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[Drama 2021] Red Shoes, 빨강 구두


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18 hours ago, maribella said:

@Lmangla we are now on the stupidest characters, how about having the most mindboggling ending?

again my 'favourite' show the Temptation of the wife. The man who had been selfish all his, no scruples or loyalty, decided to die with his mistress by trying to save her in the rough seas.  

ooh, thanks for the great idea; added to our brainstorming list. :) 


18 hours ago, maribella said:

I am of the same opinion. HK throwing her money at Gemma, and Gemma sneering at the old vixen and other jousting scenes, the worst is that nothing comes of it. 

at this stage, am not sure what exactly is the point of the drama. if gemma had known that it was a hit and run and she was taking revenge, it makes more sense. otherwise, she is just lashing out and is mad that she was abandoned. while the psychological games are kind of interesting to watch because the two women are amping up the histronics, am still not seeing the point of it all. 

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The fact that it is all pointless is what makes this drama easy to ignore except when there is nothing else to watch or do. @Lmangla

I feel no compulsion to watch because it’s stuck. tbh, I just check here for recaps, and while I love @lila21’s character analyses, I’m not getting any sense of any forward movement in the plot. 

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The police are telling Gemma that there is a statute of limitations for murder??? I don't think so but  depends upon the laws of the country, I guess . There is a statute of limitations for aunt and maybe uncle for getting paid for covering the truth, maybe but for murder? 

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7 minutes ago, lila21 said:

The police are telling Gemma that there is a statute of limitations for murder??? I don't think so but  depends upon the laws of the country, I guess .


Unless they could prove intent, a hit and run would probably fall under manslaughter not murder, so there might be a statute of limitations.


Interesting thing is, back then, the chairman might have been able to plead manslaughter and get off lightly - and it was, he didn't mean to hit HK's husband - Now however, with a re-investigation Gemma could make a credible case that he ran him down on purpose so as to pave the way to marry HK ... which he did.


16 minutes ago, lila21 said:

There is a statute of limitations for aunt and maybe uncle for getting paid for covering the truth, maybe but for murder?


I think Aunt & Uncles bigger worry is Gemma - they may not go to jail, but Gemma is going to almost certainly cut them loose ... at least for a while.


14 hours ago, Lmangla said:

at this stage, am not sure what exactly is the point of the drama. if gemma had known that it was a hit and run and she was taking revenge, it makes more sense. otherwise, she is just lashing out and is mad that she was abandoned. while the psychological games are kind of interesting to watch because the two women are amping up the histronics, am still not seeing the point of it all. 


While I'm sure that we'll get more than a few episodes of "revenge for the hit-and-run" it'll get old real fast ... because that's exactly what it was ... a hit-and-run.  Yes, Gemma's father is dead, and yes, the chairman hit him. However, even as sleezy as the chairman & HK were/are ... they didn't intend to kill him.  Trying to explain that, or anything for that matter will be next to impossible as both HK and Gemma jettisoned rationality from their respective playbooks long ago. 


I just hope theres more than this because if not, all the major reveals (save for 1st son) have been spent and we're not even at episode 30 yet - 70 episodes of psychological games, can't carry this drama no matter how much they amp the histrionics - heres hoping PD/Writer-nim have something good tucked up their sleeve. 


On 8/26/2021 at 11:34 PM, maribella said:

That means HK abandoned her children 21-22 years ago and HB is 20-21.

I wonder how old HS is.


Before todays episode, I didn't really care - it was a real d!&k move telling Gemma about his older brothers unfortunate past, so if he wanted to stick his head in Hye-Bins noose, fine. They deserve each other ... now, I'm not so sure.


While freely admitting he could be putting on a helluva act in front of his brother, I thought the way he sat there and let himself get beat, without even hinting at defending himself, was a stand up move.  Time will tell if his "just testing you guys" story plays out.

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On 8/28/2021 at 4:36 PM, LeftCoastOppa said:

Unless they could prove intent, a hit and run would probably fall under manslaughter not murder, s

I remember watching one of those 'tec shows, but can't remember if a hit and run was a felony or misdemeanor. Anyway the guy was charged with attempted murder. Then the victim died. It then changed from hit and run to murder. I think Gemma's father dying would change it to manslaughter, prison time too.

If he admits it, he might get off easier than murder, but his company would get a beating - I don't see how a manslaughter charge affects his performance and so the company. But it happens in kdrama.

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7 hours ago, maribella said:

If he admits it, he might get off easier than murder, but his company would get a beating - I don't see how a manslaughter charge affects his performance and so the company. But it happens in kdrama.


Its bound to be worse for him now no matter what - 20 years ago it was an accident, and had he stepped forward it would've been seen as just that. Now, however, 20 years later, Gemma is sure to use her mothers marriage to him as an insinuation that it was intentional - and no matter what he is eventually charged with, not coming forward 20 years ago is going to be a big hit on his integrity - a personal hit to be sure, but if the company has done well in the interim I can't see it hurting his job ... he's definitely out politically though so maybe this is where Gemma unintentionally helps HK by crippling her husband.

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Somebody please help me understand what's going on. So new husband is now with the hitting? Now the first time he popped her back after she smacked him even though it was about 8 hours later. But the second time? That second hit was to let her know that she was an insolent dog in his eyes.  So now she only had 1 and now two possibly characterlogical abusers. The White Knight honey moon was over from the moment he accidentally hit her first husband with a car.

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So, Playboy can't pick a marriage date, he wants to postpone it in 2 years and even grandma thinks they might be doing the wrong thing and big brow has furrows in his forehead. Hye Bin just drops by Gemma's house and finds her mother's pics in Gemma's room? Will she be surprised when she realizes she needs to protect mom not from Gemma but from free hitting dad. I hope they don't show more of that. 


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... and here I was thinking Hye-Bin and Gemma were working on an actual friendship :rolleyes:


Question for you ladies - You carry purses around most of the day, wouldn't you notice the weight difference if someone suddenly lifted that much content out of your purse? Especially if it was that small a purse? :unsure:

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6 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

... and here I was thinking Hye-Bin and Gemma were working on an actual friendship :rolleyes:


Question for you ladies - You carry purses around most of the day, wouldn't you notice the weight difference if someone suddenly lifted that much content out of your purse? Especially if it was that small a purse? :unsure:

hahahaha.... depends on the bag. some bags are a bit sturdy and so even when empty have some weight. so if you remove small stuff like a purse filled with cream, lipstick and ID, you are not necessarily going to feel the difference. it doesn't add that much to the bag. now, if it was something heavy like a water bottle, yea, you are going to feel it. 



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So I haven’t been watching - time - but now we know second husband is the worst ever, do we think Gemma will step up and protect her birth mom?


Also, the writer must be getting desperate for something to do if she needs to make HK a battered woman all over agin.

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2 hours ago, Lmangla said:
8 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Question for you ladies - You carry purses around most of the day, wouldn't you notice the weight difference if someone suddenly lifted that much content out of your purse? Especially if it was that small a purse? :unsure:

hahahaha.... depends on the bag. some bags are a bit sturdy and so even when empty have some weight. so if you remove small stuff like a purse filled with cream, lipstick and ID, you are not necessarily going to feel the difference. it doesn't add that much to the bag. now, if it was something heavy like a water bottle, yea, you are going to feel it. 



Gemma's bag was too tiny and just fitted that purse with make up. it was mostly what gave her purse bulk and weight. so how could she not have felt the lightness of the bag

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Does anyone else carry a big mirror in their bag like auntie?:D I am getting to like her and hope she gets more scenes to be the connection to bring back the long lost nephew, the heir to give Hye Bin and her mother someone else to worry about and be an ally to Gemma against his step mom and sis? Player does not have enough clout to help out Gemma no matter how he tries plus he is engaged to the daughter of the owners of the business. Whoa!! Is Hyebin really wanting to protect her mother or herself and her status? When mom's lies get discovered, she will be ostracized and lose everything she ever thought of as hers, including the man she is engaged to. She did have a moment of contemplation and where she realized the truth about her lying mother. The next thing she does is to protect her family and destroy the woman she discovered is her sister. She is a snob who judges others according to how expensive their shoes/clothes are. She has no integrity, ignorant and ill bred. That is what Hyebin is fighting to protect, her status and by not exposing the lies of her mother and father. She is protecting herself and status. If Gemma really wanted revenge, she needs to get out of that hellhole. Fix your life first and stop being a victim. 

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