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[Drama 2020] Elegant Friends/Graceful Friends, 우아한 친구들


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@Night_Owl If it was Jae Hoon who killed Kang San when he saw him trying to rape Jung hae. In that case; after Jung hae and GC break up, she will be waiting for Jae Hoon after he gets out of prison with a brick of tofu. That doesn't mean they'll end up as a couple though.


Why am I harping on GC and Jung hae breaking up. I just think staying with her is causing him a lot of stress. Trying to lead a perfect life. It can't be done.



@Samuel Yohanes  "my bet is 1 more of the 5 friends will die."  One is already gone, Chun Bok has a few years left. GC has had three dreams of taking a dive off a building. Don't know why he was carrying a shopping bag. Jung hae slit her wrist once. Guess she is one of the 7 not one of the 5.   I wonder who.  


Good night my friends. @Night_Owl, @Samuel Yohanes@joccuIt's 2:30am where I live and I'm dozing off.

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@Samuel Yohanes I have been sorry for Chun Bok from the start. That poor guy has been struggling from the start and now he literally has few years to live. That is sad...very sad. But yeah Goong Chul's son does seem to be more close to his father, but same was the case in world of married. Given the number of episodes I don't think they'll take the story in that direction. Call me optimistic but i do think that the scene in which Goong Chul kisses Hae Sook is not real. After the episode i did some research on the medicine Eun Sil found in Hae Sook's kitchen, Hydromorphone. One of its side effects include causing hallucinations. So maybe what we are actually seeing is Hae Sook hallucinating that she is kissed by Goong Chul (although as I said that might be highly unlikely and optimistic of me to assume it).


Hyung Woo looks unlikely to be the killer but his son might be. He is a good guy and maybe the best person in the whole show in terms of personality and behavior. But sometimes it is the quite ones who do stuff like this when triggered. But once again, the crime has been done quite meticulously, laptops and mobile we know are with Jae Hoon but the fact that scene is quite clean is what makes me think that it was not a hot blooded murder which was done in an instant. 


What seems to be a mystery is that who Kang San really is. He did cause trouble for Hwung Woo and now after Jung Hae and Goong Chul (of course he was instructed for this) but his threats to Jung Hae seemed to be quite personal. Like the one in which he says that he'll make her son suffer like him. And the parallels in which he chokes Jung Hae and Prof choking Hae Sook seems to be very similar to be ignored. He seem to be after the friends. 


As for your prediction for the ending I do believe it could end that way. Hae Sook realizing it was not Jung Hae who circulated the photos and make peace with her, Chun Bok's dementia getting severe :bawling:. Jae Hoon getting arrested or running away. Goong Chul and Jung Hae getting together again after clearing out all the misunderstandings. But will the writers be that generous to Goong Chul and Jung Hae? I believe she has been struggling keeping all those secrets and guilt with herself that she does deserve some peace and happiness.


As for Jae Hoon's ex wife I have said she seems to have more of a role than just a comedy inducing character for certain scenes. She feels like a wild card who will cause Jae Hoon problems with his plans and I guess he plans will fail due to his ex wife and Hae Sook not following after realizing truths. 


@brooksmom I guess after realizing that Jae hoon was behind everything, Jung Hae will wait for him with a normal brick in her hand to hit him rather than tofu outside the prison :joy:.


Living with Jung Hae was never stressful for him before. Crisis do happen and I believe if same had happened with Goong Chul, Jung Hae would try her best to support him. Him trying to be with her and going through all this crisis is what I believe he should do. 


If the friends are going to die, I think i'll bet on Jae Hoon committing suicide in case things don't go his way. We might see Goong Chul trying to kill himself to given his nightmares were shown.  


@brooksmom Good night 

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2 hours ago, Night_Owl said:


As for Jae Hoon's ex wife I have said she seems to have more of a role than just a comedy inducing character for certain scenes. She feels like a wild card who will cause Jae Hoon problems with his plans and I guess he plans will fail due to his ex wife and Hae Sook not following after realizing truths. 

 I also think, that she is not that simple.

And what about Man-Sik's wife? I was surprised to see her again.


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34 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

 I also think, that she is not that simple.

And what about Man-Sik's wife? I was surprised to see her again.


Yeah she suddenly coming back and soon after finding out his secret room does prove that she'll be somewhat playing an important role in the coming episodes. We don't know yet but I guess she'll try to go through the contents of laptop in that room (although I think it will be password protected and may prevent her from seeing what is inside that). Maybe she'll discuss about it with one of the friends or their wives. 


As for Man Sik's wife I think she is still not convinced about the things told to her about her husband. I mean she now knows that her husband was not basically cheating on her with Jung Hae and was going to the nursing to volunteer as a caretaker in order to treat his depression. But one thing still remains unsolved. The insurance policies he had taken which he later terminated. We still don't know what he did with all that money and I am sure even his wife is curious about that.


We could argue that he used it for the nursing home but i doubt that is the case. I also am very curious to know about the secret he wanted to tell to Goong Chul, the secret which Goong Chul described as "More horrifying than death itself" What do you think that secret could be @joccu, @brooksmom, @Samuel Yohanes, @larus and @airgelaal.

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6 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

One more thing.

Night of the murder.

4 friends were together. Kang-San called Goong-Chul and then sent a message. Who did it? I think Kang San was already dead and Jae-Hoon hands were empty.

I guess for this we'll have to see. Right now two people are the main suspects for me and they are his main lover (he was the accomplice too in Jung Hae's case) and the second one being Jae Hoon. Or maybe they both are together in it. Other suspects who actually have got motive might include Hwung Woo and son and Kang Mira. Although i doubt they were involved in the murder. 


We know that the murderer took the phone and laptop. What the main point of this murder is that what is the time of murder. I don't recall they mentioned that and I checked the moment Goong Chul gets the message and we don't see the time on his mobile too. Also how long would it take for Goong Chul to reach that guy's flat from Jae Hoon's home.


I place my bet on the murder being done before Goong Chul receiving the message and that the killer or the accomplice sent the message. Because yes at that time Jae Hoon was sitting empty handed so maybe he is not the murderer but ordered it. But we need to note that you can schedule messages and calls before hand to be sent at a specific time.


If the murder was done after the message being sent, then the time Goong Chul takes to reach the flat must be a lot. Because in between that he chokes Jung Hae, she escapes, he gets murdered. gets dragged in the bathroom and the whole scene gets cleaned which seems a bit too much to do in short time. I also wonder that since the scene was cleaned so well, how did Jung Hae's necklace still remain there? 


We got to see what actually had happened and see why was Goong Chul called. Was it to frame him? Or his wife? The parallels between this murder and Prof's murder is quite uncanny, given the events before it (choking Jung Hae and choking Hae Sook) were similar too and also not to forget Man Sik's pen and Jung Hae's necklace in the crime scene and of course the friends reaching the crime scene after Goong Chul. The fact that the security cameras were broken since 4 days ago don't seem to be coincidence to me. 

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10 minutes ago, Night_Owl said:


We know that the murderer took the phone and laptop. What the main point of this murder is that what is the time of murder. I don't recall they mentioned that and I checked the moment Goong Chul gets the message and we don't see the time on his mobile too. Also how long would it take for Goong Chul to reach that guy's flat from Jae Hoon's home.


They mentioned in the last episode, that estimated time if dearth is between 8 to 10.

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2 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

They mentioned in the last episode, that estimated time if dearth is between 8 to 10.

Thats actually a big timeline, although i guess i must have forgotten about it. But still a lot can happen in those 2 hours. 

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1 hour ago, Night_Owl said:

The parallels between this murder and Prof's murder is quite uncanny, given the events before it (choking Jung Hae and choking Hae Sook) were similar too and also not to forget Man Sik's pen and Jung Hae's necklace in the crime scene and of course the friends reaching the crime scene after Goong Chul. The fact that the security cameras were broken since 4 days ago don't seem to be coincidence to me. 


Now that you mention, indeed it is similar and  it is suspisious. How come the necklace was found there after the room was cleaned so well? Many things are suspisious (the message, the security camera, the set up crime) and tells me that it was a planed murder.

Kang san`s lover can be suspisious of murder but I think it would have been a crime of passion rather than a  premeditated crime unless he was involved in the bigger scheme all along. Still Jae Hoon is my number one suspect. Maybe Kang San`s lover killed Kang san because someone paid big money.

The necklace wanted to incriminate Goong chul. When Jung Hae was involved, Jae hoon made everything possible that the video was discovered. How he knew that there is a video with Jung Hae`s incident? He did not had the video but he talked to the right persons.

The crime scene was changed to look like he hit the head in the bathroom? Why they wanted to hide that Jung hae might be involved? If Jung Hae did not go to the police to confess what he did, they would not find out. The killer was hidden in the closet, filmed the video with Jung Hae and after she left he killed Kang San? Probably the one who murder Kang san was not Jae hoon directly but he was involved in all this, I am sure.


About professor `s murder. What we know for sure? The professor attacted Hae Sook, she run away. Man Sik run away from the scene and Jung Hae saw him and entered the room and saw the professor in blood. I assume that Man sik must have killed the professor and that`s why he was feeling so guilty but what if he saw the real one and it was one of his friends? Maybe he felt guilty because he kept silence when he knew who did it. We`ll see. Until we see with our own eyes how things took place in that classroom, nothing is sure.

Now I find it very suspisious that the Man sik`s pen was discovered there, just like Jung Hae`s necklace. It doesn`t look like a coincidence anymore.


I did not forget the scene where Kang san  was beaten in that dark alley/place. It looks like it was someone with autority over him. It was not his lover/ friend/accomplice. I suspected Jae Hoon and I still think that he fits the description. I thought from the beginning that Jae hoon was the man with the laptop and we saw that he had a secret room in his house and we saw the laptop there.


But something is bother me. The revelation that Hyung-Woo was blackmailed and a victim of the same con man as Jung Hae. And why Jae Hoon phoned that lawyer to ask for the video (or for Jung Hae to be out of suspisious) and why they met at Kyung Ja`s place? What is the connection between Kyung Ja and that man? I don`t think that Hyung Woo was the one who murder Kang San but I can see Kyung Ja order someone to clean the scene if one of her family did something wrong. But I remember that there are indications that the event was premeditated and Goong Ghul was provoked and made the prime suspect.

And I go back with Jae Hoon as the number one suspect. Now I even suspect him about the incident from 12 years ago.



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34 minutes ago, larus said:

About professor `s murder. What we know for sure? The professor attacted Hae Sook, she run away. Man Sik run away from the scene and Jung Hae saw him and entered the room and saw the professor in blood. I assume that Man sik must have killed the professor and that`s why he was feeling so guilty but what if he saw the real one and it was one of his friends? Maybe he felt guilty because he kept silence when he knew who did it. We`ll see. Until we see with our own eyes how things took place in that classroom, nothing is sure.

Now I find it very suspisious that the Man sik`s pen was discovered there, just like Jung Hae`s necklace. It doesn`t look like a coincidence anymore.


I did not forget the scene where Kang san  was beaten in that dark alley/place. It looks like it was someone with autority over him. It was not his lover/ friend/accomplice. I suspected Jae Hoon and I still think that he fits the description. I thought from the beginning that Jae hoon was the man with the laptop and we saw that he had a secret room in his house and we saw the laptop there.

Well as far as Prof's death is involved, they have pretty much shown the fight between Man Sik and the Prof with him running out. After some episodes I guess in the latest one Jung Hae remembers Man Sik running out of the room and she looking inside seeing Prof dead. Those scenes sort when connected matched and also Man Sik's clothes.  But yeah even I don't think that the case of Prof's death is that simple.


Also yes maybe the secret he wanted to tell Goong Chul was about the real murderer, you never know. But if that was the case maybe he would not feel guilty, until or unless he was the one who mistakenly spread those photos of Hae Sook which led to the Prof's wife's suicide and so he felt guilty about it. This sort of makes sense because it involves both Jung Hae and Man Sik. She feels guilty over capturing that photo and Man Sik over spreading them by mistake. If that's the case, I think we match the dots. Chances are that Jae Hoon is the killer and so his family covered up the murder. Also if we see the picture properly, both Man Sik and Jung Hae had the motive kill the Prof and Kang San respectively. His pen was found and her necklace could be in order to incriminate them (not in Jung Hae's case, maybe wanted Goong Chul to believe she did and he take fall for her). 


Jae Hoon and Jung Hae might have similar personalities, but what makes difference between them is that Jae Hoon has the ability to fool others quite efficiently. We see him acting as caring friend in front of Goong Chul while he sort of back stabbing at the same time. Examples might include the scene when he called Goong Chul to the hotel telling his wife is there (that sort of made me believe that he is not behind anything) or when he was not willing to give him money while actually that being part of his plan. This guy could be behind a lot of things and the only person who has the actual idea about his personality is Jung Hae. 


As for the man beating Kang San, he surely is Jae Hoon. Kang San must have deviated from the actual plan and so got hit. He literally didn't even try to fight back or defend himself. Chances are given Kang San's personality he was trying to make money out blackmailing Jae Hoon too by saying he reveal that he everything as per his plan. Jae Hoon meeting the lawyer sort of means something went in his plan, maybe Jung Hae confessing and taking the fall for her husband. Jae Hoon has been playing 3D chess from the start.


Now what I am going to say may sound absurd, but I sort of had my suspicions from the start. What i think is Man Sik's death is also not normal? We see him taking the "Blue Pill" which is the other name for Viagra. Viagra is also prescribed to heart patients as it is reduces risk of heart attacks but in some cases it also does cause the heart attack. Now among friends who is capable of prescribing viagra to Man Sik... it is Jae Hoon. You can see his death led to everything starting from Jae Hoon asking Hae Sook to arrive and also the secret he wanted to tell going to grave with him. I am accepting that this theory might be absurd, but it could also have happened. I am telling you this guy does not care a bit for Goong Chul same might be the case with others. 


As for Myung Woo, Kyung Ja and even Chun Bok, i can surely say Myung Woo and Chun Bok are also involved in the past events. Let's not forget the way story is going forward, they are showing that everyone has got secrets and that too dark secrets. So we can wait to see about it. Kyung Ja has got a bar and I guess Jae Hoon kept his meeting there thinking that was the most safest place to talk about things. 



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48 minutes ago, larus said:


And I go back with Jae Hoon as the number one suspect. Now I even suspect him about the incident from 12 years ago.



My main problem with him is a question why now? I can't understand his reasons to start this game now. 

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Just now, airgelaal said:

My main problem with him is a question why now? I can't understand his reasons to start this game now. 

That's exactly what i want to know. what triggered him to do that? Was it Hae Sook asking him Goong Chul's number? I believe he was in contact with her long ago. He was surely the one who told her about Goong Chul's marriage. Also I think he could the one asked Kang San to get Myung Woo framed. We do see him checking Myung Woo's photos too while going through Jung Hae's photos. 


But given he took a long time planning all this, he surely could have started his plans much before that. Why now? Why after Man Sik's death could also be right question. 

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14 minutes ago, Night_Owl said:

But given he took a long time planning all this, he surely could have started his plans much before that. Why now? Why after Man Sik's death could also be right question. 

May be he found out the truth behind Prof's death?

Someone orchestrated the whole  Kang San story almost identical as Prof's case. Both were jerks who sexually harassed women.  Goong Chul was a boyfriend of the first victim and husband of the second. Both were killed the same way. In both cases Goong Chul hided important evidence. 

Was it Jae Hoon all the way? It's possible. But may be he is not the only one in this game.

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1 minute ago, airgelaal said:

May be he found out the truth behind Prof's death?

Someone orchestrated the whole  Kang San story almost identical as Prof's case. Both were jerks who sexually harassed women.  Goong Chul was a boyfriend of the first victim and husband of the second. Both were killed the same way. In both cases Goong Chul hided important evidence. 

Was it Jae Hoon all the way? It's possible. But may be he is not the only one in this game.

Yes exactly, both murders are very much alike. But as for Kang San he had a guy instructing him what to do. And the fact that the case got buried it does prove Jae Hoon's inclusion. We clearly see Jung Hae opening the door and seeing the Prof. dead. 


There is also some inconsistency in the timeline of Prof's death. Let's see what has been shown in order. 


1. First we see Man Sik fighting with the Prof, threatening him, getting hit and then we see him running him away out the room and then see him running while hiding somewhere near stairs.

2. Then we see Hae Sook coming back to the stage being hit and we Goong Chul getting angry and rushing to the Prof's room. Now I just checked again, when Hae Sook arrived, we see everyone present there but Man Sik is missing. Goong Chul arrives first and now we see all others (including Man Sik) arriving behind him a bit late.

3. Next after some episodes we see Prof harassing Hae Sook and running away.

4. Finally in the 9th episode we Jung Hae remembering Man Sik running away from the Prof's room and she checking and realizing he is dead.


Now the actual order of the events might be 3-1-4-2 (Lol looks like a football formation :joy:). But there might be an event missing in between where someone else murdered the Prof. There might be a scene where between 1 and 4. There could a fight between Man Sik and Prof. with him getting hit and hitting the Prof back (not causing injury) and running away in fear. The Prof. gets murdered after that, Man Sik returns back (maybe to get his pen back or some other reason) enters the room, sees the Prof. dead and runs away in fear and hides believing he'll get the blame. Then hears his friends calling Goong Chul and goes with them to the Prof's room. If we see that scene two people seem less shocked, Hae Joon and Man Sik.


Also when Jung Hae enters the room, we don't see the ball pen, so someone clearly put that pen in order to frame Man Sik (also Jung Hae being the witness seeing Man Sik running away). And When Jung Hae enters the room, the Prof's hand was on his head and when the friends arrive his right hand was down (could argue that when Jung Hae he was alive and trying to hold his head which i highly doubt). But just like Kang San's death someone did alter the crime scene.


So I firmly believe that the Prof's death is not as simple as it seems. Also it is just speculation that Jae Hoon was not executing plan before Man Sik's death but we cannot ignore that his plan actually started just after his death (initialization did take place before that). 

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24 minutes ago, Night_Owl said:

Yes exactly, both murders are very much alike. But as for Kang San he had a guy instructing him what to do. And the fact that the case got buried it does prove Jae Hoon's inclusion. We clearly see Jung Hae opening the door and seeing the Prof. dead. 


I think, the only reason for Jae Hoon to be involved was Jung Hae. I don't think he would ask to bury the case for the sake of his friends. So maybe she was involved much more than it seems. That is why she ran away to USA and was so depressed. 

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4 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

I think, the only reason for Jae Hoon to be involved was Jung Hae. I don't think he would ask to bury the case for the sake of his friends. So maybe she was involved much more than it seems. That is why she ran away to USA and was so depressed. 

If Jung Hae is involved, I don't think it would be Jae Hoon's father who would bury the case, it would Jung Hae's father. We do know that guy is pretty much influential...influential enough to know why exactly her daughter needed those money (when she wanted to pay Kang San for photos). 


Could be Jung Hae is being related to murder of Prof. and reason for case being buried, but then it is quite well hidden by brilliant writings. I still think Jung Hae's involvement is somewhat limited to those photos of Hae Sook. But if they turn Jung Hae into the actual baddie in the past with proper reasons and twists, it would require extremely good reasoning, logic and writing.  


My bet is on Jae Hoon (most probably we'll get certain confirmations this week). The only thing Jae Hoon lacks is motive (which I believe we dunno about yet). If motive is seen, Jae Hoon is somewhat unrelated to both cases. In Kang San's case we know he has obsessive feelings for Jung Hae, but others don't he is completely unrelated to the case in terms of motive. Same with Prof's case. But the ones with most clear motive Man Sik (in case of Prof.), Goong Chul and Jung Hae (the couple being in case of Kang San) are somewhat not the ones being murderer (Man Sik could be though). 

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Jung Hae told Jae Hoon that she met someone with whom she found a reason to live. I think it's not just love. maybe Goong Chul somehow lessened her guilt, so she decided to left Jae Hoon. What if she was wrong from the start? if Jae Hoon lost her unfairly then he had all reasons for revenge.

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1 minute ago, airgelaal said:

Jung Hae told Jae Hoon that she met someone with whom she found a reason to live. I think it's not just love. maybe Goong Chul somehow lessened her guilt, so she decided to left Jae Hoon. What if she was wrong from the start? if Jae Hoon lost her unfairly then he had all reasons for revenge.

Well I have written before too. I believe she decided to go out with Jae Hoon because she wanted to forget Goong Chul who was dating Hae Sook. Their engagement and going USA could have been arranged by their family too. 


She had lost her mother when she was in school and that she had committed suicide (It did scar her). The guy she liked from start and maybe was her first love was dating someone else. Then she must have blamed herself a lot for being the reason behind Prof's wife's suicide and maybe also Prof's murder. I mean she was scarred a lot. Also she did say to Jae Hoon that his delusions tired her and that he never loved and he obsessive. Everything along with an unhealthy relationship must have made suicide. When she came back she must have met Goong Chul when Hae Sook had already left him. Now when I always say Goong Chul liked Jung Hae first is because first love is always special. Two scarred people found solace and decided to marry. Even Goong Chul's family were kind to Jung Hae (so kind that Goong Chul's mother decided to be her mother in the marriage). What I am saying is after all those tough years of self harm, unhealthy relationship and self blaming life, she was loved by people around her and found a reason to live. 


Of course she was wrong in Jae Hoon's point of view. Imagine you are engaged and supposed to get married somewhere in future, your fiancee disappears and returns saying she is marrying someone else and that too one of your friend. So he has all reasons for revenge from his point of view because he feels wronged and thinks it is unfair. According to him she chose a less deserving man than him, someone who is not rich and not worthy in cases of status. And let's not forget this guy is delusional and obsessive.

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3 minutes ago, Night_Owl said:


Of course she was wrong in Jae Hoon's point of view. Imagine you are engaged and supposed to get married somewhere in future, your fiancee disappears and returns saying she is marrying someone else and that too one of your friend. So he has all reasons for revenge from his point of view because he feels wronged and thinks it is unfair. According to him she chose a less deserving man than him, someone who is not rich and not worthy in cases of status. And let's not forget this guy is delusional and obsessive.

No, I think there was a real reason, that we still don't know. Something, that made Jung Hae miserable. Something, that united Jung Hae with Goong Chul. And when Jae Hoon found out about that something, he decided to act.

No matter how delusional and obsessive he was, but he buried his feeling for 15 years.

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21 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

No, I think there was a real reason, that we still don't know. Something, that made Jung Hae miserable. Something, that united Jung Hae with Goong Chul. And when Jae Hoon found out about that something, he decided to act.

No matter how delusional and obsessive he was, but he buried his feeling for 15 years.

Well it is a mystery for almost what exactly happened in that one month and how that shot gun marriage happened. But whatever be the reason be it legit or not, it will always be unfair for Jae Hoon. We got to see what's gonna happen next. I believe the scene in which we see Jae Hoon entering the hotel room that Jung Hae opened, we'll get to see them talk about past and not see something intimate all of a sudden (although that could happen if she comes to know about Goong Chul cheating on her and try to get revenge by cheating back at him, but I don't think thats what will happen, once again, we never know what's gonna happen).


We hear Goong Chul asking Jung Hae about her secret with Jae Hoon which he doesn't know. Also we hear Jae Hoon saying something himself and Jung Hae and we sort of see Goong Chul surprised. Of course previews are misleading, Jung Hae meets with Jae Hoon in order to know what he exactly wants to do. What I think we gonna hear about her relationship with Jae Hoon and reason she chose to go out with Goong Chul. We might also get some regarding the photos distribution event. 


So in the coming episodes we might actually get to get some really important answers about many things. 

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