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[Drama 2022-2023] Trolley, 트롤리


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Hello all.. have you watched eps 3 last night? Not much happened but we started to get some background story comes out of how did KHJ met NJD and the thing that she hid from everyone. 

1st thing that i actually go softer through SooBin (the GF of Jihoon), she seemed young and pitiful if that's really JH child.. until she sat on the car and answered question from NJD secretary (at least she has sharp tounge to always answer back with more hateful answer), she looked afraid of some guy too maybe he's the real father of her child? 

And it's unexpected that we saw a devastated NJD over med student suicide action, we saw that NJD might be really nice and warm and soft hearted person (which some doubted from the beginning saying that he looks like a cheater ) when he walked alone to go to his wife office and he cried painfully. And KHJ seemed to know the pain very much since she had the same burden over someone's death which she tried to burry behind.

And there's from next eps trailer that saying i disappointed with your wife, who scold him and what reason, is it because the speaker knew KHJ buried past or because of the latest incident where she persuaded her husband to get special favour from the police on missing daugther case? However, it seem after that NJD trying to ask about his wife past in her hometown. 


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Here are the ratings for Episode 3! :).




“Missing: The Other Side 2” Earns Its Highest Ratings Yet + “Curtain Call” And “Summer Strike” Rise Ahead Of Finales

Finally, SBS’s new drama “Trolley” dipped to an average nationwide rating of 3.8 percent for its third episode.


“Missing: The Other Side 2” Earns Its Highest Ratings Yet + “Curtain Call” And “Summer Strike” Rise Ahead Of Finales | Soompi


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Still intriguing.  What we learn

- the Trolley dilemma is introduced.  For NJD, the Trolley dilemma is playing out real time.  As a politician, he has power to enact change on a macro level.  So calling for a fairer justice system and a retrial of the rape case meant NJD pulled the lever.  He potentially saved future victims from suffering the same fate by bringing the issue to the fore, but in doing so, the Medical student took his own life as a result.  1 person died.  

- NJD and KHJ are both kind hearted altruistic souls.  They obviously love each other very much.  There’s a respect and trust there that is praiseworthy.  
- KHJ’s past seems to be catching up with her.  How much of her past did she reveal to NJD?  How far back did she go?  She seemed to have caused the death of the son of the lady at the end whose daughter returned after 3 years.  She seems to still be holding onto that “grudge”.  I get the feeling it was a similar scenario to what happened to NJD with the Med student.  KHJ never intended for it to happen but her decisions pushed the male student over the edge (her Trolley moment).  That’s why KHJ looked ill (and had the flashbacks) when the old lady at the oil shop rejoiced at the death of the medical student who caused the death of her granddaughter.  
- male secretary of NJD is very protective of him and also very street smart.  
- gf is still a question mark.  She seemed scared when she saw a guy on the street?  Who was meeting up with another girl?  Why?  Did she recognize him?  I get the feeling the baby is not JH’s.  She’s spun a very convincing story though.  Did she need protection from the guy she saw on the street?  Is that why she decided to hide out and lay low in the Nam household?  
- phone is probably not JH’s.  Otherwise her use of it would’ve triggered the police.  
- I am a bit confused about young NJD.  He was staying with Halmoni (home stay maybe?).  Was he studying?  Halmoni asked if he was married but he didn’t reply.  All he said was that he had a child.  I am guessing the child stayed with the mother then because there was sign of the child?  Were they married?  Surely not?  Because he was not behaving like a married man towards young KHJ.  He was behaving like a single man.

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3 hours ago, nrllee said:

the Trolley dilemma is introduced. For NJD, the Trolley dilemma is playing out real time... 1 person died.

So true, altough NJD seemed to choose much better way by sacrificing less people (maybe some would argue though that his motive derived 1st by personal reason to save his public image , but for him it's a burden so heavy to carry on in a lifetime causing someone's death). 

3 hours ago, nrllee said:

Halmoni asked if he was married but he didn’t reply.  All he said was that he had a child

Yes, it's ambiguous because he didn't go with direct answer, did his wife die already when he met and then started to get attracted to KHJ? And it seemed that when they were having YoonSeo they get blessing from NJD mom to get marry since the time when NJD mom's death was around when KHJ expecting Yoonseo? Why and when and if anything happened with KHJ bold statement to her husband "How did you know yoonseo was yours?" 



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Hello, everyone: 

This is my first time posting in this forum.  I enjoyed your messages and analyses.  I am a big Kim Hyun Joo fan.  I am enjoying Trolley!  The actors are amazing! The story is intriguing and nicely paced.  


After the first three episodes, the secret of KHJ begins to surface.  The unfortunate event happened when she was in high school (the reason why she did not go to college?).  The brother of her high school classmate died because of her (The mother yelled at her at the funderal).   I wonder how SooBin links to this event.  I do not believe that she is carring Jihoon's baby since she has been lying (about her cell phone). She could have lied about the baby.  She seems to know KHJ very well. I do not think she learned those things from Jihoon (I bet Jihoon hardly mentioned his family to friends) and I think she investigated KHJ before. Could she be the daughter of the guy who died because of KHJ?    

Anyway, I look forward to Episode 4! 

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35 minutes ago, dogstar said:

Could she be the daughter of the guy who died because of KHJ?    

Possible.  But it looks like the guy died pretty young.  High school?  So it’s unlikely that he would’ve had a daughter unless it’s out of wedlock.


35 minutes ago, dogstar said:

The brother of her high school classmate died because of her (The mother yelled at her at the funderal)

I am guessing the lady that  recently returned from overseas is this classmate.  

35 minutes ago, dogstar said:

I wonder how SooBin links to this event.  I do not believe that she is carring Jihoon's baby since she has been lying (about her cell phone). She could have lied about the baby.  She seems to know KHJ very well. I do not think she learned those things from Jihoon (I bet Jihoon hardly mentioned his family to friends) and I think she investigated KHJ before.

This is very likely.  She seems so eager to always say, “JH told me.” to verify why she knew all these intimate details of KHJ.  If she didn’t find those details out from JH how did she find out?  Why was JH in prison?  I can’t remember.  Was he mixing with the wrong crowd when he got in trouble?  A gang?  And they contacted him once he got out?  If he wasn’t a drug user then was he a drug mule?  Picked it up for someone else?  SooBin seems to be afraid of the guy she saw on the streets.  Was he part of a gang?  I feel like she may have been mixed up with the same lot of people that JH was and she fled to his place when she got in trouble.  And she now wants to stay with KHJ because she needs their protection.  

The Nam family seemed to be a happy one and then something changed.  The photo of JH’s graduation from middle school was a happy one.  He seemed happy enough as a child.  The card he made his parents when he was a child showed that he was well adjusted and felt loved.  So he must’ve ended up with the wrong crowd after middle school and his life spiralled out of control.  

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I found the Traditional Chinese Wiki page of Trolley is quite informative!  Two pieces of information is interesting. 

1. In the character introduction of Jihoon, it states that the biological mother of Jihoon passed away before he turned one year old (due to cancer).  After KHJ and NJD got married, KHJ started to raise him. It was when Jihoon was in Kingergarden. 

2. The lawmaker of the oppsing party is one of the in-laws of
Jin Seung-hee (KHJ's highschool classmate). His wife is the sister of Seung-hee's mother. The family is rich.  NJD started to investigate people in Youngsan due to land transactions of the family. 


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OMG.. just finished watching eps 4 and i get heart attacked already.. can't refrain myself not to come here ASAP.. 

Okay, just to be short despite i planned to write much more, WHY the tattoo on Soobin's stomach initialled as JD as in Jong Doo?? WHY not JH as in Ji Hoon or better yet just anyone but JD please (not when i just so confidently wrote few days ago, that it's just absurd when there're comment saying that NJD could be the father.. oh i need air please).. wew, what do you all think?


Not when after i was grinning widely, seeing just KHJ got jealous and suspicious of her husband after seeing the lip balm on the car because we knew it was NJD secretary doing not NJD doing, the way NJD teased his jealous wife and the goes for kissing his wife just too adorable.. 


Please not to separate the perfect and ideal 'middle aged couple' writernim.. It's okay to put fire in the husband and wife love life but please not make it into adultery .. oh please.. 

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7 hours ago, Li22.55 said:

WHY the tattoo on Soobin's stomach initialled as JD as in Jong Doo?? WHY not JH as in Ji Hoon or better yet just anyone but JD please (not when i just so confidently wrote few days ago, that it's just absurd when there're comment saying that NJD could be the father.. oh i need air please).. wew, what do you all think?

See my notes below.  I think SB is NJD’s illegitimate child.  I don’t think she had a one night stand with him.  That’s my guess anyway.  She doesn’t have any resentment towards KHJ but her resentment is directed towards YS.  

Ep4 notes


KiYoung - husband of richest family in YongSan.  Met wife at high school reunion (so they were high school mates but only in senior years). Married for 5 yrs.  His wife left for Canada after 2 years of marriage leaving him with his MIL (Lee YooSin) who treats him like a nobody.  Wife gave him money to open the driving range.  Manages all MIL’s properties but she doesn’t trust him.  He’s reached the end of his tether and wants out of their family.  He sees KHJ’s pic on the JH’s funeral article and he remembers her.  Looks like he had a crush on her in high school. 


SeungHee - uneasy relationship with husband KiYoung.  Mother trusts her only.  Ran away to Canada for 3 years.  Hidden resentment towards her mom for favouring her dead brother over her.  She sees KHJ on TV mourning for JH and calls her Kim JaeEun.  KHJ must’ve changed her name.  She was KJE in YongSan.  She hid this from NJD because she first introduced herself to him as KHJ.  And he had said her name was pretty. 


Lee YooSin - sister-in-law of Assemblyman Kang SoonHong.  She still idolises her deceased son Jin SeungHo and mourns for him.  He was admitted to Law School 2003 but died before he started.  Completely obsessed with her son.  Has no room in her heart for her daughter at all. 


SooBin - we’re not sure if baby is hers.  She seems to idolise NJD.  He won’t even acknowledge her despite agreeing to wife to be nicer to her.  Lipstick was dropped in van when she was manhandled by Male Secretary.  Seemed annoyed when KHJ wanted to buy one for YS (as an excuse).  She has JD as a tattoo on her midriff.  Does she want YS’s spot in the family?  Could she possibly be NJD’s illegitimate child?  


Male Secretary (WooJae) - definitely sinister.  Suggested to SooBin that she should just die.  Did he do the same to JH?  Pointing out to him that he was a liability to his father’s political aspirations?  Even had the gall to ask NJD if he had to choose between his wife or his dream of making the world a better place (Trolley moment again) what would he choose?  NJD believes he can have both. 


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I still have about 15 min left to finish ep 4, but I think I'll comment now.


I'm still bothered how KHJ is so kind to Soo Bin.  Asking the lady who lives with them to cook food for Soo Bin :hushed:.  Why can't Soo Bin cook her own food? 


I think the most interesting scenes are those between KHJ and NJD.  

-So NJD and KHJ met when they were fairly young and Ji Hoon was already born.  Thanks @dogstar for the info re Ji Hoon's biological mother.  

-I loved that NJD visited KHJ at her office because he was saddened and blamed himself for the med student's death.  I hope neither party had an affair; I really like them as a couple.  Maybe they will end up one of those "they're not what they seem to be" couples. 

-However, I also noticed how cold NJD was towards Soo Bin when she said good morning.  He didn't even glance at her and brushed against her shoulder, showing aggression.  

-If Soo Bin is NJD's illegimate child, then Ji Hoon isn't the father of her unborn child.  That's too weird.


Yeah, what's up with that strange man Soo Bin seems afraid of.  The scene seemed rather random.  She's not afraid of wooJae, so who is this stranger?


Thanks @nrllee for your ep 4 notes.  I was becoming confused with that family (Kangs)


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Here are the ratings for Episode 4! :).




“Curtain Call” Finale Enjoys Ratings Boost As “Summer Strike” Comes To A Steady Close

SBS’s “Trolley” garnered an average nationwide rating of 3.6 percent, a slight dip from the previous episode’s rating of 3.8 percent.


“Curtain Call” Finale Enjoys Ratings Boost As “Summer Strike” Comes To A Steady Close | Soompi


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5 hours ago, CarolynH said:

If Soo Bin is NJD's illegimate child, then Ji Hoon isn't the father of her unborn child.  That's too weird.

Yeah I agree.  I am still not sure if SooBin is or not.  Unless JD is someone else and not NJD.  

Thing is though, @dogstar mentioned this

On 12/27/2022 at 7:13 PM, dogstar said:

In the character introduction of Jihoon, it states that the biological mother of Jihoon passed away before he turned one year old (due to cancer).  After KHJ and NJD got married, KHJ started to raise him. It was when Jihoon was in Kingergarden. 

So JH never really “knew” his real birth mother.  She died when he was 1.  That’s too young to remember much.  We know NJD’s mother was alive until YS was born, so I am thinking JH was raised by his grandma (NJD’s mom) till NJD married KHJ.  If he was in kindergarten, he would’ve been 4 or 5 when his new “mom” arrived.  So he would know by then that she wasn’t his biological mother.  Still, with KHJ’s kind heart, I cannot imagine that she would be anything other than fair and loving to JH when she raised him.  Something happened after middle school (they looked like a happy family in the middle school graduation pic) for him to “turn bad”.  

In Ep4, when Male Secretary WooJae confronted SooBin in the car, he said this




Did it not sound suspiciously like this?




Who seeded that idea in JH’s mind?  It wasn’t KHJ.  She looked shocked when he accused her.   And I can’t imagine NJD doing that either.  I get the feeling WooJae may have had a “talk” with JH as well.  Just like he did with SooBin.  He was quite violent with SooBin, her wrist was bruised when he grabbed her.  Did he do worse to JH when he saw that JH didn’t learn his lesson but was instead working as a drug mule?  

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Trolley: Episodes 3-4

by missvictrix


Though the suspense is dialed down a notch in our second week, Trolley continues to weave an interesting and carefully-told tale. It’s hard not to fall in love with our assemblyman and his wife — which makes me only more worried about what awaits them down the road. Because things aren’t staying quiet for long.




After hinting at it in our premiere week, Trolley opens this week with the eponymous “trolley problem” played out as we see Yoon-seo in class having to tackle this ethical problem. She seems disturbed — and she’s not the only one. The drama is doing such a fine job of building tension and setting up high and heart-wrenching stakes. One such setup is hinted at this week, too, when Joong-do is asked if he would choose his wife or his political career, if he could only have one. The question is left only vaguely answered, which draws more attention to it, and has me bracing for impact. That being said, this week’s episodes are a bit quieter than last week, and much more about the aftermath of what has already occurred. And there’s so much aftermath!

As our couple grieves the loss of their son, we get to know them a little more, but soon there’s grief added onto grief. Joong-do, and then Hye-joo, learn about the suicide of the medical student whose case Joong-do mentioned on TV, and they’re both heartbroken. Joong-do has to play by the book for his career, which he manages, but later in the day he turns up at his wife’s studio and breaks down. He cries in her arms, feeling responsible for the death of the student, which is doubling his own pain. It’s such a tender and touching scene.


As if I didn’t already fall in love with our devoted couple last week, this week makes it clear: they really do love each other that much. While Hye-joo is comforting her husband, we get a long and absolutely delightful flashback to when the two first met. They were both youths at the time, volunteering and helping in the neighborhood, and there was a certain ~something~ between them. But kudos to the drama for showing a deeper and soul-level connection too, on top of the attraction, because this flashback — and the next flashback of when Joong-do asked for her support to start a political career — shows us how true-hearted these two are.

But in case we needed more confirmation that Joong-do really is who he seems to be, we see him being generally wonderful, yet again — attentive and loving towards his wife, committed to doing good for the citizens, and even more committed to keeping his promises.


Joong-do has to deal with his grief and the pressures of the upcoming election, but Hye-joo has her own burdens as well. She, too, is grieving for Ji-hoon — but we also get a slow and careful cadence of hints as to her backstory (viz., why she wants to live a quiet life, and why Joong-do makes her a solemn promise that he won’t let the peace in her life be broken). The first hint comes from Perilla Grandma and a mention of Yongsan, which triggers flashbacks of young Hye-joo attending a funeral and getting screamed at. We were expecting it, but there’s surely a big mess of tragic and dangerous secrets lurking in her past.


In the middle of all this we are introduced to a new set of characters that soon prove to be intimately connected to the story: first, a woman named JIN SEUNG-HEE (Ryu Hyun-kyung) who’s returning to Korea after disappearing overseas for three years. Then there’s her estranged husband CHOI KI-YOUNG (Ki Tae-young), who has been living with his (awful) mother-in-law. She’s the real estate mogul of Yongsan, and the drama makes sure we know the reveal of this character is a big deal. The woman in question is LEE YOO-SHIN – and the fact that she’s played by Gil Hae-yeon, who is so good at being complicated and terrifying, tells us much of what we need to know about this character.


more https://www.dramabeans.com/2022/12/trolley-episodes-3-4/

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14 hours ago, nrllee said:

I think SB is NJD’s illegitimate child.  I don’t think she had a one night stand with him.  That’s my guess anyway

I got a bit relieved read your theory.. and hope that it'd come true.. either this or there's other with JD name as well who isn't NJD.. haha.. 

Because it's gross to have affair with a girl as young as of his son (soobin's about JH age).. it'd be more forgiveable if soobin is NJD illegitimate child and even more forgiveable if she's conceived before NJD got married to KHJ (but this's not likely with how NJD behaviour when he was young and 1st met with KHJ, he seemed shy toward girl not like some playboy who toyed any pretty girl).. oh NJD just what is your darkest secret could be? Might it be worse than KHJ buried secret?


1st thing my recap of eps 4.. when i saw NJD walked over soobin with his cold demeanour and he brushed of against her (just like @CarolynHmentioned as well) i thought he was being a bully and quite taken aback because i don't think it fit with his image in front of everyone, i mean if he didn't like soobin why not just scold her with harsh word rather than pushed her? And his face while doing that pushed, was there indicating some recognition which hidden well in front of everyone? If so just how a good actor he is , behind all the nice and good deeds was it just a pretense to gain anything he wanted?


Secondly, did NJD really a faithfull husband to his wife? From the surface we are led to believe so, the way he adore and care his wife in front of others and when there're just the two of them, was that just a facade only? I couldn't help but awed when his wife had been criticized by his campaign leader for never been seen in public or just came to the office to show some support for her husband election, he just listened and apologized and he promised would do double to replace his wife.. 


Thirdly, When NJD walked past soobin again at night, soobin who was in the way, immediately pull over to make way for NJD, was there again some sort of recognition between the two of them? The way they looked at each other? And why did NJD want to knock of soobin's room but he cancelled, what did he want to ask or to say to soobin? 


Fourthly, when NJD male secretary forced soobin to get in the car, he asked soobin did JH paid for her to sleep with him, which made soobin went fury ? Was it because she baffled because what the secretary said was close enough or was she feel insulted ? What if it was NJD who get the service .. i was like on panic mode on just to imagine this .. i got mental attack here it that was the case.


Finally, the ghost of KHJ past came to get her, it's like what i was thinking came true when Choi Ki Young flashback really showed that he had a crush on KHJ. Question, was he still in love with KHJ ? Maybe he never forgot his crush, and did KHJ ever had relationship with him? Were they child sweetheart before? And Ki Young wife, did she love her husband? It seemed their marriage was just a contrat marriage. 


Wew.. i wrote too much already .. let's hope together for the future of NJD and KHJ that in the end they would stay and stick together



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I read from somewhere that JD isn't an initial of someone, instead, it's an acronym of a place ....  juvenile detention (why it is an english acronym i do not know).  


However, if this is true, then perhaps she had entered to juvenile detention system before where she was a pen pal to JH (who was not yet in prison at the time).  Or perhaps when she left juvenile detention, she volunteers to become a prison pen pal to JH (who ended up in prison).  This may be why she knows so much about KHJ based on the letters they wrote to each other.

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@my0t1 that’s plausible too.  A lot less problematic that being an illegitimate child of NJD.  It wouldn’t really fit his MO being a philanderer.  He seemed so straight and narrow when we first meet his youthful self.  Although how old is SooBin?  Younger than JH or about the same age?  She seems to be very rough on the edges. Doesn’t know proper etiquette.  Doesn’t know how to cook.  She might be streetwise but she’s not very independent.  It’s like she’s incapable of surviving on her own without sponging off friends?  I can’t see her working anywhere.  She isn’t proactive, neither does she have any redeeming qualities - she just sits around and watches TV, eats other people’s food, plays video games on her phone etc.  

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Thank everyone for your insightful comments!  I love reading your analyses.  



The JD tattoo adds a new layer of mystery to the already complicated situations.  I do not have any preference to the existing guesses.  It just occurs to me that  SB's baby would pass a faternaity test, if she were NJD's illegitimate child.  JB and JH were siblings. Their genetic relatedness to NJD woould be at the same. level (Parent-offsping) The baby would be tested as a grandchild of NJD.  Is it a reason why SB was brave enough to claim that it was JH's baby?   I still do not believen that it was JH'S baby.  

I wonder what KHJ did in the past to be called as "murderer".  Dis she cause the guy to kill himself as NJD did to the med student?  In the preview of Episode 5, NJD has to apologize to the public.  

Also, some good news.......


According to  gooddata, Kim Hyun Joo was the most searched actor in the oast week!  The drama ranked third in the top 10 drama list. 



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‘Trolley’ Su-bin, meaningful presence




Starting with Disney+'s original series 'You and My Police Class' this year, Subin Subin started with Netflix's 'Juvenile Judgment', Disney+'s original series 'Third Person Revenge', SBS' 'Trolley', and Teabing's original series 'Island'. 2022 has been filled with work activities.


In the meantime, through 'Trolley', which was first broadcast on the 19th (Mon), she went beyond OTT and went to the small screen as a public TV work for the first time. ' Taking on the role, she not only properly imprints her presence among senior actors, but also draws attention by perfectly portraying a mysterious character with solid hot acting that enhances immersion in the play.





The relationships in 'Trolley' are adding to the question.




The SBS Monday-Tuesday drama 'Trolley' continues the development of shock and reversal. The cracks in the daily life of Kim Hye-joo (Kim Hyeon-joo) and Nam Jung-do (Park Hee-soon) began to be clearly revealed. Unpredictable incidents and accidents and the appearance of new characters acted as variables.


In particular, the curiosity about Jang Woo-jae (Kim Moo-yeol) and Hyun Yeo-jin (Seo Jeong-yeon), who are like family, as well as dangerous uninvited guests, Kim Soo-bin (Jeong Soo-bin) and Jin Seung-hee (Ryu Hyun-kyung), are growing. So ahead of the 5th broadcast, we looked at the relationship between the characters who were intricately and subtly intertwined.



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Hello all.. while we're waiting for new eps in next year LOL.. if you want to see some bts you can find in  kimhyunjoo.tw ig .. too bad there's no english subtitles ..


Happy New Year to all of you.. wish you all the best in the coming ne year.. 

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Hello guys.. just finished eps 5 .. and it's been revealed the reason why did KHJ fly away from her hometown and changed her name.. while it's easier and easier to get emphatic with KHJ.. why oh why it's getting more difficult and difficult to trust NJD (moreover, since the beginning and the trailer etc, it's pointed how a husband love his secretful wife not the vice versa.. but i'm getting uneasy about 'sex crimes' that'd be coming up later?)


Why'd a father ask his secretary if you losy your son which was your choice by suicide, murdered or accident? Of course the said secretary'd answered the obvious one.. omg, did he the mastermind behind his own son death? 


Then when NJD went to the hospital to visit the med student mother despite the warning from his secretary about not to involve feeling into a criminal, he still went only to be filmed by his secretary? Was it not known by NJD ? Or were they just the crime partner duo to gain more public positive opinion? 


And why when yoonseo class students went to NJD office, and when NJD gave each student card number, the way he addressed yoonseo friend who stand beside yoonseo, why did i get uneasy feeling?  I'm getting more scared now of what'd come 

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