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[Drama 2018] The Undateables / Handsome Guy and Jung Eum 훈남정음


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4 hours ago, Alice Mendoza said:

<deleted picture of Hoon Nam petting those cute little doggies living with Jung Eum>


He’s filming at JE’s house!!!!!    :o

So glad to see SOMEONE petting those puppies!!! They are in all the scenes at Jung Eum's home, but I have only seen Choi Joon Soo petting them once. If I were living in that house, I would be giving looots of kisses and cuddles to those puppies (and probably also let them snooze in my bed haha :D ) 'Cause dogs are PAWESOME! :heart:

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4 hours ago, Alice Mendoza said:

JE’s latest IG post!! There are clues! :lol:

He he....I know the middle two...!! They are our sweet couple Hoon Nam & Jung Eum :heart: The other guy is the doctor friend... but who's that girl? I don't think I know her....mmmmmmmm???????She must be doc's girlfriend...!! :D:D

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46 minutes ago, Alice Mendoza said:

@gm4queen - it’s the surfer chick from Ep. 14, the one who used to live with HN! Remember when JE encountered her?? 

Ohhh.....I think I've missed some parts of the drama..... need to check it out again. :o Thank you for the info!!!

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Thank you so much dear @Alice Mendoza for your detailed info. Now I am cleared with everyone.... :blush: Honestly I couldn't recognize her since some faces in this drama are pretty much alike!!!!.....And now that the hunt begins...!!! :heart: looks like the doctor guy is getting jealousy with Hoon Nam as from the next preview... wow!!! can't wait :grin:

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  • Guest changed the title to [Current Drama 2018] The Undateables / Handsome Guy and Jung Eum 훈남정음 - Namgoong Min & Hwang Jung Eum - Wed & Thu @ 22:00 KST

Hi everyone! Hope you’ve seen last night’s episodes!

WHAT has happened to their hot kisses?? How come that kiss in the car was just lips touching??? 

Also, I feel that JE is falling too easily for HN! And I don’t quite understand the scenes where HN kept on laughing - the part where he asked his jerk Cousin to send him a text and his Cousin sent a text calling HN a fool and HN just laughed like a crazy person! Then, when he was facing the mirror, there was a brief moment when he stopped laughing and told his reflection how awesome he was for asking JE to date him??!!

Anyway, it’s going to be quite interesting that all 3 are going to live together! :lol: I feel kind of bad for JS ... when will he realise that he’s way too late? And JE will never see him as a boyfriend?? 

The Jerk Cousin is still thinking that the bet is on and waiting for HN to dump JE - I think he will open his mouth to tell Coach and Coach will tell JE of course. Then, JE would maybe, be forced to give JS a chance? Maybe HN and JE will break up for awhile (PLEASE DO NOT LET THEM BREAK UP FOR ONE YEAR!!) and then be reunited at last??


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3 hours ago, Alice Mendoza said:

Hi everyone! Hope you’ve seen last night’s episodes!

WHAT has happened to their hot kisses?? How come that kiss in the car was just lips touching??? 

Also, I feel that JE is falling too easily for HN! And I don’t quite understand the scenes where HN kept on laughing - the part where he asked his jerk Cousin to send him a text and his Cousin sent a text calling HN a fool and HN just laughed like a crazy person! Then, when he was facing the mirror, there was a brief moment when he stopped laughing and told his reflection how awesome he was for asking JE to date him??!!

Anyway, it’s going to be quite interesting that all 3 are going to live together! :lol: I feel kind of bad for JS ... when will he realise that he’s way too late? And JE will never see him as a boyfriend?? 

The Jerk Cousin is still thinking that the bet is on and waiting for HN to dump JE - I think he will open his mouth to tell Coach and Coach will tell JE of course. Then, JE would maybe, be forced to give JS a chance? Maybe HN and JE will break up for awhile (PLEASE DO NOT LET THEM BREAK UP FOR ONE YEAR!!) and then be reunited at last??


Hello chingu!!!!

I've watched the last night eps......but I still have to watch them with eng subs. Here I honestly thought that JE will kiss back HN passionately!!!! (He he..my thoughts are just going so far) but nothing special happend!! They should have add something spicy for that little kiss, don't you think so? And I could understand without eng sub that HN is going to live with JE and the doctor guy!!!! (Srry, i can't remember his name though)  Then it will be a lot fun...he he ha ha :D

And I am not going to waste my words on the jerk cousin!!! All I want to say is can't we just kick him out of the drama???!!!! I am NOT interested watching his scenes with or without subs!!! Then I am gonna miss the most important details of the drama!!! What to do? I am so helpless b'cause of a _________ cousin character!!(Fill in the blanks). But anyway let's hope for the best of all!!! :heart:

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@gm4queen - Hahahaha! Doctor’s name is Joon Su & Jerk Cousin is Yook Ryong But I think it’s simpler to refer to him as Jerk Cousin!

Also, HN’s sexy surfer chick Friend was not an ex-GF, she’s just a good Friend who helped HN out a lot when he was in Australia. She has returned to Korea to seek medical treatment for her shoulder injury - so, I think she’ll end up with Joon Su!! 

I still don’t understand that kiss in the car??!! After all, they already had 2 passionate kisses, so why was the 3rd kiss so tame?? Or maybe they’re leaving it to our imagination- as in WHAT HAPPENED after that kiss???? :lol: We need @40somethingahjumma & @partyon plus other Chingus’ analyses - PALI PALI!! 

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@40somethingahjumma- Hi Chingu! I re-watched the episode (I think it was Episode 2 or 3) where JE’s Mum passed away - It wasn’t a boating accident - she was ill and they kept JE in the dark about her illness. So, we still have no idea why JE has a phobia of water. 

Also, what do you make of the almost no response from JE to HN’s last kiss in the car????

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Hello chingus!


Our Duke is officially a fool in love!.

The scene where he is seen humming and watering the plants..Grinning widely ear to ear.This guy has gotten struck by cupid,so badly:D. He blushes when he thinks of her(and here am grinning too).


It's raining kisses!!This drama is so mushy...but I like it.It was so sweet of HN to reverse the car and show her those beautiful flowers.At the same time it's was so sweet of JS to leave a trail of notes and goodies on the way for Jung Eum.Alas! He's too late in confessing to JE.The surfer chick has shown some interest in him.Let's see how it unfolds.


I was chanting the whole time:--let the new tenant be HN..and then it happened SCORE!!! It is HIM!!!The next episode seems really interesting .:DThe guy just dropped into the house like a shocker!The doctor guy was furious and our JE completely baffled.


 @gm4queen :- As you said chingu. I detest the cousin guy so badly.I guess he might be the one who will unleash all hell by breaking the news to JE that everything was a bet.This guy gives me the creeps.HN confessed to the surfer chick that the relationship is serious.He's approaching it sincerely but the cousin jerk is not buying it.If you see from the first I think it was HN's fault.Why did he ever bring out the BET??Was there any valid reason..shucks...



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56 minutes ago, Alice Mendoza said:

@gm4queen - Hahahaha! Doctor’s name is Joon Su & Jerk Cousin is Yook Ryong But I think it’s simpler to refer to him as Jerk Cousin!

Also, HN’s sexy surfer chick Friend was not an ex-GF, she’s just a good Friend who helped HN out a lot when he was in Australia. She has returned to Korea to seek medical treatment for her shoulder injury - so, I think she’ll end up with Joon Su!! 

I still don’t understand that kiss in the car??!! After all, they already had 2 passionate kisses, so why was the 3rd kiss so tame?? Or maybe they’re leaving it to our imagination- as in WHAT HAPPENED after that kiss???? :lol: We need @40somethingahjumma & @partyon plus other Chingus’ analyses - PALI PALI!! 

I agree with you completely on this kiss one...!!! And I am quite upset with the writer-nim, since there are not much of HN & JE's romantic scenes to edit my MV...!! pending, pending & pending :anguished::confused::cry::dissapointed::flushed:

And that kiss is ultimately simple???? May be an epilogue of "what happend after the kiss" would do the rest :wub: but since there are no epilogues in this drama, may be a flash back or something?....???? Who knows!! I HATE to say that tere are many flops in this drama!!!, but I am very much in love with this drama at the same time!!! I think that is the speciality of our current drama "Handsome Guy & Jung Eum". I prefer the theme more than "The Undatables". And PLEASE, PLEASE & PLEASE add some romance HN & JE's story!!!! I can't wait to finish my MV!!! :heart:

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1 hour ago, Alice Mendoza said:

Hi Chingu! I re-watched the episode (I think it was Episode 2 or 3) where JE’s Mum passed away - It wasn’t a boating accident - she was ill and they kept JE in the dark about her illness. So, we still have no idea why JE has a phobia of water. 

Also, what do you make of the almost no response from JE to HN’s last kiss in the car????


Jung Eum is aquaphobic.


The roots of this phobia can be traced to prior traumatic incidents with water, where one might have almost drowned, or was pushed into a water body as a prank, or fallen off a boat or deck. One might even have witnessed a traumatic event such as the drowning or death of a loved one in water.


We all know that JE did'nt experience any of the afore mentioned incidents.


My guess:-


In JE's case what happened in the dive at the competition in EPI 1?We know she did'nt succeed.She was stressed out completely as her boyfriend had rejected her and she had read the text before she commenced her dive.Her anxiety levels might have been high and we did not see how the dive ended.She might have almost drowned or experienced suffocation.The same day her mom passed away too.In a nutshell, I think the tragic happenings of that day and the intense stress she suffered (also she messed up her competition)and the drowning she could have experienced might have transformed her into an aquaphobic.


Onething is for sure:-The flash back of her mom on death bed as she gazed at the ocean clearly indicates that she associates her death with water.They kept her in the dark about her mother's condition and she could have been guilty of not reaching to her on time.She associates THAT DAY(the most tragic day of her life where she got rejected,lost her mom,messed up the competition )with water.It's a grim reminder of that day.


The way water  (JE being a swimmer)ended up as her bad omen is quite strange and baffling.It's mysterious..



About the kiss:- I think she was surprised.She was comprehending about the surfer girl scenario and the kiss was quite unexpected.This drama sure has its cute n sweet moments and I hope they give us more:wub:




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I loved those last couple of episodes... everything in those last two episodes is why I watch rom coms with love triangles some of the time. Yessshhh!


Goodness, gracious me... Hoon Nam in love is just the most adorable thing on the planet. (See this is why I show up when Namgoong Min does rom coms) He is such a delight to watch. He's like a kid with a new toy especially the way he pores over his phone waiting for a text from his "Acorn" and then demanding that his phone get her to text him... My favourite man-child in recent days.  :lol:


But he's not so head over heels that he's lost his wits completely. Moving out of the gallery to make way for Susie to hide out was a smart move and renting the extra room was a bit of a masterstroke... well... maybe. Let's see if he can work his charm on Dad. It will be a bit of a gamble because unbeknownst to all of them Dad's most hated person in the world is NH's dad. LOL. The chaos that I anticipate will be certain to entertain. 


Luckily I root for NH otherwise I will suffer horrible pangs of SLS and we can't have that. But JS definitely pulling out all the stops and you gotta give him credit because in some ways he is the one who has the history with JE. However, it isn't just a case of "if you snooze, you lose", it's how JE perceives him as well. To her, he's a buddy... a really good buddy... someone she can hang out with but not someone she would want to kiss and have babies with. In some ways he's already perfect but that's not the issue. His character and his credentials aren't in question but the dynamics of their relationship until now as seen from her perspective. That's the biggest obstacle. He frames the whole thing as a race... a lot of guys do in these sorts of rom coms... but that misses the whole point. It isn't a race and she isn't some prize. It's all about relationship and perception. It was pretty much the same thing in A Poem a Day. The suitor's sincerity and diligence is irrelevant if the woman at the centre of things doesn't see him as a candidate. 


I've decided that one of the reasons why I like this show as much as I do is because it reminds me of Taiwanese rom coms from days gone by. Taiwanese dramas... rom coms in particular... tend to have a whole string of supporting characters with their own arcs and romances. They're all interconnected somehow. For me, The Undateables is like a reversal of In Time with You. There almost everybody was rooting for the high school friend who hid his feelings while she dated a whole host of men. It was exasperating and heartbreaking at the same time especially when she was on the cusp of marrying someone else.


Here the show takes a different tack although it's clear that HN and JE do have a childhood connection that they don't remember. They weren't friends but they had these brief encounters. But it isn't always the case that people who have known each other all their lives or have a history together end up in romantic relationships or marriage even. More often than not, they don't. 


There's something pitiful about HN, despite the wealth, the gallery and the outward trappings of sophistication. In a real enough way he is a much more pathetic figure than JS who has enjoyed a deep familial relationship with JE and her dad, and a great job that sees him in contact with people he can help. So I don't think we should feel too sorry for him. :wink: His life is a good one and he has a functioning family life even if they're not biologically related to him.


On another note, I wouldn't be surprised if Coach falls pregnant sooner rather than later. The way she and Jerk Ryong are going... acting like rabbits... yeah... I can see it happening. :tongue: It might be the thing to force him to grow up in a hurry.


Hi @Alice Mendoza 

Hmmm... that's interesting. Well, I will need to rewatch some of the older episodes because I seem to remember a boating incident somewhere. 


Well, I think the kiss in the car was necessarily... how shall I put it... tame because she was really upset and he had to give her assurance without being overwhelming. If he overdid it, she would have thought she was being played again. In this way, he is showing his sincerity but giving her space.


Hey, he's the relationship guru after all, right? Heh, heh.


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Just finished watching EP 15 with eng sub.... Oh...he said it's for real, not a bet..!!! OMG....Hoon Nam is a real namja!!!! :D I am so happy for him...!! He won't deceive her ever... just mind your other bussiness, you cousin...!! :D:D

And as @40somethingahjumma said, the female coach will be in lots of trouble sooner or later. The way she and Jerk Ryong kiss is somewhat disgusting to me..!! yaikkkkkkkkkks. :angry: Hope he learns a lesson big for playing with yonjas....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The  EP 16 is a turning point for the characters, I think..!! The expressions of Joon Soo's face were serious at the bar. Looks like he's gonna end up with Jung Eum...!!! he he...no way :D Now that the plot is on the right track, hope the rating will go up as well!!

And I was forgetting to mention a thing!! The music in this drama is so smooth!! All the OSTs & even the background music are loved by me a lot.... music sweet music!! Hope they announce other album with background music :)

Now, waiting for tonight eps... :heart:


Side note : 1. Can someone tell me the name of the green dress Jung Eum was wearing? I am attracted to that beautiful dress!! Simple is Beautiful!!

                    2. What is the whistle tune at the very beginning of the ep 16 at the grocery shop? is it a korean song or what?


.......hope someone will answer my questions!! :)


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