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Yang Seok Hyeong and Chu Min Ha [Gom x Gom // 곰x곰 // Bear Couple]


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Bear Couple from Hospital Playlist Drama





Create this thread for spamming and supporting this adorable couple from season 1 to end :wub:


Bear Couple from Hospital Playlist are


Kim Dae Myung and Ahn Eun Ji






-on editing-

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11 minutes ago, triplem said:

Me too...also because there were really very few scenes between them.


The guessing game now is whether SH likes MinA...I think at this point it's safe to say he appreciates her work ethic...

Min A is good for him. She does not beat around the bush and I liked the way she handled the confession. 

I wonder who will play the ex-wife and wonder what sort of impact it will have on this romance which is still one sided...


Yes me too wondering the same thing... Currently it is certain that Minha likes SH more than he likes her. But he has to overcome his own stumbling blocks first and be able to open his heart to a new relationship. I have a feeling he might still feel something for his ex-wife, be it actual romantic feelings or  just guilt. I think the squad asked him before at dinner and he said he feels sorry for his ex-wife or something... Once he's able to put that down and then this ship will have a much greater chance of sailing!


Hope IkJun can do his thing in season 2. Since he's a genius multi-tasker and best inssa in Yulje I think he can help out. And also work on his own relationship at the same time :D 

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3 minutes ago, Lawyerh said:

Remember how Seokhyung face when Ikjun said hes going for teobboki date with Minha...


Oh my gosh I have to watch out for a BILLION things on my HP rewatch lol

SO MANY SHIPS!!! Each episode gonna take 3 hours to finish :joy:

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Drop by to support bear couple Seok Hyeong and Min Ha :heart:

I wish in the second season their relationship will sail smoothly 


FMV of bear couple with 'I knew I'd Love You' as the bgm song. With how the video being edited, it's shown as if Seok Hyeong too has feelings for Min Ha but he hides it. 



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Ahn Eunjin’s interview (1/4) - general talks about the drama & her character


-<Hospital Playlist has ended, what are your thoughts?

"I did not expect to recieve this much love while filming. I am very grateful to the viewers for their overwhelming love. I had good chemistry with all the staff and actors I met while filming, so I feel that it's a pity that it's already over. I'm looking forward to season 2 now."

-The drama was a big hit, I'm sure people around you would also have loved it.

"In reality, rather than me, the people around me are busier. Especially my mom who is busy meeting people around her after receiving congratulatory calls."

-Why do you think the drama was such a big hit?

I think the writer's script was the beginning of the success. Of course, the director did many great things on the set, but when I talked to the sunbaes who filmed this together with me, everyone said that the script was the beginning of the success."

-Do you have a reaction that you specifically remember?

"When the darker makeup scenes came out, someone said 'I thought my house TV was spoilt because it looked so dark. I hit the TV a few times' That reaction was so funny that I remember it up till now."

-I heard that a lot of effort was put into the darker makeup.

"I stopped by the salon for makeup and discussed this and that with the staff. At first, we both didn't get the hang of it and wondered, "is this right?" Then, I heard that similar makeup styles were popular in the early 2000s, so I came up with this and ideas while looking through magazines. As | was doing the makeup, I wanted to express it more interestingly"


-How did you feel after filming ended?

"l arrived at the last shoot and was so sad. At that ttime, I told my manager and stylist, 'Did I really like this work?'. I became more and more attached to this work, and I felt sad when I came home and looked back on the filming alone. During the last shoot, I whined to the people filming with me, 'is this already over?' and was comforted"


-(I) am curious about the process of getting the role Chu Minha.

"When I first auditioned, I didn't have an audition script and I didn't even know the title of the work. When I went to the audition, they instructed me to read many different lines. Then I thought I failed because I didn't heard from them for a few months. But not long before the entire cast script reading, they asked me to come audition one more time. That was when I received Chu Minha's script & auditioned again. After that, I got newvs that I passed."

-How did you interpret Chu Minha as a character?

When I received the script, there were direct and strong expressions, so I first thought, 'Do they want a strong girl crush character?" After passing the audition, I learnt more about the character from the writer and the director and realized, 'she is actually a very honest character l interpreted Chu Minha as someone who is 'sometimes straightforward, but holds no grudges', someone who 'reveals their thoughts without hiding anything, and someone who 'is just as they seem,'


Ahn Eunjin’s interview (2/4) - about her as a person, Daemyung being closest to her ideal type , & entertainment shows. 


-I heard that the lines were very detailed.

"That's correct. Even the details of my makeup was written, and in the confession scene, you could understand the character's emotions just by what was written on the script. There weren't many behavioral directions, but it was so easy to understand that I thought, I just need to express it like this!"

-What is the most important point of playing Chu Minha?

If there is a part where Minha raises her tone, try to express it more aggressively. For example, in the scene where I spoke behind Professor Yang Seokhyung's back, I tried to express it more passionately, not being ambiguous with the things I said. I thought of it as Chu Minha's honesty"

-How similar do you think you are to Chu Minha?

"I think we are about 80% similar. Recently I

took the MBTI test again and it came out that I was an introvert. I have similarities to Chu Minha, but the difference is that I am a more introverted person."

-Among the actors, who is the closest to your ideeal type?

"Kim Daemyung sunbae is the closest. When we open our hearts and talked, there is really no one like him. Of course, I might not have known the charm of other characters because l couldn't film them together or see them up much close. I feel like Kim Daemyung sunbae will be faithful to his family. He is actually very friendly, so I thought, 'He is close to my ideal type"

-At the filming site, you danced to 'Tell me'. I think you have a talent in dancing.

"I am not talented, I just like to dance normally. My hobby is to watch videos of female idol stages while waiting for my turn to film. I try to follow along, I don't practice separately alone, but I see the videos often and understand the point dance Because I watch it so much, when some partss of the song come out, my body naturally reacts"

-Then is there an idol that you like?

"lt changes every promotional period. Last timel liked Girls' Generation and Wonder Girls. I was such a big fan that I can say that I grew up with them.

-You debuted on entertainment shows with

YooQuiz I am curious about your thoughts.

"After it ended, I couldn't remember whatI said. was that nervous. I couldn't get a feel of what I should say or do the next time I get offered (to do entertainment shows). I was so nervous that I'm not sure if I suit well with entertainment shows.

-Do you have a variety show that you like?

" I like Yoo Jaesuk-ssi, Yoo Sanseul-nim, Yoo Neu- nim (all are Jaesuk's nicknames). I saw him on YooQuiz' and it was really exciting. For my senior actors, they all feel like future colleagues that will work with one day, but for YJS, it was just fascinating. I am a long time fan of YJ from watching 'Infinity Challenge' everyday without fail since my high school days. So I was more nervous to go on 'YooQuiz!"

-I heard you are from same university class (year) as Kim Goeun and Park Sodam.

"Because Sodam was in a different class, so| don't have many memories with her during school days. Sodam was just a good year-mate and Was in the same class as Goeun so we were really close. Up till before Goeun debuted with the movie Eungyo, we still attended school together and had a lot of fun."

-Do you have a variety that you want to go on?

"I want to go on The Return of the Superman. The kids that are on the show are so cute that I want to see them in real life. Even though it's over now, but last time I enjoyed 'Dad! Where are you going?" I am curious about the variety shows that have communication with children.


Ahn Eunjin’s interview (2.5/4) - about Minha & Seokhyung couple, & more about the drama


-There are many people supporting Chu Minha &Yang Seokhyung.


"I think poeple support them because the two are very normal and regular characters. Yang Seokhyung is also my personal favourite character. I want to comfort him as Chu Minha."


-Do you think (Chu Minha) will end up with Yang Seokhyung?


" hope so. I hope it will go as Minha wishes, but if it doesn't, it is probably because the writer has a greater meaning behind it. But personally, I want Minha's desperate one-sides love to come true. After dating lightly a lot, she is more desperate after meeting a good man. Maybe that's why the lyrics of "Introduce me a good person' hit me. Minha and Seokhyung. I think, 'don't they both need someone like each other'.

-Is there a narrative that you would like to see in season 2?

"In season 2, she would have gained more experience as a doctor, so lI hope Minha will be more sincere in her work and remain silent in her given position. I want to show the best combi as a couple with Professor Yang Seokhyung"

-Do you have a side you want to show as a doctor?

"Minha is learning a lot under Seokhyung. Because she is working under the warm Professor Yang Seokhyung, she will his footsteps and become a 'good doctor! That is a side of Minha that I want to show"

-Is there any other department that you want to be active in in the drama?

"In Hospital Playlist, I only want to be in gynecology. If it's anything other than HP, I'm a fan of "The World of the Married," so I want to work in the department of psychiatry like Dr. Lee Moosaeng."


Ahn Eunjin’s interview (3/4) - about working on screen vs in theatres, and HP’s more relaxed production environment

-After moving your stage to dramas, you have been steadily working on each project.

" I think I am really lucky. Being able to work even though it is hard is thanks to a lot of luck, and suddenly recieving this much love is thanks to even more luck."

-Looking at your past works, what are your thoughts?

"I want to look far off, saying, "I need to build up myself step by step" and "I need to do this by a certain time," but I am still lacking that I'm only able to pay full attention to the given work. As I get immersed in every scene that I have to do so far, time just passes.


-As an actress, what are the differences you feel between acting in dramas and musicals/ plays?

"Musicals and plays seem to be closely and densely prepared for all the parts related to the performance for several months. Of course, even if you prepare like that, even if it's the same piece, depending on each days audience, it always plays out in a different way. There are many times where I excitedly thought, 'what kind of audience will we get today?'
For dramas, I have a lot of fun with the lively feeling of every shoot. I get worried because I feel like l'm working hard filming without knowing the viewers' reactions, but it's also fun because it's unpredictable.

-Hospital Playlist released one episode every week to improve the production environment.

"The production environment has certainly become more relaxed. I have time to spare, sol put more effort into each scene. Also, I feel more comfortable when I act because of the relaxed atmosphere. Of course, for those who love the drama, it is a shame to broadcast it only once a week, but this production environment seems to have resulted in a good quality work.

Ahn Eunjin’s interview (4/4) - just read it, my gomxgom heart.

Hospital Playlist OST received a lot of love. Do you have plans to take part in the next season's OSTs?


"If they ask me to, I will work hard on it but if they don't, I will believe that they have a reason not to. I am not desperate to do one. I filled my heart by singing the season 1 OSTs on my own"


-Pick your favourite OST from Hospital Playlist.


"It is really hard to pick one. I have about 3. First is Lee Sora's 'The Wind is Blowing. Listening to that late at night can cause emotions to explode, so it can be a dangerous song. The lyrics is that beautiful. The second is 'Me to you, You to me, and the third is I knew I loved. These two song's lyrics are beautiful and the mood of the song is nice."


-Is there a scene or episode that you remember specially?


I remember the whole of episode 8. It was a huge growing point for Minha's character, so the whole episode is memorable. If I were to pick more, I remember the scene where Minha was comforted by Professor Yang Seokhyung who said, 'You did a great job today"


-Then do you have a line that you remember the most?


"In episode 8, when Professor Yang Seokhyung said to Chu Minha, 'Rather than brainy and smart people, I prefer people who are responsible. On the way here, the taxi had to stop at a few red lights, But every time that happened, I got so anxious thinking that you might quit if we lose a patient. Do you know how worried I was? You will become a good doctor. You dealt with it responsibly. You didn't run away, and did your very best. You did a very good job today. I remember that line the most."


-Please compare Chu Minha & Ahn Eunjin's dating style.


"I think we are similar. If I am clear that I like someone, I am the type that is straightforward about it"


-There was a scene at the end of season where Yang Seokhyung picked up a call from his ex wife.


"I know. Once I find out who Yoon Shinhye is, I will get ready to match her. I will diet and take care of myself externally and get my mentality ready. Once I know what style Yoon Shinhye is,  can confront her"


-Seokhyung recieved a will from his late father to 'take over the company'. What advice would Chu Minha give him?

"After a few years of running the company, I will ask him to leave the company and come back to gyencology"

-I heard that you were part of the media

department in school.

"In middle and high school, I was an announcer and the head of the club. Not just being an announcer, I wanted to do something related to broadcasts. I started dreaming of becoming a musical actor more specifically in my third year of middle school, but I wanted to continue my activities in the media department"

-You made your debut with the musical 'The Sorrows of Young Werther, what made you want to debut with a musical?

"It was my dream to debut as a musical actress. In order to realize my dream, I went to acting department in University, and as I continued to perform in school, my heart to debut in a musical grew"

-Why did you decide to broaden your stage with video media?

"I thought that dramas were not my stage because I lacked many things such as appearance. Then I happened to film the web drama 'Number and Child! When I filmed it, I realized that people like me can do it. And then I shot 'Kingdom 1' The atmosphere on the set was great and it was so much fun to express my emotions at that moment. I was confident that I could do it, and I wanted to do more work. So thought I should start challenging myself with video media, and I went to auditions several times afterwards."

-Is there a character that you want to attempt?

"Rather than attempting, I am always worried if I 'suit the character' or not. If the director gives me a character that is different from the usual me, I try to work hard and think that "they must have a reason"

-What is your hobby?

"I personally like to stay at home the most, and out of all the outdoor activites, I like going to the mart for grocery shopping. It's so nice when I memorize cheap items at every mart, and if I go on time and buy them at a cheap price, I feel like I've truly got the stuff."


-What are your upcoming plans?

"l am now working hard filming the JTBC drama

'Number of Cases'.I hope Professor Yang

Seokhyung gets jealous after watching this drama. I'll do my best."

Credit: these articles were translated by winterflower99z on twitter.




@triplem Done.

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12 hours ago, im0202 said:


Oh my gosh I have to watch out for a BILLION things on my HP rewatch lol

SO MANY SHIPS!!! Each episode gonna take 3 hours to finish :joy:


It already takes me 3 hours on the first watch, because I had to keep pausing to scream and absorb. I don't know how long the re-watch will take! Ah!


Yay @LovelyLady, thank you for sharing the article! Her responses are so adorable and down-to-earth!


8 minutes ago, LovelyLady said:

Hospital Playlist OST received a lot of love. Do you have plans to take part in the next season's OSTs?


"If they ask me to, I will work hard on it but if they don't, I will believe that they have a reason not to. I am not desperate to do one. I filled my heart by singing the season 1 OSTs on my own"


*fingers crossed that more supporting cast will get to contribute! The depth of talent in that cast is phenomenal!

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Thank you for making this thread. I think this will be my second favorite couple in the show. I actually like the country boys' (IJ JWan) approach in love but the city boys' love stories attract me more.


That being said, i really anticipate another slow burn romance from them. Winter garden were already attracted to each other even before any of them confessed. Season 1 is about their journey of meeting in the middle and escalate to next stage. With bear couple, MH made him notice her differently (as a woman) with her confession, and even though the road will be long, i believe SHy will fall hard for her.


SHy is someone who needs time to warm up to others. Even with girls, he confessed to SHw after being friends for some time, and got married through arrangements. Once he's got access to be close to a girl, he'll fall eventually, because he's just a man with lots of love to give. This is my own observations from the way he talked about his ex wife which showed that he loved or at least had affection to his ex wife, and his no other experience with women. For this reason, i think MH is the perfect girl for him, with her subtle persistence in pursuing him without making him feel uncomfortable. Unless he met someone like MH, he might never be in love again especially with his past trauma of divorce. 


If in the usual old school romance drama we got a bubbly girl who fall for cold/indifferent guy and force her way to the boy's heart with her liveliness and sincerity, here you got the same trope but with a more sassy classy girl and gentle affectionate boy. Can't wait for season 2. I'm cheering for you Dr.Chu. Go fight for your man.

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Another fave couple in HP.

Thank you for making this thread to discuss more about The Gom-Gom Couple.


I think they're relationship will not be as slow burn as the wintergarden. Since Minha has confessed that she likes SH and SH seems to also like her back but unable to be with her due to his guilty feelings and his conditions, I believe their romance will be quite straight forward once SH has resolved his issues with the ex. The key of their relationship is the ex issues being resolved and SH realization that he also deserves happiness despite of the guilty feelings he has for his ex and the burdensome conditions that he is in. Personally I think SH is more decisive and maybe more mature in certain aspects compared to AJW. From eps 12, He already knows that he doesn't want to waste his time. So once the ex issues has been resolved, I hope he can feel that he also deserves happiness and he won't waste more time to be with Minha.


I hope his ex issues can be resolved pretty fast in early episodes of season 2 (maybe as early as episode 1) so we can move on with this couple and see cute and lovey dovey scene between the two of them. Also as posted by @LovelyLady in Main Thread, I think this issue will be resolved in eps 1 because KDM has given us hints that he's very much looking forward to the first episode ^^


I too look forward to the first eps of S.2

I also wonder who will be SH's ex in S.2. Has the ex has been casted in previous season but was never annouced or will they cast actress to join HP as newcomers?




I want more bts like this for next thursday!!

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Wowowo, found this thread on the main thread and I will definitely join this ride because who doesn't love our Chu Minha and our awkward doctor Yang Seokhyeong :))))


Happy to read your insight, because waiting alone is so boring :))


Thank you @LovelyLady for your translation of Eunjin interview, I think Ahn Eunjin is really similar with Chu Minha, even she likes Kim Daemyung who really similar with Yang SeokHyeong. So, shipping this couple in real life seems quite similar with shipping them in Hospital Playlist. It makes sense that their chemistry seems so real. I like this couple, to the point that I really like each of their personalities. Season 2, please be nice to our Bear Couple. :)))

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Can't wait for their progress on Season 2. I bet it will be wild, since Minha's character is bold but cute at the same time

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If you’re also obsessing with Hospital Playlist every Thursday, you probably encountered this lovely autumn doctor named Chu Min-ha (Ahn Eun-jin. Every week, she delights  us with her genuine self and overall awesomeness. One reason why I love this character is her weekly make-up looks. This Army doctor keeps up with the trend and she’s not afraid to try it. I can relate with her trial and error and she’s even confident when her test looks end up being a blunder.

For making us feel like she’s-just-like-us every week, I decided to list down some Korean make-up trends we tried in the past and trends we would like to replicate in the future.




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am i the only who think that the bear professor, SHyeong, has already feel attracted to MH?


The night she confessed, SHyeong' facial expression

and he just stopped there even after MH left to the subway station

was just an indication that her confession shocked him in a weird way

For someone who close his heart, if he receives a confession like that,

even if he still think about it, he can just drive away

Why stopped...and stopped quite a long time too

He's 40 years old, was married, not someone who has never experienced relationship before

so i just think for someone who said he didint have any feeling for MH, his reaction is too weird

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14 hours ago, yukiyukiku said:

am i the only who think that the bear professor, SHyeong, has already feel attracted to MH?


The night she confessed, SHyeong' facial expression

and he just stopped there even after MH left to the subway station

was just an indication that her confession shocked him in a weird way

For someone who close his heart, if he receives a confession like that,

even if he still think about it, he can just drive away

Why stopped...and stopped quite a long time too

He's 40 years old, was married, not someone who has never experienced relationship before

so i just think for someone who said he didint have any feeling for MH, his reaction is too weird


We'll trust Ik-jun to dig more on Seokhyeong's true feelings 

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