts in front of a girl?

Then you really need to stop hooking up with chicks at bars/clubs, cuz if I was looking for a serious relationship, I wouldn't want that type.

Farting is a normal bodily function and we understand that. But try to avoid that on the first date, ok? You want to make a good impression. These things need a decent comfort level before they become funny.. otherwise they can be a turn-off.

would you girls ever tell your close guy friend that he's like a sister to you?

Yeah, I would, if I could talk to him about girly stuff. Don't take offence, it just means they tell you things they'd usually tell their girlfriends/sisters.

Maybe I need to get crackin' on the modeling gig sooner xD. I think it's corny to try and pick up a girl at school, unless they initiated conversation and then we moved on to other things. Girls automatically assume guys are just trying to hook up with them if they start talking in class. I'll leave that to them. Social gatherings usually consist of parties, which aren't much different from clubs since there's alcohol, or they're just kickbacks with old friends, so I'm not really meeting anyone new. I'm a full time student and I don't have a job, so that cuts work out. I feel like I'm too young for speed-dating :sweatingbullets: . I'm not THAT desperate, lol.

Haha why is it corny if you try to approach a girl at school, but it's fine if SHE initiates conversation? Really depends on how you do it, but school is definitely a good way to meet girls. And it's an environment where a girl would LEAST expect a guy to try and hook up with her. Ask your male friends where/how they've met their girlfriends, or your female friends where/how they've met their boyfriends. Parties aren't quite the same as clubs imo, cuz there's more socialising and chatter going on, and less dancing, plus everyone's usually connected in some way.

Oh yeah, how do you survive without a job?

I need some major help with this one. I go out on dates, and sometimes the girls aren't very inquisitive, and I need some good ideas about how to break awkward silences. I need ideas on what questions to ask/topics to talk about. It doesn't get more serious than this question.

Well on the last "first date" I went on, I felt that the guy asked more than I wanted to share. I am quite a reserved person, so I didn't feel comfortable talking about topics such as my ex, even though I'M the one who first asked HIM about his last girlfriend. =/ So just be careful not to cross any lines.. she might be cool talking about anything under the sun though. Ask about her family, friends, interests, favourites, random things about her past, whatever... other topics will follow on naturally. Just don't make it sound too much like an interview. You can break awkward silences by say something about yourself as well. Good luck! =D

Ladies, say you met a guy a couple of times because of mutual friends. He didn't show much of an interest in you at the time, but later on he told the mutual friend that he might have a slight interest in her, but wasn't sure if he should go after her. then [lets say after a couple weeks] you guys became friends on myspace/facebook and exchanged a few comments here and there. Then after a month of not hearing from the guy, all of a sudden he messaged you "hey. i like you. wanna hang out?" how would you girls respond? The guy is trying to show some confidence and initiative, but would you have a more negative response or positive response? Keep in mind they never exchanged phone numbers, just in case that has any bearing on your decision.

Err after a month of no contact? I'd think, wth. Did he message you on myspace/facebook to tell you that he likes you? That does NOT show confidence.

Will answer aironeousB's questions later. This post is freakin' long enough.

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Guest suki_*

Well, that's kind of who I am. I'm really nonchalant about everything. So it's basically my inaction that screws me as I mentioned earlier.

find a girl that's just a laid back and nonchalant who goes with flow like you.

if i'm a nonchalant person and i keep dating guys that are totally different (the type that talk too much, clingy, calling 24/7, overprotective to the max, etc...) i'd be even less interested because i don't need to make an effort to get to know them. as much as i would try to do things for them, i'd start to lose interest becase he draws me away from being who i really am, change is hard, especially when it comes to changing your personality or character for one person, it shouldn't be that way in the first place!


if i met a guy just as chills, i'd be attracted to the way that they are so relaxed and calm in situations (he's nonchalant but know how to handle a situation and treat a girl right at the right time, basically, cool haha). but at the same time, i'd want to know more about him. opposites do attract, but, in this situation, it's good to find something that you both have in common personality-wise too.

it's tough to find someone who's nonchalant, cuz they're so laid back, hopefully you have some girl friends that are like that or get introduced to one through friends. girls that are totally chills, can either be the best girlfriends in the world, or the worst. some are too independant, so they'd make you feel like they don't care about you at all making you lose interest. some are cool that they don't suffocate you with phonecalls and let you go hang out with your buddies without tagging along. it's all about building a good foundation and if you keep sleeping with them after a week, you'd get mixed signals bouncing back and forth.

if you want to get to know a girl more, and she initiates first, as much as it's not a guy thing to do, just tell her that you're into getting to know her more first before taking the leap. haha if you don't say anything (because she started it), she'll never know what you are really looking for in the relationship~

good luck!

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Guest -HyuNi-

I personally adore nice guys and don't see any reason why they would need to change their attitude/character to get girls. The thing about the bad boy, the jerk? That act gets old really fast, especially if you want a serious relationship or something that's substantial. Nice guys are so much better, and I appreciate them so much.My one quip about nice guys? Some of them tend to lack a... spine. All the nice guys I know never actually let a girl blatantly know that they like her. It's like what the girl said in the third part of "Just a Nice Guy". How is anyone supposed to know that a girl is special to the guy if he doesn't treat her any differently? I think that is the one down fall of nice guys and the reason why they never get the girl they want. They have to work up the guts to let the girl know (whether by body language or telling her) that they like her decently early on. And even if the girl doesn't reciprocate, at least the guy won't be kicking himself, wondering should've could've would'ves.The nice guys who go for what they want? Those guys never finish last. But until they realize that they've got to screw up all the their fears about possible rejection, they're going to finish last.

Wow high five on that response.

I'm being blunt when I say if a shy guy hasn't asked you out, even though you have a good idea that he likes you... it means that you aren't worth it in his eyes. Once a shy guy realizes that you are worth risking the high possibility of rejection is when he makes his move.

I've met some really nice girls, but never confessed my feelings to them. When I look back, I'm glad I didn't because that was only puppy love. I'm so much more content after waiting for the one who made my heart wander out of my chest and into hers.


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Guest aironeousB

I'm just trying to keep the thread interesting by asking what nobody's asked yet. And i use dictionary.com a lot BTW. Try onelook.com it's useful too.

I forgot about the blue light scattering. I just remembered that ozone is blue.

Let me know if you want more questions. I'll try to make them unusual or witty or weird or humourous.

ok hmmm i just had an urge to make some more so here it goes....

Here's another one. This one is for the American Korean girls.

12) This is actually my personal curiosity.

Assuming that you find me (a white guy) interesting and i am able to get you to talk to me at the park or shopping mall for a couple minutes which way is the better way to ask you if you want to get a coffee?

Kopi hanjan ottaeyo?

Can I buy you a cup of coffee?

The purpose of course is so that i can keep talking to you. Do I get any points for the hangul if i can keep it up for a little while?

13) How come I have never seen a pretty Korean girl at a 711? Actually any Korean girl? I don't think i have ever seen one at a 711 my whole life. Is that just a coincidence or is there some .....reason... why you don't go there? I want to know, please share.

14) Did you know that there is something in Breast milk called AKG's (alkyl glycerols)? Did you know that it stimulates the person consuming it to produce more white blood cells? Does that peak your curiousity at all? I mean, you can make your boyfriend more healthy.

15) I heard that in Korea you can order corn on your pizza. Is that true and if so do you girls like that over here too? I could of asked a guy but i like asking the girls better.

16) I can talk in a cartoon voice all day. It sounds like a little girl or boy. Is that cool or just utterly useless to you? Cuz the only use I've found for it so far is to make serious businessmen that are all serious look at me like WTF and sometimes I'll talk like that on the phone to someone i know for 30 seconds to make them think there is a little girl on the phone.

17) What if i just refuse to drink in public. I mean I'll drink at a friends house if you (the girl) are driving or if I am within walking distance of my own home and I'll drink at home but I absolutely refuse to take a chance that i will be taken advantage of in public by getting beaten up or robbed while drunk or take a chance that i might drive drunk. Am I a paranoid party pooper even if am a decent dancer and have a good sense of humor?

18) Should we make a t-shirt for girls that says "if you don't know me, don't give me compliments." Where does that message go on the front or the back? Cuz I never knew so many of you girls don't like physical compliments from strangers so I imagine there are many more guys out there that also do not know.

19) What are some acceptable things for a man to be afraid of or have no confidence in if he's atleast 6 foot tall and muscular?

Can a guy appear masculine and still have a couple fobias like stage fright, dancing, singing/karaoke, women bosses? ha ha

20) I can lift you up with one arm if you're a 100lbs or less. Do you like that?

21) Will one of you pretty Korean girls dance to the song "head over heels" by Emelee and upload it to youtube? ha ha

Sorry it's just that every time I hear that song I think if a slim kgirl dances to that song it'll be so pretty/sexy.

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Guest touche`

Ladies, say you met a guy a couple of times because of mutual friends. He didn't show much of an interest in you at the time, but later on he told the mutual friend that he might have a slight interest in her, but wasn't sure if he should go after her. then [lets say after a couple weeks] you guys became friends on myspace/facebook and exchanged a few comments here and there. Then after a month of not hearing from the guy, all of a sudden he messaged you "hey. i like you. wanna hang out?" how would you girls respond? The guy is trying to show some confidence and initiative, but would you have a more negative response or positive response? Keep in mind they never exchanged phone numbers, just in case that has any bearing on your decision.

Honestly, if he came back just to write that, I would not appericate at all. Sure, I'll give him props for being confidence and initiative. And sure, I'll still be his FRIEND, hang out with him but the 'i like you' part is just weird for me to cope with.

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Guest michele17

Is being called a dork a lot a good thing??

being too much of a dork gets annoying. but normally its cute =]

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Guest michele17

answers FOR aironeousB:

12) Assuming that you find me (a white guy) interesting and i am able to get you to talk to me at the park or shopping mall for a couple minutes which way is the better way to ask you if you want to get a coffee?

Kopi hanjan ottaeyo?

Can I buy you a cup of coffee?

The purpose of course is so that i can keep talking to you. Do I get any points for the hangul if i can keep it up for a little while?

well i'm only 1/2 korean so i dun know if this applies to me but...if ur white and ur asking in korean...its kinda weird, and a lil bit of a turnoff haha. just ask in english

13) How come I have never seen a pretty Korean girl at a 711? Actually any Korean girl? I don't think i have ever seen one at a 711 my whole life. Is that just a coincidence or is there some .....reason... why you don't go there? I want to know, please share.

maybe its just ur 7/11. me and my friends go there all the timee haha

14) Did you know that there is something in Breast milk called AKG's (alkyl glycerols)? Did you know that it stimulates the person consuming it to produce more white blood cells? Does that peak your curiousity at all? I mean, you can make your boyfriend more healthy.

...did not need to know thatt

15) I heard that in Korea you can order corn on your pizza. Is that true and if so do you girls like that over here too? I could of asked a guy but i like asking the girls better.

its a persons preference. u can also get gimchi on ur pizza there tooo...umm i dont like it. maybe some do tho

16) I can talk in a cartoon voice all day. It sounds like a little girl or boy. Is that cool or just utterly useless to you? Cuz the only use I've found for it so far is to make serious businessmen that are all serious look at me like WTF and sometimes I'll talk like that on the phone to someone i know for 30 seconds to make them think there is a little girl on the phone.

thats really really weird. not cool. at all

17) What if i just refuse to drink in public. I mean I'll drink at a friends house if you (the girl) are driving or if I am within walking distance of my own home and I'll drink at home but I absolutely refuse to take a chance that i will be taken advantage of in public by getting beaten up or robbed while drunk or take a chance that i might drive drunk. Am I a paranoid party pooper even if am a decent dancer and have a good sense of humor?

ur questions are really gay. no offense. umm so yeah, that would be ur choice but if u only drink by urself..somethings wrong. its ok that u dont drink at partys but the alone part makes it awkward

18) Should we make a t-shirt for girls that says "if you don't know me, don't give me compliments." Where does that message go on the front or the back? Cuz I never knew so many of you girls don't like physical compliments from strangers so I imagine there are many more guys out there that also do not know.

NO. do u want us to make a tshirt for u?? yeah, thats wat i'm thinking

19) What are some acceptable things for a man to be afraid of or have no confidence in if he's atleast 6 foot tall and muscular?

Can a guy appear masculine and still have a couple fobias like stage fright, dancing, singing/karaoke, women bosses? ha ha

just cause a guys built, doesnt mean hes perfect. everyone has faults

20) I can lift you up with one arm if you're a 100lbs or less. Do you like that?

what are we? barbells? no. we dont like that

21) Will one of you pretty Korean girls dance to the song "head over heels" by Emelee and upload it to youtube? ha ha

Sorry it's just that every time I hear that song I think if a slim kgirl dances to that song it'll be so pretty/sexy.

i'm gonna pass

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