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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2022/2023] Flight To You 向风而行


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ep 23 & 24 ... If anyone comes up with a formula to dictate to our mind, our heart and our soul , I will wait first in  line and say yes please.

  Packing our traumas , experiences and relationships over the years does not guarantee that we can leave them behind when the new day comes ( I remember it would take me months/years and to this day never  get over  separations from country, from loved ones, from partners and friends while some of my acquaintances were like changing underwear )  


Mr Ni still remembers his poverty , his trauma during natural and man made disasters and Capitain Gu just hit his Rock of Gilbratar ....he just started blooming and the first strong wind threw him back to fear/loss/control cage .  


The pain CX experienced at this rejection our 7 :cold_sweat: portrayed so well that I could feel my chest contracting with her breath,  and I still love both of them for being authentic ( we might not like it but in life if we are lucky to experience a lot we also totally know where they are coming from and can only hope for more blessings for them )

I am in a quandary re Mr Ni....he knows that these two are in love , was he trying to push Capitan Gu to go for the gold and it failed ? 

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I hear you @jadore1 I think that Mr. Ni genuinely feels something for our FL. But I get you too as it also felt like he was trying to see how far Captain Gu is going to go for our FL.  Maybe out of friendship, Captain Gu wanted to give way to his friend as he is still  unsure what he feels for our FL...maybe more of like in denial that he feels something for CX. lol.


I love love love the storyline of this drama. I love how CX expresses herself when it comes to how much she likes our Captain but at the same time, not annoying and clingy. More if making our Captain realize things that he may have not realized yet...doing things for CX but not for others.  I thought it was funny when Mr. Ni asked our Captain Gu if he knows what his trainees like for breakfast.. he said no but when asked what CX likes, he was able to identify it. ha ha ha.... 


Saw a preview of next 2 episodes... why do I get a feeling the culprit who made it possible to get CX out of our Captain's place is non other than the flight attendant that liked our Captain Gu.  I don't know why but I really really don't like her ha ha ha I don't even want Song to be with her ha ha ha We'll have to just wait and see... 







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@jadore1 I think Ni Zhan is giving our dear ole' Captain a nudge. He definitely saw him hesitating and knows him all too well, the demons from the past are still haunting him. It' a win-win though, if he tries to woo Cheng Xiao and wins, he gets the girl; if he doesn't, he gives Gu Nan Ting a run for the money and helps Cheng Xiao get what she wants (i.e. dear ole' Captain).


I made a comment to a friend, in terms of eye candy and boy-friend material, Captain Gu for sure. But if I had to choose a husband, I'd be in favour of Ni Zhan (attentive, caring and empathetic - not that Captain Gu hasn't any of those but he rates much lower in those areas). Charm and looks can only do so much good in a marriage, eventually the rigid OCD tendencies will get on her nerves and wear her down as she is far more flexible and fun-loving. In the long run, it would be  a case of familiarity breeds contempt. [Unless, the man we see today isn't quite the man he was before the traumatic accident, and would he be able to revert to that man in the past?]



Here's a BTS of that heart-warming scene, where she reaches out and gently puts her hands into his...

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25 & 26 / 39 ....:heartbreak:. even with curtains down they knew that the other is one the other side ...our Capitan Cheng Xiao has moved house and seats .... truth bears fruit  ...

it breaks my heart to see the maintenance guy's shoes and he is such a hard working team member .  

Our Capitan CX is suffering but I think its Capitan Gu that will pay a high price  too for being indecisive -in his private life only .  What a kicka$$ performance in the staff meeting, CX is not hiding behind anyone or anything and as she said , everything she got she earned . 

 (Not sure about zig zag demotions promotions....accidents happened and they should definitely be investigated and corrected - yes they are expensive in manpower and human suffering and prevention and safety rules are the guiding principles but sick employee should not be penalized with a hedge-hummer on top of his suffering and sincere responsibility .)    

Only flicker of their compatibility love  was their united safety presentation to the passengers ..they are phenomenal when they work together with equal commitment and passion. 

So why is our Capitan Gu not renting the place out?

They really know each other for a short time only ....one year + ? LOL  4 year landlord does not count but I will start remembering the  scenes  where I will catch him in a lie that he never felt anything that can be misconstrued :blush:or something like that....well my gorgeous Capitan, I think I 

 Remember when you picked her up few eps back and there was a plane poster behind her , and both her and the plane looked sleek , cool , super classy ...I think she scored there 100% and you needed to open the window baby 

When CX was on the phone organizing the talk show and you just listened and looked at her 100%

3. Remember that scene how you got up so happy in the morning after the hand holding 100%


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ep 27 & 28 / 39 ......:star: She is like steel magnolia, precise , concise ...one of the first to raise the ceiling and smash it actually ... I like the admiration that she received from the new female recruits because they recognize the beauty of optimal pilot .

The company dinner , something that should be eliminated on every continent and every country....they do not serve any purpose whatsoever and its something from the garbage bin that is still being touted as necessary....it is not and I don't like Mr Sun , slimy little ba$tard. 

Mr Gu is being himself and yet there is change ...little bit of light here and there that gives me hope ...I am impressed with this writer , its called going for the gut ....Excellent Flight to You  , thank you . :thumbsup:

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29 & 30 .....our Captains are still :heartbreak: and outside world and other personnel took over and our love birds were barely seen ...few moments here few there but  ...I want to see some good hugging and kissing in the next 9 episodes please, some pillows on the floor and maybe twins, one like mama and one like papa. 

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I am assuming that CX does not know of her mothers 2004 accident /incident ...what was the point of hiding that information and instead of presenting her as a low life lunatic , a sick woman .  Watching this drama I see that pigeon at the top of the pyramid all over the world can $hit on the perceived 'lower' pigeons....Jiayou my CX :kiss_wink:

added thought ...did Capitan Gu listen to the entire recording and how come his phone call to Capitan J did not play in that recording ? 

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ep 33 & 34 / 39 ..... Even though I did not get love and kisses in these 2 eps I did get satisfaction of knowing (and since these were based on true incidents)  that if you sell you soul , even a tiny bit here or there , that compass needle will deviate from the flight plan .  Maybe we needed this incident to show us their true selves ...but I read one of the comments on my watch platform that says her mother will find out it was her Mr J that did that landing where she got injured ....I am so petty sometimes , but I am soooooo looking forward to that if that is true LOL....... old lady if you did as much $hit for finding out and correcting any airline deficiencies instead of torturing your daughter ...yes I know mental health to this date is out of bounds , but I still say you could have done better .  

Knowing that Capitan Gu has her back no matter what must give CX a bit of energy to carry on  ...ok drama gods now please release us from this heavy and morbid lying and legal $...t so I can see what cities they will fly to together, their red  picture , their life as a married couple with sky high profession .  :star:

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35 & 36 /39 ......I know it is based on real life cases , but giving one case 10 episodes is too much ...ok maybe not 10 but it feels like I've been in the mental and legal swamp and too much like a soap opera .   Still don't like her mama and to keep her accident a secret is a mental illness in both father and mother .  Anyway , we have 3 eps left ...after dumping my emotions and thrill I have no idea if CX will ever have a love life. 

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Vote for the Best Daily, CDramas and Rest of Kdramas of 2022 here. 2022 was again a year full of dramas, and here's your chance to show which ones you liked the best! 


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@partyon @agenth @confusedheart @Sleepy Owl

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37 & 38 /39 .....and they kissed and they hugged and they are flying .  I loved these two episodes because they were more the genre of what I liked to see :love:  but in every drama there are memorable scenes and my 3 favourites were :

1.  The plane poster in the background and our pilot looking like million bucks at the bus station 

2. Admiration from  new female pilots and  Capitan Gu introducing  one of the most brilliant pilots  

3. "What does the 4th bar mean ? ....professionalism, knowledge, technology and responsibility "  Just beautiful. 

From now on I will check out all the pilots and their bars LOL .....

I am not sure what tomorrow's episode will bring but this drama was very good (minus the mama eps LOL sorry ) and I am rating it as 8.7

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Seven is co-starring with Liu Chang 'gain LoL. He redeems himself here as he was a walking red flag on "Master of My Own". 

    I like her pairing here with Wang Kai. Who is dashing in his pilot uniform. I don't like how in c-dramas however the way foreigners are portrayed. Or the ongoing themes of sexism and misogyny aish tsk.

    Added to that rude passengers and annoying co-workers, Xiao's mother oy LoL. But it's a watchable drama. 

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  • SC2019 changed the title to [Mainland Chinese Drama 2022/2023] Flight To You 向风而行
  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/12/2023 at 1:31 AM, jadore1 said:

37 & 38 /39 .....and they kissed and they hugged and they are flying .  I loved these two episodes because they were more the genre of what I liked to see :love:  but in every drama there are memorable scenes and my 3 favourites were :

1.  The plane poster in the background and our pilot looking like million bucks at the bus station 

2. Admiration from  new female pilots and  Capitan Gu introducing  one of the most brilliant pilots  

3. "What does the 4th bar mean ? ....professionalism, knowledge, technology and responsibility "  Just beautiful. 

From now on I will check out all the pilots and their bars LOL .....

I am not sure what tomorrow's episode will bring but this drama was very good (minus the mama eps LOL sorry ) and I am rating it as 8.7

I was interested to this drama because of Tang Song Yun.  I love her style and also the drama itself in Go Ahead.  I fall in love to this couple, and when I search more, Wang Kai is also a brilliant singer thus makes me fall far more.  However, why I feel the way it ends in ep 39 is so unsatisfying :(

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