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Name of thread [Current Drama 2021] The Devil Judge ⚖️ 악마판사


Name of poll: Yo Han, first 2 episodes and the Bombing


1. What kind of person do you think Yo Han is?

  1. He is a villain hiding his true face behind the mask of being a Just Judge - 0
  2. He is a good guy, and is doing it all for the public. - 0
  3. He is a devil, a person who wants to take revenge for something that happened in the past. - 5
  4. He is an anti-hero actually. Not completely bad, nor totally good. Would play dirty to achieve what he wants to. - 20
  5. Something Else (Please Mention) - 1

2. How did you feel watching the first two episodes? (Choose as many as you want)

  1. Why does Yo Han feel like Batman and this Gotham? I got the vibes of it, and his car is black. - 16
  2. The car race/chase scene felt like a cut scene from a Racing game (like NFS) - 6
  3. Why are the roads so empty? Does no one own a car except Yo Han, the Yellow car owner and the police officers along with some other extras? - 10
  4. I just loved the song during the car chase scene. - 4
  5. How did Ga On chase a car using a bicycle????!!!!! - 9
  6. The Live Court seems an interesting thing. But couldn't they just rig the voting results? - 8
  7. I am a simple person, I see Ji Sung being forehead Oppa, I fall for him <3 - 8
  8. Yo Han's character is a lot similar to Shin Se Gi from Kill Me Heal Me - 6
  9. Is there only one yellow car in the town given how easily Ga On recognized it? - 3
  10. The feelings between Kim Ga On and Detective Yoon Soo Hyun are cute!! - 10
  11. The judge robes look like clothes for priests. The court seems to build the reputation of a cult. - 11
  12. Kim Min Jung looks so good!!! Love her in this drama!!! - 8
  13. I want to go to all those snazzy parties and meet the wealthy and the fabulous. - 1
  14. Kim Min Jung and Ji Sung again in a drama, I have been waiting for it to happen for years!!!! - 5
  15. The dance between Yo Han and Jung Sun A set my world on fire - 9
  16. The library scene between Chief Kang and Judge Kim-I smell a bromance. They even saved each other's lives. - 11
  17. Something Else (Please Mention) - 3

3. Who set up the Bomb in Yo Han's office?

  1. Minister Cha - she smiled at Yohan, but was making plans to remove the thorn in her side as Yo Han broke their accord. - 2
  2. Kang Yo Han himself - it is a diversion and in order to appear that he is a victim and gain public sympathy and to mislead Kim Gaon. - 14
  3. Social Responsibility Foundation - Yo Han's use ran out. - 4
  4. Kim Gaon - he installed the bomb when he looked at the wall as he bugged the office, in order to gain Kang Yo Han's trust. - 0
  5. Chief Justice-He recognizes that Kang Yo Han is dangerous and rather than wait, he made a pre-emptive strike - 1
  6. Minister's Son - he knows who Kang Yohan is and took offence at his car being trashed and seeks revenge. - 3
  7. Yoon Soo Hyun - She is part of a secret gang. - 0
  8. Someone Else (Please Mention) - 2

In total:   25 votes

Played: July 2021


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Name of threadLove (ft. Marriage & Divorce) 결혼작사 이혼작곡

Name of poll: Thriller 

1. Do you think something is brewing between Seo Ban and Song Won?

  • Nah, it is another red herring.         10

  • It is impossible for he is secretly in love with one of the wives.         10

  • Sure, this could be a new beginning for them both. Both are single and fancy free.        5

  • Maybe, Seo Ban loves children. One plus one is always a better deal. LOL        6

    2. What are you most looking forward to? (Choose as many as you wish.)

  • Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Kim Dong-mi lunging at A-Mi with a bottle of very expensive whiskey.         7

  • Bull fight ahem I mean cat fight between Kim Dong-mi and A-Mi.         15

  • Penny Drops! Revelation of A-Mi’s biological father and realizing his daughter is having an affair with an older married man.         24

  • Pot calling the kettle black! Shin Yu-shin accusing Park Hae-ryun of destroying his marriage.        16

  • What’s brewing between Song Won and Seo Ban?        11

  • How A-Mi manages to get out of a tight spot when confronted by Sa Pi-young and asked to show her phone?       10

    3. Why do you think we had a random ghost hal-abeoji scene? (Choose as many as you wish.)

  • To prove that an apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Like father like son!        10

  • Ghost hal-abeoji lost his way while stalking Kim Dong-mi and got blinded by younger beauties!       12

  • The writer has lost her way in the story.        15

  • The actor needed some extra cash and asked the writer to somehow include him in the story.         10

  • The viewers were sad to see hal-abeoji go and wept tears on the forum; so writer felt sorry and decided to appease them.        5

  • When you have fortune tellers and shamans, why not have ghosts in the story?        10

  • Every building is haunted, don't you know?!        2

  • The writer likes to challenge herself by including as many genres as possible. Multi-tasking at the highest!        11

  • Public service announcement: the writer is trying to raise awareness of the supernatural.        7

In total:   32 votes

Played: July 2021

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Name of thread [Current Drama 2021] The Devil Judge ⚖️ 악마판사


Name of poll: Ga On, Yo Han's story and Yo Han's judgements 


1. Do you think Ga On and Isaac (Yo Han's elder brother) are related?

  1. Yes, Ga On is Isaac's son - 12
  2. No, he just resembles Isaac - 13
  3. Something Else (Please Mention) - 1

2. Do you think Yo Han's version of fire incident is true?

  1. Yes, Yo Han's version of the incident was complete and true. - 2
  2. No, I think he changed the whole story here to show himself the good guy. - 0
  3. He mixed some lies while saying the truth to fool Ga On and make him believe his story. - 6
  4. What he said was true, but he left out some key parts of the incident. - 18
  5. Something else (Please Mention). - 0

3. How did you find Yo Han's judgements so far?

  1. Both the corrupt businessman and Minister of Justice's son deserved the punishment they got. - 9
  2. 235 years imprisonment and flagellation? That's ridiculous and inhumane. - 1
  3. While both of them were evil, and did deserve some punishment, I think Yo Han should have gone by book. - 2
  4. Yo Han's judgements might be related to his revenge, but he is mainly doing it to gain the public support. It is part of his grand plan. - 13
  5. Something Else (Please Mention) - 1

In total:   26 votes

Played: July 2021

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Name of thread: Be My Dream Family, 속아도 꿈결


Name of poll: the long ride  


Q1. which characters have you enjoyed the most in terms of arc / growth so far? (pick 4)

1. Sang Baek (security guard/appa to min ah & inseo) ~ 0

2. Sang Goo (PD / min hee's husband) ~ 0

3. Sang Min (artist) ~ 1

4. In Seo ~ 3

5. our teenage ditzy couple - Min Ah & Heon ~ 1

6. Young Hye ~ 2

7. Doctor (Heon's mom) ~ 1

8. Oh Min Hee (actress / PD's wife) ~ 3

9. Geu Roo (eldest daughter / editor) ~ 1

10. Da Bal (judo sister) ~ 0

11. Ji Wan & Yi Jae ~ 1

12. Ga Eun ~ 1

13. Dad & Mom ~ 2


Q2. which romantic coupling are you looking forward to see the most? (pick 1 / your top choice)

1. Geu Roo & Si Woon ~ 3

2. Da Bal & Ji Wan ~ 3

3. Ga Eun & Sang Min ~ 1


In total:  7 members have voted

Played: July 2021

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Name of thread: Hospital Playlist
Name of poll: HP 2 poll: Time jump   


1. Will Min Ha succeed in convincing Seok Hyeong to go on a date with her?
Of course. He is comfortbale around her. It's just a matter of time until he says yes. - 23
Maybe. She still has 4 chances left. He might agree to a date with her in a moment of weakness. - 16
No. He is too scared to date again after his divorce. - 3


2. If Min Ha and Seok Hyeong end up dating, will Seok Hyeong's mom accept her?
No way. No one will be good enough for her son. She might only accept someone who is a lot richer. - 5
Maybe. Even Rosa tried to get her to understand that her actions were too strong with reagard to Seok Hyeong's ex wife. She might have learned from her actions. - 12
Yes. Seok Hyeong will have learnt his lesson and will put his mother in her place this time. - 25


3. Doctors smoking in this drama. Yes or no?
Yes, it's fine. Their life, their choice. - 25
Maybe. It's a bit uncommon to see it though. - 12
No. Experienced doctors know the dangers of smoking. It's not a realistic scenario. - 5


In total: 42 votes
Played: July 2021

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Name of thread:  Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) 결혼작사 이혼작곡

Name of poll: Topsy Turvy Land  


1. Seo Ban. Interested in what/whom?

  • 50s wife -9
  • 40s wife  -1
  • 30s wife -0
  • 30s mistress -0
  • Pregnant women -1
  • Forget relationships. He likes kids and babies. -12
  • Himself -9

2. What do you think of the sudden redemption arcs?

  • Give me my time back. -4
  • Make no sense. -3
  • Finally. I have been waiting for them or 25 episodes. -1
  • This gonna be good. Pass me the popcorn. -7
  • Whatever -5
  • Zzzzz…. What redemption arcs? I must have dozed off. -5
  • FF button is my friend. -7


3. What do you like the most about the ghost hal-abeoji?

  • His perverted, playful pool antics. -6
  • His ab-lessness (This is PG rated poll, so no ‘nudity’) -2
  • His stalkerishness -2
  • His inability to satisfy his need for revenge due to him being the reincarnation of 40s husband -5
  • His character is the "absurdly so bad but it is good" category. Giving the drama a comic feel! -17

In total: 31 votes
Played: July 2021


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Name of thread [Current Drama 2021] The Devil Judge ⚖️ 악마판사


Name of poll: Sun ah's attack, Ga On's mentor, and the associate Judges' decision  


1. What do you think will be Sun Ah's next move?

  1. She has Yo Han's cross, she will try to frame him for murder. - 0
  2. She will go after Elijah. - 3
  3. She will continue to manipulate both Ga On and Jin Joo (the female judge) - 13
  4. She will try to use the fire incident and try to frame Yo Han as the prime suspect. - 1
  5. She will try to manipulate both housekeeper and Elijah into believing Yo Han was indeed behind the fire incident.-0
  6. She will use Yo Han's previous ruling in order to make public believe he isn't as righteous as they believe as he had been lenient in a lot of the previous cases. - 2
  7. She will try to trap Yo Han in a new scheme of hers. - 7
  8. Something Else (Please mention) - 0

2. What do you think about Ga On's mentor? (The one he calls Prof.)

  1. He is a good and righteous person. - 3
  2. He sure is shady going after Yo Han. - 8
  3. He works for Sun Ah and is manipulating Ga On as per her plans. - 7
  4. He is the ultimate baddie, the guy who orders Sun Ah. - 6
  5. Something else (Please Mention) - 2

3. Do you think there will be distrust within Yo Han's team now that Sun Ah is working on his Associating Judges (Ga On and Jin Joo)?

  1. Yes, she already already has made Ga On suspicious of Yo Han and it won't take her long in doing the same on Jin Joo. - 1
  2. No, the 4th episode showed that both Jin Joo and Ga On trust Yo Han when they were ready to stand with him during the bribing case. - 2
  3. They might get swayed away for sometime, but Yo Han will win their trust back very fast. - 22
  4. Something Else (Please Mention) - 1


In total:   26 votes

Played: July 2021

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Name of thread: Celebrity Sightings - Spill the Tea

Name of poll: Poll: Celebrity Sightings  


1. Which type of celebrity would you like to meet? (multiple choice)
My favorite oppa, of course! - 29
My favorite actress - 24
A sports figure and/ or team - 9
A politician - 1
My favorite writer - 8
That kdrama script writer who messed up the ending of my oppa's drama. I have feedback. - 9
A singer / kpop band - 11
An inspirational person I look up to - 12
My favorite TV personality / news anchor - 8
Someone from the royal family - 5
A YouTuber/Tik Toker/social influencer - 4
A local celebrity - 3
A famous designer / model - 5
My favorite painter, sculptor, etc - 3
Someone else. Who? - 6


2. What would you do if you were to meet your favorite celebrity? (multiple choice)
I would admire them from afar - 31
I would go up to them and ask them for a date / to hang out with me - 3
I would ignore them - 2
I would take a selfie with them (in secret) - 7
I would ask them for a selfie/autograph - 27
I would stalk them - 3
I wouldn't recognize them - I have horrible facial recognition skills - 3
I have friends/family who are celebrities - I hang out with them all the time - 3
I would faint - 4
I am a celebrity! - 1
Something else. What? - 4


3. Have you tried to meet a celebrity?
Yes, I checked their schedule and tried to do it. - 5
Never thought about it, but now that it is mentioned, I may give it a shot - 7
I am too lazy to do it - 16
No. - 21
I am the chairman of the fanclub - 0
So much that I got a restraining order - lol - 0


In total: 49 votes
Played: July 2021

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Name of thread: Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) 결혼작사 이혼작곡

Name of poll: Barf drama poll: Divorce edition 


1. Do you think any of the couples will reconcile? (choose as many as you like)
50s couple - 12
40s couple - 8
30s couple - 3
All of them will divorce with no hope for reconciliation - 26


2. Boo Hye Ryung and her (alleged) infertility. What is going on?
She knew she was infertile before geting married. She was hoping for a miracle baby after the cheating incident. - 2
She only recently found out she is infertile. - 17
She made up the story about being infertile to make the divorce easier for her own parents to understand. - 11
I have no idea what's going on. I still don't even know why there is a ghost haraboji in this drama. Shrug. - 13


3. Is there trouble in paradise for 50s husband and Nam Ga Bin?
No. They were just being careful about their impending marriage since she is a celebrity and he's divorced. - 0
Maybe. Weren't they supposed to get married a long time ago already? - 5
Oh yeah. She's having second thoughts about marriage and is getting ready to dump 50s husband. - 24
Honestly, I don't know and I don't care. I am enjoying watching A Mi and Dong Mi stepmother fight over 40s hubby far more. lol - 14


In total:43 votes
Played: July 2021


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Name of thread: EVENT: [Drama 2006] Goong (Princess Hours) - 궁
Name of poll: Goong Poll 1: Classic kdrama Feels  


1. Have you watched Goong?
Yes, I loved it! - 17
Yes, it was okay. - 5
Yes, but I didn't like it. - 0
Partially. I FFed most of the episodes.... - 0
Partially. I dropped it like a hot potato. - 3
No, but I've heard about it. - 4
No, never heard about it. - 2
No, and you couldn't pay me to watch it. - 0
Something else. What? - 0


2. Which of the leads do you like the most? (choose as many as you like)
Yoon Eun Hye - 17
Ju Ji Hoon - 19
Song Ji Hyo - 8
Kim Jung Hoon - 3
Don't like any of them - 3
Someone else. Who? - 3


3. Have you watched other kdrama classics?
Yes, I am a kdrama classic junkie. - 17
Yes, if you count also all of the dramas I dropped... - 4
I have watched some, but have quite a few on my watchlist. - 7
Nah, I don't like them. - 0
No, but would love some recommendations. - 3
Something else. What? - 0


In total: 31 votes
Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: Quick Poll: Are you a K-Drama addict? Signs you are a K-drama addict!
Name of poll: Are you a K-Drama addict? Signs you are a K-drama addict!  


Are you a K-Drama addict? Signs you are a K-drama addict!

  • “I am just going to watch one episode.” Said no K-drama addict ever. Insomnia due to kdrama marathons? Check. 36
  • Subs? Who needs them! Just watch them raw and rely on the few bits of Korean ("otoke", "omo) and body language to figure out what happened. 23
  • You follow a lot of Korean oppas and actresses on social media. Including supporting actors/actresses. 17
  • Your family/friends scold you about using K-drama standards for your love life wishlist, Can't they see that oppa is perfect? 10
  • You have made friends on Soompi and other kdrama forums, because they are the only ones who understand your kdrama obsession. 38
  • You are experienced enough to know that second leads will almost never get the girl and so guard your heart and set reasonable expectations. 38
  • You frequently drop Korean words while conversing. "Aigoo", "Omo", "Jinja" are part of your vocabulary now. 34
  • You have a long ‘To Watch’ list and a longer ‘Dropped’ list. 32
  • You have withdrawal symptoms when your favourite drama ends. So you end up re-watching it immediately. 31
  • You have fallen in love with everything Korean- the food, the culture, the language and of course the people. 28
  • K-drama OST has found a place in your playlist. 37
  • You know which writers' dramas to stay away from. Even though your favorite actors/actresses are starring in it. No more brain transplants please. 20
  • You crave the PPL (Product Placement) food they are showing in the drama. You even bought some of the PPL merchandise shown.... Not that you really needed it. 14
  • All the oppas you loved have now become ajusshis. Wait, when did time pass and when did we become old together? Yikes! 25
  • You have a K-beauty skincare routine nowadays. 17
  • South Korea is your dream vacation destination. Preferably with oppa waiting to pick you up from the airport. 26
  • You have an ultimate oppa/noona because let's face it, not all oppas/noonas are created equal. 33
  • You used to get confused with Korean names. Not anymore. Kim Soo Hyun and Kim So Hyun? Not the same person. 31
  • You love the truck of doom, kimchi slaps and hair pulling. You love all the tropes for their absurdity. They are so bad they are good! 28
  • Something else. What? Please comment. 3

In total: 55 votes
Played: August 2021


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Name of threadPoll: Participating in The Olympic


Name of poll: Participating in The Olympics  


1. In which sports event from the Olympic Games would you like to participate from Category A (Choose upto 3)

  1. Swimming - 19
  2. Gymnastics - 16
  3. Relay Race/Mixed Relay Race - 12
  4. Short Sprint Race (100/200/400m) - 11
  5. Discus Throw/Hammer Throw/Javeline Throw - 8
  6. Rowing - 8
  7. Surfing - 8
  8. High Jump/Long Jump/Triple Jump - 6
  9. Sailing - 6
  10. Diving - 5
  11. Marathon - 5
  12. Long Distance Race (800/1500/5000/10000m) - 4
  13. Canoe/Kayaking - 4
  14. Hurdles Race (100/400m) - 3
  15. Pole Vault - 3
  16. Trampoline - 3
  17. Steeplechase Race - 1
  18. Shot Put - 1
  19. Triathlon - 1
  20. None of the Above - 13

2. In which sports event from the Olympic Games would you like to participate from Category B (Choose upto 3)

  1. Badminton - 27
  2. Tennis - 22
  3. Volleyball - 13
  4. Basketball - 10
  5. Table Tennis - 10
  6. Beach Volleyball - 9
  7. Football - 8
  8. Hockey - 7
  9. Water Polo - 7
  10. Baseball Softball - 6
  11. Rugby - 4
  12. Handball - 3
  13. None of the Above - 6

3. In which sports event from the Olympic Games would you like to participate from Category C (Choose upto 3)

  1. Archery - 29
  2. Fencing - 17
  3. Taekwondo - 15
  4. Shooting - 15
  5. Cycling - 14
  6. Karate - 9
  7. Equestrian - 7
  8. Skateboarding - 6
  9. Judo - 5
  10. Boxing - 5
  11. Sport Climbing - 5
  12. Wrestling - 4
  13. Weightlifting - 4
  14. Modern Pentathlon - 1
  15. None of the Above - 8

In total:   65 votes

Played: July 2021

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Name of thread [Current Drama 2021] The Devil Judge ⚖️ 악마판사


Name of poll: Ga On Choosing Side, Yo Han's Team and Best of the 8 episodes  


1. Do you think Ga On really chose Team Yo Han?

  1. No, he is doing it to get more info on Yo Han by getting closer to him and his team members. - 11
  2. Yes, he has definitely joined his team. - 10
  3. Something Else (Please Mention). - 2

2. Do you think Yo Han's team member's stories were true?

  1. No, Yo Han already knows how such stories affect Ga On, and so his team members made them up to get him on his side. - 8
  2. Yes, they seemed to be true. 15
  3. Something Else (please mention). - 0

3. What did you like about this drama so far? (Choose as many as you want).

  1. Abs!!! - 4
  2. Bromance between Yo Han and Ga On. - 8
  3. Yo Han reading book on teenagers and trying to work on his relationship with Elijah. - 13
  4. Yo Han failing the foundation's plans in 2 consecutive episodes. - 9
  5. Amazing Cinematography. - 14
  6. Sun Ah's reveal to be the baddie. - 6
  7. Yo Han's backstory. - 6
  8. Sun Ah's backstory. - 3
  9. The Nanny/housekeeper's reaction on Yo Han eating Korean food made by Ga On. - 8
  10. Ga On living rent free at Yo Han's mansion. - 8
  11. The car chase/race scene in second episode. - 6
  12. The OST. I have been listening to it nonstop!!!!! - 7
  13. Yo Han and Elijah worrying about each other when not around. - 13
  14. Ga On and Soo Hyun being cute together. Why don't you two just start DATING????!!!! - 9
  15. Soo Hyun's reason to join the Police Academy. - 4
  16. Yo Han livestreaming on President's channel just when President threatened him. - 9
  17. Ga On finally choosing a side. - 8
  18. Ga On and Yo Han in Suits <3 - 9
  19. Judge Min and Ga On's relationship and backstory. - 4
  20. Something Else (Please Mention) - 0

In total: 23 votes

Played: July 2021

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Name of thread [Current Drama 2021] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) 결혼작사 이혼작곡 - Sat & Sun @ 21:00 KST


Name of poll: The season for new love?


1. Who is your favourite (potential) end couple? (choose as many as you like)

Boo Hye Ryung / Pan Sa Hyun (original 30s couple) 0

Boo Hye Ryung / Seo Ban (famous celebrity/chaebol couple) 1

Boo Hye Ryung / Seo Dong Ma (the young, hot, messy couple) 9

Sa Pi Young / Shin Yoo Shin (original 40s couple) 3

Sa Pi Young / Seo Ban (the producer who engineers her man) 12

Lee Shi Eun / Professor Park (original 50s couple) 0

Lee Shi Eun / Seo Ban (the engineer who wrote the confession?) 20

Pan Sa Hyun / Song Wan (and baby makes three) 9

Prof Park / Nam Ga Bin (second chances and a rebound) 0

Nam Ga Bin / Seo Dong Ma (will they or won't they couple) 5

Song Wan / Seo Ban (my baby brings all the milkshakes to the yard) 1

Dong Mi / Shin Yoo Shin (so hot it's illegal) 0

Dong Mi / Ghost Harabeoji (and death does NOT part us) 8

Pan Sa Hyun's Parents (from two beds to one bed) 14

Someone else. Who? 2

These women and men all should find new people. 13

Shin Yoo Shin / Ah Mi (to have my cake and eat it too) 0

Dong Mi / Ah Mi (bicker like married couple) 9


2. Spotlight on Boo Hye Ryun's Make up

I miss Boo Hye Ryung's thick eyeliner. It was bold, sexy and strong - just like her. 10

The fresh-innocent makeup suits Boo Hye Ryung much better. 17 A raccoon called. It wants its look back. 14


3. JiA and 40s couple: Do you think there will be a custody battle ensuing?

Yes. They will fight dirty, too, because they love their daughter. 16

No. They will get back together and there will be no need to seperate. 2

Maybe, if they won't come to an agreement, but they're adults and could discuss without involving the court. 23


In total: 40 votes

Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) 결혼작사 이혼작곡
Name of poll: Barf drama: Last poll before final episode  


1. On a scale from 1 to 10, how much does this drama suck? (choose as many as you like)
1 = this drama is a masterpiece, I am sad it's coming to an end - 5
5 = meh, I've been watching this on FF - 3
10 = this is a disaster, I wanna throw my laptop out of the window - 4
100 = total catastrophe, I wanna throw the writer out of the window - 4
500 = I have lost too many braincells watching this drama - 8
1000 = I wanna sue someone. I want back the hours I spent watching this drama - 11
Something else. What? - 5


2. Funniest/best part in ep 15? (choose as many as you like)
A Mi and Dong Mi fighting and then crying about it to Yu Shin - haha, it never gets old - 17
Seeing 40s husband brooding in the shower - rawr - 4
Dong Ma proposing to Nam Ga Bin - 1
Seo Ban and 40s wife spending time together and making 40s hubby all jealous - 16
Ghost haraboji - he's so weird and pervy, it's cute - 2
Seeing the preview for ep 16. Ghost haraboji's gonna possess Ji A and scare Dong Mi. Finally! - 6
40s wife slapping 40s hubby - 15
Nothing. Seeing 40s husand in the shower was too much. Only A Mi who thinks he's hot. Barf. - 7
Something else. What? - 1


3. Season 3?
Yay! I'm in! - 9
Meh, I FFed most of season 2. Not so sure about a season 3. - 7
Heck no! Never! (runs away screaming) - 11


In total: 27 votes

Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: EVENT: [Drama 2006] Goong (Princess Hours) - 궁
Name of poll: Goong Poll 2: First Impressions


1. What do you miss the most from 2006? (choose as many as you like)
Men's 2006 hairstyle (aka spiky mop helmet) - 3
Men's earrings (diamonds are forever) - 2
Pencil(s) in your hair bun (handy if you need to jot something down too) - 3
The flip phone (almost as good as Nokia) - 9
The baggy pants (yo yo, wassup?) - 3
Gym pants under your school uniform (comfy is my style) - 4
The braids and the pigtails (great for when hair is dirty) - 2
Capri/crop pants (stylish in 2006 especially when paired with high heels) - 6
T-shirt over long sleeve shirt (Hello Sheldon!) - 7
MP3 player (I miss my iPod - sob) - 10
The bling bling phone accessory (cause you know I'm bling) - 8
Video cameras (let's watch clips of kids' recitals and family vacations) - 5
Cute accessories in your hair (aegyo! ya!) - 5
Something else. What? - 0


2. Who do you think will be the MVP (Most Valuable Player) in this drama? (choose up to 2)
Shin Chae Kyung (FL) - 8
Lee Shin (prince, ML) - 5
Lee Yul (the cousin) - 2
Min Hyo Rin (the ballet dancer ex) - 0
Lee Shin's parents (the king and queen) - 1
Chae Kyung's parents - 1
The butler taking care of the prince - 4
One of the courtladies - 1
Lee Shin's grandma (the lady with the dangling things in her hair) - 4
The scary teddy bears - 3
Lee Shin's sister (princess) - 2
Someone else. Who? - 0


3. Would you marry a prince/princess if your grandfathers had made a promise?
Oh yeah, I want to become royalty too. Hand over the tiara/crown! - 3
Maybe, if I can't marry oppa. - 2
Absolutely not, being a royal seems like such hard work. Also, I am convinced oppa's gonna marry me anyway. - 7


In total: 12 votes
Played: August 2021

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Name of thread[Drama 2021] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) 결혼작사 이혼작곡

Name of poll: The Final Act  

    1. How do you feel about the ending? (Choose as many as you wish)

  •         Well that was so strange; looking forward to season 3.  [13]
  •         My brain lost a few more cells, help!    [23]
  •         I need to join a rehab so that I never watch any dramas from this writer again.      [12]
  •         What just happened?   [30]
  •         I have questions.... #1 Can you find larger breakfast burritos in Korea?   [3]
  •         Mmmm..... abs! <3     [8]
  •         I love horror genre. Bring on the ghosts and the haunting!   [3]
  •         The ending was stranger than 'Stranger Things'.         [20]
  •         Are Korean borders still closed? I want to have a word with the writer...        [14]
  •         Dazed and confused but hell-bent on getting to the bottom of it. Bring on the Season 3!        [18]
  •         Can we know what the writer was smoking while writing the final episode?         [26]
  •         I VOLUNTEER... to write a drama for Chosun TV so this writer doesn't.         [15]
  •         50s wife poem on loneliness ---that’s how I feel now this season is over. What will I do on the weekends now? Who will I fight with?         [8]
  •         The writer should seriously consider retiring again to spare our brain cells.        [17]
  •         Have the truck of doom run me over, so I can forget about this series.         [9]
  •         The Queen of Writing! My new idol!        [5]
  •         Truck of doom running over all of them would have been a better ending than this mess        [12]
  •         I'm the Queen of Makjang. This was child's play!        [4]
  •         Can we start a petition to stop the potential Season 3 from getting produced?        [17]
  •         Something else. What? Please comment.        [4]


In total: 54 votes
Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: Red Shoes, 빨강 구두


Name of poll: already?  


Q1. How do you feel about Hee Kyung finding out about Gemma's identity?

1. kind of early no? ~ 5

2. I like it! looking forward to see what happens ~ 7

3. I don't know -- (describe in post) ~ 1


Q2. How do you feel about a triangle / square -- Gemma, Ki Seok, Hyun Seok and Hye Bin

1. Do we really need one? Hyun Seok can't be that blind right? ~ 1

2. Nah, it won't happen -- Ki Seok and Gemma actually like each other and are pretty obvious ~ 3

3. I guess we need some romantic angst to keep it interesting ~ 9

4. Other (describe in post) ~ 0


In total:  12 members have voted

Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: Park Seo Joon 박서준 


Name of poll: A decade of excellence  


Q1. Which of these dramas have you seen? (in full or in snippets)

1. Dream High Season 2, (KBS2 / 2012) ~ 11

2. Family / Dakchigo Family (KBS2 / 2012-2013) ~ 10

3. I Summon You, Gold! (MBC / 2013) ~ 12

4. A warm word (SBS / 2013-2014) ~ 13

5. A Witch's Love (tvN / 2014) ~ 19

6. Mama (MBC / 2014) ~ 6

7. Kill Me, Heal Me (MBC / 2015) ~ 20

8. She Was Pretty (MBC / 2015) ~ 20

9. Hwarang (KBS2 / 2016-2017) ~ 16

10. Fight for My Way (KBS2 / 2017) ~ 19

11. What's Wrong With Secretary Kim (tvN / 2018) ~ 21

12. Itaewon Class (JTBC / 2020) ~ 19

13. None -- I need to add to my watchlist. thanks! ~ 0


Q2. Which of these movies have you seen? (in snippets or in full)

1. Perfect Game (2011) ~ 7

2. The Chronicles of Evil (2015) ~ 12

3. The Beauty Inside (2015) ~ 17

4. Midnight Runners (2017) ~ 17

5. Be with You (2018) ~ 12

6. Parasite (2019) ~ 21

7. The Divine Fury (2019) ~ 17

8. None -- I need to add to my watchlist. thanks! ~ 1


In total:   26 members have voted

Played: August 2021

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Name of thread: Choi Jin Hyuk
Name of poll: Choi Jin Hyuk: Variety King?  


1. How do you feel about Choi JIn Hyuk oppa appearing in variety shows? (choose as many as you like)
I was so surprised! - 4
I love seeing him in variety shows! - 4
I am learning new things about oppa... Some of it good, some of it uhm, questionable. - 7
I just have one question: Why variety shows....? - 0
It's good for his career to appear in variety shows - 2
Sometimes the second hand embarrassment is real.... - 5
It's great to see him try out something new - 6
Seeing oppa's real personality has been very rewarding - 7
Uhm oppa, please stick to dramas in the future... - 1
Not feeling it - 0
Something else. What? - 0


2. Oppa's real life quirkiness? (choose as many as you like)
Cute - 5
Who cares? I only care about oppa's looks - haha - 1
Endearing - 4
Surprising. Didn't expect it. - 8
A boyfriend like him in real life would drive me crazy - lol - 3
Marry me oppa! - 0
I have questions... - 6
OMO! Oppa and I are like twins! - 0
Funny - 6
Somehing else. What? - 0


3. What things about oppa made you laugh in My Ugly Duckling? (choose as many as you like)
The gym in his bedroom - 0
His clumsiness - 4
Him having multiple fridges - one for iced coffee - 5
His cooking "skills" - 8
Him buying every gadget possible - even if he doesn't need it - 7
Him not actually knowing how to play the guitar - 6
That he places dirty laundry on the floor when frying meat - 7
His interactions with his doggie Mongsil - 5
Him not finishing stuff he starts (like setting up gym equipment) - 2
Revelations about his private life (e.g. first kiss) - 1
His gentle and sometimes violent way of putting up wallpaper - lol - 8
Not taking shorts with him to Jeju Island and swimming in jeans - 8
His unkempt appearance (oversized t-shirts, messy hair, etc.) - 4
His interactions with other variety show guests - 3
Something else. What? - 0


In total: 10 votes
Played: August 2021

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