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[OFFICIAL] Ik♥️Song Nation - ALOHA COUPLE - Flower♥️Clown - 99ers

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1 minute ago, JJS's Fan-atics said:

This is what I am fearing here. So plz no more rivals for IkJun.

IkJun will definitely not be interested in other girls but this can't stop other girls to fall for him. 

And I seriously wonder how come a person like Ik Jun can be left alone after being divorced. What has happened to the women's taste.:smirk:.


I know, right? The women at Yulje are truly missing out on our Ik Jun.

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21 minutes ago, Jules said:

mind boggling I swear. How can you watch something happen in front of you for 12 weeks, and still come up with a theory that maybe it was a dream? Or that they were disguised as someone else? 

Sometimes I'm not sure whether to laugh at the absurdity of it, or get mad on behalf of the writer and PD. 

Whenever I read their theories only 2 words came to my mind naturally for most of their theories. Cringeworthy & forced.

Some of them were believable, acceptable, relatable.


But my main concern was not the difference of opinions but the hate & negativity for IkJun& Geyoul , and for all the general viewers who did not share the same thoughts, same opinions with them. 


The irony of the situation is that one of them visit Soompi & had the guts to  actually lecture about being respectful for the others( for there beloved writer+ director). 

And you know what , the more irony is that I came to know through a twitter account that I follow that they are now themselves hating writer because the story did not turn out to be according to their likings & theories.:joy:

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Oh my...did I just open a can of worm by mentioning the word 'delusional' :vicx: :joy: When I posted that thought, I really was just wishing that.....IF IF IF the future direction of this drama shows that this ship isn't sailing, we won't be like...searching all clues just to defend this ship, you know what i mean. If it's meant to sink, it sinks. If it's meant to float, then we'll support it all the way. 

Anyhow...I suppose we can rant away and let out all our frustrations :P (as seriously I'm also frustrated!)

But let's not forget to focus on the positive..and that is supporting our IkSong :heart: 

Btw, I can give you all blood pressure check up...for free :joy:

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29 minutes ago, Jules said:

I know, right? The women at Yulje are truly missing out on our Ik Jun.

Hehehe, the women at YUlji are very smart , they know they don't stand a chance against Song in Ikjun's heart , they are aware that IkJun is all up for Song only, just like chihong knew that Song & IkJun had something special & IkJun is his real rival. Not the other doctor or other people to whom Song dated during the 4 years of Chihong residency in YUlji.

 But single women in Seoul are surely,  truly missing out on our handsome, sexy, cute, all fun IkJun.

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28 minutes ago, snowlou said:

But let's not forget to focus on the positive..and that is supporting our IkSong :heart:

Yup, just focus on our IkSong. Don't mention them or anyone else who is negative. Just don't bother them. Let them be in their safe heaven. Let entertain ourselves in our safe heaven , thankfully made by Lawyerh.

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I re watched IJ confession in Sokcho..and then suddenly i thought that...he purposely chose the time right before he had to depart to Spain..coz he probably knew things would get so awkward if they re to see each other again soon? He s also giving SHwa space and time to think without worrying about seeing him etc. Again..it's nothing ..but i was just excited when i found something i didnt realise before:joy:

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4 minutes ago, snowlou said:

I re watched IJ confession in Sokcho..and then suddenly i thought that...he purposely chose the time right before he had to depart to Spain..coz he probably knew things would get so awkward if they re to see each other again soon? He s also giving SHwa space and time to think without worrying about seeing him etc. Again..it's nothing ..but i was just excited when i found something i didnt realise before:joy:

I thought the same too. But what makes me happy about the Sokcho confession is the fact that he wore a suit. To me it feels extra special. 

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6 minutes ago, Jules said:

I thought the same too. But what makes me happy about the Sokcho confession is the fact that he wore a suit. To me it feels extra special. 

True...havent seen IJ wearing suit that formal that often :love: and someone here mentioned and i have to agree..the colours are so well matched between their clothes and the background. 

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26 minutes ago, Jules said:

I thought the same too. But what makes me happy about the Sokcho confession is the fact that he wore a suit. To me it feels extra special. 

 Yes, he was so cute in that suit.

Also, he had 5 hours before his flight but Sokcho is at least 3 hours away from Incheon Airport, which means that by going to Sokcho, he was literally risking himself missing the flight. All for that confession. <3

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2 hours ago, ryanallright said:

1st, this is a Play series where interpersonal relationship is one of the main focus

2nd, it is not a mukjang drama where we play couple swap

3rd,the direction is pretty obvious already yet I am not sure whether they are blindfolded

4th, the neutral and general audiences will not accept such drastic changes to loveline 

Lastly, if any couples does break up, i rather they get paired with new characters instead of existing characters.

I thought I read somewhere that the duo said they didn’t want to portray messy relationships. In any case, thankfully this is a Korean drama because if it was a US drama, dissenters would actually get their wish come true in the excuse of “keeping things interesting”. I hope all the relationships established will last the duration of the three seasons. These friends are on the cusp of 40, if not 40, so it would be nice if they have settled relationships.

For example, I want Ik Sun and Jung Wan’s relationship to last. I enjoy them together. Same with Wintergarden. I’m just hoping for IkSong now. I like Min Ha and Seok Hyung but he’s a bit immovable right now so I can only hope Min Ha doesn’t give up on him. Still, I don’t know if things will workout the way I want for Seok Hyung and Min Ha.

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2 hours ago, JJS's Fan-atics said:

I won't say that I don't like her , in fact I liked her from the very first episode , even more than Song & fully supported her love line with Ahn JeongWon. But I sometimes don't like how she talks, like pouting a lot while talking. But I guess this is the general way of talking in Korea, as so many actors talk the same way in so many different dramas that I watched. And I Never liked that for anybody. Plus really that thread is very much occupied with wintergarden stuff to the extent that I got bored and started to skip posts . And what is more funny that another special thread is made for wintergarden as if the main one was not enough.hehehe .wintergarden sure is very popular there in Soompi. And this is why I suggested to make a separate IkSong thread & I am very much thankful to Lawyerh who did it .

Yeah, I didn’t mind Gyeoul at all in the beginning (although I liked Dr. Bae more). No offence to the WinterGarden shippers but Gyeoul was the only one I found hardest to relate to. I’ve seen the “mousy” type of characters in other shows and I normally didn’t mind them but that scene where she was rude to a patient’s loved one, I mean, come on, you’re a doctor. That made me instantly dislike her because she seemed to lack empathy. Then the extra pouting just started to get on my nerves. You’re a grown woman. I get they were trying to show character development but the arrogance rubbed me the wrong way so the finale kiss made me feel “meh” and skipped the scene. I wasn’t sold on why someone as selfless as JeongWon would find her personality attractive. Before WinterGardners come after me, that’s just my opinion.


I bring that up because in contrast you have IkJun and SongHwa who are very much equals. They’re both brilliant at their jobs, lovely to their patients and colleagues and deal with situations with maturity. Theirs wasn’t a Kdrama fairytale conclusion but something more entrenched in reality. They have mutual respect for one another, similar values and 20 years of love and friendship. IkJun didn’t demand anything from SongHwa (unlike Gyeoul’s pouty attempt to ask JeongWon on a date and her tearful confession). Instead, IkJun showed his affection to SongHwa in so many quiet ways: defending her in episode one when the guys said they’d make her the vocalist even if she sucked, keeping quiet about her decision to move, ditching a celebrity to be there for her medical appointment, bringing her coffee afterwards, etc. And it’s mutual, too. She bandages his burnt fingers, washes his face (and obliged him when he wanted her to keep going), and appears at the drop of a hat to care for Uju when he was sick. I can totally see why women would chase IkJun and men would fall in love with SongHwa. She doesn’t need to prove anything or seek approval because she’s so secure with herself.


I hope the writers don’t resort to old love triangle tropes because it cheapens an otherwise mature love story. I do want IkSon to be endgame but I’d rather see it happen sooner rather than later because every finale for every Kdrama has been about how characters will end up together and rarely what happens afterwards. I’d rather see them already together in the next season and watch how their relationship progresses. That’s 20 years of friendship so it’s going to be an adjustment not just for them but for their friends, too, whom I’m sure will be happy nonetheless. But I can imagine them keeping it quiet until they’re comfortable. They already have such a solid foundation and it would be so refreshing to see a couple like them navigate life’s twists and turns.


Although IkJun already semi confessed to SongHwa, I liked that he still made it clear to her in the final episode. Hinting at his feelings isn’t the same as actually confessing. This time, he left very little doubt about his feelings so she couldn’t pretend like nothing had happened. And while his confession was tinged with sadness, the longing was still heart-fluttering. He did time it so that he was away and she had space to think it over. IkJun didn’t pressure SongHwa BUT he still gave her a deadline. After 20 years of being in love with his best friend, the man deserves an answer so he could know if he needed to move — he’s lived with that regret for too long. And that’s how grown ups handle romance. Their relationship is so nuanced and the writing is so sophisticated I can totally see why Jo Jung-suk and Jeun Mi-Do were drawn to these characters.

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11 minutes ago, celebrianna said:

I thought I read somewhere that the duo said they didn’t want to portray messy relationships. In any case, thankfully this is a Korean drama because if it was a US drama, dissenters would actually get their wish come true in the excuse of “keeping things interesting”. I hope all the relationships established will last the duration of the three seasons. These friends are on the cusp of 40, if not 40, so it would be nice if they have settled relationships.


Great, no messy relationships. A drama focus on pure interpersonal relationship 

Some people just wanna see the world burn.






Even Ik-Song know about it.


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8 minutes ago, Lawyerh said:

@ednamode101 Welcome here in Iksong thread. I'm actually Wintergardener, just helping to open the thread as many friends here really love Iksong. Naturally I myself like Iksong a lot and wishing them all the best and hope they're sailing in S2. I also will try re-watching and try to pick up any positive clues for Iksong. 


Understand we can choose to like / dislike character. But its best to focus more on Iksong, rather than comparing to other character / ship. As many Wintergardeners do love Iksong too, let's just keep this thread as positive as possible. 

I second this. I am a WinterGardener, but I love IkSong too. I understand that this is the special place for IkSong. Anything else belongs to the main thread.

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@ednamode101 what you said about Geyoul & her character development of, 

I Do Not Agree With that except with the pouting part


I won't discuss about it further.


1) In the main thread, wintergarden shippers has been defending Geyoul  individualy & in relation to JeongWon really well & in detail & if that cannot change your mind ,I don't see any point in talking with you on this particular issue


2) This thread is about IkSong, we should talk about matters related to them only.


 3) we should try to avoid negativity as much as we can , especially about those characters who are not related to this thread.


1 hour ago, ednamode101 said:

I do want IkSon to be endgame but I’d rather see it happen sooner rather than later because every finale for every Kdrama has been about how characters will end up together and rarely what happens afterwards. I’d rather see them already together in the next season and watch how their relationship progresses. That’s 20 years of friendship so it’s going to be an adjustment not just for them but for their friends, too, whom I’m sure will be happy nonetheless. But I can imagine them keeping it quiet until they’re comfortable. They already have such a solid foundation and it would be so refreshing to see a couple like them navigate life’s twists and turns.


Loved this part. You spoke my mind. 

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Yes let’s just keep this thread to IkSong only please~
For discussion about other characters and anything else out side of this ship, there is the main thread. And for other ships, they have their own separate thread as well.

Let’s keep it positive here!:wub:


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Good morning from this side of the world:wub:

In regard to tonight's special episode, did someone here already mention whether they will be streamed on live streaming channel? (Ehem...the one that shows TVN dramas) @ryanallright @im0202 

@im0202 also mentioned that the content might be around viewers' favourite scenes, NGs, BTS etc. I'm still hoping that they'll let us know whether some theories circulating out there are true :joy: 


On that note, if anyone is interested in joining S1 rewatch sessions, please let me know :) and we will be focusing our attention to our main couple: IkSong!


Have an awesome day

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