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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] The Sleepless Princess 离人心上


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I can’t see CY like that. My heart hurts for her, and the fact that she’s forgiving and understanding hurts more. XY better have a good reason for treating her like that he better be protecting her! CY needs to turn into a tiger and attack him to make me feel better.

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Someone in other site said that he coldly told her that he will use her if he sees the opportunity again!

 For real I'll keep watching it because only 7 eps left, but the FL here has take too much, and had forgiving him countless times, is too unfair. 

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You can tell he still cares for her he’s just being stubborn holding it in. I’m hoping he’s doing it for her safety since he won’t be near her maybe having her in jail is the safest place, so he can keep an eye on her some how...idk all these “what if’s and maybe’s” are popping into my head. Oh man, I sound like CY believing in the general and giving him a second chance. Haha 

well he’ll learn his lesson when she’s asleep for a year that’ll be his torture. 

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53 minutes ago, yoana drl said:
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Someone in other site said that he coldly told her that he will use her if he sees the opportunity again!


Was this during ep. 20? Or more recently? I agree, they're torturing CY,  but only 7 eps. left, I think CY is pretty naive, and has a romanticized idea of love, that's why she is so loyal to XY, even when he's shown that he doesn't deserve her loyalty. The only thing to keep her company all night is books, and she likes those romance novels, but this has probably skewed her views on love. She also is very sheltered and doesn't have a lot of life experience and really yearns to fall in love, something she didn't think she'd ever get to do, she expected to "die" before that could happen. So sad.

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Seems like more angst and sad stuff to work through before our couple can be together :wacko: Actually I did see a scene (not sure which preview/ song trailer maybe) where CY was in jail, so this is not a surprise to me - according to the scenes I saw, XC appears to save her at some point - and she seems to say to him (could be misleading with the way previews are cut), "Why do you still not understand me? I don't need you to sacrifice yourself for me."


I haven't found a link for the preview videos... I saw it on Mango TV's website.


Episode 29 Preview:


XY wakes up in bed, "Chu Yue!" He looks at the empty spot next to him (hmm... this could be a good sign that they were together? before they were separated?) 

CY is lying in a cell, shivering. XY comes to visit her, and he reaches his hand out but then changes his mind. He takes off his cloak and throws it in, quickly running away to hide in the corner. 

CY picks it up and says, "This wasn't here last night... " then thinks, "Could it be that he came?" 

(I think this might be after a few more lines...) XY comes out of hiding now and approaches CY, "Did you have a bad dream again last night?"

CY is startled and turns to see him. She reaches out her hand to him (which he doesn't take - he's standing further away :tears:), "You finally came."

XY answers, "You can't transform anymore, okay?" 

CY asks hopefully, "Are you worried about me?"



Hmm... my thoughts/ guesses are - based on this preview, and some other things I've picked up here and there - I think CY transformed into another animal, but maybe halfway (?) and XY came to her rescue. I saw either a photo/short clip where one of CY's ears was furry. I think this probably goes into that bed scene we saw earlier as well. And maybe that's when he left NX and ran away with CY... 


Episode 30 Preview:


XY and NX are in the jail cell - fighting sounds in the distance.

NX angrily asks XY, "You didn't even know if I was dead or alive - but you couldn't wait to run away with that evil woman!" (lit. is "poisonous" but it's more like dangerous, scheming imo - also a lot of wives like to call cheaters that).

She turns to her underling, "Duo Er Fu, don't let a single one go!" He obeys and aims his arrow at a cell. 

Two other masked men comes to fight NX's soldiers. One of them says to the other, "Wang Ye (Prince), you go first!" The other replies, "No, if we go, we go together!" XY recognises that it's XC. He shouts, "Hold it!" 

Another scene where XY comes to see CY locked in a jail cell. He cuts away the lock and shakes her, "Xu Chu Yue, wake up!" CY wakes up and hugs him. "You finally came. I thought I was dreaming." XY replies, "Who said you could dream? Who said you could sleep in the forbidden hours?"

Now they are outside the cell. CY reaches and holds his hand, asking, "Why? Didn't you say you don't like her? Why did you marry her?" XY answers, "It's none of your business who I marry." and takes his hand away.



GAHHH I sense frustration coming. But as @enzek suggested, I agree in the thought that perhaps XY struck a deal with NX for CY's protection. Or maybe even with the King.


Anyway, bed time! See you guys tomorrow!

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I don’t think I can watch these episode I’ll wait for the recaps even though I kinda know what’s going to happen. Sighs what has this drama done to me :cries:I really want her to transform to a tiger lmao bite everybody though I know it ain’t going to happen haha

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A few more hours to go - My strategy is to wait to hear ppls' feedbacks after they finished watching to prepare myself for the next 4 episodes lol According to the calendar with the airing dates, they included captions for each episodes and this is what it say -


Episodes 29-30: CY is placed into prison, XY agreed to NX's marriage

Episodes 31-32: CY suffer during XY and NX's wedding, XY protects CY

Episodes 33-34: CY and XY is back together, the truth is revealed

Episode 35: CY and XY's consummation of marriage...Yippy lol


Sounds like we are not back to happy sweet ground until next week...oh boy...I hope we at least get some sweetness in the upcoming four episodes...


On a side note:

I'm glad we get to celebrate ZYC's birthday today to avoid the sadness in the drama...I stayed up til midnight to create a MV dedicated to his 27th Birthday :fullofhearts:and was so happy to see his live streaming eating hot pot...and the fact that he did mentioned seeing our wishes, postings, and creations for him...He is such a fun, down to earth, and sweet guy!


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@Yoong Yes CY is temporarily blinded, luckily with time and medicine she will be better. It happened because the Sifu's disciple was controlling the Emperor and trying to get XY to bring CY got CY to have an audience with the Emperor, instructing her to move back into the Palace (as she had already moved out to stay at XC's place), probably to have easier access to CY for his evil plan. The Evil disciple was hidden behind a room while controlling the Emperor (words and actions), like a puppet. Somehow CY found out (as she can hear the assistant yelling out to his master). To evade capture, the disciple's assistant threw some powder at her as she alerted the guards. That caused her to be blind. [Back story, the consort that was mentioned in earlier episodes who is missing or presumed dead was having an affair with the Evil disciple. The Emperor found out and slay her, I think. To the evil disciple, CY is the means to revive her, as she is dead (or in a death-like slumber.]


In short, a quick summary of E29-32.


CY is thrown into jail for supposedly an attempt at NX's life. This was engineered by the Evil Disciple who had switched the medicine - CY's original intent was not to severely harm her but to incapacitate her so that she can elope with XY. However, with the swapped medication, NX is severely ill and to placate the brother, CY is thrown into jail for her 'murder attempt'. Of course, we learn that this is master-minded by the Evil Disciple, who 'magically' is appear to revive NX (of course he could, considering he was the one who engineered things in the first place).


[Edited: In jail, XY still comes to offer his cloak as CY is cold and he accompanies her during the bewitching hour, to prevent her from having prophetic dreams. Xing Chen also comes to rescue her, in his black masked costume, but she goes to great lengths to prevent him from rescuing here. All in all, neither scenes are fun to watch. CY is self-sacrificing as usual, puts both men ahead of her own safety and comfort and both men feel equally wretched about her situation.] Also, it turns out that XY catches on quite quickly (the Sifu's disciple feigns ignorance about giving the wrong medication to CY) that the Evil Disciple is likely the one who started the fire and caused the brother's death. This is made known to viewers and Mr Bai, his trusted aide asks him if he is going to leave CY in the dark, that XY really doesn't blame her for the brother's death after all. And with  a heavy heart, he says the situation isn't looking up for them both, and things between them will have to wait till later. (meaning at that point, he already didn't fault CY.)


Using this as an excuse (as CY is in prison), NX threatens XY and says that he can win CY's freedom in return for a marriage to her. He initilly rejects the idea but eventually agrees. Not only that, CY is forced to wait upon NX on her wedding day and to officiate the wedding (at least that's how I see it as she holds the wedding flower ball, that joins XY and NX in union). The wedding takes place before the Emperor, and they return home (was too fast and don't know whose house it was :P) supposedly to consummate their wedding. But of course XY has no intentions of doing that and tells NX that she got her wish, she is officially his wife - and that is that!  In a separate scene, XY asks his trusted aide, Mr Bai whether he thinks CY is feeling upset and Mr Bai replies that she would understand him.


Anyway, to prevent CY from getting into harm's way with NX or any other fiend, Xing Chen, informs the Emperor that CY is pregnant with his child (this happens around the time that Evil Disciple is manipulating the emperor) all within earshot of XY. Of course CY is not aware of this (happens around the time she is blinded). CY is shocked but XC holds on tightly to her hand, trying to get her collaboration on this ploy. To make the story more convincing, he informs the Emperor that CY is pregnant with his child. This is what causes the Evil Disciple to lose his grip on mind-controlling the Emperor.


CY is lying in bed, and the doctors have given her some medication and left some instructions about how to take care of her. XY comes to visit. XY and XC are watching over her and XY says he will follow the instructions to the tee (I suspect there is some advice about hours which she must abide to in resting but those hours are when she has to stay awake to prevent prophetic dreams and XC doesn't think it's possible but XY knows that in his presence, she can sleep peacefully). Moreover, she cannot cry, because crying will affect her recovery and XC says he will ensure that she will not cry, will giving XY and evil glare. Because there are dressing across her eyes, viewers can't see if she is asleep or awake. [Edited: I think somewhere during this scene, XY confesses that CY is his pillow. Although she had repeatedly said XY was her pillow, he confessed that he was suffering from PTSD (?), from countless battles, and would wake up from nightmares where he would even see himself dead on the battlefield. But eversince she had appeared, sleeping while holding onto his pinkie, he finally felt at ease and peace in his heart, as if he finally had a home. So, this to me is a great revelation....]  AND of course, XY says he wishes that her being pregnant is untrue or that her reported relationship with Xing Chen is untrue - and we see her pulling her hand away and turning her body away from XY. This leads me to think that she is awake and can hear him but is too upset with the wedding to respond to him.


When CY wakes up, she is aghast with the pregnancy act but eventually she plays along with it as she doesn't want to get Xing Chen into trouble for faking things. There is a scene where Xing Chen steps out of the room to discuss matters with his aide and XY sneaks in. She is blind and can't tell its him. So, she starts to say that she will acquiese to Xing Chen's wishes, and be good, and to buy a particular type of sourish snack (as she is supposed to fake craving symptoms as well, it's quite laughable as Xing Chen has to refer to a book to coach her on what to do), and that she should go out more often as it's bad for the baby to be cooped up in the room. This entire dialogue unfortunately falls on XY's ears and he is convinced that it can't be an act as he did not announce his presence. He is totally downhearted and in a rage throws the divorce agreement (which he coerced NX to sign to write, more in the following paragraph on this matter), stating that CY has no idea what he did for her, and what sort of a future will they have. Of course, the words future makes CY's ears perk up and she asks him what he means.


For some reason, there is a bruise behind CY's ear (I missed out on how she got that bruise - thanks to Gina and Montato91 for pointing out that the bruise came from a toddler's bite, one that CY had babysitted with Xing Chen to prevent her from falling asleep) and XY thinks that this was done by Xing Chen, and asks her what was she thinking to allow him to do that to her. Bottom line, he questions her pride - how could she allow herself to fall to this sorry state (meaning, I guess end up in bed with someone else)?


But as usual, since the entire essence of this drama is about a lack of understanding and miscommunication - none of this gets cleared up and she tells him to get lost in her own rage.


Ok, so how did XY get NX to agree on a divorce letter? [this incident happens right after NX appears in CY's room, when XY is talking to CY who is in bed, and she turns her body away from him] 


I think what started it is a wolf carving that NX gave XY, I think to symbolise an incident (outlined below) where she saved him. XY doesn't spot anything wrong with it but clever Mr Bai (his aide) comments about the wood carving being too realistic, too refined and it not being possible to have been completed in the length of time that she claimed it had been done (ok, my Mandarin as mentioned earlier only goes so far :P). So they figure out it's a ruse and NX has been pulling fleece over his eyes. He does some investigations on his end and finds evidence that everything is truly a ruse and she had been making use of him. He heads to have an audience with the Emperor and this is the scene where the Emperor is being made a puppet...


Eventually XY confronts NX. He informs her that he knows it's a ploy which she master minded. He says he now realises that NX saving him from the wolf (in one of his battles where she met him, XY was wounded, semi-conscious, and they were hiding out in a cave) was an attempt to ingratiate herself upon him. She had actually called up the wolf using a pipe and gotten the wolf to attack her. The wound she had obtained on her arm was a result of that manipulated incident. In that incident, she made-use of XY to kill the Emperor/leader of her country, probably in battle, someone whom she had grown to despise (I am unsure if he is her father or just someone who raised her and her brother). In anycase, he now has concrete evidence that she drew up and executed the plot. NX (I have long taken back my words that she has a good heart, that is most obviously not true) is still arrogant and confident - she retorts that the Emperor would end up punishing the Xue family not believe him anyway or take action as all this is a political move. To which, XY replies that it was the Emperor who instructed him to marry NX to buy time so that he could take measures to prevent (I think) an attack on his kingdom. So I believe, they burnt down food supplies blew up an iron ore mine in NX's kingdom and the marriage was a ploy to make NX's side become lax while they did all that stealthily. She is shocked and doesn't quite believe XY but he shows her the letter reporting the status of her kingdom's food supply the sucessful execution of the blowing up of the mine. In turn, he says, sign the divorce letter and I will let you leave unharmed and I will even secure your brother's life (I think they have captured him). Of course she signs the divorce letter! (Actually, XY makes NX write the letter; he does this so that CY no longer feels agrieved about the situation. 


Anyway, you are all probably wondering how E32 ended? 

I must say XY's aunt (or was it grand-aunt?, the old lady who initially hated CY but grew to love her) is an amazingly smart and perceptive lady. Obviously Xing Chen gets the Emperor's approval to marry CY (what with the fake pregnancy and all), the Emperor doesn't look too good though, probably ill-effects of being controlled by the Evil Disciple. The Aunt decides to investigate things for herself and set things up so that XY can get close (meaning a ruse is involved) to CY again. She goes to visit CY (who is still blind) and brings along a sword (family heirloom) to chase away CY's dreams (as the sword has killed many people in battles before, and bears very strong killing energy) and a mute page boy to take care of CY and run errands for her. [ this makes no sense to me as i think Xing Chen would have objected and he would have placed his own servants to take care of her???] She looks around the room and realises that there is only one pillow (so it's unlikely that Xing Chen is really living in that place with her...ah hah!).


The aunt tells CY to use this opportunity (meaning pretend to be the mute page boy) and investigate whether her feelings for him have really changed. He initially is reluctant, saying that he doesn't want to make CY cry again. She points out that there is only one pillow in the room, and after all the wedding hasn't really taken place yet, just an approval. So XY still has a shot at things. He gets the hint, listens and follows. So, he replaces the mute page boy and takes care of CY.


It's really "fan-service" for us viewers - at least, that's how I see it. He combs her hair, covers her blanket when she kicks it away, sits by her side as she sleeps to drive away the dreams (I doubt the sword is any good for that, the Aunt was just using it as an excuse for CY to replace its function), and does all the menial things that the page boy would have done for her. [as an audience, I finally feel that he is paying back for all the grieve he caused her. Of course she has no idea who he is, though at the very beginning her super sensitive nose caught the scent of blood but smart-thinking XY held up the sword and she thought the scent came from the sword and not him. Still, I would think she should be smarter, she touches his arms and his clothes would feel different be superior to that of a page boy's (or perhaps she chooses to ignore it and savour his attention on her).


Well, it ends at that. What's left now is to see what happens to Evil Disciple...and how they resolve the fake pregnancy :P and of course reveal how on earth she ends up being asleep for 365 days.


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She went blind? Sigh... the writer of SP sure love to tourcher CY just like the writer of Love and Redemption love to tourcher the ML...

The writer better make CY happy in the last few episode, but somehow I love the idea XY as CY page boy #evillaugh 


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Chu Yue was falling asleep, so Xing Chen had someone come and help her stay up that person brought the child and smacked the baby’s butt, and the baby cried going crazy and ended up biting her. My mandarin is limited, but I mostly used body language to interpret what the heck was going on. Haha

I thought she would know it was XY because she smelt blood or something (well I saw the Chinese sub and it said blood) and she did call out XY, but he didn’t answer. Not going to lie I was squealing when he was doing the things for her...totally satisfied. Haha

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@Montato91 yes, she did smell the blood - I edited my spoilers and added an explanation that XY held out the sword to confuse her about the smell. Because the sword is supposedly filled with immense killing energy! Yes, I felt so much better for CY... she deserves some tender, loving, care.  Edited: I just rewatched the scene where he is taking care of her - ooh... the tenderness and forlorn look in his eyes ...the actor is killing it!


So the baby was the cause of the bruise behind her ear?


@suzy0604  but somehow I love the idea XY as CY page boy #evillaugh  - ditto, me too. And not being to say a single word while silently watching over her, makes it that much more satisfying. 

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8 minutes ago, SC2019 said:

@Montato91 yes, she did smell the blood - I edited my spoilers and added an explanation that XY held out the sword to confuse her about the smell. Because the sword is supposedly filled with immense killing energy! Yes, I felt so much better for CY... she deserves some tender, loving, care.  


So the baby was the cause of the bruise behind her ear?

Yes!  The baby bit her. 

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@SC2019 I agree with you his clothes should have felt different to her. They’re always a step ahead of each other. And yes the baby bit her 


yup she needs some loving, tender, and care especially from him

I know I said I wasn’t going to watch the episodes, but I couldn’t help but find out what’s going to happen. I skipped the wedding part too damn painful. NX is getting on my nerves irritating me

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3 episodes left they better have lots of cute adorable scenes together. I don’t know why I’m so addicted to this drama. These two are so cute together hopefully they work together again. Their chemistry is good. I’ve always wanted to watch Zheng Ye Cheng’s dramas but none of it catches my attention but this one, he looks so handsome and manly. The general’s outfit looks bomb on him. Same goes for the main girl I was going to watch her drama where she turns into a cat, but I couldn’t get into it.

@Yoong I skipped through every episode I stop to watch the part I want to see lol

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