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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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@CarolynH thank you chingu for the recap, here are my favourite moments from:


This is the moment I fell for Lee Min Ho aka Gu Jun Pyo. That iconic curly hair, that killer smile, that swagger, that arrogance , that boyish mischievousness, I love everything about him.:)


Loved the introduction of F4, especially that of Jun Pyo's  According to Borbes Asia, he's one of the youngest billionaires in the world and known by the entire country. Unlike other F4s, Jun Pyo has servants- in- waiting to pick shoes and clothes and put them on for him as if he's royalty and there is a cane next to him LOL:lol:


cr as tagged



cr as tagged/minoz-selene

I also liked Jandi's clash with Jun Pyo which made him declare war against her. LOL at Jun Pyo , where is he looking at .. is this what he expects from a girl.:lol:


That night while throwing darts, I wonder what went through his mind, is almighty Gu Jun Pyo  hesitating to get back at Jandi ??However, Yi Jung assures him that he should act normal and Jandi gets the red card the following day, becoming a prey of the entire school. Yes, why not, when he's the biggest bully in school. I typed those words "biggest bully" with greatest difficulty as I have already fallen for this bad boy. Still I cannot approve what he has done so far, physically and mentally tormenting weak kids who defy his rules.



Even a week after his encounter with Jandi, it's funny how he waits for an apology from her. Next week Im excited to find out how he becomes a better person because of love and how the story progresses involving their rivalrous love triangle.




Cr Mika118

The song Almost Paradise was originally sung by T-MAX


Another version by EXO

cr Saira Mile

The song "Lucky"

cr Yozohhh10


cr lmhworldsubs


cr goodboysr



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On 20 May 2017 at 0:09 PM, gaeingoh said:

It seems him going to MS is no different from what his normal work ... if his fan is going there everyday to see him to and off work for the next 2 years, probably the government should put him where he could serve the country more effectively and at the same time making his fan happy, so they do not crowd around  his workplace.  They should put him in the government PR dept acting to promote  and create awareness on various government projects and bridging the people and the government.  This is also public service and since he was promoting tourism and acting as ambassador to the winter olympics, this may not be a bad idea..  I hope someone come out with this idea or a better one because it is really concerning that fan are turning up everyday and people may not tolerate it for long and that will be bad image for him.

Speaking for myself, I like to see him personally one day but at the moment the situation is different where he is serving his country and performing his duties and i say it again, hope everyone leave him in peace. I do not think he will turn his fans away and at the same time, we as fan, may be putting him in a very difficult position if this continue for the whole duration of his service.  The best solution is we can see him everyday at the comfort of our home and he can still perform his duties peacefully .. that will really make me very happy:D


Hi gaeingoh, well-said. I couldn't agree with you more.  :lol:

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Thanks @CarolynH for a great start! 

I wasn't a kdrama addict then when BOF was airing. So I love to read recaps and news articles on LMH and how his fame exploded with BOF. My favorite blogsite is Dramabeans and in Javabeans review of BOF episode 1, she stated some bad and good points and  here's the part about our boy:


The casting, hands down. 

Surprisingly, the best part of Boys Before Flowers (for me) was Lee Min-ho. I was worried about him the most, but ended up totally relieved. He — unlike Gu Hye-sun, the Tarty Trio, Jan-di’s parents — did not overact. Also, he — unlike Kim Hyun-joong — seems to embody his character more than as a mere imitation of the Japanese Hanadan. He’s great playing the snide, arrogant leader of F4, but he’s also showing real promise at the character’s thick-headed, slightly ignorant side — he doesn’t play the character’s dumbness as overtly as Matsumoto Jun did, but it’s enough to be pretty funny. He totally looks the part, and acts the part, but so far isn’t just copying Matsumoto’s interpretation.

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@CarolynH BOF ranks high with me in terms of LMH's acting.  I was not eager to watch this drama when I saw the curls, but I was told this is a must watch and ended up enjoying it.  He had to act arrogant, cute, dim witted, hurt, lonely, so many emotions that I can easily see how he won Best Newcomer at the Baeksang awards.  And all of this at age, what, 21-22?  Something else I found interesting is the number of people, if memory serves me correctly, who said LMH would be the next Hallyu star.  

I knew nothing of BOF at all when I watched it and only because it was on Netflix. I finished it and I was not wowed by it. I thought Jun Ji Hoo was the lead because he was the sweet guy and GJP was a jerk. When he pretended to die, I thought he did. This is the first kdrama that I saw that had an arrogant lead so I was mislead. it took me a long time to realize who the lead was. I went back to BOF after coming to like LMH in CH. I saw his PT after CH, and anything else that I could find of him Faith was not on yet so I went back to BOF. I would skip to only LMH parts and I still don't like his curls but I agree with Carolyn but he excels with his various interpretations, acting arrogant, fragile, dim witted, lonely, funny, etc. And it was his first big lead, Mackeral Run was a failure but I enjoyed that.

Reading the part by DB, LMH really did portray the manga character very well using his original interpretation instead of copying the Japanese version of the character. His mismashing of idioms all the time is also funny with his friends and Jeun di looking at him puzzled. In this episode, his snootiness and arrogance to his schoolmates, his confusion when JD confronts him, I must say LMH showed a lot of understanding and maturity on the role that he had taken. Since those who saw the show in Korea knew about the drama and I can understand now why he became an instant hit. I appreciate his acting more in BOF after seeing it a second time and third time but it is still not my favorite kdrama but that is not LMH's fault. I think without him, the drama would not have done so well. He gave the drama the needed oomph and the glue that held the drama together. He seemed so worldly talking about B-cups and wonderwoman and we find out later, that with all his money, he never tried to get a girlfriend.

Goo Hye Sun's acting to me was over the top at times. I did not like her continual shouting. I did like her sweet smile and when she is confused or uncomfortable. I found her family irritating. I do love Kang's assistant too. He has that quiet dignity.The trio students are funny. I think two of them are exceptionally pretty.

Yes, Carolyn, he does look older in BOF, probably his hairstyle.  He actually looks younger today. LOL. You are also right about some people commenting that he will be the next Hallyu star. Kim So Ro who did Our school's ET with LMH and who is a friend and mentor mentioned that he said so several times when LMH was still unknown. He told LMH and others who would listen that LMH would become famous.

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@minekas I love that self satisfied smile in the flying minho photo.  There's an upcoming episode with that same smile that I'll comment on when we get to that episode.  That is one of things that I like about LMH's acting, he totally transforms when he acts.  I don't see that smile or the arrogance when we see the airport photo/videos for fan meets.  It's so interesting to watch.

@nika94: Do you like BOF more than LBS?  In terms of acting, it's a close call for me.  

@Kris Silva (why doesn't your name highlight?):  LMH as GJP really takes control of every scene he is in.  You can't help but to watch him.  It is interesting how some were concerned about LMH as GJP.  But after ep 1, most were sold.  

Separately, I tried the Innisfree bamboo facial mask the other night.  I have sensitive skin, but I had no irritation after using it.  I bought a pack of 15, some of which I gave to some friends; I'm looking forward to trying the others.


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@CallieP:  yes, I liked the Innisfree bamboo mask.  I would buy it again.  I bought it from amazon.  I think that it works out to just over $1/mask which is comparable to face masks that you can purchase at the store.  My skin felt moisturized after using the mask.  The others I have are: blackberry, rose, strawberry, manuka honey, green tea, tea tree, bija and acai berry.  I'm not sure which ones I gave my friends--this going to sound bad, but probably the ones I thought that I wouldn't like -lol:tongue:  

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Boys Over Flowers was my first k-drama.  It wasn’t until 2015 that a few ripples of the Korean Wave found their way to me.  BOF was recommended by a friend who had watched it on Netflix.  I looked it up, started watching, and was hypnotized.  What was I watching??  Was this for real??  I marathoned the entire series over a few days.  And then, because I had gone through it so quickly, I went back immediately and watched parts of it again.  I was hooked with the whole k-drama format, and also mesmerized by this someone named Lee Min-ho.  He was definitely an overnight sensation for me!  C-H-A-R-I-S-M-A!!

I didn’t know the manga or any of the previous versions, so the story was new to me.  Some aspects are over-the-top or cartoonish, but I don’t mind.  What I love about LMH as GJP are the subtleties.  I love how much he can portray with his facial expressions, his eyes, a look.  He can give soooo many different looks.  I was impressed with his performance.  At episode 1, I haven’t grown to like GJP yet.  He is not nice.  But I do see glimpses of someone more likeable.  (Also, I probably watched this with a Pride and Prejudice mindset, leading me to believe that there would be a lot of misunderstandings.)

My favorite part of episode 1 is when Gu Jun-pyo is confidently waiting for Jan-di to come to him on her knees.  You just keep counting down Gu Jun-pyo.  :wink:


I was a bit stunned by the level of bullying and violence and by the personal attack on Jan-di.  I know this is fiction, but it caused me a lot of thought and research about the realities of school life for Koreans.  Do kids really bring eggs and flour to school?  Do they all behave as a pack?

I was not ga-ga about the show after this episode, but I could not keep my eyes off it.

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5 hours ago, CallieP said:

@CarolynH BOF ranks high with me in terms of LMH's acting.  I was not eager to watch this drama when I saw the curls, but I was told this is a must watch and ended up enjoying it.  He had to act arrogant, cute, dim witted, hurt, lonely, so many emotions that I can easily see how he won Best Newcomer at the Baeksang awards.  And all of this at age, what, 21-22?  Something else I found interesting is the number of people, if memory serves me correctly, who said LMH would be the next Hallyu star.  

I knew nothing of BOF at all when I watched it and only because it was on Netflix. I finished it and I was not wowed by it. I thought Jun Ji Hoo was the lead because he was the sweet guy and GJP was a jerk. When he pretended to die, I thought he did. This is the first kdrama that I saw that had an arrogant lead so I was mislead. it took me a long time to realize who the lead was. I went back to BOF after coming to like LMH in CH. I saw his PT after CH, and anything else that I could find of him Faith was not on yet so I went back to BOF. I would skip to only LMH parts and I still don't like his curls but I agree with Carolyn but he excels with his various interpretations, acting arrogant, fragile, dim witted, lonely, funny, etc. And it was his first big lead, Mackeral Run was a failure but I enjoyed that.


Sorry to cut your message, but i just want to comment that I almost had the same reaction with BOF at my first watch. I wasn't impressed with the drama and had to skip a lot of parts. But I did notice LMH, his looks and talent -- I thought he was the best actor in the drama and he's the reason I was able to finish the drama.  Then I watched City Hunter and that's when I fell totally in love with LMH, the actor. I went back to watch BOF and appreciated more his performance on my 2nd watch. BOF was my 2nd drama (Coffee Prince being my first) and CH was my 3rd. It was LMH in CH that got me hooked on Kdramas. 


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Thank you @CarolynH and @minekas for the excellent recaps.  BOF was not my 1st kdrama either and neither is it my fave LMH drama. It was on the list of kdramas to watch that my friend gave me when I was a newbie and I didn't like the first episode. I felt it was too young for me and I didn't like the lead actress' shrill voice. So I watched others and it was only after I watched CH (and fell in love with LMH) that I revisited BOF and tried to get past the 1st episodes. 

Didnt know Soompi and other forums like Dramabeans, etc. so pretty much relied on myself to understand and "analyze" the drama myself.  

Much later, I found out that BOF was much anticipated because it's a remake of a very popular and much-loved manga series and the Taiwanese version was also a hit. Casting LMH raised some doubts on whether he can deliver what the complicated role requires. LMH himself wanted the role so much that he got a perm to prove that he is GJP.  Read somewhere that he found out he got the role from media. 

Well....so history was made with the first episode. LMH surprised everyone with his unexpectedly mature and nuanced performance. When I watched his earlier dramas, he already showed his particular brand of acting but he was under appreciated since these didn't become as popular as BOF.  Indeed he carried this drama from episode 1. My fave scene from epi 1 was also that scene where he was waiting for Jandi to come to him to apologize. It was both hilarious and sad to watch. 


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2 hours ago, 1ouise said:


I didn’t know the manga or any of the previous versions, so the story was new to me.  Some aspects are over-the-top or cartoonish, but I don’t mind.  What I love about LMH as GJP are the subtleties.  I love how much he can portray with his facial expressions, his eyes, a look.  He can give soooo many different looks.  I was impressed with his performance.  At episode 1, I haven’t grown to like GJP yet.  He is not nice.  But I do see glimpses of someone more likeable.  (Also, I probably watched this with a Pride and Prejudice mindset, leading me to believe that there would be a lot of misunderstandings.)

My favorite part of episode 1 is when Gu Jun-pyo is confidently waiting for Jan-di to come to him on her knees.  You just keep counting down Gu Jun-pyo.  :wink:




You are right, there is the Pride and Prejudice arrogance of being rich and titled and looking down on the lower class. And his expressions does change from boredom to disdain, to arrogance, etc.  I like the part when he takes the cake and pausing and you wonder what is he going to do but never expected it to be smooshed onto the face of the giver. That is pure aghast on the face of everyone else.

1 hour ago, Kris Silva said:

Sorry to cut your message, but i just want to comment that I almost had the same reaction with BOF at my first watch. I wasn't impressed with the drama and had to skip a lot of parts. But I did notice LMH, his looks and talent -- I thought he was the best actor in the drama and he's the reason I was able to finish the drama.  Then I watched City Hunter and that's when I fell totally in love with LMH, the actor. I went back to watch BOF and appreciated more his performance on my 2nd watch. BOF was my 2nd drama (Coffee Prince being my first) and CH was my 3rd. It was LMH in CH that got me hooked on Kdramas. 


That is cute that we have almost the same reaction. I was totally impressed with CH after Episode 1. I never wanted to see Coffee Prince though.

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5 hours ago, CallieP said:

@carolynh , so do you like the bamboo facial mask from Innisfree? Where did you find it? Does it make your skin softer? I haven't seen Innisfree around here. Maybe Amazon?

I have bought innisfree products on http://www.innisfreeworld.com/main/index.do  , although there are stores in my city, just because the gifts are about LMH then.   :tongue:

For me, Jeju volcanic series have significant effects, volcanic pore soap, cleansing foam, scrub foam, and mask, all are good.

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@leeminhosny  thank you chingu for the gifs!  I was hoping that you would create them for BOF.

How did the F4 become friends?  Is it because their parents were nonexistent so they only had each other?  Another thing that surprises me about their relationship is that Yi Jeong, Ji Hoo and Woo Bin do not seem as mean as GJP, so why would they be friends with him?


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23 minutes ago, CarolynH said:


How did the F4 become friends?  Is it because their parents were nonexistent so they only had each other?  Another thing that surprises me about their relationship is that Yi Jeong, Ji Hoo and Woo Bin do not seem as mean as GJP, so why would they be friends with him?



This question crossed my mind too after watching epi 1. But as we all know, the depth of their friendships was revealed in the 2nd arc (epi 12 and onwards).  But from epi 1 alone, I thought that they were a typical frat-ty kind of clique--with the wealthiest as the leader and the others just following him around. Plus, GJP is the heir to Shinhwa that owns the school so everyone there pretty much kowtows to him. Which makes his "attraction" to Jandi, an outcast, a major plot twist: what would the star quarterback want from a poor, ordinary-looking girl like her? Is she just another game for him to play or does he really like her? 

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11 hours ago, CallieP said:

@adamfever It looks like on this new website, LOTBS beat the other two top contenders easily. Is it over 5 million? That is really high. What is the population for the Vietnam? If accurate, that is awesome. Big hit internationally

@CallieP Vietnam has a large population (about 95 mil. now). But to be honest I expected more because at the beginning I watched LOBS on youtube and I was impressed with the youtube views. Some of the first episodes I came across reached 1 mil views in  about 1.5 days . But they were soon removed from youtube because of copyright.< A Vietnamese TV bought the right to show LOBS both online and on air. I really wanted to give hits to their online channel, unfortunately I couldn't access it  due to their geographical restriction, and I couldn't get any stats from there either>. These are rare chances I could capture the youtube hits before they disappeared:

  • Episode 9 had over 1 mil views within 3 days:


  • Episode 10 reached almost half a million views within 1 day:


it seemed to me that most of the youtube videos stole the translation from the movie site I referred to before <that was how I knew of their existence and  stopped watching on youtube>. So I guess if the view count on youtube and on the movie site are similar, LOBS could reach appr 20 mil views or more.

Now, it might be unfair when I put DOTS on the same scale of LOBS and Goblin because I don't know when DOTS was uploaded on to the site. 


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