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[Drama 2024] Beauty and Mr. Romantic, 미녀와 순정남


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These last 2 episodes were great!  Yes, the cockroaches are crawling out of the woodwork as the light is shining on them.  Next week should be great as the good guys prevail and it looks like Do Ra and PS are helping out in the restaurant business, creating new recipes and drumming up business.

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Here are the ratings for Episode 46! :).



"Love Next Door" Heads Into 2nd Half On No. 1 Ratings

Finally, KBS 2TV’s “Beauty and Mr. Romantic” continued its streak as the most-watched show of Sunday, earning an average nationwide rating of 19.8 percent.



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It's so hard to believe that this drama is nearing its end.   And what a story it's been including this past weekend.   Here's my thoughts on episodes 45/46.


1.  I will never get over how nasty some people can be when they're angry about something.  DR and PS knew that they'd be attacked for DR's apparent "transformation" as JY but the level of the vitriol exhibited by some was truly sickening.  It's as though society at large has failed to remember how to disagree peacefully and civilly.  Instead, actions must also be shown to convey displeasure.   After all, how would some of these folks like it if the shoe was on the other foot? 


2.  The heartbreak of both DR and PS was truly off the charts.   All those times that DR wanted PS to leave her for his sake and his steadfast refusal each time served to strengthen their bond.   Then, when PS told the family how he felt responsible for DR's attempted suicide, his heartbreak was so palpable.   It's as though I was in the room with them and could feel his heart shattering.   I still believe Im Soo Hyang and Ji Hyun Woo deserve multiple awards for their portrayals of these flawed but sympathetic characters.


3.  Good to see PS's grandma coming around to supporting PS and DR.  At this point, PS's mom is still on an island in her disapproval of her son's relationship.   Hate gets you nowhere, ma'am.   Let it go and show your son that you care about him more than you and your family reputation.


4.   Sang Gu and Jeong Sik and Mr Jung - what do they all have in common?  One is the father and the other two hired hands for the Creep.   As the house of cards that the Creep has lived in finally comes crumbling down, one question remains.  What additional damages/restitution can DR (and perhaps PS) get once the Creep enters his new home in prison.


5.  In the preview for episode 47, it appears DR, PS, and DR's brothers and grandma are opening a restaurant in Taejeon.   So, DR and PS's move to the countryside appears to be happening sooner than I expected.   I'm all for it though as long as we see their wedding and they truly live happily ever after together.


6.   Going back to point # 1, it was truly something to see PS constantly defend DR from the nasty attacks.  As Mari pointed out, other guys would have turned tail and run at the first sign of troubles.   When he said that he would not let go of DR's hand, he literally means it.  That's why he's the best for her - warts and all.


7.  When PS and DR get married for real this time, where will their honeymoon be?   My bet is Paris since PS went there and I think he'd want to take his bride on a return trip.  Any other thoughts?


4 episodes left, my peeps.   So let's enjoy each and every last one of them starting with 47.  Bring on the weekend!   

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2 hours ago, heistheway said:

I will never get over how nasty some people can be when they're angry about something.  DR and PS knew that they'd be attacked for DR's apparent "transformation" as JY but the level of the vitriol exhibited by some was truly sickening.  It's as though society at large has failed to remember how to disagree peacefully and civilly.  Instead, actions must also be shown to convey displeasure.   After all, how would some of these folks like it if the shoe was on the other foot? 

It is shocking isn't it? I wondered if the guy was paid by Jin Dan to stir up trouble but there are also people who do this.


I was reading this article about this reality star in Japan who ended her life after online bullying. She was on a show called terrace house I think. Not exactly sure. Anyway, after she died, her mother basically filed a case and it turned out many of those who indulged in bullying were themselves in unfortunate situations. After her death, they were spiraling even more into depression and felt guilty. The mom couldn't understand why these people acted this way but basically the gist was that these people somehow felt better after hurting others because it made them feel less miserable about their own lives.


Since it is online, there is a kind of freedom because they get to say whatever they want behind a computer screen. They don't think of consequences. I purposely stay away/limit social media because I find people very rude. It is like people have forgotten etiquette and kindness. It is one reason why I love Soompi -- despite all the geographies and sometimes varied opinion, we have very civil discussions. It seems there is less and less corners like that on the Internet. It is very puzzling why people act that way. 


Sometimes, it seems to be pure jealously. So they are happy to see the downfall of someone famous because it feels like the famous also got to see earth. But even then, such harassment is disheartening to see. Maybe as human beings, we were always a miserable bunch but it is just showing up differently in the modern world. Who knows -- just random thoughts on a Wednesday. 

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@Lmangla I agree 1000% with your thoughts.   So much of social media these days is a cesspool of negativity and vitriol.  Instead of building each other up, it tends to tear each other down.   Indeed, Soompi forums seem to be the sole exception to this.   I do love the fact that I can post my thoughts here without someone launching an ad hominem on me.     I especially thank each and every one of you Soompiers that enjoy this drama as much as I do.


On a different note, I heard this song while traveling to Tahoe the other day.   I immediately thought of PS feelings to DR.   Or maybe I'm being too sentimental.  In either case, enjoy!  :) 




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I feel like PS's Grandma is only in this drama to be the whisltleblower. 


Also, I did have a theory that Jin Dan accidentally pushed Dora into the sea, but I never thought that he would push Mari's father onto the ground. Alsom that was the the fastest recovery I've seen in a K-drama. They didn't even drag it until the next episode. 

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Here are the ratings for Episode 47! :).



"Good Partner" Heads Into Finale On No. 1 Ratings As "Love Next Door" Kicks Off 2nd Half

Finally, KBS 2TV’s “Beauty and Mr. Romantic” continued its reign as the most-watched show of Saturday with an average nationwide rating of 18.0 percent.



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10 hours ago, kboramint said:

I feel like PS's Grandma is only in this drama to be the whisltleblower. 

I find it hilarious that she is always in the right spot to hear all sorts of earth shattering secrets LOL....


Well this episode was all about Jin Dan. Must say the actor did a convincing job crying and showing the expressions of being shattered.


If Jin Dan and his mom had worked on developing positive relationships through their 30 odd years in the Gong family, Chairman might have gone easy on them and might have asked if they were indeed telling the truth -- that it wasn't outright deception for all these decades. However, the relationship has been so full of thorns that he just sees them all colluding in Mari's accident and that he cannot accept.


Like Dora, Jin Dan is now in a position where he didn't do some things but is getting accused of horrible actions. Yes, he did embezzle but he has believed all his life that he was a Gong. He never hurt Mari. Based on the preview, will he be pushed to the brink just like how Dora was? Or is he again going to harm Dora and Pil Seung because he needs to deflect and blame someone for the mess of his life? 

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For once I am so very happy and clapping my feet that this old woman has a diarrhea mouth....clap clap clap





Aigoo...why contront him in the office, go back & exposed him & his mom right in front of your AUNT!!!  Your aunt was the one who welcomed them so much into the family.





Chairman, if you die that's the end of your family....better pray to all you know to protect you from harm... spacer.png



JT asking his mother to move ahead with the bag of money seems unrealistic. A more plausible scenario would have been for his mother to wait on the side while JT collected the luggage from the trunk and then walked to the boat together. Regardless, the boatmen clearly had intentions to rob them. Even if they had boarded the boat, the men would likely have thrown them overboard after grabbing the bag. If that had happened, his mother would almost certainly have drowned, as she likely can't swim. While it might seem that removing her this way would simplify things, the writers seem to be aiming for a path of forgiveness and redemption from the family towards these two idiots.

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Mari seems excited to have two dads (and moms) now.


AND WHAT?? Because of Jin Dan, Dora got into an accident? She cam't walk? 





On aanother topic, I feel bad for the actress that Bora's mom tried to manage. Hope she comes back for at least one episode and gets another chance at being an actress. 

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I certainly didn't expect another big crisis here at the end, but this should put Jin Dan behind bars for a long time.  I am continually irked by the hospital scenes  with diagnosis from family, not doctors, and nurses and aides noticeably absent.  I've spent plenty of time in a hospital and believe me, when a patient disrupts the machines they are hooked up to, all kinds of people come running at the sound of the alarms going off.  If Do Ra goes through therapy, there shouldn't be any "falling" because there is always a big belt around her that the therapist grabs.  Been there, done that.


No preview, but a big finish next week.  I expect a time jump to times of improved health and a few weddings on the schedule.  I know it will be enjoyable.  😁

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52 minutes ago, msmy said:

I certainly didn't expect another big crisis here at the end, but this should put Jin Dan behind bars for a long time. 


I wonder how they found out that Jin Dan set up the sponsor in the hotel room? Well not only Jin Dan is going to prison for attempted murder, but kidnapping, and embezzlement,   

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I'm tired of Do Ra.  Every single time something bad happens the first thing she does is push those who love her away.  Don't tell me those nonscense excuses about she is doing it for their own good.  That's bullshits.  Pil Seung deserves someone better than that selfish Do Ra.





I hope he didn't come alone...that would be stupid of him.



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2 hours ago, kboramint said:


I wonder how they found out that Jin Dan set up the sponsor in the hotel room? Well not only Jin Dan is going to prison for attempted murder, but kidnapping, and embezzlement,   

The actor that was hired by Jin Dan was found and the authorities got him to confess.  That was a couple of episodes ago.

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Here are the ratings for Episode 48! :).



"Romance In The House" Ends On Ratings Rise + "Beauty And Mr. Romantic" Heads Into Final Week At No. 1

KBS 2TV’s “Beauty and Mr. Romantic,” which has just two episodes left in its run, remained the most-watched show of Sunday with an average nationwide rating of 18.0 percent ahead of its final week.



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DoRa is not weak because she’s a real person being weak - She’s weak because the writer, the producers want her that way. As much as we enjoy these dramas, and I do, and I really respect the actors, there is a misogyny behind so many of these stories.
Since the rich families are often behind funding, these chaebol stories are really suspect - all the women in this series are scraping the ground with their bellies to constantly say ‘I’m sorry’, whether they did something wrong or not.

I really wish the producers of this drama, KBS, could be sued, because it is so harming to viewers to see the lead character abused constantly over and over, physically, mentally emotionally.
It’s as if some rich person behind the series or the writers, has a sadistic wish to see women, especially actresses, suffer. Things like this happen in K dramas way too much, (in real life women are also abused way too much) but this one has particularly been so disgusting and now again DR is slammed abused and now crippled…

Viki is streaming this in America - every program streaming or on TV, or in the movies, must have clear warnings as to the violence, offering assistance, when someone tries to take their life - but Vicky does not have that, I wonder if it’s passing all regulations in the States.


Beyond the constant abuse of the FL, the absurdity of the story is as if the writers are throwing pieces of storyline at the wall with bits of bubblegum stuck on them and picking the ones that stick on the wall ….the slimy chaebol CEO who does no favor to PS to adopt him, is going to let JD get away? And how did everything come out that JD was responsible for DR’s false accusation? And suddenly it’s hunky-dory for MR to date openly?

2 episodes left, how are they going to resolve all the loose ends, jagged edges? I hope the lead actress never takes such a drama like this again. She deserves better. The producers, the writer, the director, should get out of the business…


KBS weekends are usually wonderful quirky family stories that have their melodrama but not overdoing the makjang - that’s why I have liked them - this one started out with a very difficult premise of someone taking their life, which affects me personally since I have lost close loved ones that way, but I liked the cast, so I wanted to watch to see what they would do with the storyline.

I really was hoping they would do some justice as to how the careless accusations, the hyping on social media and unfairness in the patriarchal systems that tell women they have to be just one way or they are to be guilty for life, bring people, especially women, to the brink of desperation.
As was written above, a lot of the people who rag on others, have deep senses of inferiority, wounds, from which they lash out at others, which does not justify it, but is important to note. The writers, the producers may have similar stories but unfortunately, it’s mostly women that bear the brunt of any hate - misogyny exists in women and men- it is self-hate, it is hate of anything that is weak anything that is considered feminine… I have seen progress in K drama, but at times I think it’s slipping way backwards

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I really can't believe the writer went there.   Really?   That kind of bomb being dropped heading into the final weekend?   A part of me is tempted to write a fanfic to respond but I've done that before.   I'm reserving judgement until I see 49/50.   So, in short, I'm probably not going to do a fanfic but I reserve the right to change my mind depending on what happens.   On that note, here's my thoughts about 47/48.


1)  The Creep just can't go away quietly can he?  He's hell bent to completely ruin everyone that's meant a big part of his life until now.   As much as I want to believe that the guilt of DR's ambulatory state would cripple him, I just know that's not the case.   He will try to weasel his way to Hong Kong if he can but ultimately neither he nor his mom will escape the web of justice.   Dude it's been a heck of a ride for you and it will end up with you in the slammer for a long time.


2)   Speaking of prison, how does DR's mom keep getting out of prison?   By the looks of things, it appears that she will get out free yet again.   A cat may have nine lives but I'm starting to wonder how many lives this woman gets.


3)   Onto something more joyful.   I really loved the dynamic of DR, PS, her brothers, and grandma at the noodle shop.  It's cool that PS got his old job back but I can see a part of him that was just as content helping out at the restaurant.   Plus he and DR had some really fun lovey dovey moments at the restaurant.   We're all for that.


4)   Many have commented about DR's weakness and her constantly pushing PS away.  The points are all valid that I can see.   The writer of this drama indeed molded her character this way.   DR truly doesn't want to see PS hurt at all so she thinks that pushing him away would solve that for him.   She will ultimately learn that PS was meant for her all the time.   He cannot and will not let her hand go for anything - even if he has to die for her (not my prediction by the way).   Don't worry DR - PS will not actually kill the Creep no matter how much he may want to.   He's gotta marry you for sure this time. 


5)  It appears that PS's aunt is on the way to becoming a fresh new hit drama writer.   No doubt she'll be the conduit for PS and DR to star in a new drama that will resurrect both their careers.   What will Grandma say about her daughter then?


6)  Speaking of Grandma, I agree with previous commenters that she has a knack for overhearing the most incredible things at the most inopportune times.  I guess I'll miss her wackiness in the end.


7)   Any predictions on how long the time jump will be at the end?   I'm predicting 5 years from now that it will be one large and mostly happy fam.   Love to hear other predictions.


Can't believe we're almost at the end folks.   What a ride it's been to say the least.   As I'll say for the last time for this drama, really bring on the weekend! 

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Im Soo Hyang Tearfully Decides To Break Up With Ji Hyun Woo After Her Accident In "Beauty And Mr. Romantic"

Sep 21, 2024
by E Cha

KBS 2TV’s “Beauty and Mr. Romantic” has shared a heartbreaking glimpse of its upcoming episode.

“Beauty and Mr. Romantic” is a romance drama about an actress who hits rock bottom overnight and the producing director (PD) who gets her back on her feet out of love.


Previously on “Beauty and Mr. Romantic,” Park Do Ra (Im Soo Hyang) was left paralyzed from the waist down due to the car crash caused by Gong Jin Dan (Go Yoon). In the aftermath, Do Ra tried to push Go Pil Seung (Ji Hyun Woo) away and fell into deep despair.

In newly released stills from the drama’s next episode, Pil Seung’s biological mother Jang Soo Yeon (Lee Il Hwa) and his adoptive mother Kim Sun Young (Yoon Yoo Sun) visit Do Ra at the hospital.

After seeing Do Ra lying in her hospital bed, both women are unable to hide their shock and sorrow. Meanwhile, Do Ra wears a guilty expression as she tells them that she has made up her mind to end things with Pil Seung.



Later, Do Ra gets emotional as she asks her mother Baek Mi Ja (Cha Hwa Yeon) to help her keep her distance from Pil Seung so she can break up with him.




To find out whether Do Ra will be able to go through with her plan to break up with Pil Seung, tune in to the next episode of “Beauty and Mr. Romantic” on September 21 at 7:55 p.m. KST.



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Dora tried to run away from 2 times in Episode 49.  How many times is she going to push away PS? Also, Dora's mom has not learned her lesson. After taking DR away from the hospital, she forgot where Dora was. 


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