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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2021] Brilliant Heart Like Jade/The Sword and The Brocade 锦心似玉


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I am satisfied with this couple. Did I NOT notice his dimples whole series long? That guy is so adorable with her. They are just too cute.


I did watch Nirvana on fire. Yes I was sad but the whole tone of the drama was fatalistic so I wasn't optimistic. I still think it was an excellent drama just that I wasn't expecting a happy ending with that.

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13 hours ago, minglanfan2 said:


Wish they would have allowed the story to run with a proper flow and show the entire 50 episodes.The series wouldn't have felt so rushed and the hard work of the actors not get the due it deserved.

I thought it felt rushed and commented that on the Viki episode towards the end, but I had no idea it was supposed to run for 50 episodes. What happened to change their minds? Was it a time-crunch or something?

6 hours ago, backstreetboysfan said:

I liked the last episode, wished we got more happy scenes but I am glad for a happy ending.

Funnily enough, though I felt episodes 43 and 44 were very rushed, I did enjoy the last episode as well.


The conversation with Concubine Wen, her subsequent conversation with Shiyi, the mending of bonds with Erniang, and the zither scene really pulled everything together. Really liked how the last scene was of their conversation together at the palace.


My only small bit of dissatisfaction was


the mustaches - the passage of time would have been marked just fine with the age of the kids - and the fact that the ML/FL only had one child. I was really hoping that his "reward" of five children would be honored. LOL 


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28 minutes ago, Sandy Prater said:


Funnily enough, though I felt episodes 43 and 44 were very rushed, I did enjoy the last episode as well.

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The conversation with Concubine Wen, her subsequent conversation with Shiyi, the mending of bonds with Erniang, and the zither scene really pulled everything together. Really liked how the last scene was of their conversation together at the palace.


My only small bit of dissatisfaction was

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the mustaches - the passage of time would have been marked just fine with the age of the kids - and the fact that the ML/FL only had one child. I was really hoping that his "reward" of five children would be honored. LOL 


Yeah, I thought those episodes were rushed as well. It could be because it was 50 episodes but cut down to 45.

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2 hours ago, Sandy Prater said:

I thought it felt rushed and commented that on the Viki episode towards the end, but I had no idea it was supposed to run for 50 episodes. What happened to change their minds? Was it a time-crunch or something?

Funnily enough, though I felt episodes 43 and 44 were very rushed, I did enjoy the last episode as well.

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The conversation with Concubine Wen, her subsequent conversation with Shiyi, the mending of bonds with Erniang, and the zither scene really pulled everything together. Really liked how the last scene was of their conversation together at the palace.


My only small bit of dissatisfaction was

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the mustaches - the passage of time would have been marked just fine with the age of the kids - and the fact that the ML/FL only had one child. I was really hoping that his "reward" of five children would be honored. LOL 


sadly we won’t know why it was cut down to 45 episodes. My friend told me they have to cut it down to pass the screening process. I honestly don’t know how the decisions are made. I wish the scenes was shown on a different version or release on YouTube. Kind of what word of honor did. Where they had an open ending but release a special episode on YouTube because the scene was cut to pass the screening process. 

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On 3/30/2021 at 2:37 AM, ck1Oz said:

You guys. You know what? I have been Googling Wallace Chung and his other drama keeps popping up on my YT feed when I watch this drama. I don't like his modern hairstyle. This drama styled him really well. I think I like him in this drama and with this female lead. Because the reviews for the other dramas were just yucks. Thank goodness he is here and with this drama. Am happy to have caught this 45 episode drama. I now have to get my mum to watch it.


Sad to say in this modern age- and I'm not that old to be ancient- she was the daughter of a 3rd wife. Back when it was legal. To have multiple wives. So the machinations and the anger and getting along with the other wives were real stories I grew up with. Other rich men had multiple wives and some were not. 1st grandmother was dead too when my maternal grandmother got married. So these stories are not as long- ago or the plots as far fetched. God it took decades to sort out the inheritances.


Yeah, I really only like Wallace in this drama and in The General and I - and with that one I absolutely could not stand his co-star. She was gorgeous but couldn't act/very wooden. I just like him as the stoic general type, and his athleticism is fantastic for fight scenes and such. Not to mention he's one of the best on-screen kissers in Asian dramas. 


Feel ya on the unique family relationship. I'm in my 40's and sad-to-say also have a similar situation for my grandparents. Grandpa (whom I vaguely remember) had three wives as well. This was in Korea, btw. First wife was barren, second "only" gave him a daughter, so my grandmother was his third and gave him two sons and my mother. Not much drama since there was only one child that wasn't my grandmother's, but I remember being confused at the vitriol my mother had towards that woman and her daughter - she didn't even consider her a half-sister. Just a complete attitude of dismissive disgust. No one in the family keeps up with her, but I've often wondered what their lives were like in that environment. 

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On 3/18/2021 at 8:54 PM, jacquelinetan said:

I think the light bulb that lit on for Xu Ling Yi with regards to Shi Yiniang that she was the first one who understood the dilemma he is going through. He thinks too much but is unable to do anything about it. The first member of his family to see that.


The other women including Yuan Niang all wanted something out of him. As for Yuan Niang, he protected her because she is his wife but he too is disappointed with her behaviour of expanding her influence to gain power and money for the Luo family. Shi Yiniang did not ask for the same and her selfless actions pleased Xu Ling Yi that he finally has a mate that share a common principle with him. Remember when Madame Qiao gave a ridiculous solution of chasing the refugees away so they will not soil Xu Ling Yi's career while as Shi Yiniang gave such a brilliant solution to settle the refugees womenfolk with skill and work.


Love reading your posts. Though I'm new to this thread, I've picked up a lot of good interpretations through them. Thank you for clarifying the part about what Shiyi said to him at the "pond" (I'm assuming it's a pond though all I really see is a very shallow bit of water) LOL. I was curious as the comment seemed to come out of nowhere, and I couldn't connect it to a previous scene.


Yes, I love how the drama juxtaposed Shiyi with all of his concubines. We see his dissatisfaction when he visits all three and then a direct comparison to Shiyi in later scenes.


Concubine Wen is shown as being too greedy and crass. This was shown by the extravagant foods she prepared and her constant quoting of prices for the ingredients. Then in a later scene, we see LingYi enjoying a meal with Shiyi where he points out that the food seems quite ordinary and she states that it's not about the expense but the care given to preparation and the experience of the flavors.


Concubine Qin is shown as kind but uncultured. She flounders when he tries to talk to her about painting in her room. Then in a later scene, we see Shiyi delve into the process she uses in her line drawings to try and capture the ephemeral beauty of a pond. Qin is also bogged down by the past and carries an air of sadness about her.


I think LingYi has always had Concubine Qiao's number. She's excessively proud yet at the same time her love is an obsessive and fawning sort of devotion that, granted, some men are into but our lead is most definitely not. The most direct comparison I saw for her was in her and Shiyi's opinion and advice concerning the refugees. Her horrible comment about removing them as if they were nuisance animals versus Shiyi's genuine care. 


Actually, Shiyi's entire personality is basically a foil for Qiao's. I think one of the biggest reason she keeps drawing his attention at the start of their romance is that she doesn't mold her life around him. She doesn't unnecessarily quarrel with him or try to change him either (like her sister did) but just quietly stands her ground. The early scenes are my absolute favorite, and I just love when she gets under his skin. Even as he's complaining abut her "sharp tongue," his interactions with her are more emotive than the icy demeanor he shows others, particularly in his confrontations with both Shiyi and Concubine Qiao during the brocade incident. A part of me wishes there were more clashes - merely because they were a hoot to watch - but a larger part really did appreciate the fresh approach of having the ML fall in love first and then try and court his wife. Loved the scene with the shoes where even touching her hand had him twirling whereas it barely registered for our girl. 


It seems you have read the novel. I've seen where someone has started a translation due to the popularity of the drama but am curious just how different the drama was from the original work. 


If this was posted previously, my apologies. Seems to be some sort of "special" preview or teaser. Beautifully done. However, I'm curious if anyone can translate the writing which accompanies each scene. Also, is there an OST coming out? I've seen the songs that are sung, but for me, the instrumental background music is as beautiful as those with lyrics, an I'm hoping they will release a full soundtrack (versus just the 4-5 songs) soon.

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6 hours ago, Sandy Prater said:

Feel ya on the unique family relationship. I'm in my 40's and sad-to-say also have a similar situation for my grandparents. Grandpa (whom I vaguely remember) had three wives as well. This was in Korea, btw. First wife was barren, second "only" gave him a daughter, so my grandmother was his third and gave him two sons and my mother. Not much drama since there was only one child that wasn't my grandmother's, but I remember being confused at the vitriol my mother had towards that woman and her daughter - she didn't even consider her a half-sister. Just a complete attitude of dismissive disgust. No one in the family keeps up with her, but I've often wondered what their lives were like in that environment. 

It’s funny how bearing children is the cause of having multiple wives. My great-uncle has two wives and together they all have about 9 children to include the oldest that is adopted. They were having trouble conceiving and a fortune teller told them he needed to get a second wife to bear children...then after getting the “concubine”, both wives started getting pregnant. Luckily they all live together harmoniously.


6 hours ago, Sandy Prater said:

I think LingYi has always had Concubine Qiao's number. She's excessively proud yet at the same time her love is an obsessive and fawning sort of devotion that, granted, some men are into but our lead is most definitely not. The most direct comparison I saw for her was in her and Shiyi's opinion and advice concerning the refugees. Her horrible comment about removing them as if they were nuisance animals versus Shiyi's genuine care. 


I agree that LingYi has always had Concubine Qiao’s number. He actually knew how she was before the whole incident happened because there were previous occasions on her visits where she would wander into an area where he was and occasionally trip for him to help her. He even brought this up during their final conversation, that she wouldn’t have become caught in Yuanniang’s trap if she didn’t sneak into an area that she shouldn’t have been. For a noble born lady, she should have been more careful of her surroundings and reputation.


This was an awesome drama to showcase Wallace and Seven Tan’s range in acting. Love their chemistry and I will definitely occasionally rewatch their scenes:wub:  Love all the OSTs but for me, I think the best line to describe their commitment to each other is “If the moth doesn’t fly into the fire, how can it be said to be persistent? Coming to the end of your story, there is me.”  from Fallen Ink.   Even though the ending was choppy, I loved that they tied up all the loose ends. I was hoping that they put both their children from the novel in the drama cause they had both a son and a daughter. Their son took after LingYi and became a general. I really enjoyed reading and interacting with everyone on this thread. 

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@ck1Oz you are right, when you have certain expectations, or lack thereof,  a tragic end is easier to bear! (though I did not mean Nirvana in Fire, but Royal Nirvana, -He li Hua Ting- with Luo Jin and Li Yi Tong - brilliant and highly artistic, but so depressing...) I was new to c-drama, so didn't know.. it was only the second drama I watched (first was Princess Wey Young, discovered on Netflix). I'm ashamedly very fond of a HE!



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Btw, for any interested and I don't know if anyone has already posted it already. Here's the MangoTV link to the Happy Camp (variety show) which featured Zhang Bin Bin and Jing Tian (Rattan) as well as Seven Tan and Wallace Chung (Sword and Brocade). Love both couples, they look totally comfortable with each other and Wallace is super duper competitive!


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  • 2 months later...

Just started watching this drama. It’s quite intriguing and entertaining so far, but feels like a lesser version of The Story or Minglan. They got quite a few similarities, such as the time traveling aspect in the novels, the settings and the type of female lead.


I like the murder mystery that they have included, which makes it a bit more interesting to watch. Hopefully it doesn’t dissapoint down the line.


Even though harem/palace dramas, a genre which this show fits within, can be entertaining and fun to watch, they can have troubling messaging.


They sometimes glorify the harem system and present women, besides the female lead usually, as scheming selfish people, who’s motivation revolves around their affection for men. This show has those elements. 

Will continue watching, despite this, to see how it develops.


The leads and their love story are a bit meh, but the acting is pretty good overall to be honest and other plots are fine .

The second male lead fortunately doesn’t show up too often so far, which is good, he’s hard to watch.

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@Psoraviorthis particular drama, as you'll see, is very against the 'concubine' problem, and very pro women, showing how unfair the system is/was, and stacked up against them. It's a slow unfolding love story, so not to everyone's taste, with the usual intrigues and complications. I really loved it, and have watched it a few times already, but it's not for everyone I guess. The acting, especially from Seven Tan, is really phenomenal, she's really amazing, loved every minute of her on screen, and sent me to look for more dramas with her in it. Zhong Han Liang is also really good, in my opinion at least. Happy watching. 

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