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[Drama 2018] My Mister, 나의 아저씨 - Best Drama at 2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards

Go Seung Ji

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16 minutes ago, nearsea said:

Like @ninaanin I have also no issues with soulmates who are just friends, like I believe my girlfriends are kind of my soulmates too,  like those who understands me . It doesn't have to be someone of an opposite sex necessarily. But lovers can be soulmates as well. I would certainly not say Yoon Hee is Dong Hoon's soulmate. :D But then there is this saying which goes as something like 'you marry the second most person you love'. Anyway I'm veering away from the topic but what I mean is I do feel the director is kind of publicizing the Drama as his own creation. He says his own interpretation of what the relationship between Ji an and dong Hoon is, but we don't know if that's how the writer intended it to be. I'm  kind of miffed at the director to be honest, for making it about his own Pov rather not the story itself, or else it doesn't seem like that's how it was supposed to be initially. Also  I found it kind of of unnecessary that he was trying to give justification  for what happened and why. They really ruined the whole mystery behind the story, imo by doing so. It's like publicize the propaganda so much that we are supposed to believe that the propaganda is important lol. Which shouldn't the case tbh lol. Why is he still talking about age gap and all? 


I can kind of predict how the drama is going to turn out at this phase, sadly. The surprise factor isn't there anymore.  I guess this is how a director can change the track of a good drama. Like how Black's director ruined the ending by changing the original ending. So I'm kind of disappointed thinking about how the story could have turned out. Since the director is a renowned one I guess even the writer doesn't have much say in this. Seeing how they are already trying to please the public.


Did you see the whole conference? I ask that because I only read/saw what was posted here, and I kind of think from it that he was being evasive about loveline or not. 

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5 hours ago, aisling said:

Can’t wait to watch new episode!!! Showdown between Ji Ah and the wife? Oh my! Now I need confrontation between Kwang Il and Dong Hoon. Is KI really jealous? How did he find them?


I believe KI will be furious for now to see them smiling together.  (After seeing her ran to make sure she reached the place, it was a little bit of suspense to see whether KI would be able to catch up and ran after her and he did)


People always associate smiling with happiness, and since KI loves to see her suffer, most likely he'll be furious seeing them like that. To be able to share this small moment of happiness is a bless for these two.  It helps to lighten their burden just for a moment.


I shouldn't be saying more until I watch tonight's episode.  It will be more interesting to see whether they will go forward being happy or going back to their misery after they walked out of that door.

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33 minutes ago, nearsea said:

 I guess this is how a director can change the track of a good drama. Like how Black's director ruined the ending by changing the original ending.

What was supposed to be the original ending of Black? Because whenever I think of Black trainwreck ending I want to Hulk smash something!

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Who is here can't define how this scene affect you after all the press con yesterday?-_-





Heart trembling?

Lost in misery yet sweet?

Butterfly in your stomache but your heart pain?

Afraid of what might happen when all the card is open?

Goodness ...just give us the best conclude dear writernim. Happiness is there when they're met.


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This show is starting to give me a Pretty Woman vibes, but without the hookery and replace the shopping spree with dinner. I know, I'm way off, I just want to think of it in that way. I loved the scene at the end of todays episode. I want more laughter between those two!

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23 minutes ago, V said:

This show is starting to give me a Pretty Woman vibes, but without the hookery and replace the shopping spree with dinner. I know, I'm way off, I just want to think of it in that way. I loved the scene at the end of todays episode. I want more laughter between those two!

Hm... then let's hope for a Cinderella ending too. :D  Ok, ok, back to my island I will go.

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5 hours ago, philosophie said:

@ninaanin agreed! Also if PDnim didn’t want to make it seem like JA doesn’t see DH as a man, why did he have the sudden kiss scene? It wasn’t consensual so it can’t really count as a kiss and then DHs side with the train scene where he seemed to be trying hard not to invade her personal space, while looking nervous like he was hyper aware of her presence, so if PDnim was planning to develop a platonic (which seems the case based on press conference) why have those scenes? To show that yes moments like that can happen between man and woman who aren’t relatives but essentially at end of day still consider each other like friends and family?

Sorry. I borrowed your post to say a word or two. When Pd kept asking us to have a widened sense of acceptance toward their age gap, i think the more i got suspicious that they may just give a subtle nob to the growth of relationship into that manner of passion between a man and a woman. Yet story will not go in depth with chunks of scenes of skinship... coz that is not thr focus but i have a hunch they may be together after a divorce. But, i may ne wrong. And i was wrong on many accounts. 


Hahah  I promised myself to re watch the whole dramas ans Will join you guys with my shallow output.  I am caught up with RL so i was not ready with chipping into the discussion. 

I would like to say, i shalt treat DH and JA as a pair of real life friend and watch them with curiosity and well wishing and respect, sprinkle with benefit of doubts. Whatever they be written as truly into each affectionately, the actual unspoken nuisance liking towards each, how each against their own resistance  (JA less resistance of coz) dependence upon each is out of the park among most kdrama history. I seldom find  a pair of OTP while not stated for romances yet, find each other's company in perfect comfy in silent.  Like someone says above, just a short word or two and a side glance, and each just slip into comfortable zone quietly beside the other. 


It's something even a marriage couple may not experienced.  Marriage couple some times end up even not comfortable in silent as they journey to some place together.  The wife will pick nonsensical topic to speak then hubby shrugged and answer without zeal to prolong convo. Then deep long suffocating silence stretch between both couple. I seen such few couples and their awkward silent.  

If writer writes them be sync till their heart break into how a man should feel for a woman. Then i will be happy as puppy.  But say writings goes platonic, so be it as i will just go 'what a waste'. 


Yes. In the western culture we can find close bosom buddies of diff sexes that sought out company of each other even with spouses' full knowledge.  And its fully platonic and all about kindred spirits that sync and seek comrades among one another. But in Asian world even in Korea or Hong kong or Singapore, there's still this status limits and sexes diff that close friends between diff sexes cannot remain or maintain when one of them has a girlfriend or gotten married.  I dont see JA BEING adopted into the family as the plot flow. So if one day Ja has a bf, it will be hard for her to maintain the platonic relationship between herself and DH. and i doubt YH will liked that.  If its platonic, it will end when one has a bf or a spouse. It is Asia.  Ok. Speak from experience, i was closed to a marriage student for a yr or two...  we chat all topics and agreed with each other's outlook in life thru Whatsap.  Upon graduation by the 3rd yr, we just quietly stop texting each... becoz i know his wife will go mad doubting. I know what happen in my experiences may not be rhe same else where. So just hope that between DH and Ja they can break the norm if writer wish to show that it is possible if they work hard at all.

Again, just like watching a real couple beside me in DH and JA. All things is possible and agreeable and totally up to the couple, only one thing.  Writer must completely let the divorce be materialized before DH or JA  goes forward into any declaration or confession. I don't want any adultery stain DH and JA beautiful relationship. 


(Mod. I touch forbidden ground again.  If this is touchy and cost troubles, u may delete my post. )


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Just some food for thought. How would this be any different if the sexes were reversed. "My Ahjumma"


  • A middle aged desperate housewife/atty, hardworking and ignored by her husband who is having an affair with her boss
  • She has working for her a young hard as nails street kid with a wholelotta problems going on. 
  • He snatches the bribe money etc. He makes a deal with her cheating two timing boss to get entrap and get rid of her.
  • In the meantime the tough kid blackmails her into taking him to dinner a few times, and he dangles the info about the bribe in front of her. Threatening to spill the beans.  She finally tells the kid, I do't want you jerking me around do what you want.
  • The toughy starts to wire tap her and knows all of her problems and family life. He starts to see her as a really decent person who has just been walking the straight and narrow. Etc. In fact, he starts to like her and have respect for her.

So then what?  He is concerned for her well being. He starts to develop a crush.  She remains steadfast, and friendly. Gives him good advice.  Respects him for caring for his elderly disabled grandma.


Maybe the two start to have "feelings" for each other.  Those feelings are socially incorrect. She is old enough to be his mother.

She wants the best for him. He wants to protect her from her disgusting selfish boss lady.


Do you think you would be rooting for them to have a romantic relationship? Is it impossible for them to be friends only and care about each other, sublimating erotic need for human compassion? 



In the meantime - I was really impressed with Yoo-Ra's deep thoughts about how happiness can be found even in the lives of failures.


Wondering why Jung-Hee took the guys on a walkabout, and ended up she is staying in the bar.  Why? Is she embarrassed she lives there? They seemed to think she stays there anyway. 



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Watched the new ep with Chinese sub. A few thoughts. 


we finally got to know that the child is actually alive and finally the director made sure we see the two parents actually called him in the beginning( which means no more whether the child is alive or not lol). 

so male lead finally knows the affair and threatened the boss with it, very interesting that he still wanted to "protect" the wife and I see no intention that he wanted off from the marriage either. ( he claimed he is not gonna let the boss won in this battle but everything he did, he wanted to make sure his wife is not on the company radar) 

So now here comes the question, the wife, male lead, the boss and female lead. They are pretty knew everybody's dirty secrets. ( male lead still don't know female lead bugged his phone though, have feeling that he might knew soon as well. :x) I do not think that male lead will caved and divorce the wife( i know we are hated her for her affair) but the way how the story pans out I really don't see that is a option. I truly believe that male lead still very much loved the wife in his own term and towards the end, we see female lead confronted her as well about the recording. So would that change the dynamics of the affair and maybe just maybe the wife finally able to get some insight into male lead's life as well? 

I see a lot of people are arguing about the relationship between the two leads and i think after today's ep, I kind feel like the ending would be the male lead "save" his own marriage and find happiness again. That is the healing part and two of them will help each other. I can see why they kept insisiting in the relationship will not be romantic( at the same time it is...lol) and I can see how the two leads "helped" each other to find their own happiness and get to know each other. 

If let's say the drama's ending is male lead divorce from the wife and somehow have a "relationship" with the female lead then Idk some fans will love this kind of process, with story line like this i would say i kind don't want one? 


anyway, rants over looking forward to ep 8 and how male lead handle the confrontation afterwards. 

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I have been thinking a lot about what has been writte latelly in this forum

I don't think the main focus right now is a love relationship between JA and DH. I feel is more like a deep frienship/connection and undestanding. Why because bought characters are in a deep difficult situation in life where they do feel like living at all they are just surviving. And sunddenlly bought people come to meet and realise they feel sorrow and hurt at the same time, they are more like two souls that have and undestanding of their situations of hopeless regarding of their surrounder. Even so JA has her grandma and friend she does not have no one else to talk or share her thoughts with even so she is surrounded by people every day at her works she do not have no one to talk about life. The same for DH, he has familly, friends, coworkers and still does not have some one to talk, reall talk. And for bought this (I would not call it friendship) but knowing or aknowledge of each other as indivuduals with problems, lonleyness, hurt, sorrow etc it's new and emotional. It's like a little space and peace time inside their crazy and sorrow reality. But it's also a break point for bought of them that would change their life into different perspective. 

I have not idea hiw the writter would develop and end this story but one thing I don't feel like this is just a simple romance it's more than just that. 

And also I seriously want to break DH wife, she does not only cheat on him physicly but also mentally she feels ashame of him, do not feel sorry, it's manipulative and would love to dump him if just she can secure her position with the soo call CEO. If only she can see the reality, he is nothing but a trash person that only looks for himself and if he needs it would left her like a peace of trash in order to conquer more at work. And I also feel he is more jealouss and afraid of DH that from her. He know he is a much better person capable that would never aknowledge him as  supperior or bettet man. And also the old Chairman know DH, has a eye for people and can see the CEO lyes deep down.

It's an interesting week. Can't wait for tomorrow episode. 



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12 minutes ago, reyia said:

Watched the new ep with Chinese sub. A few thoughts. 

  Reveal hidden contents

we finally got to know that the child is actually alive and finally the director made sure we see the two parents actually called him in the beginning( which means no more whether the child is alive or not lol). 

so male lead finally knows the affair and threatened the boss with it, very interesting that he still wanted to "protect" the wife and I see no intention that he wanted off from the marriage either. ( he claimed he is not gonna let the boss won in this battle but everything he did, he wanted to make sure his wife is not on the company radar) 

So now here comes the question, the wife, male lead, the boss and female lead. They are pretty knew everybody's dirty secrets. ( male lead still don't know female lead bugged his phone though, have feeling that he might knew soon as well. :x) I do not think that male lead will caved and divorce the wife( i know we are hated her for her affair) but the way how the story pans out I really don't see that is a option. I truly believe that male lead still very much loved the wife in his own term and towards the end, we see female lead confronted her as well about the recording. So would that change the dynamics of the affair and maybe just maybe the wife finally able to get some insight into male lead's life as well? 

I see a lot of people are arguing about the relationship between the two leads and i think after today's ep, I kind feel like the ending would be the male lead "save" his own marriage and find happiness again. That is the healing part and two of them will help each other. I can see why they kept insisiting in the relationship will not be romantic( at the same time it is...lol) and I can see how the two leads "helped" each other to find their own happiness and get to know each other. 

If let's say the drama's ending is male lead divorce from the wife and somehow have a "relationship" with the female lead then Idk some fans will love this kind of process, with story line like this i would say i kind don't want one? 


anyway, rants over looking forward to ep 8 and how male lead handle the confrontation afterwards. 

I don't think there is a salvation in DH and wife marriage. She does not seem him as her equal partner. She feels more ashame and sorry for him. Nothing else. Remember the episode in wich she and the CEO where in the hotel talking about DH it was more a simple talk and underestimate him that feel something from him. And also in todays preview she was still talking with the CEO about finding a solution about this more that resolving with her husband. Even if DH wants to keep the marriagr because he loves her, she does not and at this point would do anything to help the CEO secure his position more that DH. 

She wants him out of the picture with out looking like the bad person she is. 

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1 hour ago, maddymappo said:

Just some food for thought. How would this be any different if the sexes were reversed. "My Ahjumma"


  • A middle aged desperate housewife/atty, hardworking and ignored by her husband who is having an affair with her boss
  • She has working for her a young hard as nails street kid with a wholelotta problems going on. 
  • He snatches the bribe money etc. He makes a deal with her cheating two timing boss to get entrap and get rid of her.
  • In the meantime the tough kid blackmails her into taking him to dinner a few times, and he dangles the info about the bribe in front of her. Threatening to spill the beans.  She finally tells the kid, I do't want you jerking me around do what you want.
  • The toughy starts to wire tap her and knows all of her problems and family life. He starts to see her as a really decent person who has just been walking the straight and narrow. Etc. In fact, he starts to like her and have respect for her.

So then what?  He is concerned for her well being. He starts to develop a crush.  She remains steadfast, and friendly. Gives him good advice.  Respects him for caring for his elderly disabled grandma.


Maybe the two start to have "feelings" for each other.  Those feelings are socially incorrect. She is old enough to be his mother.

She wants the best for him. He wants to protect her from her disgusting selfish boss lady.


Do you think you would be rooting for them to have a romantic relationship? Is it impossible for them to be friends only and care about each other, sublimating erotic need for human compassion? 



In the meantime - I was really impressed with Yoo-Ra's deep thoughts about how happiness can be found even in the lives of failures.


Wondering why Jung-Hee took the guys on a walkabout, and ended up she is staying in the bar.  Why? Is she embarrassed she lives there? They seemed to think she stays there anyway. 




Why not? If the roles are reversed,  example the ahjumma is Jeon Do Yeon and the young man is Woo Doo Hwan. Then the story is presented in a way it has the same connection as DH and Jian. I think it all comes down to the writing and how enticing the story for the audience to root for the characters. The real question is will My Ajumma also get so much backlash like what happened with My Ajusshi? Are k drama viewers (predominantly females) have gender bias regarding age gap? That it's acceptable for  an older woman to get a younger man but if it's the other way around then pitch forks will come out.

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3 hours ago, maddymappo said:

Just some food for thought. How would this be any different if the sexes were reversed. "My Ahjumma"


  • A middle aged desperate housewife/atty, hardworking and ignored by her husband who is having an affair with her boss
  • She has working for her a young hard as nails street kid with a wholelotta problems going on. 
  • He snatches the bribe money etc. He makes a deal with her cheating two timing boss to get entrap and get rid of her.
  • In the meantime the tough kid blackmails her into taking him to dinner a few times, and he dangles the info about the bribe in front of her. Threatening to spill the beans.  She finally tells the kid, I do't want you jerking me around do what you want.
  • The toughy starts to wire tap her and knows all of her problems and family life. He starts to see her as a really decent person who has just been walking the straight and narrow. Etc. In fact, he starts to like her and have respect for her.

So then what?  He is concerned for her well being. He starts to develop a crush.  She remains steadfast, and friendly. Gives him good advice.  Respects him for caring for his elderly disabled grandma.


Maybe the two start to have "feelings" for each other.  Those feelings are socially incorrect. She is old enough to be his mother.

She wants the best for him. He wants to protect her from her disgusting selfish boss lady.


Do you think you would be rooting for them to have a romantic relationship? Is it impossible for them to be friends only and care about each other, sublimating erotic need for human compassion? 



In the meantime - I was really impressed with Yoo-Ra's deep thoughts about how happiness can be found even in the lives of failures.


Wondering why Jung-Hee took the guys on a walkabout, and ended up she is staying in the bar.  Why? Is she embarrassed she lives there? They seemed to think she stays there anyway. 



When the reverse story be like your tought, why we must watch this drama?

We should just watch a kind of SA.

Perhaps i root so much to subtle love line is not just because their chemistery.in real life, when your life is hard enough to bear what you need is just someone who accept all yourself without judgement.

1 hour ago, timidjock0819 said:


Why not? If the roles are reversed,  example the ahjumma is Jeon Do Yeon and the young man is Woo Doo Hwan. Then the story is presented in a way it has the same connection as DH and Jian. I think it all comes down to the writing and how enticing the story for the audience to root for the characters. The real question is will My Ajumma also get so much backlash like what happened with My Ajusshi? Are k drama viewers (predominantly females) have gender bias regarding age gap? That it's acceptable for  an older woman to get a younger man but if it's the other way around then pitch forks will come out.

:)thanks to write down my piece of though.

Love is not about skinship feeling completed when two soul met is bleesing.


They will release Dear moon tonight?



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Ep.8 - text preview translated:


Kwang-Il chased Ji-An and sees her in the restaurant with Dong-Hoon. He quietly follows Dong-Hoon home afterwards.


The vote for Joon-Young's re-instatement as CEO draws closer, and Executive Director Wang's team want to seat Dong-Hoon in the Director's seat that was vacated by the dismissal of Park Dong-Woon.


But Joon-Young's team want to block that, and Director Yoon takes the lead...

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2 hours ago, timidjock0819 said:


Why not? If the roles are reversed,  example the ahjumma is Jeon Do Yeon and the young man is Woo Doo Hwan. Then the story is presented in a way it has the same connection as DH and Jian. I think it all comes down to the writing and how enticing the story for the audience to root for the characters. The real question is will My Ajumma also get so much tbacklash like what happened with My Ajusshi? Are k drama viewers (predominantly females) have gender bias regarding age gap? That it's acceptable for  an older woman to get a younger man but if it's the other way around then pitch forks will come out.

The younger individual is a person who is vulnerable. Yes, street tough and old beyond his/her years because of suffering, but still damaged, hurt, and emotionally needy (no matter how he/she covers it with hard shell)

  I think in a situation like this, many people feel that the older person has a responsibility to hold back and be the adult. To sublimate animal desire into human caring, sharing and extend protection. Like a teacher with a student. The student may be extraordinary, talented, has all kinds of unusual qualities, but the teacher is the one who needs make sure the relationship doesn't get romantic because the older person knows from experience in the world the potential suffering after the passion dies down.


 I think the characters themselves within the drama would have a very different view. Would the Ahjumma's sisters tease her about her rendezvous with a 21 yr old guy, the way Dh's brothers tease him?  Even Gwang -il suspects she is getting the money from a rich old guy.  The sugar daddy, is more accepted than a sugar mommy. Although both happen.

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1 hour ago, timidjock0819 said:


Why not? If the roles are reversed,  example the ahjumma is Jeon Do Yeon and the young man is Woo Doo Hwan. Then the story is presented in a way it has the same connection as DH and Jian. I think it all comes down to the writing and how enticing the story for the audience to root for the characters. The real question is will My Ajumma also get so much backlash like what happened with My Ajusshi? Are k drama viewers (predominantly females) have gender bias regarding age gap? That it's acceptable for  an older woman to get a younger man but if it's the other way around then pitch forks will come out.

@maddymappo @timidjock0819 @roli

am spanking myself for being succumb to temptation and again unlurk to chip in. I caused enough troubles last yr so this yr i wanted to lurk only. Becoz this is truly dangerous zone, minus the usual fluffy feathers and rainbows theme in Kdrama. Forbidden controversy love. And again because its Asia, it make the hell lots of diff. 

First there are diff for both scenarios if you place them in RL. and in Kdrama. 


Maddymappo's reversed relationship: 

In DRAMA, Kdrama world?  its possible if it's under a skilled writer and under TvN, which will be daring to touch forbidden ground and will not be worried if goes under the radar of critic's and Major Channel CEO's fury. But if its under hands of gifted writer like Jung SungJoo who wrote Yoo Ahin's Secret Love Affair or  under the pen of Park Hye Ryun (of i Can Hear your voice). I guess its all depend of how honest and raw the writer write the problems a huge age gap of Ahjuma love can reach. But kdrama fans will wish that ahjimmah divorced the crap cheater hubby first and remain chaste till divorce paper signed.  

REAL LIFE? But if both choose to go platonic friendship and not love? Some where down the road, Ahjuma-DH still has to let 'dongseung-JA' go. Because our asian culture cannot allow age gap diff sexes platonic friendship survived esp if one is married. Somewhat rumours fly and family members get hurt, platonic friendship between a age-gap- married/un-married then has to part ways and cease contacts.

But if in real life both went for it and be together after a divorce paper signed.   I guess it may be more possible than just platonic friendship maintained. In the western culture definitely we see its possible and already working. But Asia? Its possible only when the couple are ready to face initial craps and objections.  In Singapore its common for Noona love, Ahjussi love... but Ahjimmah love? Not really proven yet. 


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I really enjoyed Ep. 7.


1. First big revelation for me is what a sniveling little turd Joon-Young actually is. We knew he was amoral and that smug look on his face was hateful. But we saw his true, petty nature on the rooftop.


Yes, Dong-Hoon is the cuckold, and Joon-Young is the CEO who is banging his wife. And yet somehow, Dong-Hoon is the one who has the upper hand. He wins just by possessing decency and dignity. And Joon-Young knows it. He's known it since college, and has been brown-nosing his way to try get ahead ever since.


He has achieved higher corporate rank, sure. But he will never be the better man.


2. I love that DH chose to hire Ji-An because her resume said her specialty was "running." (He said he liked how it was simple and straightforward, and my guess is - not pretentious.) I loved how she describes why she likes running: "When I run, I disappear, and I feel like that is the true me." It was melancholy and self-effacing in the same way as when DH described himself as that building that ran along the river - something that should have never existed. They want to not exist. They want to disappear. Because life has been hard for them.


I love that when Ji-An runs, it's towards DH. To save him, to help him, or to be with him.


3. I love the Actress, and I love her vibe with Ki-Hoon. She is so quirky and funny. It's great to see how all the neighborhood ahjussis are mesmerized. "She's an angel." Indeed.


I really didn't like this actress in her previous role in "Suspicious Partner." She was shrill and her character was very unlikable and pointless. Here, she sparkles. This writer + director = magic.


4. I don't think DH is trying to save his marriage. I think he's just trying to cope with the situation with as much grace as he can.


5. I love that he said to Ji-An, "Let's be happy." That was as thrilling as when he told her, "You're a good person." Simple, common words that in another context would sound casual, but they mean the world to these two people, and to us.

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Ok..... So the production team has done another lap of apologies for the implicit Ajussi relationship..... and then they give us those scenes in Ep 7 yesterday!! He's calling her that pretty girl, waiting for her at their joint for an evening drink like it's their thing, pretty girl running as fast as her scruffy feet can carry her..... THE SMILE..... this is not deep friendship bla bla bla!!




Your Smile: Renee and Angela..... singing about what their lover's smile means to them..... beautiful lyrics!!


I swear if a romance doesn't happen!!! 


if they raise our hopes and shaft us and let us down like the emotional abuse that was M*&^%, I am gonna riot!!! By the way!! If they "carry us avocados, carry us mangoes, carry us pumpkin", i.e. take us for fools..... I'm flying to Korea and we are having a meeting!! 


I'm so afraid to even care for the two because the wounds from M*&^% are still raw, and the writer also did me wrong by making my bias end up with nothing in Another Miss Oh..... She is sadistic. I will not raise my hopes! I will assume they have given in to the pressure and removed any loveline!!


Anyway.... important stuff now. I love how JA  told Judith Iscariot the truth about her affair. I love the speed with which things moving at in this drama. Ji An is also about to get caught, now that the loanshark has figured things out. However, it was too convenient that he was leaving the adulterers love nest at the exact time that Judith Iscariot was leaving and Ji an was arriving..... hmmmm... was he onto Ji Ah earlier than we think? 


The loser actress, yep, I LOVE HER! That loveline must happen!!! I must say, I was shocked to find out she's an idol!! Whaddayaknow!! She can really act!! Isn't this her first role?

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