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[Mainland Chinese Web Drama 2020] Three Lives Three Worlds The Pillow Book 三生三世枕上书


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30 minutes ago, Dreams87 said:

So I just finished ep 13 from Viki and I concur that in some part, Viki subtitle are much clearer than wetv. I’m also reading those timed comments and boyyy people could be really mean in their judgements :astonished:. I saw countless of annoying, needy, no dignity b***h to describe FJ and they only see it up to eps 13 so hopefully I will see nicer words along the way :wink:. Luckily not all the comments are bad, some are really nice, funny and amusing too. I remember one of them called JH pet, Aslan (from Narnia) because the lion can talk :joy:.
I’m also using this opportunity to recount the “oh” and “ehm” and “aa” from DJ. Lol. So far I got 19 of those from the first ep till now and probably more because I always skip the scene where DJ talking to demon clan (cmiiw if anyone else is counting :rolleyes:). It was more that the first time I count if I’m not wrong. Ok. I’m off to do more eps now :wub:. So weird that I’m not sick and tired of this drama at all consider countless times I watch it and I’m still enjoy it. :rolleyes:

IKR... Drama or Books ..I'm still enjoyed very much eventhough ..lost count how many times re-watched the drama or re-read the books.




There is a compilation video specially for DJ's "Oh"

There's also a compilation video , how many times DH say FJ's nickname" Xiao Bai" Which is 86 times . It's was posted by Vengo himself when the drama started..

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3 minutes ago, stella77 said:

I just started this yesterday and now am on episode 6 l, pacing is a bit slow and am already waiting for FJ to grow up a bit more - she’s so naive and immature right now. The special effects are nice and better than TMOPB and am happy to see lots of familiar faces esp. Si Ming lol. 


Si Ming, Lian Song, Tianjun. :) BQ, Bai Yi, Fox King and Queen would be there too. It was really nice to see them reprising their roles in ELOD. Especially FJ and DH :lol:.


She's still that naive baby fox until ep6, but next episodes, FJ will grow up overnight. :)

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57 minutes ago, Dreams87 said:

So I just finished ep 13 from Viki and I concur that in some part, Viki subtitle are much clearer than wetv. I’m also reading those timed comments and boyyy people could be really mean in their judgements :astonished:. I saw countless of annoying, needy, no dignity b***h to describe FJ and they only see it up to eps 13 so hopefully I will see nicer words along the way :wink:. Luckily not all the comments are bad, some are really nice, funny and amusing too. I remember one of them called JH pet, Aslan (from Narnia) because the lion can talk :joy:.
I’m also using this opportunity to recount the “oh” and “ehm” and “aa” from DJ. Lol. So far I got 19 of those from the first ep till now and probably more because I always skip the scene where DJ talking to demon clan (cmiiw if anyone else is counting :rolleyes:). It was more that the first time I count if I’m not wrong. Ok. I’m off to do more eps now :wub:. So weird that I’m not sick and tired of this drama at all consider countless times I watch it and I’m still enjoy it. :rolleyes:


You try watching with headsets. You'll hear a lot more, like those very subtle hmm, mmm, ah :D


Oddly, I don't remember him with those oh or hmm in demon realm or talking with Xu Yang and XY. One or two I think with JH in the tea class and when she's asking if it's Jiuge DH likes.

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16 minutes ago, stella77 said:

@MayanEcho thx for the last bit yey! I am also trying to go back and read this thread but it is soooooo long and overwhelming lol


Enjoy watching :lol: Yeah, the thread really grew when ELOD was aired. From about less than 200 pages to 800 now. People here discuss both the book and the series, TMOPB and recently, next book Lotus Steps. 


Visit the forum's blogsite too for more ELOD tidbits :)


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Hello, i am a diehard fans of Eternal love of dream and GuangRe shipper. I usually a silent reader. Before i saw someone post the script in txt attachment. But now i could't find it. Anybody could help me ? I will really appreciate it. Thank you very much. 

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Im back! Lol not really ive just been silently following the forum without commenting. It took me a long time to get over Eternal love of dream but now I've moved my obsession to Lotus step and Bodhi fate.


I really recommend everyone to try reading the google translated ver of lotus step. Some things I didnt get but some things i did. So far I didnt realise how emotionally detached lian song is before he meets cheng yu. I feel the rest of the movies and books portray him as this carefree playful guy but after reading him its like hes a completely different person. Also, spoilers but cheng yu is definitely not some side character, her character is/was/will be a ancient powerful god who is most likely related to Donghua as a sister. Which is funny especially with all these god daughter in law jokes coming up in pillow book. 


Also, loved the shao wan references in the lotus step. You can feel the strong relationship between her and past chengyu. I feel shao wans character is not as hot headed as we think she is from the first chapter in BF. We later learn it was her idea and initiative to save the mortals at the gate and willingly and knowingly sacrificed herself for them. What a sweetheart. Of course, past chengyu couldnt let her friend take it on herself and with her psychic powers predicted that this is shaowans calamity and it was inevitable for to feather this way. I found it very interesting during this dream/flashback moyuan is mentioned alot, where CY basically says to SW that there is no way moyuan would let her go and how SW should think of how moyuan would take this and SW basically says he should deal with it because this is her fate.


SW and MY definitely have some deeprooted connections together. I think just from the way tang qi describes thdir relationship in a nostalgic/one true love/ longing way . In TMOPB, alot people misunderstood in the novel moyuans reaction to BQ and YH as being jealous or missing his chance but he clearly sees them a similarity in them like him and SW. The part where SW's brother visits MY to tell him that he dreamt of SW crying and MY reaction when he gets told that like him, SW can probably resurrect says A LOT of how he felt. Even the most clueless person in love BQ could recognize his reaction was probably because of a "heartbreak".


This is getting super juicy, i feel like lotus step is going super deep with this story. The blossoming romance between CY and LS is beautiful but so bittersweet because of CY being a mortal(for now) and LS trying to resist the temptation as he is a god and will never be able to realistically marry someone who would die in a couple of years. I cant wait for the next volume!!


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39 minutes ago, Megan said:

Remembering the scene where Dong Hua orders the redecoration of his palace for his new wife, I’m trying to imagine Chonglin’s reaction when his boss returns.

Dong Hua: I’m back. We need to redecorate the palace to make my Wife more comfortable.

Chonglin: YOU’RE MARRIED?!


IMO, not much will surprise ZL anymore after being with DH for so long. :lol: I believe he already had the idea when DH read up about FJ while waiting for Fanyin Valley to open.

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37 minutes ago, Bai Gun Gun said:


I really recommend everyone to try reading the google translated ver of lotus step. Some things I didnt get but some things i did. 


@Bai Gun Gun Welcome back! :)


It was quite interesting reading the story via Google translate, as there's the fun part there of understanding what auto-translate came up with. :)


Nonetheless, Lotus Steps is a beautiful story. IMO, it will be as loved, or even more loved than PB when it's completed. BTW, the translated prologue is in the blogsite, have you read it?


As LS is half-raised by the icy deity in Tai Chen, it's no surprise he's also emotionally unattached though outwardly he's that carefree rascal of Jiuchongtian. Until the right one comes along to stir his heart.


Lotus Steps first 24 chapters is an adventure of laughter and tears. All I'll say is if readers/viewers thought FJ is mischievous, daring, and naughty, think again. :) Someone can easily top her invincibility, but like FJ, she's just as charming and loveable.

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3 hours ago, jimmylyne said:

FJ's characteristic attracts all the good man..


But DH attracts the b*****s and witches..lol

Luckily DH had a good vision..and keen sights so he only acctracted to the most "special one" Xiao Bai.

Couldn't have said it better :love:. DH does attract the worst types :joy: :joy: but he was able to make the best one to fall in love with him as well :)


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1 hour ago, Aari sky said:

What are these "timely comments" ? 


It's a feature of the Viki app, I think? Comments made of users while watching via the app.


@Aari sky I confirm that it's a setting in Viki app. Too bad that in my region, ELOD isn't available in Viki, but I have TMOPB.


Haha, I just might rewatch via Viki app due to the comments, even if I already have the entire series for offline viewing.

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1 hour ago, Aari sky said:

What are these "timely comments" ? 


When you open a video you can use the button in the top right corner to turn them on and off.

Viewers can comment on scenes, but how it work I don't know.. I think 80% is annoying and immature and

I personally have no patience to wait for the funny ones. But then again... maybe I'll re-watch it again after I finish this round of re-watching (to compare subtitles) simply to check the better comments. :lol:



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3 hours ago, Bai Gun Gun said:



I really recommend everyone to try reading the google translated ver of lotus step.



Brave! I tried 2 chapters and it was headache inducing. :lol: I'm seriously considering giving it another go though. From what I heard so far it's very promising! TQ will keep us hooked for several more years.


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4 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


Bai Yi frowningly looked to his father. He gritted his words to Bai Zhi, “Are we going to let him insult Qingqiu too after we already let him take advantage of us?” On stage, Fengjiu modestly said, “Even if Your Lordship is 80,000 years older, or thrice as old as I am, we are peers after all. It only took all of ten strokes from you to defeat me. You have my admiration.” (PB2, pp396-397)



Hehehe, yeah, correcting that one. I was still a bit sleepy earlier :lol:. FJ was around 28,000 when she was saved by DH. Calculating Nie Chuyin's age, he's around 90,000-110,000 at most.


Donghua was greatly affected. She first met him on Mount Qinyao, but the first time he met her was two thousand years later by the Wangsheng shore. She said they might meet one day at a banquet. She wasn't wrong. They later met at her aunt's wedding where she almost kicked a flower pot onto his head. He had caused her so much grief over the years, but at that time, he couldn't detect anything from her face. She just acted like a young queen meeting him for the first time, smart, lively, and beautiful. (PB2, 345)


In her childhood she had been mischievous and had often been punished by her teachers in Qingqiu. Since her classmates' parents mostly worked for her family, however, they usually volunteered to take her punishments for her. She had been in school for so long but she'd never had to lift a finger carrying out punishments. How things had changed. She was no longer young at the age of 30,000. And being a queen, it was therefore lamentable that she was now bending her back over school discipline in the Biyiniao's lecture hall. (PB1, p171)



XY is childish, but he should be more than old enough to challenge DH for duels. :lol: Since the reason was JH is betrothed, and if they're similar age, then he was old enough to get married. 


Hmm, IMO, DH will not duel either with a young teen, even if XY looks like one.


XY grew up lacking mother's love, That's why Feng Jiu felt sorry for him and mothered him a lot out of kindness. 


Xiao Yan fights better than Nie Chu Yin although they are about the same age. Let's not forget that now know that his teacher was Xie Hua Lou who isn't a bad martial artist herself. She is the white Lord of the Underworld.


It is clearer in the Chinese Version how Feng Jiu really felt about xiao yan.


I was thinking, do you guys want to come up with a list of which favourite scenes you guys would like translated.


Some scenes were truncated or paraphrased in the English version by Hamster so maybe also let me know which scenes people want translated again for clarification.

I have a list of scenes I would like to do for the blog and some could match with what you guys want as well.

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5 minutes ago, SilverDawn said:


Brave! I tried 2 chapters and it was heache inducing. :lol: I'm seriously considering giving it another go though. From what I heard so far it's very promising! TQ will keep us hooked for several more years.


Chapter one will be up soon on the blog. I am the last editor on it so let me get through it and I will post it up soon.

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