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[Drama 2018] Tomorrow Is Sunny as Well / Sunny Again Tomorrow, 내일도 맑음


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After watching with subtitles, I think SH is feeling somewhat guilty (not as guilty as to tell the truth anyway) but in JE's case, she doesn't seem to be feeling guilty at all. The tears she sheds aren't because of her aunt and all the pain they're putting her through...she cries for herself. At no point did she reproach her mother for her behaviour or told her she went too far this time, she cried because "I'm scared, mom." That's right, she's scared of getting caught and losing everything she calls hers, but at the end of the day it's okay because "This is what I wanted". What a despicable and selfish character. JH filling up that death registration form really got me :tears:


The scene where EA cries while watching a drama about a woman whose baby has been kidnapped got me thinking. Foreshadowing much? I don't want to judge her before we see how that story really played out, but I've got a bad feeling. She isn't a bad person, but I'm not sure if her reasons to keep HN will be justified. 


I knew HK showed up uninvited...he just rushed there when he found out DK was going too :P No matter how hard he tries to ignore his feelings for HN, the poor babe just can't help himself :lol: Also lol at EA telling HN she should date a man and not DK...she knows what's up lol. I can't wait for HN to introduce HK to her mom and sister 'cause I think they're going to love him :wub:

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4 hours ago, UnniSarah said:


@Saja La 

Chingu , i think one of your predictions will come true. JH will find out first thay Ha Nee is her daughter. 

I am rather shocked no one talked about Jin Hee’s reaction to hearing Ha Nee cry out “OMMA”. She said Omma twice , I swear Jin Hee recognized that cry and the look on her face when she saw Ha Nee. I loved that scene. Seol In Na did an amazing job saying Omma. I agree with everyone JH I felt bad for Jin Hee. I think she did the right thing filling out the sheet.  I wondered though was there a body cremated or not??? I am positive she will make it up to him but Jin Hee was so devastated. She couldn’t really think but grieve for her child she lost and will never see again. We need to keep her boyfriend a secret so she can connect with her daughter without her sisters interference. 


Shin Hee is really dumb and pathetic. After the funeral she almost fainted but guess what this uncomfortableness will get stronger as time goes by because the UNIVERSE WANTS MOTHER AND CHILD BACK TOGETHER. The universe will put things back together but at a really big cost. A cost that will devestate her whole existence and that is what I can’t wait to see. 



Yup, let JH have a secret too that those two evil duo knows nothing about.

And I want SH to be torture as soon as next episode due to her evil plans... Lets have her ALWAYS seeing SJ everywhere she goes, like she sees someone who look like HN at the supermarket, someone bumping into her on the streets that look likes HN,. And  HN is around when she goes and visit her husband. She sees her husband treating HN with such fatherly love and attention as if HN is one of his niece. Let the grandma, Ji Hoo  and JH too took a liking to HN right in front of her eyes. And SH couldn't stop JH for always inviting HN over for tea at the office. If JH is not home or at the office, JH will be hanging out with HN (SH will think that). SH should have nightmare that HN was there but JE was no longer there. Even her friend adores HN whenever HN comes to the SJ boutique office. There should be a scene where JE was outstation, JH invited HN over for dinner, so HN sat where JE normally sit (beside JH) and SH had to see how happy JH and lively JH is whenever JH is with HN. 


For the other evil person, JE should see that HG will openly trying to get HN to fall for him. HG suggest that HN again model for the blouse like how she did for the t-shirt. And she'll see the photo that HG kept on his table. JE Apparel will beat SJ boutique and instead of JE seeing how sad JH will be, she sees JH even make a party to congratulate HN for her success. SH and JE was not invited but found out about it at home. JH even suggested that JH wants to create a design targeted at younger crowd ard HN's age as JH has been inspired by HN. Her latest design will be called "Sweet as Sunny" or "Honey sweet". JE will need to market it for winter collection...      

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I'm flabbergasted after watching SH's and JE's crocodile tears. These 2 are the most, despicable, hypocrites, insecure, shameless, annoying, craziest, evil, etc... that I have come across in a daily K-drama. I hate them both! :rage: If I thought that these 2 had a little bit of decency left in their hearts, now not any more. They are way beyond forgiveness and redemption. Jail time, be thrown out of the house penniless, no job, and/or no love will be enough punishment(s) for these 2 psychos. I thought about what action will the writer and pd-nim choose for SH to ask JH for forgiveness on what she's done and the picture of EA kneeling in front of SJ Boutique came across my mind. I think I would love to see SH and JE kneeling like this in front of JH and HN for at least an entire day. And hopefully, it will be winter time by then and these 2 can freeze to death. Of course, no forgiveness is given. :smirk:

At this point in time, I agree with what @san11 mentioned about DG's dad paying his respects to SJ and noticing the picture. It seems to be the route that makes more sense to unravel this twisted situation. 

Now, enough with the sad and stressing scenes... Let's move on to the sweet ones... I've got to say that this week has been very satisfying for me. I think we got plenty of HG~HN scenes compared to last week's. I really thought HG was going to confess to HN on today's episode when he invited her for dinner, but it was too bad that HN had already made plans. Now, the fact that he clearly stated that he doesn't want to be in the position where the person who loves more is the one who loses, to me that sounded like a subtle confession. :wub:. Too bad HN is so naive that didn't catch it... :lol:

Like many of you, I'm looking forward to watch Monday's episode. I can't wait to see HG's jealousy acts towards DG. I think DG senses that HG likes HN, so maybe, he will stay close to HN just to tease HG. By doing such, he will be able to figure out whether HG likes HN or not. I'm even thinking that HG confessing to DG that he likes HN has a higher chance of happening next week than HG confessing to HN about his feelings for her. :D


PS... I know that at this point in time, we can tell JE and HG is over. But I just wanted to mention that if there was ever a chance for them to become an item, both of their dads would've disapproved for them to date. JE's and HG's dad had only met twice and they're already in bad terms. LOL! :P

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16 minutes ago, mqiuwen said:

I thought about what action will the writer and pd-nim choose for SH to ask JH for forgiveness on what she's done and the picture of EA kneeling in front of SJ Boutique came across my mind. I think I would love to see SH and JE kneeling like this in front of JH and HN for at least an entire day. And hopefully, it will be winter time by then and these 2 can freeze to death. Of course, no forgiveness is given. :smirk:


Oh, I love that scenario...instead of raining, it should be snowing this time :P

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I think her feeling for HG going to hit fast and hard I dont think any of his efforts are gong to go unnoticed like with this episode.

We just need a tiny bit of a nudge in his direction somehow. I dont care who does it  or have it happens it could be JE saying out of anger, DG for whatever reason,overhearing Leo, HG or DG talking about, it does not matter.

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Why do I have the feeling that JE will come for the overnight trip? Seeing her brother begs her for something?

If it is, it'll be a crowded overnight trip with hormones flying around. 


For me, I'd rather HG confess later, when HN has taken off the damn bracelet. Why in the world hasn't she taken it off yet!!! Uugghh :crazy:

HG is 26 yo with zero love experiences. So naturally he will act like a teenage in love, with the bickering (cute), the jealousy (double cute). 

Thankfully HN also has almost-zero love experiences so she is not aware of the signs. I'd prefer both of them take their time in falling in love, HN especially .. now that she has let go of her crush to DG. :rolleyes:


Dont care about JE or SH, thinking about them are not good for the soul.

But you know, the worst thing is by the end of the drama, ALL WILL BE FORGIVEN. What's with that? :angry:

It's like sending a message that no matter how evil you are, you will be forgiven. I would like to see JH and SH be punished accordingly.. not sure if it can be done according to the law but at least JE/SH know that they have done unforgivable sins and must atone for it. I hate it when in drama or movie, once everything back to normal.. people seems to forget the wrongdoings and act nothing happens.

Just like Confucius said: having asked should we return evil with good, he replies, "With what then will you recompense kindness? Return good for good, and for evil, justice."

JE/SH should face the punishment for their evil acts.. 


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5 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

Why do I have the feeling that JE will come for the overnight trip? Seeing her brother begs her for something?

If it is, it'll be a crowded overnight trip with hormones flying around. 


For me, I'd rather HG confess later, when HN has taken off the damn bracelet. Why in the world hasn't she taken it off yet!!! Uugghh :crazy:

HG is 26 yo with zero love experiences. So naturally he will act like a teenage in love, with the bickering (cute), the jealousy (double cute). 

Thankfully HN also has almost-zero love experiences so she is not aware of the signs. I'd prefer both of them take their time in falling in love, HN especially .. now that she has let go of her crush to DG. :rolleyes:


Dont care about JE or SH, thinking about them are not good for the soul.

But you know, the worst thing is by the end of the drama, ALL WILL BE FORGIVEN. What's with that? :angry:

It's like sending a message that no matter how evil you are, you will be forgiven. I would like to see JH and SH be punished accordingly.. not sure if it can be done according to the law but at least JE/SH know that they have done unforgivable sins and must atone for it. I hate it when in drama or movie, once everything back to normal.. people seems to forget the wrongdoings and act nothing happens.

Just like Confucius said: having asked should we return evil with good, he replies, "With what then will you recompense kindness? Return good for good, and for evil, justice."

JE/SH should face the punishment for their evil acts.. 


Totally agree with your last sentence! Oh btw, I think HG is 30 years old.. HN and JE are 26. :)

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23 minutes ago, mqiuwen said:

Totally agree with your last sentence! Oh btw, I think HG is 30 years old.. HN and JE are 26. :)

Oh? That's even worse! 30yo and never been in love? Kyaaa... 

But wait, I tot HG and JE was in the same class in university? :blink:

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20 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

Oh? That's even worse! 30yo and never been in love? Kyaaa... 

But wait, I tot HG and JE was in the same class in university? :blink:

They both attended the same university, but I don't think they took the same classes. She has always called in "sunbae". Also, I think he's around 30 years old because when he refused to go on the blind dates because he told his mom he already had a girlfriend, mom wanted him to introduce her. HG didn't want to and ended up arguing with her, then his dad came out of Leo's room and defended HG. Then his mom went on and on about how he is already 30 years which is past the age of casually dating.


13 minutes ago, dramaninja said:

JE needs to be there so Hn and HG get some alone time.

If she's there, will they really get time alone? I think she's suspects hat there's something going on between HG and HN because of what her Team Leader said. She may try to get in between them instead... 



Oh btw, I'm not sure if we've ever discussed about this, but how did HN ended up living with EA? What are your thoughts/predictions about this? I really can't come up with one, especially since EA supposedly had twins and one of them die. :blink:

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3 minutes ago, mqiuwen said:

They both attended the same university, but I don't think they took the same classes. She has always called in "sunbae". Also, I think he's around 30 years old because when he refused to go on the blind dates because he told his mom he already had a girlfriend, mom wanted him to introduce her. HG didn't want to and ended up arguing with her, then his dad came out of Leo's room and defended HG. Then his mom went on and on about how he is already 30 years which is past the age of casually dating.


If she's there, will they really get time alone? I think she's suspects hat there's something going on between HG and HN because of what her Team Leader said. She may try to get in between them instead... 

She more worry about DG and HN at this point she does not even know she moved on :unamused:


Remember HG and HN both seen the kiss so I doubt they want to be in their way and I doubt HG want HN to suffer in anyway.

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2 hours ago, mqiuwen said:

 I think I would love to see SH and JE kneeling like this in front of JH and HN for at least an entire day. And hopefully, it will be winter time by then and these 2 can freeze to death. Of course, no forgiveness is given. :smirk:



I'm sorry, that the kneeling part is what i really dislikes about in k-drama... I annoys me like hell that just coz they are on their knees begging for forgiveness, the other party are suddenly like a miracle will forgive them and all will be forgiven and all the evil done to them for the past 100+ episode will no longer be an issue..... And we see No hardship for the wrong doers ...!!??? WTH...?? :rage:


Wishful thinking , but Last 15 episodes should be like this:

SH punishment will be to lose a child herself, ideally JE and have Ji Hoo loath his mom. AFTER JH slapped JE and SH a few times, JH will throw SH and her family out of the house and ditch them to the gutter to fend for themselves, I like to see SH being extra miserable for the lost in that status that SH valued so much. And with no money left, Ji Hoo and hubby are forced to work in a construction and hard labour to support the family. SH sees her only son going through hardship trying to keep SH and family floating. During that time JE will be in prison for 5 years (for attempted murder)  and  at the prison, JE's prison mate is taking turns bullying her until JE finally succumbed to become their richard simmons. JE will learn what actually it means misery. Every time SH visit JE, there will always be a big bruise on JE. SH will work as a waitress and cleaning lady and living the worst neighbourhood and working longgg hours. Ji Hoo will resent SH and JE. Even thou he is living with his parents, Ji Hoo rarely want to talk to his mom due to his resent on SH.


I want to see at the same time, JH going on date night with HN to get to know her better. She will want to get HN to remember back her childhood memories especially on HN's dad.  Some of the other moments I WANT to see :

1. Even thou HN already married to HG ard the 80th ish episode, we see HN and HG doing a 2nd wedding receptions and this time there are 3 parents on HN's side so that JH can be a part of the wedding reception. 

2- We get to see JH organizing HN's real birthday, and

3- later HN did a birthday party for JH and AE. 

4- We see HN's married life with HG and how HG launch another Ha Nui Apparel for spring collection with new competition that HN has to faced. HG will get jealous that HG's new colleague (replacing JE) has a crush on HN. We see HG always trying to mark his territories around HN.

5-  DG fell for SR after SR help DG dodge a stalker of his.... SR ends up working for DG and she is dating her "boss" DG..... 

6- JH's mom, finds a new mission in life after she was so grateful to find SJ that grandma decided to do charity and help the old folks house as a volunteer. After a few mishaps, JH's mom finally gets a few new friends there.

7- After a few months, we see HN vomits and HG will be the happiest person when they find out that HN is preggers. While JE was verdict for her sentence is announce, aside from SH, none of her family or aunts were there- they were busy celebrating HN's being preggers..... 

8- JH and DG's dad finally decided to get married instead of just living together. Father and son decided to do a double wedding. JH-DG's dad and SR -DG. 

9- Since AE gets along well with JH's mom, we see AE teaching JH's mom and HG's dad to cook. JH's mom will treat AE like one of her daughters.... 


BY the time JE gets out of prison 5 years later, JE who has a lipped (JE had a broken leg due to one of her "disagreement" with her prison mate a few years ago) can only find menial job to support herself. And in one of night JE and SH was out (after working for 10 hours on  their feet) they saw JH, AE and HN coming out of one of the fancy baby shops buying babies cloth for the heavily pregnant SJ. They see JH and AE each  holding one of SJ's twins while they see DG's dad and HG waiting for them outside the shop. Once the guys are with them, the DG's dad will want to hold one of the  babies but both moms refuse to relinquish their hold. For HG, JE will see how much HG is taking lovingly care on HN while both of them smiling happily  at each other....    Then came SR with DG walking hand in towards HN and geng. Then they cross the street to go into a fancy restaurant for lunch.

Seeing SH shed tears looking at what could have been, JE finally realized how awful her actions (due to her irrational envy) has effected her family. She will vow to just appreciate what she has rather than want  something that was never hers to begin with. And with no grandma who tends to make her mom inferior, JE noticed that her mom finally pulling her weight and trying to built her broken immediate family back. 


I know i copied from myself on the baby shop scene ending from what i wrote for Happy sisters ending (that i wished for earlier). Hope i get to see this kind of ending at SAT instead.... 

A girl can wish right..... heheh




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38 minutes ago, mqiuwen said:

Oh btw, I'm not sure if we've ever discussed about this, but how did HN ended up living with EA? What are your thoughts/predictions about this? I really can't come up with one, especially since EA supposedly had twins and one of them die. :blink:

I think Eunae make up the story that she had twins to cover herself. Because if it is true, so where is the other twin? Hanui is SuJeong, Sarang is Eunae's youngest daughter and two years younger than Hanui. 


*Something big need to happen between HN♥HG. Yes I do really want HN to start fall in love with HG when she truly realize her feelings towards him and I believe it will take time. But then I also hope at least HN get involved into a major accident maybe during the trip so that their current relationship can put them into the next step.*

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1 hour ago, dramaninja said:

I think her feeling for HG going to hit fast and hard I dont think any of his efforts are goign to go unnoticed like with this episode.

We just need a tiny bit of a nudge in his direction somehow.


I predict, HG and HN getting lost in the woods. Bonus if we see HN nearly got into a major accident so HG will pull her in his arms t o save her , and while HN is in his arms, HN can feel how shaken HG is of what could have happened to HN. HN will be touched how HG is so concerned with her. It will be then that HN will noticed how caring and protective HG is towards HN. HN will then called HG her saviour and this will make HG smile big time. HN will be attentive to HG and HG will be protective of HN. Leo will notice this and he will tease HG whenever they are alone... I suspect JE will come, but most of the time, she will be alone wondering around or with her brother cooking and all while DG, Leo and Co-CEO goes fishing. 

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50 minutes ago, mqiuwen said:

Oh btw, I'm not sure if we've ever discussed about this, but how did HN ended up living with EA? What are your thoughts/predictions about this? I really can't come up with one, especially since EA supposedly had twins and one of them die. :blink:


23 minutes ago, meoooooowwww said:

I think Eunae make up the story that she had twins to cover herself. Because if it is true, so where is the other twin? Hanui is SuJeong, Sarang is Eunae's youngest daughter and two years younger than Hanui. 

We don't know yet how HN came to be with EA. She did have a daughter who died and HN has been told she's was her twin. Another thing that's a puzzle is the dead daughters name was also HN. My thoughts on that is the dead child's death was never registered and SJ became HN who is dead. 

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16 hours ago, meoooooowwww said:

This is the best daily drama I've ever watch in my life. Furthermore, it is always get first place in rating since the first episode (always 12% and above). I guess Korean and many of us really like this drama because the storyline is not too heavy, all the actors&actresses are really good in portraying their characters. I like HN♥HG's scenes the most because of their very cute interaction, from an enemy to be a best friend now and waiting for the next step B) 

Those rating are not that great. You got lover in bloom at more than 20% then the next one same hour and chanel around 20 and now sunny again tomorrow is the following one and is only at 12 now.

I would advice you to watch ugly alert. Best dayly for me ever. Great actor and acting and the main couple only got problem when one of them do a mistake and not from a second lead making you fell they can threaten the couple.


I had a hard time watching it live and cut the sound often in this last episode. I skip most of it when watching the sub. This episode was so mean to JH. I was even wondering if the cliffhanger would be her declaring her child dead but it's worst with her watching her child calling her "mom" mom.


I think JE mom is becoming more crazy than ever. I wonder if they will go to that path with her ending in hp. Her eyes are more red each episode I feel.

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3 hours ago, mqiuwen said:

I'm flabbergasted after watching SH's and JE's crocodile tears. These 2 are the most, despicable, hypocrites, insecure, shameless, annoying, craziest, evil, etc...

why am I getting so happy seeing those curse words towards JE and SH :D ..bring it on ...:thumbsup:

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I would find the ending where, HN "mom" was nice and got HN in a legal way and was not part of a kidnaping at all with JE and her mom evicted from the house, HN "mom" taking JE mom room, HN sis taking JE room and why not HN and HK getting married and living there has well so funny.

The final kick would be JE mom (I want JE too) in jail.

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