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[Drama 2018] Live 살다


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So watched it raw and seems like JO accidentally ruined an undercover op. 


Here’s what I gathered from this episode (don’t know Korean but can kinda understand it and I couldn’t wait for subs! Just had to watch this raw cause I love this show)


So I think YC is blamed for SS getting hurt because he didn’t prioritize the safety of his partner over catching the criminal. It seems this episode, on YCs side, was centered on him learning this lesson after all the people around him getting hurt like his mentor, partner, etc.


Meanwhile, I totally think SS asked JO out in the hospital scene (“Narang sagwillaeyo?”=Would you like to go out with me?) but I think she took it as a joke so she just brushed it off and left the room nervously cause she got shy. I can’t choose between shipping her with SS or MH


I am curious of the backstory between JM  and JO because  in the last episode she commented JO grew up well and it also seemed that JO regarded JM as a role model. But so far no flashbacks...yet?  it looked like she felt extra bad for ruining JMs undercover op for the prostituon ring. So far it looks like JO found a female on the CCTV. My question is, is that female apart of the prostituon ring as like a pimp, or the culprit behind who hurt the victim (I think she was violated with an object?)?


I am totally fangirling on this show that I can’t wait for subs!

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^ Yea JO seems to remember JM too because she tells her she's the same as before even though a lot of time has passed. SS does ask JO out at the hospital but JO tells him that she's concentrating on her career and then in the ep 8 preview she asks him if he was being serious about liking her so I guess she just took his confession as a joke. All the foreign women are prostitutes, and the one they found on the CCTV was one of the women they saw at the second apartment, but not the victim. After the pimp and perpetrator left the police station, the pimp went off the grid per the corrupt cop's advice so they're looking for the ring again.


I saw this photo on the tvN FB page. Think it's from a flashback scene as MH is wearing the uniform vest and it seems like it was filmed early on. I actually really like all the flashbacks because we get to move on with the story but still get little hints of their backstories and even the supporting characters get fleshed out through the flashbacks.



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@triplem  No! I prefer JO and SS because I am keeping MH for myself! :lol:

Actually I enjoy the drama without the romance part or the love triangle bit...

I just started on this drama and so far like ep 4, 5 & 6.

Its great watching those ahjussi cops, especially when they hang out, drink and talk about how they actually "won" in those frustrating cases.






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The publicity posters do this drama a grave injustice. I thought this drama is a comedy but it turns out to be something like NYPD Blue or Da Vinci's Inquest (Canada TV). The storyline is dry and it takes a while to appreciate the going-on. For those who have just started ep1 & 2, pls don't give up:blush:.  So far, the dialogues are sooo realistic and unentertaining:D

I haven't the guts to watch the 'live' streaming because the outcome of each case can be unpredictable.

If watching Kwon Sang Woo's Mystery Queen inspires one to be a police, then "Live" has the opposite effect of dissuading any Korean youth from becoming a police - low pay, high divorce rate. long hours, public physical and verbal abuse, cleaning richard simmons... ...

Is this also a protest show to emphasize Korean patrol police need a body worn camera to protect themselves?


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LOL. That scene of OYC and JM outside the divorce court office was hilarious, cute and right on the money. There were so many unknowns regarding the dynamic of their relationship... whether or not JM had given YC plenty of opportunities to shape up and he just ignored her pleas etc... I didn't want to prejudge too much but seeing that YC was shocked and unwilling to go through the divorce, I had an inkling that she'd never communicated to him any of her issues with their marriage. 

Well, it would seem that we were right about the non-communication in that marriage. What was funnier for me was that everything I complained about was almost word for word what he said... okay I didn't say anything about three strikes and you're out or that criminals get a warning before a shot gets fired. :D But I did use the word "bomb" to describe what she did to him. :lol:

YC was kind of adorable with his proclamations that JM will regret leaving him. Seems like he gets 3 months cooling off period to sharpen his game. :wink: He was pretty cute generally in that entire scene. Even JM managed a smile or two. The whole scene was very well written and well-acted.


I'm not especially partial to any of the pairings that are being telegraphed. It's fine with me either way. JO's too busy trying to get her head around the whole cop thing to bother with men right now. My attitude is the same of the division chief... there's too much information about private stuff. :D I particularly loved his line to YC and KM about "keeping your love triangle private". LOL. I've always liked MH, I like SS now but I'm more interested in seeing them trying to save lives and crack cases than which of them ends up with JO. Romance is fine and as long as it works within the confines of the bigger picture I have no objections. UST is fine too. I just don't need it in this drama. TBH, I don't even know if MH is really interested in JO romantically. He's very kind and he has gone out of his way to be helpful but I'm wondering if he's doing things just to light the fire under SS's bottom


6 episodes in I'm definitely enjoying the show a lot more now that everyone's more multidimensional rather than just props for the writer and director. I felt that a lot of the early conflicts were steroid-driven contrivances and right up in your face. But now that the characters are getting used to each other and working more cohesively, the show is so much more entertaining and poignant. The highlights in these last two episodes had to do with the troops rallying around those who are struggling with one issue or another. Occupational hazards/traumas. That's the sort of stuff I signed up for and want to see a lot more of. It's good to see YC and SS working more like a well-oiled partnership and in general to see YC accepting that he's in the patrol division to stay. Underneath the prickles they're both decent men.


Like @triplem, the individual cases... whether it's the brawl in the basement restaurant or saving the suicidal schoolboy... are the sorts of things I'm looking for to see how the writer develops the characters as part of the larger narrative. The tall lass with the short hair... Hye Ri... is a bit annoying with her constant whining about wanting to deal with big cases as if she's in some kind of regular white collar/office job clamouring for bigger projects. She's a bit too eager and idealistic. All the rookies are in general but they've been mugged by reality. No doubt this is one of the main themes of the series as it attempts to deconstruct and dismantle the myths about policing especially at the grassroots level. A lot of policing is ordinary. Drunken disorderly events, assaults, saving lives, preventing suicides. Murders and deaths don't just happen on demand. Even if they do occur, there's nothing inherently glamorous in catching one.


I just wish HR would dial down the "I hate being with the old guy act" and have some respect for SB's experience at least. There's nothing wrong with starting at the bottom of the food chain and learning from anyone who can teach you something.

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*spoilers for ep 8 ahead*


JO-MH shippers will looooove ep 8. I totally didn't expect MH to make a move already and considering he says sorry to SS in ep 9, it seems JO-MH start dating. I'm also glad they brought up MH's lower rank because I was always curious why he was a lower rank than JongMin who's his peer. It seems it's a sad story how that happened (probably having to do with his loyalty) and I hope we find out soon.


Edit: When MH and SS were racing, JO shouted that whoever wins is her man and SS ended up winning. Don't know if that's supposed to foreshadow anything...


I like how SS builds connections with the citizens involved in his cases. It's not a good idea professionally but it's nice to see him help others out personally.


Based on the flashback of how JM-JO met, it seems JO's mom was a prostitute or involved in some shady business, which may explain her panic disorder. I hope JM-JO continue to have a story arc. Also, so surprised that JM would have married KM if his family didn't object. So many layers in this drama!

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@scout oh wow! So is the corrupt cop that guy that the other guy (JO took him and the beaten dude she recognized to the station, the one who ripped up the paper and pissed of her partner) called and told him the cops let them out? Didn’t recognize that cop.


i would love a flashback scene of MH! last episode I think they were teasing MH about liking JO but were like “it’s better than him still not being over hyeon-su” who’s Hyeon su? She someone that went to police academy with MH like how our rookies met and now working at another division? If it was jute women’s unit or violent crimes unit, we probably would have seen her already so maybe she’s in another kind of unit. Are there any actresses casted as that character or is she on the relationship chart? Curious what her fate is in the show.


so the first episode uri elders are in a bind because JM has the CCTTV of one of their colleagues throwing that drunk guy in the ground and leaving him in the cold. They debate whether to cover it up or report him, and then MH reports him. I wonder if s similiar thing will happen in the future where maybe JO makes a mistake and this time cause it’s JO he covers it up? 


I would like a flashback of YC too. Why is he such a workaholic that even his wife divorced Ji, and his kids don’t know him that well? It already was mentioned by him that his dad beat his wife (was not expecting that, like his dad so I was shocked to find that out cause he seems like a cute little elder I wanna put in my pocket and take away from meanie YC). That said, I don’t think it’s his moms abuse from the past that motivates him. Was his dad a cop? Why did he decide to be a cop of all things? I started to ask myself these questions after ep 7.


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4 hours ago, philosophie said:

Woah in the preview hye ri is looking at sangsu while he watches MH and JO. I’m totally down for HR and SS to pair up and MH and JO together. 

Ooooh great idea. I didn't know who to ship at first, but yeah, this makes sense.

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I can't believe this drama is already halfway over (and we're only at 11 pages)! I already miss all the characters. I'm sooo curious about JO's and MH's backstories! MH is a total mystery as nothing has been mentioned about him other than his previous love Hyunsoo and that there's a sad story behind his lower rank (maybe both stories are related?). The backgrounds of the other group leaders are known (they spent the entire ep 8 complaining about and comparing their dire situations lol) except MH's (is his family wealthy or something?). Also, why was JO bloodied and locked up in that shady house back when she was a student? I hope we find out more info in the next few episodes.

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Oh yeah! I wonder if he and JO share a similiar background where both their moms worked in the prostitution industry, because he seemed to go off on a pimp. And then JM had a flashback of finding JO in a similiar place that her and JO found that woman (had she just given birth?why was she in a hospital looking room? Where did all that blood come from?)

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Caught up to 6--people on here were right--does get better at 6, Five it where it turns a corner, but 6 is where it starts to really hook, but the characterizations still get to me a bit around the edges. Kinda gets to me, since they have such good actors whom I recognize their range and I'd like to see more of their range utilized within the drama. I get the type of drama it is, but I still think the writer could tap into that more. Might be more like my style of writing--I love seeing actors pressed a bit to their limits. (I'm more on the technical fan side than the oogling at actors side...)

Talking purely from mental health angle--as I said earlier I have several I have to tackle daily. I think I pinpointed what bugs me about it. I mean I like the inclusion of mental health. I don't mind that--clearly. But it seems like the characters put that as the definition of the character *first* rather than second or third? That's why her writing often feels like a medical textbook rather than fleshed out characters.

For example, the student on the roof, the only definition we got of the student was that they had a panic disorder (though often panic disorder comes with anxiety and/or Major depression. Lucky me--I've had both types of panic attacks and I would characterize them as totally different.) But there is nothing else to go on for that student. We're only left with the label of the panic disorder. But for me, I'm more than my mental health disorders. I don't tell everyone because that puts me in danger a lot if I say it and get rejected by the other person. If I get rejected it might lead to a panic attack. (or at least me getting disabled for a few hours/day or week). Irony isn't it?

I'm more than my mental health disorders even when they take over. How they manifest in me is different than other people. Why I get triggered is different in me than other people. The uniqueness of who I am should always come first. I write, I draw, I do other things between panic attacks. I talk to friends. I help people out. I try to do things to manage my problems. Self care is often difficult for someone like me, but I work on it a lot and think about it and try to motivate myself to do it.

I'm at the point where I want to really like the show. I like the premise, I like the event structure. I just want more meat to the characters. I want them to be more than their traumas--where is their outside life outside of their family--where are their friends outside of work? We haven't had a single character with a best friend from school that knows that they like, say cooking, or they were really good at crochet. (though I defy anyone to say that Kwangsoo could crochet well in real life... he doesn't seem to have the personality for it).

I want the father figure (grandfather) whom I know is an excellent actor to be more than just a drinking problem and hitting his wife. Doesn't the dude have friends somewhere? I want the Sex crimes lady to have friends somewhere... if she was alone when her husband was out solving crimes--she's gotta have some sort of girl friends somewhere to complain to. What are the character's interests outside of the job and money? What are their favorite things? I think within the format those things can be explored a bit. I really want to know who they are, how they tick more than their traumas. If I'm given that it goes from a OK drama to a really good one.

BTW, for reference I think the best portrayal of a panic attack to date is in Secret Garden, the elevator scene. Spot on. Character came first, but that panic attack had a reason behind it. He didn't use it as a crutch. There wasn't a magical private part that solved the day. He worked on overcoming it himself (though I'm not against therapists/drugs I am against love interests magically curing people). Acting was spot on. (Even the amnesia bit was good--though don't drive after a panic attack/flash back--that's impossible). Plus he wasn't worried about showing his face or not--panic attack I'm usually curled up into a ball or at least hunched over 'cause I can't breathe and I feel like I'm dying/about to pass out so my lungs feel like they are shrinking--that's not the time to try to show your face for the public--it's embarrassing to not be in control of your body. (and usually speaking is impossible) I also usually am out of it for a day or two. So everything in Secret Garden was right on.

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8 hours ago, philosophie said:

Oh yeah! I wonder if he and JO share a similiar background where both their moms worked in the prostitution industry, because he seemed to go off on a pimp. And then JM had a flashback of finding JO in a similiar place that her and JO found that woman (had she just given birth?why was she in a hospital looking room? Where did all that blood come from?)


The sick woman in the house seemed to be suffering from an illegal abortion done in the house. The thought that MH could be a prostitute's/mistress's son did cross my mind as he seemed affected by seeing the boy in the car but I think it would be too crazy a storyline. JO obviously had a horrible childhood, and she seemed a bit scared that HP was her high school boyfriend's best friend from the same school (who even was familiar with her family background). Whereas MH seems overly generous and confident, came with the senior officers in uniform to the funeral (in ep 2), and can afford all the nice/privately-made equipment, so that's why I'm assuming he's from a wealthy background with connections. I want to know more already! There's no info in their character bios either. JO's is all about her career struggles as a woman and moving up as an officer and MH's is about his loyalty/sense of duty, respect for YC, and others' respect for him. The drama may just have an open ending showing JO et al advancing in their careers.


I was reading the comments on naver articles regarding the bubbles kiss, and although most support JO-MH, some actually saw the kiss as sexual harassment, showing the strong impact of the #metoo movement in Korea. MH is her superior at work and kissed her suddenly so some people felt uncomfortable. A few others don't want any romance lines in the drama, like in Misaeng. I actually wasn't expecting any romance in the drama at all, and I hadn't read the character bios before watching the drama so I even assumed MH was already married in the drama (being realistic) until JongMin told him to get married. But they already threw it in there, so now I'm rooting for MH, although I'm okay with an open ending as long as MH doesn't die!

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my thoughts after watching the latest... there are still quite a lot to be explained


what's the link between JO and JM?  Flashback shows that JM first saw JO in a shady place in her uniform.  Does this mean JO had a past that has not been explained other than the panic disorder mother?  


As for the kiss between MH and JO, since the first time they 'met', I had a feeling they seem to know each other before meeting again at the police station.  She seems very comfortable with him unlike the other seniors.  And yes I need to know more abt MH's background!

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On 03/04/2018 at 8:55 PM, mxxella said:

First Impressions: Live, The Great Seducer, My Ahjussi, Let’s Hold Hands Tightly and Watch the Sunset

Full: https://ahjummamshies.com/2018/04/03/first-impressions-live-the-great-seducer-my-ahjussi-lets-hold-hands-tightly-and-watch-the-sunset/

Loving both Live and My Ahjussi. But after these two, I'm going to need a light romantic comedy so I'll probably start watching My Pretty Noona to balance everything. :D

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On 4/2/2018 at 4:23 PM, scout said:


 A few others don't want any romance lines in the drama, like in Misaeng.

I kinda feel like that at this point. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge rom com fan despite being gray-a. But I'm not feeling any strong romances in this one. Maybe because the characters aren't developed enough at the moment and I don't feel any kind of connection between the characters that warrants it. The characters aren't fleshed out enough yet for it. I don't think agreeing on disability POV is enough (especially when the writer keeps pulling the same thing of having the characters yell it. *eye roll* Look, I have disabilities, but it's coming off ham-fisted. I advocate for myself in better ways than yelling a person down, especially my superiors who could give me hell later. I prefer the car scene with the feminism talk approach. That cracked me up.)

Matching interests, some kind of history they agree on as an interest... give me something more than they like how the other person looks.

I do respect people who would want it, but for me, I need more to go on before getting there.

The point of romance is to argue longevity isn't it? So far the drama argued that sharing a job isn't enough. Sharing views on disability isn't either. So argue towards a romance solidly by fleshing out the characters/history and I'll help sail that ship so it never comes back.

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If you're watching this on Netflix, episodes 7 and 8 are available now! :D


12 hours ago, Kim Yunmi said:

Maybe because the characters aren't developed enough at the moment and I don't feel any kind of connection between the characters that warrants it. The characters aren't fleshed out enough yet for it.

Oooh, I kind of agree. This may be the reason why I didn't know who to ship at first. I get why JO and MH look good together. I also think the thing between JO and SS is SS's deeper feelings for her. But I couldn't choose one or the other because there's no strong connection yet. In the case of SS, I can see him falling in love with JO, but for JO, I feel like she's just into her work now that there's no time to fall in love. :lol: Same for MH. So When I saw the blowing bubbles scene, I hoped that there'd be some progress in that episode to warrant that sudden sweet moment between them.


Anyway, despite this, I agree that IF EVER they include romance in this and make the characters get into a full on relationship, MH and JO are better partners, and SS can be with HR.


THOUGHTS ON EPISODE 7, YC eating alone while thinking about his colleagues who were hurt really got to me because man, it really happens. YC didn't cheat on his wife and was a good provider to his family, but because he works so hard, JM feels neglected and they got divorced. He's also a good police officer but then they know him as someone who doesn't look after his colleagues well. It's just sad knowing that he means well on the inside. There are just good and hardworking people in the world who really mean well but don't really have good luck that they end up being blamed for things beyond their control, and I find it sad.


It's a good thing this sad scene was offset with SS and HR going to the club. I found that scene really exciting to watch because both of them were in the club, and you have other officers monitoring CCTVs in the HQ. Lee Kwang Soo was really cool in this scene. Also, I love HR and the old police officer's teamwork in the club. 


I just have one question, isn't it a bad idea to be stealing from club goers when you own the club? I mean, if people keep losing things, won't they get suspicious and go somewhere else?

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