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[Drama 2017] Witch at Court 마녀의 법정

Go Seung Ji

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1 hour ago, Dhakra said:


He did, and especially because he knows he asked her that question. And more importantly, because he knows how she feels he wanted to prevent her from forging evidence in the first place. He wanted to help her all the time, he went against his own mother, he wanted to help YD to find his mother. 

Yeo never even winked once when YD told him that she will make his mother pay. Yeo knows that his mother did cruel things, with his sense of justice he knows that his mother needs to be charged. 

Yeo doesn't care about his reputation as prosecutor, when his mother told him that she doesn't want to ruin his career, he didn't even picked up the line. It doesn't play a role in his mind. She told her crystal clear that he became a prosecutor to lock up guys who did things like this. 


It was important that he confronted her bluntly, he warned her, but she ignored it. It was his way to tell her "Do you see now? Have you seen where your ways lead to? Do you understand now that your actions only lead to more pain and make things even worse?"


He was there to help her, that's why he was also so shocked when she left. He wanted to help her, to start anew, to make it better this time. But she just ran away.

@Dhakra applause! loved how you understand JW and your ability to write that well.
i actually wanted to write something about JW. because back then weeks ago, when i already sensed some comments abotu how pale in comparison JW is to Ideum's wit and style, regarding he been inexperiences and green when ever facing sly Heo or his lacklustre 'performance' ....
i always find it odd, that in this drama alone, there are just some who will not able to accept YD and some who will not admire Jw.. see how unique is this OTP.

while i do not agree to some understandings regarding Ideum of yours at times, i totally loved how you anatomized JW nature, and thoughts thoroughly. while it totally understand how stargazer felt for Ideum, she does have unique ability to see and appreciate Ideum beyond that 'ugly-richard simmons' facade, and star saw her vulnerabilty and her worths.


highlighted in red, the portion i loved how well, you 'read' JW. it is beautiful that in this forum alone, we have both diff 'viewers' who each understand JW very well, or understand Ideum very thoroughly.
just like you said, i loved that moemnt he chided mom, while he totally stand behind IDeum, he also waits for Mom to gathered her courage, and wish that she herself owned up before he is forced to make her do that, and that he will not hesitate when the right time comes... he will have to be the Prosecutor taht he is.
even if to lost the Prosecutor badge, he will still be the Prosecutor in spirit. Ideum or Mom, however he loved both (oh, i do know some are still not convinced that he loved or liked ideum, i leaved that to another discussion). he will put down his 'guilt' or 'shame' at any time to help them to do the right thing, help them to stop doing things that will hurt themselves and plunge themselves into deeper abyss. I loved JW in all his ability to read all the people he cares for and did the right things, said the right thing to encourage, or chide, or even DO NOT do anything when its not the right time.
JW is definitely Not weak, not lacklustre, not pale in comparison, not naive and insensitive. he is strong as water...  his acceptance and empathy of what he understand in the person he 'reads' well.... is his strength. like water he is.  not fire, not storm, not quakes, but water, is the most powerful element on earth. not death, but life is powerful. witchy is and will not able to bring out the essence of being witchy 'in taste', without the person who trusted that she can remain witchy-richard simmons and be herself, and yet she has a heart of understanding and feelings and she is gifted.
witch's court will not be witch's court, without witchy moments of bickering and also moments of finding solace in her "witch-broom' (yeo-geom).

anyone , everyone, need that moment you just throw the towel, n run. but she did crawl back, not in victory, but back to her family. give her benefit of doubts and see how much she thought thru and how readily she "forgave' JW's whose mum betrayed her..  how well she does NOT wallow in her shame and guilt.. and she pulled herself up by 3 months, to do soemthing. starting from being a driver? she surprised me. yeah, she's shameless, she's selfish, she's blunt,. she's wilful, she's vengeful... but all originate from her One sole love of her life for 20 yrs. Mom. how swift she crawl back after fighting that alone for 3 months.
actually i loved both Ideum and Jinwook to pieces.... love them together. and yet, also love them apart from each other. love them with or without beign OTP. lvoed their characters, strengths or flaws.

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I think we just saw another major turning point in this drama. Jo Gab Soo Killed off his
right-hand man(Baek Sang Ho) is his biggest mistake so far. The only reason Jo Gab Soo was
untouchable is because of Mr. Baek loyalty to him. He can grow a new right-arm, but his new
right-arm will never has the same loyalty of Mr. Baek. And he knew this, that's why he broke
down and wept when he realized he had made a huge mistake. Soon, we will see the down fall
of Jo Gab Soo.

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I think if was really a "just" person he would at the minimum have brought his mother in for questioning; he should have done something to bring more pressure and fire on BSH and Gappy. It goes to show that folks you can depend on are not necessarily folks you can trust. MYD made some bad choices but she also knew that she works in a corrupt system and that she cut her teeth on short cuts. Does it matter if your pain is caused by your corrupt decision or someone's else's, does it really matter overall.

The CAGU leader spent twenty years without progress on MYD's mother's case, she deserved to step-down, her ineptness and YJW's commitment to his mother are equal contributing factors to MYD's decision in my opinion. I don't condone wrong doing on anybody's part but I certainly can appreciate why so many wrong things happen.

Of course I know that in the end things will work in both YJW and MYD's favor; not so sure about his mother. Still not so sure that MYD's mother is dead, didn't BSH tell YJW's mother to move MYD's mother when they met in the elevator. I think that she is a lying liar who tells lies.

Just needed to get it off my chest how the evil that prevails takes so long to overcome and how it manipulates the decision making power of others; especially those who have to combat it with one hand tied behind their back. 


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@stargazer187 yes, i read in few sites it's 16 ep. i actually was hoping the court cases and 'corruption' that involved the Higher-Ups. WC can have capacity to go deep and dark and damned, as far as those in Falsify... with Ideum's very unique character, you really can stretch her and throw in those heavy weigh cases like Falsify. we all loved what Legal drama like Falsify or Remembers or Defendant did (think SBS did well with those kind of corruption drama/ legal dramas), and Nam Goongmin happened to be in both.... i actually was wishing it will be like Falsify having 30 over ep, and everyone is nail biting...

actually i have no problem getting absorb into the cases, to me each of them are entertaining enough, and inspired thoughts, not just wiping the surfaces to give OTP moments, those few cases did bring up the strength and flaws of OTP indeed, and shown how well they changed, or say how much Ideum allowed herself to 'come out of herself'. to me she never 'change for the better'. she was brought up well by mum, its just that she suppressed and hardened herself to survive as the fittest !!!
both Ideum and Jinwook did 'changed' and 'learn' along the ways. it will be good to see how well JW can go, without Ideum the 'Junior Sunbae" guiding. because its dampening to see him lost the case to Heo, the moment Ideum sit at Gallery (General Public seatings), you knew case is half gone, with the massive Power-play behind Heo (even Chief Prosecutor Oh is with JGS). i indeed wish JinWook to stand out in skill. he already awed me with his characters and inner strength, and he been the clear headed conscience voice that will not hesitate to chide Ideum, Mom, or even MinJisoo. but i also wish to see, him making some 'sly' move to out-wit Heo himself. and boy, JW is not flaw-less.
its really interesting, how divided both domestic viewers and international viewers see Witch's Court. and how divided even Witch's Court fans like or dislike both of the OTP, this is one great unique drama that we dont have shipper-fights. coz that's not the theme of WC. not OTP cheesy shipp-able relationship., but OTP characters and how well they sync in character to each other, support and bring out the best in each other.
the more i re-watched few times, the more i loved both of them in characters, not just as OTP. i see them in us, everyone of us common people.
like some i dont like the time-jump, but i wish to see more of how they both cope without each, in that 3 months. How much changes, how they weathered.

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oh, i just gotta share something i accidentally did which is real bad and dangerous. ( @triplem thanks for signaled me.)  hahah. really bad of me, i was using my mobile to post hancinema's report on WC, and i post it at "ThisLifeMyFirst" .... goodness, i didnt even follow that drama neither do i lurk at their thread.. how on earth did i wander there, and post the high rating, i nearly get into a war if that ratings has some notes about TLMF.
here you go... (thank God the article did not mention TLMF ratings.

"Witch's Court" pulls far ahead of competition at 11.4%

There is a huge gap between "Witch's Court" and its competing dramas. According to Nielsen Korea nationwide, the KBS 2TV drama "Witch's Court" rated 11.4%. The figures increased by 1.3% compared to previous records.

SBS's "The Temperature of Love" rated 6.1% and 7.2% and came in a far second while "Boy and Girl From the 20th Century" came in last with 2.9% and 2.8%.

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56 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:

@maryofbethany I see. Yes, we love legal dramas but not all legal dramas are good in my opinion. My most recent fave are Defendant, Tunnel, Forest Secret ( I still have 6 eps I haven't finished, overlaps with other dramas). I dropped Remember, lol, because it's too draggy and I feel frustrated that the criminal is always win unless the last final. Falsify, I haven't watched it yet. I'm okay with long episodes as long as the story is awesome. And I like when they don't take time to long to finish one case and then change to another interesting cases. I also don't mind if there's no romance at all. All I care is that the story can make me enjoy watching it. Sometimes, I dropped dramas in the middle becsuse the story is going to other way different with how the first they are told. And for WC, I agree with you, I love that this drama is not just about shipping OTP romantically. So far I like how they tackle with the cases and how the courtroom fights are so intense.

@stargazer187 haha, just bought Tunnel. will watch next. (becoz of YHM) i was totally into Remember becoz of YooSeungHo ... i think SBS are better with legal drama. oh, haha to each their own, Remember is my crack legal drama, i have about 4 crack dramas thus far in time past. the villain in Remember really made you want to sink your teeth into him, he and his dad are far more sick than JGS infact. (ok, interesting enough the actor Jun Kwang-ryul was a total 180 change from his role in WC. back in Remember, his acting was even award-worthy good, he acted as one who suffered Alzheimer and wrongly jailed.) k, will watch tunnel on my list. 


am quite lazy, only watch those at air at my cable tv. then when i am addicted, then i go raw. i chanced upon Witchy, when i was trying to distract myself from recently some tiring experiences, so i want something that will not have shipping trouble, witchy felt like will NOT have anyone ship her... hahaha. am so bad right? so i jump in to watch on cable tv, instantly i was captivated by witchy. by end of ep1, she met JW outside her CAGU office. WOW... wasnt even sure we shall have otp moment by ep1 even. but i was so into each of them, JinWook and Ideum unique characters. talking about JW, at first i was worried that fans will find him bland, fans always will not be attracted to overly goody two shoes character. then am i glad he does have shades of greys. 
then i went to worry for Ideum too, that she's overly shady that fans will not be identify & warm up to her. Ya know, domestic viewers tastes are diff from international tastes. worry, these 2 with their seemingly polar different characteristics may not be warming up to viewers... back at ep1 and ep2, i wasnt even into 'shipping any otp". (not going now also). i was just thinking how i like to see them grow and show their true self.
when Ideum trick off Heo, i was already raising my bar on the final-showdown against JGS.
and its only after how JW reads YD during her struggles thru the leak of shower-clips, and her own 'confession'... that i started to think i really really really liked this pair and see how much they can sync with each other's character growth and compliment each .

not your typical female lead:







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Geez ep. 10 was an emotion filled roller coaster ride. So much angst, thankfully Ideum came back:D Knowing her usual MO, I'm excited to find out what tricks she got up her sleeve this time, God knows Gabsoo & his minions need payback PRONTO. Oh can we please get our OTP together again?!!?:wink: 

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CR. Diversity HTK

(yes! with Eng sub.) ost3 is so-ep10 related.

"I’m not ready yet
Feels like you’re still here
If you come back
I would never let go again

I’m sure we did love
Even the pain until now was all love
After all the tears have been shed
Things will be alright
Did you even love me?
Or did only I want you?
Even if it’s a lie
Even if it’s a lie
Even if it’s a lie, tell me
That you loved me"


parody in spoiler, huh... off-topic kind.:glasses: by ONE Production.




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(dramabean's recap, is a must weekly. all cr. Dramabeans)

Witch’s Court: Episode 9



A shift of focus to the bad guys today reveals that there may be trouble amongt even the strongest allies. The question is: How can you trust someone when you have seen how duplicitous and manipulative they are? On the heroes’ side, big truths come out today, which might feed old obsessions and insecurities. Yi-deum has always been a hothead, and now we’ll find out what happens when you really cross her.



Siiiiigh. I’ve avoided talking about Jo Gap-soo until now, but then an episode like this happens, and I’m forced to talk about Jo Gap-soo. Okay, here are my thoughts:

He’s boring and takes up too much screen time.

To elaborate, I’m baffled as to why Jo Gap-soo and henchman Sang-ho get so much screen time while other elements of the story fall to the side. Someone needs to tell this show that if you’re going to focus on the villain, they need to be a twisty mastermind, or deliciously evil, or struggle with what they’re becoming. Something. Instead we’ve been given a man who thinks the key to his success is a hotel room. I wish that Jo Gap-soo’s story was more connected to the main one—which I thought was the point of Prosecutor Min’s character—but the show decided to focus on his political machinations instead. Even that could have been tolerable if they hadn’t made them cliched and terrible. My last big problem with Jo Gap-soo is that there is no compelling character development–he just reallllly wants to be mayor—so I don’t have any investment in this side of the story. For example, did anyone think for even one moment that he wouldn’t betray Sang-ho? I sure didn’t. I did feel (a bit) for poor Sang-ho today, though, which surprised me, but watching as he found out his whole world was a lie was undeniably rough.

The large majority of the emotional moments come from Yi-deum in this episode (though I did cry when Granny asked Soo-ah to wake up) and it has never been more clear how much of the heavy lifting has been done by Jung Ryeo-won. In this episode, Yi-deum seeks revenge for Soo-ah, has her fragile trust in Jin-wook broken, and after decades of searching learns of a way to find her mother. It would have been difficult to balance these elements correctly if Witch had actually focused on Yi-deum, but it didn’t even try, which is disappointing. Jung Ryeo-won is so marvelous that I could almost buy her bargain with Sang-ho, or fractured trust in Jin-wook, but the writing fell flat.


Yi-deum has been so strongly characterized until now that I can see exactly why she would make the decision to betray Soo-ah and her promise to Granny—searching for Mom has consumed every part of Yi-deum’s life and that is her ballast when she is in emotional turmoil. Likewise, Yi-deum has been repeatedly rejected by society and failed by those supposed to help her, so it makes sense that she would quickly turn on Jin-wook. But we never quite saw these decisions being made, and it felt like we were filling in the gaps of Yi-deum’s emotional journey ourselves.

This oversight extends to Jin-wook as well, who was a particularly egregious victim of the show’s decision to focus on the bad guys. Our hero finally confronts his mother with her lies, and we weren’t able to linger on what this means to him at all. It does tie in nicely with the thematic focus on broken trust that runs throughout, and affects all our characters, but I would have liked to see a space for Jin-wook to process the bombshell. But because the pace was so fast, all the focus of the reveal is on Yi-deum, who seems to have turned to the dark side again (or for the first time?). Yi-deum’s growth last week was lovely to see, but her fledgling attempts at connection were dealt a staggering one-two punch this week—from Soo-ah’s death to Jin-wook’s “betrayal.” It’s no wonder that her newfound relationships couldn’t withstand her desire to find her mother, when all she was rewarded with was pain.

Nevertheless, it was still wrenching to see Yi-deum manipulating Sang-ho, and leveraging Soo-ah’s chance at justice with a deal. Unfortunately, this development also means the death of the blossoming romance between Jin-wook and Yi-deum. I unreservedly love our lead couple, and I’ll be sad if we are headed for separation and heartbreak. These two were so cute together, and I absolutely adored the intensity with which Yi-deum threw herself at Jin-wook. When Yi-deum knows what she wants, she fearlessly goes after it. While that was wonderful when she wanted Jin-wook, now that she doesn’t, I have a feeling she will be ruthless in cutting him from her life. Jin-wook’s face when Yi-deum told him that she doesn’t trust him any more was a little bit heartbreaking, but it doesn’t look like Jin-wook is about to give up on her any time soon. If Mom really is dead (and I’m not convinced she is) I just hope his trademark empathy will be enough to pull Yi-deum back from the dark places she might go…




cr. dramabeans

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So Besides considering yi deum may be gap soo' daughter, I also think her mom is still alive. Why would jinwooks mom go so far to stay quiet about it? No idea except that life or death is at stake probably. I hope yi deum and her sunbae are still in touch after they're no longer prosecutors and working together. Probably are since we only have 6 episodes left and I can't deal with anymore scenarios of that bad guys getting away with their major sins.

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1 hour ago, philosophie said:

So Besides considering yi deum may be gap soo' daughter, I also think her mom is still alive. Why would jinwooks mom go so far to stay quiet about it? No idea except that life or death is at stake probably. I hope yi deum and her sunbae are still in touch after they're no longer prosecutors and working together. Probably are since we only have 6 episodes left and I can't deal with anymore scenarios of that bad guys getting away with their major sins.

@philosophie beside that, beside the possiblites that KwakYS be hidden somewhere by KJS, at first i was hoping Baek himself is the one who hid Kwak, since he's dead, i was hoping JW's mom is the one. tape or no tape, as long as Kwak is alive, that is a powerful witness, and above all, i dont wish the OTP be having scar thru out and i need a happy ending for this light-weigh-legal-rom-com. Pretty pls no melo-drama and having OTP separated bcoz 'your mom indirectly harm my mom."

i hope Baek SH has some PlanB laid aside, knowing his master's personality better than anyone, hope he has a duplicate copy of that journal, or at least a few good most important pages of that journal be tuck away somewhere in that villa. else its a waste and lousy writernim-writing, to have such potential weapons, but to be one by one destroyed and killed by....
witness (kwak)... tape... journal.... Baek.....
and yes, i believed its not the end for MinJisook, she already told JW she will contact him again. she has not given up... i believed Yideum's this 'driver' case should be part of her plot of the main-show-down.
remember this is CAGU, so whatever Yideum case is, it should be related to some woman's issues, but as a driver and she's the accuser? she's the defender of some suite against her?  who is the plaintiff against MaYideum? the girl in my above twit?


i really hope they utilized the character of Yideum in her wit and think out of box method, and also utilized Jinwook's gift in mind-reading/ character-reading / gestures-reading in solving the final show-down case against the antagonist -JGS.



is this new girl teh plantiff against our Yideum?





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 CR. soojeong9212 ( i was actually worried that her 'tango' with future mother-in-law will tear the relationship furthered, as YiDeum literally yelled at 'Doctor' where is her mom... JungRyeoWon was really fierce in this scene.
anyway KJS really deserved that much shouting at.

one more at spoiler.




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