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12 hours ago, gtLmh0622 said:

I know you're all like worrying Moms, I may tell you just eating, he complained that :
1. The meals were distributed unfairly. (Distribution is doing by the squads in turn)
2. Foods were not enough.
3. Foods were not good, sometimes there was not any meat.

............. and more.

So, needless to say those trainings are very hard and tired, even living conditions are not well. :(  I'm glad only 1 week left.  :tongue:


8 hours ago, willenette said:

“Deprived” is the word you would use to describe this life.  Here, the second result of a continued state of deprivation is that you learn to feel happy from the smallest things. Being in the military it teaches you to feel happiness from the smallest things. 

From all of the stories I’ve heard from my K-friends who finished their military service seems like they became more mature and developed after they stepped out of the army grounds


Isn't bb fond of eating meat? I really do hope he can manage with those "deprived" living conditions. True, if there is anything positive that they can learn from that experience, it is to find happiness in the small things. And be more mature persons as a result. Three down, one week to go!

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On 4/4/2018 at 4:56 PM, alovebof said:

Update this week!! 

You worked hard today too

Date 2018. 04. 04


It’s April! Full of blossoming flowers and spring air


It’s been 3 weeks since Minho had entered the military training center!!

Starting from this weekend, the first digit of the D-day countdown will also change into 3,

Is he receiving his training well, and with a good health?


Me too, I want to tell him to receive his training bravely and want him to stay strong 

So I wrote him a letter (blush)

Although neither my writing skills nor handrwriting is good, I wish if only my feelings would be well-delivered!




Since mobile phones or mobile messengers are widely used these days,

The term "letter" feels somewhat distant from our daily lives ㅜㅜ


A way to convey your feelings that can both be difficult and easy is called: Letter ^^


I think it’s nice sometimes to hand over a letter filled with sincere feelings to the dear people around you!


Translation of Choco’s letter:


To. Minho oppa (he’s handsome; so he’s an oppa)


How have you been doing?

It’s been 3 weeks already since you entered the training center

How’s the training life?


It was cold and it was warm, this spring weather is unpredictable 

Even a dust wave hit us

I’m worried about you oppa


During this blank period where you’re on a hiatus, I’ve been immersing myself in your drama, movie, and talk concert DVD :D


Please stay strong in this remaining 1 week

Do well at your training

I’ll be looking forward to your safe return!


-Manager Cho


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On 4/5/2018 at 1:08 PM, willenette said:




Hi gtLmh,  So, the wake-up time now has become earlier, 6AM. It was 630AM before. the rest still applies - like the soldiers wake up at 6:00 am before they attend roll call and do some stretching exercises together before taking their breakfast. But, as soon as they wake-up they have to fix their beds. By 620AM, everything should be done so, they could take a little break. After a break, they have to gather together again after the roll call. Then, it’s off to the morning and afternoon tasks (with a short lunch break)! The tasks vary day by day but, generally, the soldiers will go through a common task training session and work on maintenance of the unit. There's Firearm Familiarization Training - After, recruits will receive firearms. They have to become familiar with their own firearms by having them close with them for 24-hrs either when eating or while sleeping.  Recruits receive basic training from how to wear combat uniform to military disciplines.  After dinner, their free time, as what I've mentioned earlier here the soldiers get to make phone calls or spend time doing activities of their choice in the recreation center. Tasks such as laundry, washing combat shoes, or cutting hair must also be done during this time. At 10 PM, it’s lights out and time for sleep. The following morning, they will repeat their daily schedule. The army usually serves a balanced Korean-style meal with the exceptions of hamburgers or other Western-style food, which is most welcome! It is important to finish all your food as eating is also considered a form of “training” in the army.



This is the reason why the day they show up on that field in Nonsan Korea Army Training Center is unforgettable to many Korean men. As what my K-friends told me every time on that field, you can see hundreds of moms (and a smaller crowd of girlfriends) crying, friends waving hands, as hundred guys reluctantly walk toward the field and awkwardly salute toward the crowd to report the beginning of their mandatory military service. In Nonsan, their lives are completely turned upside down and inside out.  Instead of eating tacos, lamb  and occasional steaks, you're eating standard ROK (Republic of Korea) military meals, budgeted for $1.95 per meal and containing 1-2 pieces of protein-material (doesn’t necessarily mean meat, e.g. anchovies, tofu) every three meals or so. Chocolate pie is a classic food in the Army.  Soldiers receive the complementary Choco Pie cookie every Sunday.


In Nonsan, 13 of you or more used a room smaller than a standard hotel room. -          Soldiers are banned from leaving a designated residence between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. without a commander’s permission and, needless to say, possessing private cell phones and wearing non-military clothing. “Deprived” is the word you would use to describe this life.  Here, the second result of a continued state of deprivation is that you learn to feel happy from the smallest things. Being in the military it teaches you to feel happiness from the smallest things.  You feel happy if you get to sit down for 10 minutes after walking with a 20kg backpack for 40 minutes. It’s a pity that they could learn this only by physical suffering.

The most popular item on the standard ROK meal menu is hamburgers. They give you two sets of hamburger bread and one patty. If you’re lucky you get a piece of cheese, but mostly it’s just the “meat” and a few pieces of shredded lettuce.

From all of the stories I’ve heard from my K-friends who finished their military service seems like they became more mature and developed after they stepped out of the army grounds. :lol:





Thank you for translated.


For another day have any interested?

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cr:  Wenroad

city hunter episode 3

The show begins with the social welfare employee shredding documents.  LYS starts a fire in order to grab the shredded documents.  LYS, using only a pen, scales the interior of the building to reach the office, grabs the shredded paper and takes photos of ledgers.  Kim Nana chides LYS leaving her behind to save himself.  LYS painfully reassembles the shredded docs (there's got to be an easier way to prove the funds were stolen).  Shim Dong Woo calls Lee Kyung Wan   to tell him that the embezzled funds are in 5 bank accounts.  LYS "steals" the bank records with nifty moves.

Kim Young Jo receives a mysterious package containing evidence against Lee Kyung   Wan.  The prosecutor defends himself in front of the Assembly.  A vote is taken to determine whether LKW will be arrested.  Much to the disappointment of LYS and the prosecutor, the Assembly votes not to arrest LKW.  Jin Pyo is so angry he breaks a glass with his bare hands.  LKW tells KYJ not to waste his time trying to arrest him.  

Back at the Blue House, the IT dept and Security Dept are on the shooting range.  LYS shoots all his bullets in the same spot.  Everyone laughs, thinking LYS hit only one.  Why does the IT dept needs to know how to shoot?  

Kim Nana makes a sushi dinner for Min Jin and Do Jin,  but LyS eats all the sushi.  Kim Nana hits a sore spot for LYS by talking about mother's cooking.  

We are introduce to Jin soo Hee, a vet.  We learn that the prosecutor was involved with Jin soo Hee.  Back at home, LYS enjoys ramen at a huge table by himself.  He looks around noticing how impersonal his home is.  LyS calls Bae Shik Joong who is nursing his sick wife.  Father is raking in drug money.  Father orders Shik Joong to help LYS.  Shik Joong asks Father to abandon his revenge plan; Father just glares at him.  The President meets with Lee Kyung Wan, Young JO's father and two other men    .  Shim  Jae Dong tells Lee Kyung Wan that if they find the two kids they will find the tall skinny guy who took the bank records.  It turns out that the President likes to work with wood when he's stressed.  It's a cute moment between father and daughter.  Da Hye asks her father to assign LYS to tutor her.  LYS sees Kim Nana running to work.  He pulls up; she is grateful since she's running late.  Being the little brat, he said she cannot ride with him because people will misunderstand if they see them together and takes off.  LOL.  At the Blue House, LYS has locked himself in his car because Da Hye  is begging him to tutor her.  Go Ki Joon steps in offering to tutor Da Hye, who ignores him.  Da Hye tells LYS if he won't tutor her, he should date her.  He laughs, calling her a kid and not his type.  He receives a call from the Chief and leaves to the office.  Nana catches LYS as he is about to leave for lunch telling him that the 1st lady wants to see him.  LYS says that he can't because he has another lunch date--the reunion between Shik Young!

Nana is making paper flowers with the kids who were invited to Kyung Wan's book launch.  Three of the evil 5 are at the book launch, including heo Jun Jae's father!  Kyung Wan's mean assistant throws the paper flowers in the trash.  Young Jo is also at the book launch making moves on Nana.   Kyung Wan confesses that he has stolen money not knowing that LYS's glasses are also a recording device.   During the video clip setting forth Kyung Wan's accomplishments, city hunter("CH") manipulates the video airing Kyung Wan's confession to the guests, then over the internet.  Young Jo requests an arrest warrant for Kyung Wan hearing the confession.  In one of the coolest fight scenes IMO, LYS fights off the chef with a spoon.  Kyung Wan's lackeys escort Kyung Wan from the premises onto a boat.  LYS uses his backpack to zipline to the dock then makes a flying leap to the boat.  LYS shoot a tranquilizer paralyzing Kyung Wan.  LYS and Shik Joong drop KYung Wan, wearing dog tags, at Young ju's office.  

LYS calls Nana requesting coffee.  She and the kids meet LYS at a fountain where the four frolic in the water fountains.  After dropping off the kids, Nana and LYS have dinner at Nana's home.  Nana watches Young ju in admiration.  Father calls LYS telling the latter that Kyung Wan should have been killed.  

Shik Joong locates LYS's mother and tells LYS who is unforgiving towards her having given him up.  ONe can see although his words are harsh, LYS is deeply hurt thinking his mother abandoned him.  Predictably, LYS shows up at her snack shop.  He looks longingly at her --don't you want to hug him?  His mother is approached by a man who tells her to talk to the person sitting in the car at the bottom of the steps--and gasp!  It's the president!  How does a owner of a snack shop know the President?  LYS turns to leave and who is staring at him---Father!  I love the little flinch of his eye when he is looking at Father.  


My comments

Sorry guys, I was in a huge rush to recap so I glossed over portions of this episode.  I love the dichotomy of LYS as the tough guy/fighter and the sensitive soul who is hurt whenever his mother is brought up in conversation.  


cr:  Kei sana


@alovebof:  If you mean if we are interesting in another day of LMH's basic training, then, I'm interested.:)



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At the 5.08 minutes, he tripped over a crew member, he laughed at himself but kept checking that the guy was okay.


So LYS starts his revenge on Lee Kyung Wan. The president’s daughter wants to date him and he visits his mom from a distance.

Everything about LYS is smooth, he is quick to answer when Nana asked him why he was holding the plastic bag. He is like McGyver using a pen to help him grip the handrail as his walks at the edge of the railing like Spiderman. His movements are so slick. I have not seen another drama where the lead is so smooth in his techniques whether low or high tech. Even the way he splices the shredded documents is so efficient. In a BTS LMH was filming the scene at the building as he slices on the edge of the building. He is supposed to jump over and accidentally stepped on a worker. He was so mortified and kept asking the worker if he was okay while laughing at the same time at himself. That was the start when I realized the LMH was a very down to earth humble man who worried about those below him.

LYS still has the cheeky kid in him when he honked but refused to give Nana a ride in his car.

Then he picks Shik Joong (Ahjussi) at the airport. Love their relationship.

This is also the episode with the famous spoon fight and  LYS ziplining across the water. Totally cool and LMH did those stunts himself then running like a speed demon and jumping onto the boat, his long legs flying. Awesome.

Meeting Nana and the kids and wet LYS looks really lanky and cute with his smiles. Then the first time he is called CH on TV and almost choked when Nana asked him who he thought CH was, that was so cute. It is funny the way YS begrudges Ahjussi buying kitchen utensils when he is so rich

It ends with YS, his adopted father, his mother and the president at the snack store. What is going on, the plot thickens.


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This blogger captured many pictures of City Hunter from Ep. 3 to Ep. 20.

Every week I will post the link of every episode. :tongue: 
(She was studying script writing at that time.)








It's above scene made me crazy to rewind many many times and to find all kinds of LMH's information. It was the first time that an actor made me to do such things. And then I became his fan because of his outstanding interviews on Youtube.  :D






And the blogger stated that in City Hunter, there were lots of LMH's close-up scenes, it meant his acting skills were recognized by the director. 



The scenes he called the phone to Ajussi could show his stable acting. 


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Thanks for all the comments and updates!


LMH in City Hunter episode 3:


I'm still loving his teasing, but you can see that something more is brewing.  :lol:





23 hours ago, CarolynH said:

I love the dichotomy of LYS as the tough guy/fighter and the sensitive soul who is hurt whenever his mother is brought up in conversation.


I like to see him become boyish and introspective after he comes back down from revenge mode.  He wants to be human too.  He was warned not to love anyone, but that is what he is missing.  I like that he keeps thinking of Nana and her coffee.









22 hours ago, CallieP said:

Everything about LYS is smooth ...

LYS still has the cheeky kid in him


I like both these parts of him.  When I first watched CH, I was blown away by LMH's acting.  I still think that each performance is better than the last.  That's why I can't wait for what's next.


12 hours ago, gtLmh0622 said:

It's above scene made me crazy to rewind many many times and to find all kinds of LMH's information. It was the first time that an actor made me to do such things. And then I became his fan because of his outstanding interviews on Youtube.  :D


Yes!  I did the same thing.  I love YS with Nana, but this is my favorite scene from this episode:


He makes it look so effortless.


@gtLmh0622 That blog is amazing!  This part makes me laugh:



Actually, I am very much looking forward to this fountain square scene....It is a pity that the director has not put what we want to see because of the scale...


But it doesn't matter ~~ The fans will bring us ~~


Scream it ~ ~ drool it ~ ~ spray it! ! ! <--- When I first saw it, I screamed for 1 minute in front of the screen.

(credit to owners and Google translate)





As @CallieP said, "The plot thickens!"



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I am in awe of LMH in the BTS videos. He did the stunts himself! That, despite his previous injuries. And yes, "smooth" and "slick" are the fitting words to describe his moves. That fight scene with the spoon. He must have put a lot of work on his training and rehearsals - he looked like an expert in those fight scenes. Me too, I had to play it over and over. I'd like to marvel at his smooth and slick moves.:)


I like that he shows his cheeky and playful side to Nana. Their scenes actually remind me of Jun Pyo and Jandi. Jun Pyo/Yoon Sung have this affluent yet lonely life, and is introduced/taken away by the meager but happy life of Jandi with her family, and in the case of Nana, her kid neighbors.


I like that after all those fight scenes, the story put some sense of heart and warmth, in the fountain scene. It's so sweet of Yoon Sung to think of cheering up Nana and the kids. And them playing around the fountain is just pituresque. Although I noticed that when Yoon Sung first approached the three, he was quite dry. I guess they dried him up a little bit, because comparing to the BTS photos, he was dripping wet. Haha.
Thanks to the recap and the bts videos. Thanks to the blog too, @gtLmh0622.




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In the 23rd Philippine World Building and Construction Exposition , GustoFil, a company that makes Korean ceramics tiles, LED lamps, PVC windows, blinds, wallpaper, etc., participated in the expo presenting ceramic tiles with Lee Min Ho pic.







Cr. To the owners/DCinside via Woodalchis Minoz



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I found diary on weekend...they are have time to rest? Have anything interested?


【李敏镐网宣独家翻译】#李敏镐# #李敏镐出道十二周年# 
公益兵论山训练所第2天军训日记——我是谁 这里是哪里(D-27)星期五








PS:今天就这样度过了@李敏镐 你身边有战友并不孤单,全世界还有你的粉丝,你想孤单也做不到,所以我们陪伴你,今天继续加油[心][心][拳头][拳头]


【李敏镐网宣独家翻译】#李敏镐# #李敏镐出道十二周年# 






按照中队长所说,这个训练所有7个团,23、25团进行4周的训练,26, 27, 28, 29, 30团是现役。【据说25团是管理最较宽松的团】

之后自由时间,直到晚饭时间都是自由时间。在这个时间,想要多做一个爱国卡的人,会去做爱国卡。上次是做了IBK ,这次是做KB。

PS:今天有照相的安排,我们等看看吧,感觉到目前为止训练强度基本为0,所以我们@李敏镐 小兵应该还在适应环境中,好好吃饭好好睡觉吧,加油[拳头][拳头]


【李敏镐网宣独家翻译】#李敏镐# #李敏镐出道十二周年# 












PS:果真前几天都没安排体能训练,BUT,不能高兴太早,明天就是真正军训的开始,@李敏镐 小兵你要加油哦,我们会一直陪伴着你为你助威[拳头]


【李敏镐网宣独家翻译】#李敏镐# @李敏镐 
公益兵论山训练所第5天日记  精神教育开始(D-24)星期一











PS:@李敏镐 今天开始有跑步训练了,首尔今天也很冷,你要保重身体哦[心][心]



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20180409 Korean news :



Partial translation by Google and Naver :

5주 기초훈련, 연 12만 명 정병육성 현장
점호 보고·아침 구보 융통성, 달라진 모습
실내 공기청정기, 초미세먼지 '매우좋음'
배우 이민호, 각개전투 '구슬 땀' 흘려

Five weeks basic training, 120,000 men at the training site
Report of the roll call / Flexibility for the morning run, changed appearance
Indoor air cleaner, ultrafine dust ' Very good '
Actor Lee Min-ho Is In Each Battle



야전에서 이뤄지는 근접전투인 각개전투 훈련장에선 낯익은 얼굴도 보였다. 최근 입대한 배우 이민호 훈련병이 이마에 흐르는 땀을 연신 닦고 있었다. 이 훈련병의 큰 키가 훈련병 사이에서 단연 눈에 띄였다. 군 관계자는 “동료 훈련병과 잘 어울리며 훈련에 적극적으로 참여하고 있다”고 귀띔해줬다. 전투 상황에서 기동과 은폐ㆍ엄폐 등 생존 능력을 키우는 각개전투 훈련은 가장 힘든 훈련 중 하나로 꼽힌다. 이날 포복 훈련에 나선 훈련병들의 거친 호흡 소리가 여기저기서 들려왔다.

In each field of combat training, which is a close-range battle in the field, a familiar face was also seen. The actor Lee Min-ho, who recently enlisted, wiped out the sweat on his forehead. The height of this trainee was remarkable among the trainees. An army official said, "He was well-trained with fellow trainees and actively involved in training." Combat training is one of the most difficult exercises to develop survivability, such as maneuvering, concealing, and cloaking in combat situations. On the day of the crawling training, the heavy breathing sound of the trainees was heard here and there.




This is our bb  ????



cr 李敏镐吧网宣

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