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[Drama 2017] Confession Couple / Go Back Spouses, 고백부부


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Well, I never shipped JinJoo with NamGil. But then I didn't ship her with BanDo either. Whichever way this triangle ends up, I'll be happy if they're all happier for it.


After all, while NamGil gives her googly-eyes and looks at her like she's the best thing since sliced bread, original young BanDo, in the past, also was a puppy ready to turn head over heels and do cartwheels for her. And look where that ended up. Who's to say who's better for her right now. (And future-NamGil might already have found the love of his life by the time they divorced.)


I like this show mostly because it shows how cruel life can be and to be honest, I loved episode 10 all the more for it. People don't turn out pathetic because they want to - it's just life that makes them that way. Yeah, BanDo wasn't the best husband, he wasn't the most lovable nor the most encouraging. But that's not because he's a bad person or a lesser person - it's because he just didn't know how to be a good husband and he didn't know how to cope with what life was throwing his way... and he just forgot that he had to be considerate to his wife, taking her for granted because "she'll be there always" anyway, because he was too busy managing everything on his spilling plate. Both of them, JinJoo and BanDo, became shells of their former selves. And I think I like this show because it reminds us not to forget the us who once were so full of dreams, potential and happiness. And reminds us to cherish those that are still around us. It's like we all have their regrets, but through them, we get a second chance to "rectify".


I dunno. I don't care much for the romance. I'll just be happy if they come out of this adventure happy - because they were so pathetically miserable in 2017.

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37 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

Is it possible that the pain JJ had everytime she had menstruation is the reason why they had baby so late? :mellow:

Im actually surprised that they were able to have a baby esp after JJ was blaming him for making her  too late to see her mother's last moments. I wonder how they overcame this grief as clearly they couldnt and she felt let down by him again. Why didnt they divorce then? before SJ birth? :blink:


@xxPeepsxx at this stage I dont think JJ wants to be back with either men and Im not sure if BD has the courage to pursue her back. Both are only just realising their mistakes and seeking forgiveness now.

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My heart broke when i saw bando charging towards dr park and all the memories of his abuse came flooding back. Such a sad episode. And to miss his mother in law's death because some unruly kids beating him is so heart breaking. 


Will need to watch with subs to understand what they are saying. But even watching it raw, i managed to cry. Sobs

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Can't wait for the subs! Thank you @V, @Kasmic, @supergal99 for the recap and stills. _/\_

I guess we learn more about BD than we ever did in the previous eps. The writer gives a nice balance of BD. Yes, he was beaten by life but inside he was still that hopeful and caring husband. 


From the look of it, JJ's mom's death really took a toll on her. She probably seemed normal afterwards but she was never the same. I get why JJ hated her dad. His singing and love declaration now feels cheap when you know that in just 10 years from now, dad would remarry not even 1 year after mom's death. :mellow:


Poor NG. Like any other SLS, the writer really does set him up for failures and heartbreak. How can he win against memories of past love. The only way he can win JJ (in alternate universe) is to create different memories with JJ and with no BD on sight. Otherwise, no luck there. :huh:

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14 minutes ago, Kasmic said:

Im actually surprised that they were able to have a baby esp after JJ was blaming him for making her  too late to see her mother's last moments. I wonder how they overcame this grief as clearly they couldnt and she felt let down by him again. Why didnt they divorce then? before SJ birth? :blink:


@xxPeepsxx at this stage I dont think JJ wants to be back with either men and Im not sure if BD has the courage to pursue her back. Both are only just realising their mistakes and seeking forgiveness now.

I guess they made up. After all, they only have each other. Amidst her grief, JJ probably understood that BD were also grieving too. JJ had SJ in 2015 and mom died in 2010. So I guess time healed something, though not everything. 


@xxPeepsxx Unless the writer is trolling us with different typical ending - which I totally welcome, I think JJ will end up with BD. Not only because they're both the main leads, but it's also to give a message to all married couples on how to deal with married life. There's got to be a message in the end right? :blink:

Female empowerment is cool and all but that I'm not sure if that is what this drama is all about. :D

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9 minutes ago, penelop3 said:


@xxPeepsxx Unless the writer is trolling us with different typical ending - which I totally welcome, I think JJ will end up with BD. Not only because they're both the main leads, but it's also to give a message to all married couples on how to deal with married life. There's got to be a message in the end right? :blink:

Female empowerment is cool and all but that I'm not sure if that is what this drama is all about. :D


I don't think the adventure teaches how to deal with married life. It just reminds us the other side of person you married - the pure, hopeful, unburdened one, the one who's really the person at his/her core, but maybe buried under all the commitments now. Marriage is work. And keeping that side of the other person accessible takes work. I'm not sure it shows how a married couple should work, just that it reminds that there is something worth working for.


Being able to choose alone is Female Empowerment. So whether she chooses to stay single or chooses to become married, it's a conclusion that's the result of Female Empowerment because she chose it.

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The theme for this episode is "nothing should be taken for granted". They both  realised from her mother's death that her love and care shouldn't be taken for granted, but they forgot about the things that they did for each other. Ban-do has been taking care of Jin-joo with his light massages, but as time passed, her gratitude lessened. Same for what she did for him. The drama isn't necessarily teaching us how to maintain a marriage, but how to value relationships in general.


I also agree that the drama doesn't focus of female empowerment. That's not the message that it's trying to relay. She has the right to choose, but that's just basic.


Edit: So far there's been a lot of one-sided criticisms directed at Ban-do, but I feel that blame lies on both parties for the breakdown in their relationship.


Also, I was under the impression a few weeks ago that the drama is way ahead of schedule. I mean, scenes in episode 5 were in the teaser as well, so I thought surely they must be progressing fast. But we haven't had previews for the past 2 weeks. *sigh*

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Okay, I'm back! here is the recap in the spoiler:




Bando is at a small table, it’s 2004 and they are newly married. BD is looking at all the medicine. BD is taking out a lot of medicine and only putting the important medicine there. JJ is happy that BD is taking care of her well by organizing all her medicine for her. he is better than her doctor. BD says he will live with her forever so he is happy to do this.

BD is also organizing the medicine, but JJ isn’t giving him any kisses anymore. She takes it for granted now. He also doesn’t look all that enthusiastic.

VO – There is something that becomes so normal because you get used to it.

JJ – You should change your shirt.
BD – I don’t want to, its okay.
JJ – No, I washed it for you, you should change to a new one or people will say bad things about you!
BD – I’m late.

VO – We lived like all the good things the spouse does to the other are taken for granted.

Now they are at the funeral of JJ’s mom, JJ is sitting on the floor sadly. A mom and daughter walk by her. Pan to BD looking at JJ.

VO – The thing you realize after losing everything is that someone’s existence is not something you can take for granted


JJ is looking at BD sleeping. It is morning and she walks up on him sleeping outside. He says he can’t sleep because time is precious and she doesn’t really care, but she sits down anyway. He asks her if she remembers that place and she says she does…She wonders if he was looking for her last night, she heard he was. He wants to know what she was doing. JJ says she walked around last night, the air was great, maybe because it was the countryside. BD says its good that she got to appreciate it.

Now ROTC came out and he looks at BD and JJ sitting and talking. He just stares at them silently with a puppy dog face.

They are all packing to leave and SH is packing up the luggage for everyone. They are kind of talking about SH getting drunk and she said she’s never been drunk or something like that. SH sees some little rocks and wonders what they are? Ah! It looks like it is all the buttons from Hair friends cell phone! She took off all the buttons on his cell phone! I can’t even, that is hilarious. he starts to chase her around and she says it wasn’t on purpose as she runs away.

BD, JJ, and ROTC all come out at the same time.

JJ – You didn’t shave, you are so hasty
BD – I didn’t, I wasn’t hasty I just didn’t have a good razor
JJ – Bad guys blame the tools
BD – (noticing ROTC) Ah, JJ takes care of me like this! JJ, I will shave well next time!

ROTC looks at him. Cut to everyone getting in the van. JJ tells ROTC that she will see him later. But SH put some things in the car to keep JJ from sitting in the van! They want her to stay and hang out with ROTC. Her girlfriends are on her side! Yay! All the girls tell her to stay with ROTC and the guys are all like, there is enough room…

So JJ stays with ROTC.

In the car, the girlfriends talk about how JJ should meet a nice guy this time.

BD thinks back to last night and how he was the one to hug her and look at the fireflies originally. He is pretty sad. JJ is also thinking about last night, but she is thinking about it with BD. She is very quiet in the car. ROTC is also thinking about last night.

JJ – Wow, it’s real, real fireflies. Let’s go home, let’s drink!

She gave his jacket back to him and said for them to go drink and she left.

Back to the car.

ROTC – Thank you for riding with me
JJ – It’s okay, driving for a long time by yourself isn’t good, you get sleepy
ROTC – Does my shave looks good…
JJ – let’s see…its clear
ROTC – Really?
JJ – You did a good job…
ROTC – If you are tired then take a nap
JJ – I shouldn’t sleep next to the driver

Cut to JJ sitting with her parents and talking about Michael Jackson. Jj says Mom is greater than Michael Jackson. The mom is flattered. Then the Dad starts to dance like Michael Jackson and moonwalk. Then the Mom does it and she is really good! JJ laughs at them as they have a good time moonwalking and dancing like Michael Jackson. They are surprisingly good! Way better than me.

Cut to Mom making some fresh vegetable juice. Tomato juice. JJ walks in on her and Mom says she took off all the skin because JJ doesn’t like the skin. Ah, it tastes good. JJ is very happy as she looks at them. The sister comes in and she doesn’t want to drink the juice. JJ goes to the sister and says they need to talk. They go outside and the sister says JJ should change how she talks to her and speak respectfully. JJ says okay and tells her sister that she should treat mom better. Mom might not be next to them all the time, there is no assurance of that. The sister wants to know why she is talking like that. JJ keeps telling her that no one is like MOm and caring preparing breakfast so lovingly and all those things. The sister is upset that JJ is mentioning their Mom dying and JJ just tries to tell her that they only have each other. Flash forward to the funeral and they are the only ones crying. Noone else is there with them.

Back to 1999, The sister leaves. She wonders why JJ is acting that way.

BD is calling the government weather forecast about an earthquake that is about to happen. But no earthquake has ever happened in Korea so the friends think he is weird. BD goes to the library and reads a book by Steven Hawkins about time travel and time slipping and all those things.

Rotc sees JJ sitting and eating the breakfast that her mom made for her. He approaches her and wonders what she is doing. She said she is eating her breakfast and wonders why he is there. He tells her that he is there to see a cat that he knows. This cat is always crying and wandering around like someone he knows. She wants to know who that person is. Then his stomach grumbles and she forces him to eat her food. She says he should eat breakfast because he is a hard studying student. But he says he didn’t want to eat breakfast, buuuuut will eat it because of her. Of course, he is super happy.

He is all stupid smiling as he eats it and tells her to eat as well. Cut to them walking up some steps. JJ has some back pain and he is concerned about her. But she leaves abruptly.

BD sees JJ touching her back. JJ goes into the bathroom and sits on a stall.
BD – Ah, so she will suffer for a while
JJ – Ah, what is going one (maybe it is her period?) she texts someone
Her friends are together and talking, they don’t see JJ’s phone call because they left their phone in the classroom. JJ calls BD instead?

BD is already at the pharmacy and buys JJ some medicine for her back. He reads all the ingredients of the medicine and picks up the phone when JJ calls. She says she needs something. He says okay and he goes and buys all of JJ’s sanitary pads and even tells the guy the specific type that JJ likes, with wings. Everyone is looking at him, but he doesn’t care. He gets his purchase and leaves.

The friends are walking back to class and BD is hovering around the girl’s room. He can’t go in and he tries to call her name, but he does it lightly. His friends see him and scare him, then the pad flies out! Lol. They joke at him about that. BD says to stop pushing him. He goes to pick it up and gives it to JJ’s friends so they can give it to her in the bathroom. He walks off cooly. His friends think he is mysterious. But then BD freaks out when he is out of site because he was so embarrassed, lol.

JJ tells her friends that she will be okay and she starts to take her pain medicine. BD sits with her and they talk about her cramps and JJ says it’s so painful. he starts to hit her back and she says not to do it, people might see them. He says it’s not scandalous, its okay to do this much. He is looking at her pretty intently. he says if they kiss then it would be something. He starts to pat her back again. Flashforward to the future when she had cramps when they were married. He is tapping her back and falling asleep but keeps patting her back as she sleeps. He does it all night long.

1999 – JJ remembers BD doing that for her and asks him if he has any classes. He says that he is too old to take classes. JJ looks at her finger with no ring. BD notices it and looks at his finger with no ring. They both still have the ring marks though.

Cut to BD and JJ walking outside together. BD is still looking at JJ’s ring finger. Some HS students tell JJ that she is pretty and it makes her smile. BD says she is 20, of course, she is pretty. Then they see some young kids smoking in the alley. Flashforward to the same thing happening when they were married. BD wants to stop the kids from smoking but JJ says that young kids are scary, don’t mess with them. If BD dies then she is a widow. He says that she is not a widow so don’t speak like that. Back in 1999 they just keep walking by with no comment.

They are watching or trying to watch a sexy video. JJ’s friends also have the same sexy video, lol. It says “singing competition” on the video but it is actually a porno. The girls are wondering if it is really like this? The older girl in the room says that she knows all about it and all that stuff. The feminist friend basically tells her to shut up.

BD is looking at the calendar with a fixed gaze. Someday in June. Cut to JJ at her home with her Mom. JJ asks Mom if she wants to go to norebang and then everyone shows up, Dad and sister, and are all like, Norebang! Norebang! Let’s go! So they all go to the norebang.

The ballerina has some kind of exhibition with the Bee-boys and BD says that that is really cool. Ballerina says she will do ballet and then she will do Bee-boy things as a hobby. BD looks at the date, it is tomorrow. Maybe that is important?

Cut to him walking and still looking at this card with the date. He gets a call and tells them that he is going to the ballerina’s performance. The rich girl drives up on him and scares him. She wonders if she is going somewhere. He says yes he is and leaves. she follows him in the car, lol. It is so obvious, she is driving right next to him with her driver. BD starts to walk faster. The rich girl wonders if JJ is okay? She heard that the bad guy did something to her, maybe he hit her? BD stops in his tracks, he didn’t know that.

JJ’s family is at the Norebang and drinking and singing and having a good time. JJ looks at her mom in a sad/happy way. It looks like MOm is singing everything, lol. They are having a good time. She sings a lot of love songs, like “I love you so much, even if you leave me…”

Cut to BD finding out about the medical school student. He walks to the medical school and is looking for the bad guy. He punches him! he doesn’t talk to him at all, he just wales on him for a while.

BD – You shouldn’t touch someone like Jin-joo! How dare you touch that person!

He beats the richard simmons out of him.

BD – I wasn’t under you because I was stupid.

Flashforward to all the times the doctor threatened him and hit him in the future.

Bad guy – If you do things like this then I won’t buy your medicine.

BD comes home in the future and sees his wife and child sleeping. He covers JJ with a blanket and rubs her hair gently.

Back to 1999 and BD is still punching the richard simmons out of the doctor. Some people are trying to pull him off but he keeps punching and yelling at the doctor, How dare you touch someone! He is raging!

Cut to JJ’s family having a good time at the norebang. JJ’s dad is singing now. “Until the day that we love…I exist because I love you…I live because of you…I love you…I want to give you all of my heart….”

Sister – They still love each other like that.

JJ is stone-faced as she watches this.

They leave the norebang and while they are walking out JJ asks for the recording of them all singing. The worker tells her that the mom sings very well.

They are drinking and the hair friend tells him that he is crazy. he will save so many peoples lives (the doctor) so BD shouldn’t hit him like that. BD says he doesn’t care and the hair friend says actually he doesn’t care that much either. Flashback to JJ saying BD is never there when she needs him, back when the doctor attacked her. Back to 1999. BD misses the ballerina’s performance and just remembers it.

The feminist friend misses her dorms lights out and is locked out for the night. The buff friend wonders what they should do? Cut to a motel.

They are super awkward. The feminist friend wonders if her boyfriend ever had sex before? is he saving himself for marriage? Buf friend just lays on the floor. he is singing the Korean national anthem to keep from being so turned on, lol. He sneak peeks his girlfriend’s legs and then hops up. She wonders what is the matter and he says he will go buy something. He leaves. She lays back down and then we see him lifting up her skirt…. she is shocked, what should she do! But then we see that he is putting some alcohol or something on her knees. he bought a lot of medicine and bandages for her. She thinks he is very cute and gives him a kiss. Then they both go to sleep in the bed and holding hands. They are both smiling.

JJ looks at the norebang tape in her room and puts it in a safe place. She gets a phone call. But it looks like she might not answer? Cut to the front of her house. BD is there and brought her grapes.

JJ – What is this?
BD – Grapes.
JJ – I didn’t ask you because I don’t know.
BD – Why am I like this all the time, I couldn’t do anything that I wanted to do, so I was always truthful, I tried so hard, so everything is all messed up for 10 years.

Flashforward to BD catching a taxi for his doctors. They tell him to come to their clinic with his medicine. He is happy that he scored a deal. He walks away and sees some high school students playing. he goes over there and tells the “Yay!” The kids are bullying another kid so BD rescues this kid and tells him to go home. Then he tells off these bullies and says it is okay to ruin their own body with drinking and smoking, just don’t ruin another kid.

BD gets a call to come home quickly from JJ. This must be when her mom is about to die. One of the kids confronts BD and all the kids start to beat up BD. The mom died and BD is getting beaten up. Cut to BD in the jail and he tells everyone that he has to leave. He is causing a big scene! he tells them that he really has to leave. JJ shows up at the jail and is mad because BD was fighting with kids instead of picking her up to go to the jail. All the kids and everyone are looking at her as she cries. At the funeral, she tells him that because of him, her Mom couldn’t see her face when she was about to die. BD cries about that at his mother -in laws funeral and tells her that he is really sorry. he keeps saying this over and over again and JJ starts to hit him.

Back to 1999 and BD says that he tried hard to survive and live well. He is always sorry. He also wanted to see his mother in law. He wanted to see her just like JJ. He is balling in front of JJ. Then Mom walks in and sees them together.

Mom – What are y’all talking about?
JJ – Mom…

They are all quiet for a moment.

Fade Out

Michael Jackson died when he was 50 years old. It is the same day as the Moms funeral. JJ is talking about how her Mom died and people just moved on. Her sadness was like nothing to the world. SHe might be including BD in that as well.

BD waits outside their apartment. he is wiping away some tears, but he tries to make his face happy and be happy when he comes home. He brought her something home. He brought sooyuk for her and says he will make dinner after the changes! JJ is basically destroyed on the couch. She looks highly depressed. In the room, BD is sad and trying to compose himself so he isn’t so sad in front of JJ. JJ was looking at her Moms photos on the bed and BD sees that. he stares at the photos as well. JJ is just all curled up on the couch looking miserable and BD is standing and looking at the photos of her Mom on the bed.


I really love how Ban-do is getting his chance to show us that he wasn't an all around bad person. He was thoughtful as well but the struggles of earning a living just got them both in the end. I want them to get back together and have a much stronger married from this experience. But damn, that second lead though.

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4 hours ago, xxPeepsxx said:

Well, I never shipped JinJoo with NamGil. But then I didn't ship her with BanDo either. Whichever way this triangle ends up, I'll be happy if they're all happier for it.


After all, while NamGil gives her googly-eyes and looks at her like she's the best thing since sliced bread, original young BanDo, in the past, also was a puppy ready to turn head over heels and do cartwheels for her. And look where that ended up. Who's to say who's better for her right now. (And future-NamGil might already have found the love of his life by the time they divorced.)


I like this show mostly because it shows how cruel life can be and to be honest, I loved episode 10 all the more for it. People don't turn out pathetic because they want to - it's just life that makes them that way. Yeah, BanDo wasn't the best husband, he wasn't the most lovable nor the most encouraging. But that's not because he's a bad person or a lesser person - it's because he just didn't know how to be a good husband and he didn't know how to cope with what life was throwing his way... and he just forgot that he had to be considerate to his wife, taking her for granted because "she'll be there always" anyway, because he was too busy managing everything on his spilling plate. Both of them, JinJoo and BanDo, became shells of their former selves. And I think I like this show because it reminds us not to forget the us who once were so full of dreams, potential and happiness. And reminds us to cherish those that are still around us. It's like we all have their regrets, but through them, we get a second chance to "rectify".


I dunno. I don't care much for the romance. I'll just be happy if they come out of this adventure happy - because they were so pathetically miserable in 2017.

YAAAAAAAAS. I feel the same way. I love how you put it here. Even if she does pick Nam-gil who's to say his delight in her presence won't be taken for granted later anyway? I really want JJ and BD to work it out and I am preparing myself for the 2nd lead heartbreak to come.

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I ship JJ with NG, but I think JJ has already gave him her mature answer to young NG when she told him to chase his dream to be a well-known historian instead. NG understand this, but he chases her anyway. It is not impossible that he still has feelings for her after decades past by.


Back in the future, if JJ and BD (still) got married and got divorced, I wont be surprised if JJ is reunited with older version of NG and become a couple. NG can be a good step dad, I suppose, and better husband too.


But I dont think the writer is going that way. It is quite obvious that the writer still favors Ban Do over Nam Gil, to my regret. :(


In any way, I hope the writer gives happy ending to all characters. Even Dr.Park has his share of suffering, and if he changes, he deserves some happiness too, without making others miserable.

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I think the ring marks is are a sign. I've been thinking since the first episode that perhaps if they both went to get their rings back and put them on, they can return to the present. Ban-do's ring should be rather easy to find, but I don't know about Jin-ju's.


Also, I don't think that Jin-ju was upset that Ban-do didn't manage to pick her up in time to see her mum for the last time. I think she would've gone regardless, but Ban-do got into trouble and she had to bail him out at the police station, and therefore she missed the opportunity. He didn't take her advice to be more cautious now that he's a family man which indirectly led to her having a lifelong regret. Hey, at least it makes more sense than her waiting at home for him to chauffeur her.


More translations: https://thishonestopinion.wordpress.com

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On 11/10/2017 at 10:36 AM, misskym86 said:

Whattt iffff is this is the future...what if nam gil also come back from future with a wish to win jinjo back? Whats the point of going back to the past end up making same decision..... hmmm 


I think the reason for them going back in the past is to help us all reflect. How many times have we said, "If I had it to do over, I would make a different choice" or "I don't know what I ever saw in him/her, if I could go back in time with the knowledge I have now, I would never give them my attention."


JJ and BD have now been granted this wish. They are now being given a chance to recall why they fell in love with each other in the first place. It truly is a great opportunity for them to rekindle their love and romance for each other. Sadly, I really like NG.  JJ to me still has tunnel vision where BD is concerned and I don't think she will truly be able to give her heart to another man.


However, although BD is realizing how much he still loves JJ, I don't like that he's having to fight his internal temptations of pursuing his first love or accepting the attention of the rich girl. What bothered me in episode 9 was that if the rich girl had been attractive, I think he may have allowed himself to be pursed by her. That's what has bothered me this whole time with him. I didn't like when he was married that he was still checking up on his first love. I didn't like it when he returned to the past that he pursed his first love nor did I like how he tried to put JJ down in front of others at the pageant contest. It's a little frustrating that JJ still seems so dedicated to him only.  


To be honest, even in episode 10 he started out punching dr. Park because of JJ, but it quickly turned the treatment he received from him in the future. However, if we think about it, Dr. Park is being punished for something he hasn't even done yet (however, I can't feel too bad for Dr Park).


My wish would probably be that they return back to the future, but as divorcees and the son is still in the picture. I would then like JJ to meet NG.


However, what would be disappointing to me is in the "old" future NG and BD's ex had moved on with their lives. However, due to going back into the past, JJ and BD has made these two people very interested in them which is now changing their futures too. I would hate if they go to the "new" future and NG, due to this alternate past, has feelings for JJ, but she still ends up with BD.


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I teared up when he talked about how much he missed his mother in law. He obviously loved her very much too.


I often think of my former boyfriends I think that is very realistic even though I have been married for 25 years.. We are not angels we are just human.

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5 hours ago, anopinion said:

The theme for this episode is "nothing should be taken for granted". They both  realised from her mother's death that her love and care shouldn't be taken for granted, but they forgot about the things that they did for each other. Ban-do has been taking care of Jin-joo with his light massages, but as time passed, her gratitude lessened. Same for what she did for him. The drama isn't necessarily teaching us how to maintain a marriage, but how to value relationships in general.


I also agree that the drama doesn't focus of female empowerment. That's not the message that it's trying to relay. She has the right to choose, but that's just basic.


Edit: So far there's been a lot of one-sided criticisms directed at Ban-do, but I feel that blame lies on both parties for the breakdown in their relationship.


Also, I was under the impression a few weeks ago that the drama is way ahead of schedule. I mean, scenes in episode 5 were in the teaser as well, so I thought surely they must be progressing fast. But we haven't had previews for the past 2 weeks. *sigh*


EXACTLY. They were both seriously at fault. Their adult selves were so demeaning to each other I was dismayed. I actually don't think BanDo was worse than her - they were both equally terrible in my opinion.


Meh, having the right to choose is basic, but a lot of times, some women can't even choose without being left alone. So to me, the right to choose is Female Empowerment at it's core.

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I thought that BD made the right choice by defending the kid that was bullied. It’s just unfortunate that it happened at the same time when JJ and his MIL needed him the most. If you remember, JJ also did the same thing by defending the girl who was chastised by NG’s mom in the last episode. She was not thinking about the repercussions, etc but just jumped to the front to defend the girl. BD and JJ have the similar tendencies to stand for the weak so one would think that JJ would be able to understand BD the most and forgive him. 


Regarding BD and the ballerina, I also don’t like that BD chased the ballerina to begin with. But I think even during those times, BD still has JJ on his heart since he went to the hospital to check on JJ’s mom condition and he brought grapes that JJ mom likes. I wonder if he was conflicted and had not fully sorted his feeling at that time. 


I wish BD and JJ communicate better to each other - all the good, bad, and difficulties. I also wish that BD would be able to pursue his dream - perhaps he has talent for variety show?

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