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[Drama 2017-2018] I am not a Robot, 로봇이 아니


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4 hours ago, blademan said:

Someone's being extra savage :wink: but yeah I agree with you! K-dramas are hardwired like that...



Lol sorry. I woke up in the middle of the night. And decided to watch the episode. That last episode when he accused her of enjoying it and when making a fool out of him. When he rejected all her food. And all she did was apologise.


Or when he threw the thing and broke the glass. And the PD decided to emphasise the blood. As in she's a person vs being a robot.


My recollection might not be exact. It was 3am in the morning and I just NEEDED to know what happened. And the accusations and the way he kept asking her to leave ( well he used stronger terms ) and she just KEPT looking. And did she say anything more rather than sorry or attempting to make amends


Does anyone ever experience this? The special pain you feel when a Kdrama reaches the special moment? Where the hero or heroine is in such unspeakable pain ( and boy was MG in pain tonight ) and when you want to yell " give it a break? And forgive!!". Well... that moment was that kitchen moment ( the one with the longest rant from him ). You have to look into MG's  eyes. Don't read the subs. YSH is so expressive.


I went " wow, stab, stab, stab, stab". 


How else would one describe his accusations? It was so cruel.


Yet so deliciously good/pain.


That was my 4am moment.


Lol. So sorry. To all the fans.

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32 minutes ago, Benocciola said:

Well he is sorta completly cured of his allergy so he won't be forced to resign but perhaps they threatened to destroy the Santa Maria Team and he left to protect them which ironically was what Santa Maria did with the whole robot lie yet he has a long way to go to actually be a chairman.He spent years isolated so he is not connected with his employee and they only fear him.After he found out Jin-Bae was Ji-Ah's brother and partially lied to him he reglected him to having a desk near the elevators.


However adorably childish he is I found that very petty & unprofessional.


santa maria will help him and Yoo Chul and Ri El can stop their parents as well!! and about the employees, he be intimidated at 1st but seeing him acting differently with Ji Ah's brother and santa maria team can help that old image to change :wink: 


hhhhhhhhhhh "a desk near the elivator"?!! :lol: why so petty?!! :lol: 


29 minutes ago, blissfullyblessed said:

Done watching with subs while sobbing so hard :cold_sweat:. It was indeed the saddest episode of this drama. KMG and JIA's conversation was so heartbreaking especially the part when MK asked Jia if was there even a second that she loved him back? He was that hurt. :(


I love the dialogues and the voice overs of this show. The lines are so well written. But writer-nim enough of these crying I don't think I can handle another sad episode. 




yeah it was really heartbreaking!! :heartbreak: he felt that he was the only one who felt true emotions and love toward her (and santa maria team) and was the only one suffering while they'll go back to living their lives as if nothing happened (which isn't true but he doesn't know) :heartbreak::bawling: 


@V hhhhhhhhhhh "ad-libbed" :lol: no he's that great actor :thumbsup::heart: 


hhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you for your hard work and live recaps in advance chingu!! :heart: hope it won't drive you crazy like today!! :lol: 

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17 minutes ago, skinnerbox said:

I was so into the story I almost threw my laptop when the episode ended! Why leave it there? I want them to fix things, and the preview made me more uneasy. Don't tear them apart yet again! We have little time to see romance time.


hhhhhhhhhhh not your laptop!! how will you be able to watch the upcoming episodes if it gets damaged!! :lol: 

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19 hours ago, justlove said:


Speaking of that kiss scene, it's almost at 1 million views on YouTube :wub: Just needs about 40,000 more views till it hits 1 million.


I'm so ready to watch their next kiss scene! Really hoping the kiss happens based on the preview! :)

I afraid there no kiss scene tonight...look like min kyu hesitate to give a kiss because of the allergic. I could not hold myself anymore waiting for that scene if it only happen next week

Edited by Berou
please don't quote vids , thanks :)
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I  finished watching the subs version!  Their confrontation was intense and heartbreaking.  :bawling:  Can't stop crying for this wounded man and Ji Ah.  I can totally understand his reaction even though it was bit harsh.  At first he didn't want to deal with it but he needed to hash it out instead of keeping in the anger.  He felt duped, used, taken advantage of and humiliated.  He came to trust her enough to share his inner most feelings and vulnerable side. It's a big betrayal and his pain is real.  I'm glad she was persistent and patient to show that she sincerely care about him. The heart can't let go...yes he was looking forward to her visits.


MK just needed a cooling period to sort out everything.  He had Doctor Oh,  Butler Sung and our cupid, Sun-hye, to help him make sense and read the situation in a deeper way.  And he did realized his feelings were reciprocated by Ji Ah.  I'm glad all the dots were connected related to the umbrella and the heart lamps.  Though it wasn't mentioned, I hope he knows that Ji Ah is also President Jo maybe through her statement letter. 


This is my first time watching YSH and I'm thoroughly impressed with his acting! I'm definitely had fan!! I've seen CSB in Moonlight Drawn by Clouds. Her acting is impressive as well.  She makes such a cute robot.  


As for the preview, I won't even try to guess since they always mixed things around.  I'm just crossing my fingers for some romance in the next few episodes. :blush:   I love this song after watching fan made videos of this drama.  This song really suits MK and Ji Ah.



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6 hours ago, blademan said:

I miss this KMK :( 

I do hope we have at least an episode of Min-Kyu & Ji-Ah finally having a first date and being happy with MK just being his childish self & Ji-Ah finally carefree (Min-Kyu's date with Ji-Ah turned Aji-3 didn't count cause he was under a guise).


On their first date  he would truly be able to appreciate her creativity & charms for who she is.All the identies he met as one will collide into that one person 

"Jo Ji Ah" who is finally not under the guise of Aji-3 or any of her other identities.


In turn she would teach him how to interact with others and assure him that her love for him is true and accept him with all his faults whether It's his human allergy,his chaebol problems,or his trust issues.


Then finally wrap up the date with their second first kiss as a present to the viewers please

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today 2 episode was so sad. seeing MK treating JA so bad was so heart breaking for me. i dont think he should be blameing JA so much not like JA lie all the time to him. she give him clue that she not a robot. it his fault for not seeing all the clue. what robot would kiss her master? that should give it away that she not the same robot/maybe she might be a human.

those scene of MK destroy JA hard cooking just so he could make JA stop coming was sad to watch. also that scene of MK waiting for JA after she say she would keep coming/she was late/make him waiting all day/him getting mad at her. i think if JA know MK was waiting for her.she might not have go get her hand check out.

i love JA friend. she such a good friend. that scene of her going to tell MK. that JA leaving korean soon/he might lose the most special gift ever rally hit him hard.

that scene of MK seeing two umbrella/him remeber that scene of JA telling him how MK make her not giveup on her project was nice.

that scene were MK touching JA light bulb/JA one light too/him going to see star hoping to see JA/she showup too was so sweet.

i hope MK will do anything to stop JA/her freind from leaving.

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28 minutes ago, ifrommalaysia said:

I afraid there no kiss scene tonight...look like min kyu hesitate to give a kiss because of the allergic. I could not hold myself anymore waiting for that scene if it only happen next week


I’m still hoping that there’s a kiss. Not from that scene tho. Based on experience they will tease with the almost kiss scene and ended up the kiss will be in a diff scene but most of the time in the same episode. 

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Just out of curiosity, I would really love to see MK's reaction if he sees Aji3 and Ji Ah in the same room. :lol:  Also, how did Ji Ah know to go to the meteor shower place?  Did she see her heart lamp light up after all.  I think that may be the case.

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This episode really is something else... Long reflection ahead!


- That first scene scares me!! It is so intense I was yelling "GET THE INJECTION NOW" as JA was crying. Why did they make that scene so long and make MK lay there in absolute torture and pain and JA stand there crying. It makes me as the audience very stressed. I was so stressed out by that scene that I couldn't fully register the events following for a while :huh: HE CRIED BLOOD Y'ALL. I will never ever see that scene again when I rewatch this ep ==


- I personally love JA very much in this episode. If it was me, when I saw the person I love writhing in pain because of me I would leave very fast and never return because I would be so ashamed that I'm scared I will hurt them more, so it's best that I disappear forever from his life. However, just like the butler said, "it's wrong to leave when someone's suffering", JA realized that MK has effectively kicked everyone out of his life and isolated himself again, and she knows that if she feels guilty, she should stay, not leave. It takes too much mental power to be able to stay despite seeing her food thrown away and being totally ignored and yelled at by MK. Because leaving in this case is being irresponsible, so by staying JA wants to own up to her mistakes and take the responsibility for it.


- MK goes from "the cinnamon roll I will do everything to protect" to "the jerk I can't hate". I get it, he's hurt and this betrayal is horrendous, my heart aches with him when he struggles in pain, and I can even empathize with him for throwing away her food. I get it, it's terrible, he has all the right to be mad, but saying that she's "not human enough so she's a good robot", that she enjoys it when she saw him in pain, that she finds it funny when he confessed, that she didn't feel a thing for him for even a second? That's way over the line for me. I know he's upset, but frankly son, the reason why she's "a good robot" is because you missed all the obvious clues; she formed a heart by your books and kissed you and hugged you during your hard time, you're just too blind to see that she loved you. Now you hurled it at her that she doesn't feel a thing?


That is the worst stab to JA especially after what she had gone through and endured. It is the biggest invalidation directed at her, worse than that of her brother and HBG, because she got her feelings and endeavor completely invalidated and stomped on. It said that none of your feelings get received, I didn't see your affection and what you have done for me for the past month. Imagine loving someone and being as real and as authentic as you can for them and doing everything you can for them, even if it means you are destroying yourself, only to get a response akin to "all of your actions are fake and I didn't notice a thing". I personally cannot accept the fact that JA got yelled at for this when it's MK who did not see things clearly. This is why the outburst scene hurts so much for me but in apparently in a different way than it intends to be? But AGAIN he's not in the right mind that's why I can't hate him ughhhh


Also I'm mad that he didn't know she got into an accident! If he knew he wouldn't yell at her like this! He would know he was right for worrying and that she kept her promise despite everything! She would be worried for and cared for and not felt so unfair that her effort went unrecognized! Writer nim why do you do this!! 


- I also see why this episode is kinda... touchy and controversial in how MK treated JA? I guess this is one of the grey areas for me, that some of his behaviors are unacceptable, such as the throwing glass (that's straight up violence), but the thing is, JA leaves after that outburst! She didn't come back to endure it the morning after that level of aggression. Not until MK touched the lamp that JA met him again. I wouldn't go so far to say that he is "abusive", since abusive means prolonged violence and power imbalance, which is not the case here, as their power difference went away after the first few episodes and this aggressive behavior is recent and it's the first time that this happened. But indeed these behaviors are a bit icky to me and I hope he will apologize for it.


- I LOVE HYE SUN!!! She appeared at the right time especially after the whole "do you even feel anything for me for just a second" outburst that angers me so much. The second I saw her I was like YES GIRL YOU TELL HIM. She's the savior. I bet she wanted to hit him so hard when she saw that blood stain on the floor. I'm actually happy that she was so sassy and angry with him and slap the truth like it is because that's exactly what someone needs to do finally, people can't let him be destructive to this level and be silent about it. 


- That ending UGGGHHHHH. I thought for sure we would have a kiss scene tonight, I was so sure about it, I looked at the time and it was two minutes left and they already met, so I got my hopes up sooooooo high then it ENDED???? apparently I forgot the ending credits and the preview so my bad I guess :sweatingbullets:


10 hours ago, maryofbethany said:

ok, my 'bad' experiences with MBC. is that MBC"s preview always very misleading. many times its linking scenes that does not appeared or link together.. so you just cant expected too much or very sure what you predicted thru preview... so i think by the fact that Mk tried to kiss her, and drove her back to her house, n when JA called him, and she is brave enough and comfortable enough, without guilt any more to tell him " i love you' means one thing;
they have make peace, with each other. so this is all i need.
i wanted both to be on the same line and same frequency and talk things out, and weathered all storms together as a couple. even if he goes noble idiocy and want to leave her, or ask her to leave, regarding the 'annyeong" which may means good bye,.. it is still fine. which means a little pushing away for her goods, or his goods.. 
at least it is done for each wellbeing. and no more bitter or grudges at each other... 

His "Annyeong", was addressed to AJI3.. " Annyeong, Aji3."  ..... is it saying goodbye to the Robot that will be landed up in Hwang's hand, n not the real human JA herself? i just have to take preview at face value, oft times preveiw really just created to misled us, and give angst. most of the time at recent weeks,  they never give preview for a Wed nite ep. now they give and i dont trust wahtever they give to be straight foreward as what it meant. so i will go to sleep with MK's almost kiss, and JA's saranghaeyo said in her smiling face. 
it will be sufficed for me tonight. 

not many eps, left it is time for MK to regrouped with santa maria as a family to fight Hwang & Co. 

I very much agree with what you said! I think the next episode is not going to be sad (not to the level of this episode I bet) I think the "I love you" will be said at the same time as the part where she begged him to stay. I'm not sure if the whole begging to stay will happen during the night scene where we left off or like everyone said, him leaving because of bad guy plot reason. But I agree, all I need is that JA was smiling and that almost kiss and MK driving her back looking at ease himself. It means they made up and finally the relationship angst is over!!


PS: I just remember another thing I want to talk about (jeez there's so much going on in this episode): I like that he was waiting for her after she said she would come every day. It somehow speaks volume to me in that this love is so pure and innocent, and actually, it seems like he is on his way to forgive her again. It feels so innocent in the way that, despite your betrayal, I can't help but long for you and want to see you, and I will throw away my pride and be an idiot if I can see you again. It makes me feel very light-hearted and mushy inside knowing they have such an unrequited love :wub: (and then it leads to a major confrontation that broke us all)

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Oh boy, that was brutal.


MK's reaction was very much in character - if immensely heartbreaking. He's essentially reverting to his pre-Jia days. Still, the mark she left on him is too strong.  He is no longer that person - even if it takes him some time to work it out.


Love love love Jia's answer to his anger, mostly because it is the only right one: I'll stand by you no matter what. That's exactly what he needed to hear although it will take a lot of work to make him believe it.


His violent attempts at pushing her away feel like a test - can you really handle the whole of me? There's also fear there, fear that his diseases is back for good and that no-one can accept him in that state. The fear of rejection that kept him away from people for 15y is back with a vengeance.  Under that anger there's a lot of vulnerability; when he tried to touch her and she jumped back: he asked if she found him disgusting and it was clear that the answer really mattered. He is terrified of her rejecting him so he is pushing her away first - all the while hoping that she'll stay.


I love that he is still open about his feelings (in vino veritas). Communication was a key ingredient of their relationship before and I am very happy that they still get to talk. Telling her the truth that he still misses her despite imagining himself as a perfect fool in her eyes is a very good sign. 


I also love that instead of having someone telling him that Jia loves him he managed to work it out for himself. It's not going to be smooth sailing any time soon, but baby steps in the right direction. Rebuilding trust is a process, but reaching out to her is the first step.


Now everybody should stop this ridiculous self-sacrificial streak and start fighting for what they care about. I know you can do it! Jayo!


PS: SH, you rock!


PPS: The butler was right; the most important lesson that MK still needs to learn is that nobody is perfect. We often make mistakes and sometimes end up hurting the ones we love. But that's not reason enough to  stay away from the world. Even if sometimes it hurts, she is worth it. They are worth it.


PPPS: About people accusing MK of being unfair: first, he has no way of knowing how much she's been hurting because of him; second, to cite a very smart character from another drama with similar issues: once the deception is revealed, all past sincerity becomes a lie; the very nature of trust makes it hard for him to see the objective truth.  Lastly, love is not about keeping score - one good deed does not automatically cancel a hurt. I feel very bad for Jia because it was never her fault, but I cannot blame MK for his reaction either.

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17 minutes ago, charlieblue17 said:

His violent attempts at pushing her away feel like a test - can you really handle the whole of me? There's also fear there, fear that his diseases is back for good and that no-one can accept him in that state. The fear of rejection that kept him away from people for 15y is back with a vengeance.  Under that anger there's a lot of vulnerability; when he tried to touch her and she jumped back: he asked if she found him disgusting and it was clear that the answer really mattered. He is terrified of her rejecting him so she is pushing her away first - all the while hoping that she'll stay.



yeah!! he didn't think she was warried for him but 1st thing came to his mind is that she can be scared of him or that she'll get his desease by touching him!! how sad that was :heartbreak: he was really scared that everything was a lie and that she didn't/won't accept him as he is!! :heartbreak: 

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4 hours ago, cecentre said:

This episode really is something else... Long reflection ahead!


- That first scene scares me!! It is so intense I was yelling "GET THE INJECTION NOW" as JA was crying. Why did they make that scene so long and make MK lay there in absolute torture and pain and JA stand there crying. It makes me as the audience very stressed. I was so stressed out by that scene that I couldn't fully register the events following for a while :huh: HE CRIED BLOOD Y'ALL. I will never ever see that scene again when I rewatch this ep ==


- I personally love JA very much in this episode. If it was me, when I saw the person I love writhing in pain because of me I would leave very fast and never return because I would be so ashamed that I'm scared I will hurt them more, so it's best that I disappear forever from his life. However, just like the butler said, "it's wrong to leave when someone's suffering", JA realized that MK has effectively kicked everyone out of his life and isolated himself again, and she knows that if she feels guilty, she should stay, not leave. It takes too much mental power to be able to stay despite seeing her food thrown away and being totally ignored and yelled at by MK. Because leaving in this case is being irresponsible, so by staying JA wants to own up to her mistakes and take the responsibility for it.


- MK goes from "the cinnamon roll I will do everything to protect" to "the jerk I can't hate". I get it, he's hurt and this betrayal is horrendous, my heart aches with him when he struggles in pain, and I can even empathize with him for throwing away her food. I get it, it's terrible, he has all the right to be mad, but saying that she's "not human enough so she's a good robot", that she enjoys it when she saw him in pain, that she finds it funny when he confessed, that she didn't feel a thing for him for even a second? That's way over the line for me. I know he's upset, but frankly son, the reason why she's "a good robot" is because you missed all the obvious clues; she formed a heart by your books and kissed you and hugged you during your hard time, you're just too blind to see that she loved you. Now you hurled it at her that she doesn't feel a thing?


That is the worst stab to JA especially after what she had gone through and endured. It is the biggest invalidation directed at her, worse than that of her brother and HBG, because she got her feelings and endeavor completely invalidated and stomped on. It said that none of your feelings get received, I didn't see your affection and what you have done for me for the past month. Imagine loving someone and being as real and as authentic as you can for them and doing everything you can for them, even if it means you are destroying yourself, only to get a response akin to "all of your actions are fake and I didn't notice a thing". I personally cannot accept the fact that JA got yelled at for this when it's MK who did not see things clearly. This is why the outburst scene hurts so much for me but in apparently in a different way than it intends to be? But AGAIN he's not in the right mind that's why I can't hate him ughhhh


- I also see why this episode is kinda... touchy and controversial in how MK treated JA? I guess this is one of the grey areas for me, that some of his behaviors are unacceptable, such as the throwing glass (that's straight up violence), but the thing is, JA leaves after that outburst! She didn't come back to endure it the morning after that level of aggression. Not until MK touched the lamp that JA met him again. I wouldn't go so far to say that he is "abusive", but indeed these behaviors make me uncomfortable and I hope he will apologize for it.


- I LOVE HYE SUN!!! She appeared at the right time especially after the whole "do you even feel anything for me for just a second" outburst that angers me so much. The second I saw her I was like YES GIRL YOU TELL HIM. She's the savior. I bet she wanted to hit him so hard when she saw that blood stain on the floor. I'm actually happy that she was so sassy and angry with him and slap the truth like it is because that's exactly what someone needs to do finally, people can't let him be destructive to this level and be silent about it. 


- That ending UGGGHHHHH. I thought for sure we would have a kiss scene tonight, I was so sure about it, I looked at the time and it was two minutes left and they already met, so I got my hopes up sooooooo high then it ENDED???? apparently I forgot the ending credits and the preview so my bad I guess :sweatingbullets:


I very much agree with what you said! I think the next episode is not going to be sad (not to the level of this episode I bet) I think the "I love you" will be said at the same time as the part where she begged him to stay. I'm not sure if the whole begging to stay will happen during the night scene where we left off or like everyone said, him leaving because of bad guy plot reason. But I agree, all I need is that JA was smiling and that almost kiss and MK driving her back looking at ease himself. It means they made up and finally the relationship angst is over!!


PS: I just remember another thing I want to talk about (jeez there's so much going on in this episode): I like that he was waiting for her after she said she would come every day. It somehow speaks volume to me in that this love is so pure and innocent, and actually, it seems like he is on his way to forgive her again. It feels so innocent in the way that, despite your betrayal, I can't help but long for you and want to see you, and I will throw away my pride and be an idiot if I can see you again. It makes me feel very light-hearted and mushy inside knowing they have such an unrequited love :wub: (and then it leads to a major confrontation that broke us all)


Preach it sister \ >o< /


You summed it up perfectly in words.

A previous soompier described MK's actions as abusive but another justified it as understandable. I'm in the wrong boat here but couldn't quite describe it with words but I'l try again


This girl (Ji-Ah) has not even smiled a second since you were sick and comes back everyday despite having no cooking skills (he could have thought she was trying to poison him however unlikely) to make you food and the tears.The many many tears she shed for you and you call her a robot !


What robot cries and cries over the pains of a love that you call an act through and through.He conviently forgot the many times she cared about him


-Ji-Ah provided companionship and saved him by injecting the medicine after he fainted.


-She comforted him after the Ri-el proposal incident 


-She helped him cure his allergy 


-She gave him her first? kids

 (I meant to type kiss but kids would be  fine too)


-She helped him interact with his second friends Hok-Tal & Sannip


-He gained allies in the former of the Santa Maria team through Ji-Ah


-She gave him the memories and experiences of a first love that one doesn't easily forget & will treaure for the rest of their live ever after 




Min-Hyuk made her feel special to one person as her number one fan 


He appreciates her identities unknowingly all of them is one person


Love is not in the number of ways someone benefits you but If it is Min-Kyu has a long way to go to repay Jia after he threw her heart back into her face and shattered it to pieces of everlasting heartbreak even If he doesn't realize it.

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