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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint; Completed drama Pachinko Season 2 on Apple TV+


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11 hours ago, syntyche said:

Off from work 071118



Hi syntyche, thanks for sharing this. :P



11 hours ago, syntyche said:

Anchor Beer (Cambodia) FB Cover Photo updated 071118




*** Also, thanks for sharing this. My friend from Cambodia said that Anchor is Cambodia's largest selling beer. Although, it is slightly more expensive compared to some other beers there. :P

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On 7/9/2018 at 4:53 PM, gtLmh0622 said:

20180707 Korean news.




The  2017 Hallyu White Paper.  Lee Min Ho kept his 2nd place that overseas fans most want to meet. (Translation by Naver.) 
He has already been on 1st or 2nd place for several years despite of having drama or not.




gtLmh, thanks for sharing this. it just shows that the LMH fever continues to dominate overseas.  He's still one of the most sought-after Hallyu star. Like it! :P

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20180713 Lee Min Ho : Minoz official FB updated :


‘The most beautiful and
precious one to each other’
We are strongly connected in the name of ‘MINOZ’ just like scattered stars make a constellation together.

2018.07.02 ~ 2018.07.23





20180713 Bench IG updated :





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25 minutes ago, gtLmh0622 said:

The highest export of Korean films in Cannes Film Market for the latest five years.
First place of exports in 2014 was Gangnam 1970 starring Lee Min Ho.



cr. 李敏镐吧网宣


Source : http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=drama_new2&no=4309742&page=1&serVal=이민호&s_type=all&ser_pos=




gtLmh, thanks for sharing this good news. NICE. :P

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19 hours ago, gtLmh0622 said:

The highest export of Korean films in Cannes Film Market for the latest five years.
First place of exports in 2014 was Gangnam 1970 starring Lee Min Ho.



cr. 李敏镐吧网宣


Source : http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=drama_new2&no=4309742&page=1&serVal=이민호&s_type=all&ser_pos=



Thanks, I was checking on Cannes Film Festival that year, hoping the Gangnam 1970 was being screened there at the festival but could not find any information that it was so I was disappointed. Now I find out that it was #1 export in 2014. Woo Hoo!


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Because we miss our boy so much, here's a throw back photo of LMH for Fila 20140714.  






CITY HUNTER Episode 17


  Recap from Dramabeans:   http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/07/city-hunter-episode-17/



    The episode focuses on the prosecutor trying to out the identity of City Hunter, Jun Pyo dealing with his target # 4 to carry out his revenge, and hints about the birth secret of our lead -- lots of action, but less romance-- I miss our sweet couple.

    I totally enjoyed City Hunter the first time I watched it and I remember how impressed I was with the whole drama, how well written and well directed it was, very different from the first dramas I watched (i.e. Coffee Prince and BOF where a lot of episodes / scenes were just fillers that were not relevant to the story). But now that I am rewatching, I do mind how little air time was given for our OTP's romance towards the last few episodes. I  understand the writer has to tell the story of CIty Hunter, Jun Pyo and the President but how I wish there was more romance and more time to resolve the relationship between Kim Nana and Lee Yoon Sung. 





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Thanks, @Kris Silva for your comments! I miss Yoon Sung and Nana's sweet moments, too. I guess they spoiled us with it during the middle of the drama, so they could deal with the heavier scenes towards the end.



Jin Pyo enjoying his steak while everybody else freezes in fear - he's such a badass. But shouldn't that have raised a red flag to the President's guards?


Ooh, isn't that the sexiest red jacket? That low neckline, its perfect fit on LMH, with that leotard-print shirt underneath - props to his stylist for this drama.



So Yoon Sung slams Young Ju infront of his colleagues. And they're quite surprised at his swift move. Well, he did a similar move to Nana's boss previously. I guess his front of a geeky tech guy is holding up well (for now?).



It's a relief, actually, to see Jin Pyo being able to defend himself and fight off the goons, but unfortunately is outnumbered. Alas, Yoon Sung arrives to save him. Jin Pyo may be evil, but I admire Yoon Sung's respect and love for him. Despite their unusual relationship, ending the scene by having them stand back to back, I find it metaphorical in a way.



So more clues to the true relationship of Yoon Sung and the President are dropped in this episode. It makes sense why this drama is generous in revealing secrets early on - because it's saving a huge secret towards the end. Being a fan of the mystery/thriller genre and not seeing this come, is enough for me to like the story of this drama. Now I have to see HOW it will all be revealed.



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Thanks Kris for the recap!  I think because we are rewatching some LMH dramas that we haven't seen in a while, we are noticing both good and bad.  I actually have not seen City Hunter in a while.  I may have seen some scenes, but not the entire episode, so I had forgotten some of it and actually noticed scenes that I missed.    For me, the romance is about right.  I guess I've seen a couple of dramas that I really like that was based on friendship, very little romance.   Did you go to KCON in NY?


I like the opening scene with LYS and the President; a nice moment between father and son.  Again, I really love how Father kept eating his steak at the Presidential lunch while everyone else panicked. Why is the President interested in NaNa's hanky?  He already saw LYS's omma.  

LOL, it's funny that LYS becomes jealous when Da Hye gives the Prosecutor coffee.  That's sweet of NaNa to bring the President a cup of coffee made by DaHye.  You can see how proud he is.  

I like the touching scene between NaNa and the Prosecutor.  The Prosecutor must be so torn between feeling bad for NaNa, yet, Jong Shik is still his father, regardless of his action.  On a side note, I find it interesting that Koreans drink soju from a dixie cup.  Why is LYS carrying NaNa home instead of calling a taxi?  He's got to be pretty tired every day both physically and mentally.  

Ay, LyS and the President seem so in sync.  How many kids does the President have?  He told LYS to print a photo of his youngest daughter.  So at least 3 kids and LYS; he was busy!  lol.  

Jin Pyo actually does pretty well 7 against 1.  Did they really need 7 against an older man with a bad leg? Yay, LYS to the rescue.  What will happen?  Will they make it out alive?  Stay tune next week!

Some of the interesting funny comments from DB included a discussion on Jin Pyo's tie (a peace sign) in the last scene--did anyone catch it--I didn't; how LMH looks hot in the red jacket; how Mr Creepy is hot in a creepy way; now the Father is hot lol.  I guess everyone in a hit drama becomes hot to someone.  

So, we are finally at 300 days!  It does seem like a long time, but it's really not.  I thought the first year went by pretty quickly.  At least we are not fans of those who will be entering MS soon.  I remember dreading the day that I would read that LMH would be starting MS, so I don't envy those fans.  

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Thanks Syntyche and  KrisSilva for your comments. Yes, I like the sweet moment when Yoon Sung carries Nana home. He could drive her, huh! LOL. but he can be with her for a longer period looking at her face as he carries her. I wonder if LMH had problems carrying PMY for quite a bit of the scene. I remember a BTS when he was carrying I think Kim Hee Sun and she was heavy so he kept having problems and they were laughing. I don't think it is easy carrying a person but PMY may be quite light since she is quite petite and small.

Agreed, I like LMH in tight clothing. He looks tall, slim and sexy.


So biological father and son having some close moments without realizing the depth of their relationship. When Yoon Sung heard the president talking about not transferring Young Ju, Yoon Sung was impressed with the president. He has very high opinion of the president without knowing his part in the 1983 incident and that he was a target of Jin Pyo's revenge. Poor Yoon Sung, it will be a big shock to him when he learns the truth. It is funny Da Hye has a crush on her half-brother.


Yoon Sung should realize that as a bodyguard Nana has to put her life on the line everyday even if his dad leaves her alone. He thinks he might die, she could too so he should not try to keep her away, If she dies and it has nothing to do with him or his father, would he have regrets of the time they lost being together?


I like the locker room scene with the mirrors as Yoon Sung stalks the guy, pretty cool.

I also like the scene where Yoon Sung judo tosses Young Joo to the ground as his co-workers gasps in surprise. He is blowing his cover but he has to save daddy. Really love the scene where he rushes in with a flying kick to save his father from being sliced in the neck and the end when father and son back to back faces the goons.  It is just so satisfying and the fight scene awesome.  Both father and Yoon Sung are excellent fighters.


Jin Pyo will always be father and Young Sung no matter what will fight to save him. I wonder if something threatens Nana and Jin Pyo at the same time who will he save? Hope he never faces that problem.

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LMH in City Hunter episode 17:


Thanks for all your comments!


Yoon-sung talking to a passed-out Nana questions himself for pushing her away. :heartbreak:



The co-workers still haven't caught on. 



My favorite part of this episode was Yoon-sung returning to help his dad.



Even though I've seen it many times before, I'm looking forward to the resolution of this story.  It's been fun re-watching with everyone, and especially fun to have first-timers watching (@syntyche)!




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@1ouise:  I agree that it is interesting rewatching the dramas and especially reading comments from someone who has never seen the drama.   I'm really curious about @syntyche's opinions of Faith and Heirs.  One, not a ratings winner, but beloved by many LMH fans and the other with higher ratings, but mixed reviews.  Also, I'm curious whether the rewatch has changed the minds, in terms of liking the dramas, seeing another side of LMH's acting etc, of anyone, good or bad.  

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1 hour ago, gtLmh0622 said:


There will be less 300 days !!!    :love:



  Reveal hidden contents

The link of City Hunter Ep.17 of the "amazing blog" :

























Hi gtLmh, thanks for sharing TODAY's picture. Time flies so fast so, I'm sure that we'll see him soon. I don't count & think because if I do it takes quite long for me. So, I just let the days pass and without realizing, it's already 2019! :P

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