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[Drama 2023] A Secret Woman / Woman in the Veil - 비밀의 여자 - Mon to Fri @ 7:50 KST


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I wish they would stop dragging the revelation of TY's father. Someone guessed that he might have savant syndrome. I don't think so.

I think it's too close for another major change in character after YJ's father NYS, from a mild mannered man to a murderous son. We have about 10 episodes left?


Revelations :

TY's paternity

JAR the villain

NYS the biggest villain

Is SR really dead? - I think so, but ready to be surprised

JS changed by savant syndrome

@Chickpea  theory that GU and JAR are sisters. Are you still holding on to this theory?


Is there enough time? I hope it's not a 'what happened' ending.


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23 hours ago, kboramint said:


If a noun is plural, you use the word "are". If it is singular then you use the word "is". When someone asks "Who is playing in the drama?" then most people will think you are talking about one person.   

So, defensive tackle it is. I send you the same sentiments as the former.

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Greetings @Maribella...  I'm going to stick with my speculation that GU, who is no longer in this world, is/was fake JAR's sister.  GU's soul, which is currently residing in OSR--for all we know at present--is only "half" of GU since a human being is a composite of body and soul.  If you don't believe me, listen to a dirty joke.  If you blush, that's because your soul has understood the joke and your body is responding. 


Now, I mentioned I joined this drama late.  I tried to catch up on episodes I missed but it just wasn't possible.  So I admit there was information laid out in the beginning that I didn't hear (or read) myself.  I gleaned that information from this site.  But this is what I do know.  All information in the script is there for a reason.  So, the fact that GU was adopted has been imparted to us for a reason.  Recently there was text about a fire at an orphanage and the death of a child.  I think we're meant to believe that child was GU.  I read in here that GU's mother died in Vietnam?  While HY's mother died in Korea so they couldn't possibly be sisters.  But that assumes GU was not previously adopted by a woman who then died in Vietnam and her adoption by that woman meant she was not at the orphanage during the fire and she, therefore, survived.  Just because both women are talking about their "mother" doesn't mean they are both talking about the same woman.  And that is a good point about how people can use the same word but with different meanings in mind.  Neither is wrong, each is just communicating their lack of clarity due to lack of information just as, if GU and HY are, in fact, sisters, they are not "wrong" by each using the word "mother"  to refer to different women.  They're using the word in the way they understand its meaning at the moment they speak it to communicate "the woman who raised me".  We would say, literally, "mother" is "the woman who bore me".  When HY says "mother", she means "woman who bore me".  When GU says "mother" she means "woman who raised me" because she knows she was adopted which implies "not by the woman who bore me".  Both women are using the same word but it means something different to each because one lacks information the other has.  Like I said, just as "adopted" implies "not raised by the woman who bore me" sometimes we assume information we know is implied in our posts and this is not necessarily so.  And now y'all know why my posts are so l-o-n-g.  


But I digress, @Maribella.  Is JS a savant?  I don't think so, at least not in the way the word is generally used (here we go again...)  Savant syndrome occurs in people who are born with physical and or mental disabilities and it generally accompanies autism.  That is not JS's history.  JS seems to have suffered some brain damage as a result of Yoon Satan's attempt to kill him.  But I'm not sure even of that because he has retained his memories.  The yellow umbrella, obviously, means something to him and TY's mother.  I guess the key will be when they meet.  Does he remember her?  He was living under an alias at the time but I'm sure she will recognize him when she sees him.  He doesn't seem to have any memory (or at least we have not seen so far that he has any memory) of the events just prior to his accident, i.e., asking his father for money, his "friend's" sick mother and her need for surgery, etc.  It may be that he doesn't have these memories and meeting TY's mother triggers their return or it could be that he always had those memories but because of his condition after the accident, he chose to let her remember him "as he was" and not "as he is" and so he gave up his love.  The only way to know for sure is to wait for writer-nim to get around to bringing the two together... which I think will happen this week.  Finger's crossed.


Are you intrigued, as I am, why Alex changed his vote?  That cold stare at fake JAR as he walked past to shake GU's hand gave me chills.  When GU went to meet him at the office, he gave her the cold shoulder.  At the meeting, he gave it to fake JAR.  What happened in between?  I guess we'll know tomorrow but...  was Alex stringing along fake JAR the entire time on behalf of some other person?  Who is that person?  Or do Alex and GU have some as yet unknown history that they made, say, while she was studying in the United States?  


What happens to Yoon Satan?  Does he go to prison or does he leave his shoes on the shore as he goes to take that final swim?  


Take care, Chingu.  The end is in sight.  Hang in there.  Fighting!










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6 hours ago, Chickpea said:

Recently there was text about a fire at an orphanage and the death of a child.  I think we're meant to believe that child was GU.  I read in here that GU's mother died in Vietnam?  While HY's mother died in Korea so they

I missed a lot of the early parts too.  The father went to collect GU at the orphanage, so any swapping and mistakes could happen, but let's wait. The ending is nigh ( ominous music).


@Chickpea JS became mentally challenged after or due to the car accident. In MIAV, a mentally challenged ML had a drowning episode but survived to become brilliant. He was diagnosed as having savant syndrome. So we will see if the writer uses the trope again.


Alex blamed the Nams for his father's death but GU managed to prove it otherwise. I had watched that part but I don't remember if JAR was involved.

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1 hour ago, maribella said:

I missed a lot of the early parts too.  The father went to collect GU at the orphanage, so any swapping and mistakes could happen, but let's wait. The ending is nigh ( ominous music).


@Chickpea JS became mentally challenged after or due to the car accident. In MIAV, a mentally challenged ML had a drowning episode but survived to become brilliant. He was diagnosed as having savant syndrome. So we will see if the writer uses the trope again.


Alex blamed the Nams for his father's death but GU managed to prove it otherwise. I had watched that part but I don't remember if JAR was involved.

Good morning,  Chingu @Maribella...

Ah... light bulb goes on.  ML means male lead, FL means female lead?  I've been reading them mother-in-law and father-in-law and being totally confused.  Duh.  Need coffee.

This drama piqued my interest so I peeked at MIAV.  What I saw was a savant in the beginning who was prosecuting fake JAR for the murder of his mother at the end (sneak peeked first and last episodes).  There savantism makes sense.  The boy was born a savant but somehow overcame it.  I'm assuming by switching something, I hope not a soul again, with the prosecutor looking into his mother's case.  But here, JS was talented in painting before the accident.  Wasn't that the subject he was teaching?  He has acquired no new talents as a result of the accident.  Savantism grants some extraordinary ability for a defect.  JS seems to have a defect with no discernable extraordinary ability he didn't have before the accident.  But then, again, we're talking about a drama where people switch souls then become trapped forever in someone else's body.  

I knew Alex blamed the Nams for something.   I didn't see GU clarify it for him. Lightbulbs going on all over this morning. 

Don't know about you, chingu, but I'm ready for this drama to end.  Cheers and be talking to you again here soon.

Ah.. lightbulb again.   Just reread @Maribella's post.  MIAV male lead overcomes savantism as a result of an attempted drowning...  ah huh.  Or maybe the drowning somehow allowed his brilliance to overcome his natural defect.  Then, what was the veil?  After this mess I'm staying away from any more "veil" dramas...

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Woo hoo, chingu, we're there!  I thought it would be this week but if confirmation of TY/Mom/JS relationship comes today, and per sneak peek she meets JS tomorrow,  writer-nim is really moving things along quickly all of a sudden.  Could it be, perhaps,  so TY can take control of the company as the son of the oldest son, by week's end?  YJ and YS are going to lose their minds...  not to mention fake JAR.  It seems watching 94 without subs that GU convinced Alex that fake JAR was behind his father losing the contract with YJ Group, not the Nams?  Why does GU not want YJ's mom and sister to know YS was behind her father's murder?  Why make them think it's just about a slush fund?  Curious...

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9 hours ago, Chickpea said:

Why does GU not want YJ's mom and sister to know YS was behind her father's murder?

This is because GU doesn’t want the Nams to know since YS will get word of it and might try to finish the job for JS as in trying to kill him again. GU cares about Grandpa and JS it seems which JS is so sweet so I can see why.

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23 minutes ago, kboramint said:

I feel like the body switch element to the story is kind of pointless now. GU should had been played by the actress who is playing SeRin/GU from the beginning. Not the actress who orginally played GU. 


A lot of people said the same thing. There was no point to it. If SR/GU is truly dead, most of the plot is basically useless.

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7 hours ago, liyahsbutterfly said:


A lot of people said the same thing. There was no point to it. If SR/GU is truly dead, most of the plot is basically useless.

the promos and poster had all 3 women shown prominently indicating all 3 have equal importance to the plot. if serin was a character that just disappeared so suddenly, why would they promote the drama that way? so yea, either serin comes back alive or something happened behind the scenes for her to be written out. 


Woman in a Veil


Woman in a Veil


Woman in a Veil

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13 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

the promos and poster had all 3 women shown prominently indicating all 3 have equal importance to the plot. if serin was a character that just disappeared so suddenly, why would they promote the drama that way? so yea, either serin comes back alive or something happened behind the scenes for her to be written out. 


Yes, which is why I think Serin is alive. I am holding onto that theory (and most of the time my predictions are right.) If she doesn't come back, then this reminds me of Phoenix 2020, which ended up being a complete mess behind the scenes. The writers changed halfway through the drama, the male lead left/was switched, the FL was evil but, again, the writers refused to go that route at all, and it had terrible ratings leading to SBS shutting down dailies after Amor Fati. Ironically SBS had some of the best dailies out of all the networks.

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35 minutes ago, liyahsbutterfly said:


Yes, which is why I think Serin is alive. I am holding onto that theory (and most of the time my predictions are right.) If she doesn't come back, then this reminds me of Phoenix 2020, which ended up being a complete mess behind the scenes. The writers changed halfway through the drama, the male lead left/was switched, the FL was evil but, again, the writers refused to go that route at all, and it had terrible ratings leading to SBS shutting down dailies after Amor Fati. Ironically SBS had some of the best dailies out of all the networks.

phoenix 2020 was really awful and I remember there was a lot of drama offscreen. that is why I wondered if something happened here. so far, the writing and directing is not scattered. none of the characters are jumping all over the place like it happened in that drama.

so I think serin is still alive and will show up as a last minute twist. it does not make sense that GW will continue to live in serin's body for the rest of her life and use serin as her identity.

the drama's theme is about reset and things getting back to how it should be. so with that theme, it would only be appropriate if serin and GW switched back in the end and that can only happen if serin is still alive. 

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Good morning,  Chingu.  Haven't watched the drama yet but wanted to opine on the soul switch and whether SR is alive.  @perfectmouse chingu, thank you.  I think it would protect JS to let the world know YS tried to kill him.  Hiding that fact, especially since Grandpa is not around to watch goings on, could make Yoon Satan desperate to finish the job on both men before he is exposed.  But I'm not writer-nim.  Why the soul switch and is SR alive?  Technically and literally, both GU and SR are alive and deceased.  GU's soul lives on in SR's body; SR's body lives on with GU's soul.  So even if SR is dead, she's still in this drama to the end because her body lives on.  Just because GU's soul is animating SR's body, she's deceased insofar as she no longer has her own body to do as she wishes such as donate a liver to her child.  So it's kind of like writer-nim needed both women united to take down the Nams and fake JAR.  And I don't understand why other than to create a scenario for the dramas's title.   The women in veils are the women whose animating life principal is hidden, veiled, by another corpus.  And then there's HY who is veiled by a stolen identity.  Note to self:  click past any drama with "veil" in the title...  

So, I just looked at the drama's poster.  There's a cracked mirror and OSR's reflection is GU.  A mirror reflects reality.  The mirror is broken, reality has been shattered and the image in the mirror is GU not SR.  What do I make of this?  SR is an illusion, GU is reality.  OMG, my heart is breaking.  JS doesn't remember TY's mother and she knows there's something wrong with him... crying emoggi...  I don't "ship" couples... but I am totally, 100% shipping for these two.

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4 hours ago, Lmangla said:

so far, the writing and directing is not scattered. none of the characters are jumping all over the place like it happened in that drama.


As much as I hate this daily, you're right. It's pretty sensible here and much less of a mess.


4 hours ago, Lmangla said:

so I think serin is still alive and will show up as a last minute twist. it does not make sense that GW will continue to live in serin's body for the rest of her life and use serin as her identity.

the drama's theme is about reset and things getting back to how it should be. so with that theme, it would only be appropriate if serin and GW switched back in the end and that can only happen if serin is still alive. 


Exactly. Maybe Alex Lee has something to do with it? I believe that's possible. It is also possible that she didn't die and she may be hiding somewhere, or she might've went abroad. I sound delusional but Serin is probably my favourite character in this drama. 


1 hour ago, Chickpea said:

click past any drama with "veil" in the title...  


Any drama. Don't even look at it. :lol:


1 hour ago, Chickpea said:

There's a cracked mirror and OSR's reflection is GU.  A mirror reflects reality.  The mirror is broken, reality has been shattered and the image in the mirror is GU not SR.  What do I make of this?  SR is an illusion, GU is reality. 


Interesting. I didn't pick up on that till you said it. I always thought it represented their lives being "shattered" because of fake-Aera. Or their lives being shattered by revenge. I wonder what it means.

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What!!!  Yoon Satan knows JS had a woman?  YJ's line from the script,  "I am the eldest son of YJ" and the quiet repeat of that by YS... yeah, he knows/he knows JS has a son...  remember every line in a script is there for a reason, it's a clue...

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The preview shows NYS thinking that only one knows JS second name.

I knew it. He'll try to kill her.  But on second thoughts, he might be caught red-handed and would go straight to jail. There are not many episodes left to create a new scenario. So hopefully, no more misses and new shenanigans from JAR. I thought she'd be caught by now, instead they gave her another thing to do, framed director Park.

9 hours ago, Chickpea said:

and the image in the mirror is GU not SR.  What do I make of this?  SR is an illusion, GU is reality.

I think SR in GU is really dead. Bringing her back would just create havoc. She can't live with the Nams. They won't accept her. Only her uncle is alive and he'll most likely get hitched to Auntie. TY 's mum and JS get back together - bumped his head or had the kdrama IV :rolleyes:. TY and GU/SR will move into Chairman Nam's house. 

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17 hours ago, maribella said:

The preview shows NYS thinking that only one knows JS second name.

I knew it. He'll try to kill her.  But on second thoughts, he might be caught red-handed and would go straight to jail. There are not many episodes left to create a new scenario. So hopefully, no more misses and new shenanigans from JAR. I thought she'd be caught by now, instead they gave her another thing to do, framed director Park.

I think SR in GU is really dead. Bringing her back would just create havoc. She can't live with the Nams. They won't accept her. Only her uncle is alive and he'll most likely get hitched to Auntie. TY 's mum and JS get back together - bumped his head or had the kdrama IV :rolleyes:. TY and GU/SR will move into Chairman Nam's house. 

Good morning,  Chingu.  Yep, agree with you completely.  Yoon Satan knows his son is not/not the "eldest son of YJ Group" which is why he was so contemplative when YJ blurted it out.  I'd worry more about him trying to take out TY than his mother.  TY's the real threat on many levels and has sided against him with the Jungs.  Next episode is not up yet.  The way my mind works,  both GU and SR are half-lives.  A terrible situation.  But this is where writer-nim took us with this ridiculous situation.  Is a half life worth living?  SR lost her mother, her sister, her love and her soul.  She's probably better off dead.  But the mirror is shattered, reality has been shattered.  How far writer-nim wants to take that remains to be seen.  Fighting!  BTW, did JAR manage to make YS betray his son?

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