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i have a few curious questions

girls, how do you feel when youre meeting your boyfriend's friends? Do you try to be close friends with them? are you shy towards them? thanks to whoever answers this :)~

Chances are, I know how the guy's friends are before I start dating him. If they are fun, nice people who truly care about my boyfriend then I feel I can be comfortable with them. Yes, I would try to talk to them and get to know them better. If I immediately can tell that I don't really like his group of friends, I will probably be polite with them but never completely comfortable...I would be careful not to cause tension or conflict though, because that would make his friends my enemies (and the girl almost always loses that battle!).


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Guest Inevitable

Gooooood, never talk about video games unless you're sure the girl likes video games or something... once my coworker was htiting on me and talking about this Zelda game... I tried to drop a clue to let him know that I'm not interested in games by saying "Zelda? What's that? It's that green guy right?" (i know he's not 'green' he just wears green, I was just trying to change the topic XD) and he just kept talking about it X-x;;; Total turn off

did he correct you? cause if he didnt, he obviously doesn't know zelda.(lol cause zelda is a girl, link is the 'green guy') -ok enough of that :P

wow 15 pages already! thanks for all the replies. I really don't have a question but just so this isn't a wasted post.. if a guy wrote you a symphony, just to say how much you meant to him, what would you do?

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Guest embol

did he correct you? cause if he didnt, he obviously doesn't know zelda.(lol cause zelda is a girl, link is the 'green guy') -ok enough of that :P

wow 14 pages already! thanks for all the replies. I really don't have a question but just so this isn't a wasted post.. if a guy wrote you a symphony, just to say how much you meant to him, what would you do?

Let's just say that would be one of the most thoughtful present a guy can give.

I'll be really flattered that someone took that much time to compose something so beautiful for me :sweatingbullets:

i have a few curious questions

girls, how do you feel when youre meeting your boyfriend's friends? Do you try to be close friends with them? are you shy towards them? thanks to whoever answers this ~

I'm really shy, so naturally I try not to get too close to them.

Of course, I also have a fond respect for my bf's friends, as long as they respect me also.

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Guest i n c _ m p l e t e

So yeah... I've finally decided that I am hopeless =P

Well maybe not that but here goes my whole question....

So all the girls I've pursued have pretty much got boyfriend's while I was pursuing them (3 to be exact...) Anyways... to a couple girls I admitted my feelings and y'know that didn't go so well... but each and every one of them I had (and with all of them still have) good chemistry. (As in things aren't akward between us.) And I mean they always say how much I mean to them and all that etc.

So basically what is the quality that makes a friend a good friend and never anything more to girls? Because whatever it is... I have it...

You can't just expect the girls to drop their bfs like hot potatoes because you show some interest... c'mon, we're not that easy, and shock horror, some of us are FAITHFUL. Don't chase a girl who's taken. That ain't cool.

i have a few curious questions

girls, how do you feel when youre meeting your boyfriend's friends? Do you try to be close friends with them? are you shy towards them? thanks to whoever answers this :)~

I've never really been friends with any of my ex's friends. From now on though, I want to make an effort because if it gets serious, it will probably be important to him. I wouldn't try to be close friends though.. that might be awkward, because I think if your boyfriend introduces you to his close friends, you'll be known first and foremost as "his girlfriend" rather than another girl in the group. I'm shy at first; if I like someone, only then will I open up. I've met my boy's friends, and he's noticed that I'm different around some of them. I don't think one of them likes me. :mellow:

I was chatting to a guy friend a while ago.. he mentioned how one of his friends invited his gf over to his house without my friend knowing. Considering my friend was their link.. he wasn't completely comfortable with it.

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Guest MoiraElla

thanks to everyone who has answered my question ^o^; i think its super important to be good friends with your bf's friends. its more fun xD

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How come you girls never say what's on your mind and instead say something totally opposite of it?

I'm a girl, BTW, I just wanted to see everyone else's opinions ^^.

because i don't want to freak people out ROFL. if it's to girls, then i say whatever i want to say. but if it's to guys, i try to becareful what i say.

if a girl has a bf and but flurts with only like 2 or 3 guys what does it mean?

does it mean that she has feelings for the other guys?

if i did that, then i either wanted to see what my boyfriend would do, or i'd do it for fun.

i don't think i'd do that to make my boyfriend jealous, though. unless he's doing it to other girls. D;

i have a few curious questions

girls, how do you feel when youre meeting your boyfriend's friends? Do you try to be close friends with them? are you shy towards them? thanks to whoever answers this :)~

i would try not to act shy with them. i'd try to act as normal as i can and be good friends with them. afterall, they're the ones that will be influencing my boyfriend.. especially if i do something wrong.

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Guest moonk379

how important is dancing when goin to clubs cuz i mean i can dance alright but im not a terrific dancer. and wanna know if dancin makes a difference in where the nite goes =]

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

^ as long as its entertaining, you pass

but i would say, yes a better dancer - better night!

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Guest michele17

how important is dancing when goin to clubs cuz i mean i can dance alright but im not a terrific dancer. and wanna know if dancin makes a difference in where the nite goes =]

haha i'm not great eitherr. sall good, sall good

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Guest lily-chan

how important is dancing when goin to clubs cuz i mean i can dance alright but im not a terrific dancer. and wanna know if dancin makes a difference in where the nite goes =]

I actually don't care. As long as you try and don't mope in your corner going "I can't dance, so I don't want to dance", I'm fine with it. I love it when guys dance even when they aren't that great. It shows that they are somewhat confident.

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Guest jphase


I've liked this girl for awhile i guess. When i first started likeing her, i decided to wait alittle longer and see if i really did like her. So it turns out i do like her. I still do. We hung out a few times, we texted each other everyday during school, after school, and until like 2am every night. I stayed up with her when she was writing a paper. I asked her to prom and someone else had asked her but she told me she didn't want to go with that person and instead we went together. After all that, finals began so we stopped txting each other cuz she had finals before me and i had finals after she had hers.(we go to diffrent schools) and then. After school got out..things just havent been the same between her and i.. we dont' text anymore, and don't hang out anymore.. She's been kindof ignoring me for the past 3 weeks untill this past week when we started talking and hung out. We still don't text each other but we do talk to each other more. We do have alot of eye contact though.. we go to the same church and i'd be getting my food and i'd walk past where her and her friends are sitting and from the corner of my eyes i can see her looking at me, and whenwe went over a friends house and were sitting in a circle talking, i could see her looking at me so if i looked at her, we'd kina stare at each other for abit. I'm just really confused.. what does all this mean? haha

-She seems to look at me alot

-We used to txt alot (+3k msgs a month)

-We used to stay up late talking to each other

-We used to hang out or try to hang out alot

-she chose me over another guy to go to prom

-we make alot of eye contact

-we didn't really interact with each other for about 3 weeks until this past week

what does all this mean.. i'm really confused... :ph34r:

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I've liked this girl for awhile i guess. When i first started likeing her, i decided to wait alittle longer and see if i really did like her. So it turns out i do like her. I still do. We hung out a few times, we texted each other everyday during school, after school, and until like 2am every night. I stayed up with her when she was writing a paper. I asked her to prom and someone else had asked her but she told me she didn't want to go with that person and instead we went together. After all that, finals began so we stopped txting each other cuz she had finals before me and i had finals after she had hers.(we go to diffrent schools) and then. After school got out..things just havent been the same between her and i.. we dont' text anymore, and don't hang out anymore.. She's been kindof ignoring me for the past 3 weeks untill this past week when we started talking and hung out. We still don't text each other but we do talk to each other more. We do have alot of eye contact though.. we go to the same church and i'd be getting my food and i'd walk past where her and her friends are sitting and from the corner of my eyes i can see her looking at me, and whenwe went over a friends house and were sitting in a circle talking, i could see her looking at me so if i looked at her, we'd kina stare at each other for abit. I'm just really confused.. what does all this mean? haha

-She seems to look at me alot

-We used to txt alot (+3k msgs a month)

-We used to stay up late talking to each other

-We used to hang out or try to hang out alot

-she chose me over another guy to go to prom

-we make alot of eye contact

-we didn't really interact with each other for about 3 weeks until this past week

what does all this mean.. i'm really confused... :ph34r:

i think she definetely likes you ^^

she was probably busy with hanging out with other friends and family since school's out

dont worry so much. just ask her out often, keep in touch.

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Guest lily-chan

jphase: She's waiting for you to make a move. She might be thinking that you're not interested in her anymore.

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Guest predator

how important is dancing when goin to clubs cuz i mean i can dance alright but im not a terrific dancer. and wanna know if dancin makes a difference in where the nite goes =]

I think your dancing should be decent. :phew:

It'll make the atmosphere a lot better.

&& girls hate it when guys refuse to go out on the dance floor.


I've liked this girl for awhile i guess. When i first started likeing her, i decided to wait alittle longer and see if i really did like her. So it turns out i do like her. I still do. We hung out a few times, we texted each other everyday during school, after school, and until like 2am every night. I stayed up with her when she was writing a paper. I asked her to prom and someone else had asked her but she told me she didn't want to go with that person and instead we went together. After all that, finals began so we stopped txting each other cuz she had finals before me and i had finals after she had hers.(we go to diffrent schools) and then. After school got out..things just havent been the same between her and i.. we dont' text anymore, and don't hang out anymore.. She's been kindof ignoring me for the past 3 weeks untill this past week when we started talking and hung out. We still don't text each other but we do talk to each other more. We do have alot of eye contact though.. we go to the same church and i'd be getting my food and i'd walk past where her and her friends are sitting and from the corner of my eyes i can see her looking at me, and whenwe went over a friends house and were sitting in a circle talking, i could see her looking at me so if i looked at her, we'd kina stare at each other for abit. I'm just really confused.. what does all this mean? haha

-She seems to look at me alot

-We used to txt alot (+3k msgs a month)

-We used to stay up late talking to each other

-We used to hang out or try to hang out alot

-she chose me over another guy to go to prom

-we make alot of eye contact

-we didn't really interact with each other for about 3 weeks until this past week

what does all this mean.. i'm really confused... :ph34r:

I think she likes you.

Just talk to her or something & since you like her, ask her out =]

hope things turn out well ;P

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Guest xt1naaa


I've liked this girl for awhile i guess. When i first started likeing her, i decided to wait alittle longer and see if i really did like her. So it turns out i do like her. I still do. We hung out a few times, we texted each other everyday during school, after school, and until like 2am every night. I stayed up with her when she was writing a paper. I asked her to prom and someone else had asked her but she told me she didn't want to go with that person and instead we went together. After all that, finals began so we stopped txting each other cuz she had finals before me and i had finals after she had hers.(we go to diffrent schools) and then. After school got out..things just havent been the same between her and i.. we dont' text anymore, and don't hang out anymore.. She's been kindof ignoring me for the past 3 weeks untill this past week when we started talking and hung out. We still don't text each other but we do talk to each other more. We do have alot of eye contact though.. we go to the same church and i'd be getting my food and i'd walk past where her and her friends are sitting and from the corner of my eyes i can see her looking at me, and whenwe went over a friends house and were sitting in a circle talking, i could see her looking at me so if i looked at her, we'd kina stare at each other for abit. I'm just really confused.. what does all this mean? haha

-She seems to look at me alot

-We used to txt alot (+3k msgs a month)

-We used to stay up late talking to each other

-We used to hang out or try to hang out alot

-she chose me over another guy to go to prom

-we make alot of eye contact

-we didn't really interact with each other for about 3 weeks until this past week

what does all this mean.. i'm really confused... :ph34r:

Hrmms...I think she likes you, and is waiting for you to make a move. ^o^

Good luck!

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Guest hippiehop

how important is dancing when goin to clubs cuz i mean i can dance alright but im not a terrific dancer. and wanna know if dancin makes a difference in where the nite goes =]

If you are going to a club with a girl who likes to dance, you better at last know the basic moves!

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Guest moonk379

hmm thx for the answers i guess ill learn some more new moves then lol cuz i only got like 3 moves

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